

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,427 Member
    However, @jugar is suggesting that some of us may need to (ahem!) revise our green challenges -- and that includes me. Sadly, I doubt I'm making those 7.5 pounds. Should we revise to 4 lbs.? What say you? :smile:

    It was looking so possible on Friday ... and now impossible .... I probably have to revise mine as well. Unless there is some kind of internal re-reset lurking and about to happen now that the humidity has dropped (and regular evening outdoor walking seems far more likely this week ... )
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,427 Member
    The Week 3 Challenge (posted by Workout Warriors): Set three goals you want to achieve this week on a daily basis! Report your results to your team daily. Lets push hard in our final week and support each other! I What are you going to achieve next week?!!!!

    From Mayo Clinic -
    Set yourself up for success GOALS! 🎯
    Well-planned goals can help you convert your thoughts into action. Here's how to create successful weight-loss goals. 💫🌟

    Set SMART goals-

    A good goal-setting strategy is the SMART goal checklist. Be sure that your weight-loss goals — whether a process goal or an outcome goal — meet the following criteria:
    * Specific. A good goal includes specific details.
    * Measurable. If you can measure a goal, then you can objectively determine how successful you are at meeting the goal. A goal of eating better is not easily measured, but a goal of eating 1,200 calories a day can be measured. Same with "exercise more" vs "at least 8,000 total steps daily" or "20 minutes on the exercise bike"
    * Attainable. An attainable goal is one that you have enough time and resources to achieve.
    * Relevant. It's important to set goals that are relevant and meaningful to you and where you're at in your life right now. Don't set goals that someone else wants you to obtain.
    * Time-limited. Pick your goal and set a deadline accordingly.

    Weight-loss goals can mean the difference between success and failure. Realistic, well-planned weight-loss goals keep you focused and motivated. They provide a plan for change as you transition to a healthier you.

    More info:


    My 3 goals for this week.

    1) Logging every bite. (the good, the bad and the downright ugly. The important thing for meis to re-establish the on-line food-logging habit so that the macros and calorie totals are actually visible.)

    2) Sending in my Fitbit step-count every day (even when it is under 2000 ... )

    3) Doing AND LOGGING 20 minutes on my exercise bike (in 5-minute increments spread throughout the day - more's a bonus ... Again, the most important thing is to re-establish the exercise-logging habit)
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    This is pathetic, but I think, based on my last few months, I need to make my pledge 2 pounds. Summer has NEVER been an easy time for me to lose weight. But this is now my third month at this weight. I know what I am doing wrong this past week. Here's hoping I can drop 2 pounds in two weeks. It would be close to miraculous,
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    jlbtnc wrote: »
    @jugar is my name still in for the steps? if so Sunday steps were12,697

    You had not been reporting them recently, but I'll add you back in! You can just keep going from this week (Sunday onwards) or give me any previous weeks you want. Thanks!

    skip the previous weeks tracker not working and can't get on my app to see previous weeks. I will have each day for this week so far.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Finally back to running after a week's break. Food and excercise go hand in hand for me. I really notice a pattern where if I don't work out, my food intake will slack too.
    Anyone else notice this?
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    Finally back to running after a week's break. Food and excercise go hand in hand for me. I really notice a pattern where if I don't work out, my food intake will slack too.
    Anyone else notice this?

    Yes. In fact, I can only go 1 day without exercise without seeing the scale move upward. More than that and the fat seems ready to jump right back to wherever it was (pick a spot!). LOL
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    Steps 7/19~10,035
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,427 Member
    Food logged, 3 x 5 minutes on the bike logged, and 21,640 steps on the Fitbit today.😎👍
  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    jugar wrote: »

    The Green July Challenge. We have 21 participants (out of a team of 29!), and 2 more weigh-ins to go. Some of those are tomorrow, and @Andreabroadley already weighed in today, so there are NOT really 2 weeks to go. Here is where everyone stands:

    @Andreabroadley 3 pledged, already lost 3.7!
    @Flawless_K 5 pledged, 4.6 left to lose
    @Juliemargaretkim 7.5 pledged, 6.5 left to lose
    @zlauerMom 5 pledged, already lost 5.9!
    @Fourathomej 2 pledged, 1.7 left to lose
    @karenesg 4 pledged, 3.4 left to lose
    @offitgoes 5 pledged, 7 to lose
    @Cory 17 5 pledged, 4.2 left to lose
    @jugar 2 pledged, 2.5 to lose
    @AmyRobF 4 pledged, 2 left to lose
    @kx7003 3 pledged, 7.7 to lose
    @martinesther88 2 pledged, 1.2 left to lose
    @Perla4686 5 pledged, already lost 6!
    @tigrib 8 pledged, 5.4 left to lose
    @BMcC9 3 pledged, 1.2 left to lose
    @evangsimmons170 7 pledged, 7 lost!
    @matthewsfive 6 pledged, 4.2 left to lose
    @Micki48 3 pledged, 3.9 to lose
    @Terytha 6 pledged, 1 left to lose
    @SueSueDio 2 pledged, 2.5 to lose
    @Loriab901 3 pledged, 0.8 left to lose

    Good progress in general - but there is only until your final weigh-in during the week of July 28 - August 3rd to get there. If you have more than 3 pounds left, you might want to revise your pledge. In any case, most of us still have some serious progress to make. And make it we will, right? B) Even if we don't quite get there, we'll make progress.

    Join the Week 4 Challenge from the Workout Warriors - that might help to keep on track and make those goals!

    Renew your commitment ( I know I am...) and see how well we can finish this month in the GREEN and get back into the top 3. We were really on a roll for a few weeks there, and we can do it again!

    I could have sworn I signed up for this challenge but the rate I’m going this month it’s probably just as well you don’t have me down. 😳
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,266 Member
    7/18 - 20671
    7/19 - 13777
    7/20 - 16511
    7/21 - 11294
    7/22 - 14229
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    @jugar - sorry about my late steps. Here they are.


  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    Monday steps - 16,399
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,427 Member
    Steps for last week
    Wednesday 14,413
    Thursday 6,411
    Friday 4,750
    Saturday 1,933
    Sunday 1,505 (and lots of biking)

    Monday 21,640 (In case you missed seeing it mixed in with other information)
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    Steps 7/22~10,718
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,427 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    My 3 goals for this week.

    1) Logging every bite. (the good, the bad and the downright ugly. The important thing for meis to re-establish the on-line food-logging habit so that the macros and calorie totals are actually visible.)

    2) Sending in my Fitbit step-count every day (even when it is under 2000 ... )

    3) Doing AND LOGGING 20 minutes on my exercise bike (in 5-minute increments spread throughout the day - more's a bonus ... Again, the most important thing is to re-establish the exercise-logging habit)

    * Pre-logging done right up to end of supper (including breakfast eaten and pre-packed lunch + pm snack) - still room in the calories for after-supper snack ...

    * Last week's Fitbit step entry caught up. (more and more pathetic as last weekend progressed ... but VERY high yesterday)

    * 5 minute before-work biking done and logged.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,200 Member
    PW - 130.9
    CW - 129.8

    Remember when I said I would be happy with even 129.9? Well, I'm ECSTATIC with 129.8!!!

    Feels good to be back in the 120's, even though I know I'm still very very close to those 130's! LOL!

    We are on vacation for a couple of weeks, so hopefully this challenge will keep be from binging on pie every night! We are doing so much walking (brought the pup with us! She loves to swim!!) and swimming, and the days are hot and we are just laying low with piles of books. It's a wonderful way to go into August.

    However, @jugar is suggesting that some of us may need to (ahem!) revise our green challenges -- and that includes me. Sadly, I doubt I'm making those 7.5 pounds. Should we revise to 4 lbs.? What say you? :smile:

    Great job! It is good to pass one of those thresholds. I finally have spent a whole month out of the 120's, so I feel your joy! I have revised your pledge to 4 pounds - leaving you only 1.9 to go. Walking and swimming will have to beat out wonderful pies! Have a great time.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,200 Member
    tdrjustus3 wrote: »
    @jugar Can I join the step team? What do I need to do?

    Absolutely! You have now already done what needs to be done. I'll put your name on the step team, and you post your steps here. Any frequency is fine (daily, every few days, weekly) as long as you get the full week in as soon as possible after Saturdays end. Go on the spreadsheet any time to see how you and everyone else are doing -
    The tabs along the bottom - click on WAISTAWAYS, then scroll down to the bottom of the sheet and you'll find the step team. You don't need to do that if you don't want to, but it can be interesting and you can catch any mistakes I make entering things!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,200 Member
    Connie7355 wrote: »
    I could have sworn I signed up for this challenge but the rate I’m going this month it’s probably just as well you don’t have me down. 😳
    I probably blew it - sometimes the pesky messages or numbers run away from me. Sorry!!! You could still get in there for a small amount if you want B)
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    My plan today was cardio in the office.

    Mother Nature's plan is 30+ degrees and humid. (That's almost 90 for the American folk.)

    I'm thinking our plans may be mutually exclusive. -_-
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    being back to work has been a bear already this week as far as maintaining my good eating habits an exercise routines this is day 2 of no exercise and my arthritis is already flaring up that's one big reason why I keep exercising to keep the pain away however my back is screaming today and I know it's because of the lack of exercise Trust and Believe I will be exercising tonight when I get home I refuse to go backwards I will also need to drink lots of water and keep my eating to a minimum between now and my weigh in day which is Saturday so that I can maintain my loss for the month sorry for the lack of punctuation again I am using my voice text feature instead of texting while driving miss you guys I'm in back-to-back meetings all day everyday this week except Friday
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