Introduce Yourself



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited July 2019
    motis3678 wrote: »
    Hello friends - I'm new to this site and am very glad to have found a niche group for people with a good amount to lose.

    I've always been heavy but I'm getting into territory that scares me. I'm 6 feet tall so I think I rationalized overeating and steadily gaining weight by thinking "my frame can take it" or "I have a high metabolism" - both of which may have been true once upon a time. Well, now that I'm 30 years old, way less active, and more addicted to junky foods my frame can't take it any longer.

    I was approx. 320 lbs at my heaviest, approx. 310 when I started on here 1.5 months ago, and am approx. 305 now. My lowest adult weight (and trust me I looked and felt GOOD) was about 230 so I think that's a great final goal for me. I'm trying to not be drastic or frantic about this attempt.

    It's good to be here with all of you! May we all be blessed in this journey.

    Hi @motis3678,

    Welcome to LL.

    If you say 230 is your number then it is. I don't know my number because I haven't been at a appropriate weight my entire adult life or my teenage years. I will figure it out when I get there. I am not very scared of getting too thin... lol.

  • LilSkittles22
    LilSkittles22 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello all. This is probably my 10th time getting back at this, but I feel very motivated this time. My husband and I are going to Jamaica in December for a very delayed honeymoon and I'd like to lose as much weight as possible before then. I'm also just tired of being overweight. I have a lot of self esteem issues, and even though they might not get completely better once I lose weight, I think it will help. I'm tired of feeling gross all the time and like my husband isn't attracted to me.

    My highest known weight was 309, but I technically started at 305. I've only been back at this for 2 weeks, but I've already lost 3 lbs. My first mini goal is getting under 300 lbs, which I'm hoping to do by weigh in on Friday. From there I'm going to take it in 10 lb increments so it doesnt seem quite so daunting. My set goal weight right now is 150, but it's more about how I feel than what the scale says once I get there.

    I debated joining this group, but im hoping having a place to connect with other people who are in the same boat might help. I've been doing well so far, but I know from past attempted it can get discouraging sometimes. I dont want to start again, I just want to finish this this time. I'm tired of being stuck where i am, and I know only I can change it.

    Best of luck to all of you, I know we can do this!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member

    I have never joined a MFP group before, so this is a first for me (I hem'd/haw'd on the button -- I am much more of a MFP lurker than I am vocal). :) At the beginning of June, I was half a pound away from 100lbs lost. (I was a thin child, thin teenager, I gained the weight after a bout in college when I couldn't afford food; When I had money, I overate. Quite simple in that. My story otherwise is nothing special except that finally I realized how far I'd let my weight go and decided to make a change).

    Then my month happened (anniversary, birthday, awesomeness!) and I regained about 5lbs, so I'm working on losing it again. I'm not bothered by it -- this is what life is about and why I have a goal range in mind. So I can bump up and then lose it again. Birthday month will always happen! Christmas too! Holidays, galore!

    When I first started, everything seemed insurmountable. Now that I have 20 to lose (to get to the bottom of my desired range, which is within the middle of my healthy bmi), I am astounded that I've made it this far.

    I started in 2012. I had some ups/downs, regained a bit when I had a year of health issues, but overall, I've managed to keep off 80% of what I lost between 2012-2013 (roughly 80lbs). In 2018, I decided to buckle down and lose the 20 I'd gained back, and get to my goal.

    I have slain a lot of dragon(pants), but what I really need to work on is my mental/feels. Losing the weight has left me with a strange body image distortion as well as a lingering fear of stores/clothing shopping and anything to do with sizes. I am always afraid I am bigger than I am -- that my clothing lies to me; like I'm somehow stretching it out into sizes bigger than it is. The greatest dragon I will defeat in this quest for my goal is that of loving myself and gaining confidence (true, I was also gifted with a healthy dose of social anxiety).

    I'm hoping to lose the final 20 by Feb. 2020, so I can go home and show my mommy how hard I've worked. She's been real proud and supportive of me and I wanna show her just how much that has meant and helped me.

    To anyone starting out: I think my best advice is to find ways to make the act of change fun. Journey before destination. I've built up a lot of tools of weight management and habits that helped me not regain (too much) the weight even in the difficult times.

    Good luck to everyone!

    Hi @dhiammarath,

    I am glad you hit the button!

    I think having your voice here is extremely helpful for us all. I also think anyone with weight left to lose is never completely immune to being helped either.

    I call it fat brain and even though I am very analytical somehow I can't always keep the heavier thoughts from peeking around the corners. Anytime I completely act my present weight (which is still pretty heavy) instead of my former weight I consider it a NSV. I am strangely superstitious about buying smaller clothes. I want to do it but I am afraid to leave the sizes I have outgrown. I have downsized 4 times but I wait well past the point I should. My wife and mother are always telling me I look ridiculous.

    We all look forward to your successful homecoming.

  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    @NovusDies I commiserate with your fear of downsizing! I struggled too, especially in the beginning. Now, I have a garage full of clothing I'm not going to use again that I'm going to give away so that perhaps they'll help others in need! It's a huge step for me as it means having no security net (well not none; but the part of me that's terrified it's all a dream is the part of me that squirms with the idea of giving it all away)!

    Fat brain me is always trying to get the upper hand, but we won't let it! Today, I acted my present weight by wearing something I never would have worn to work (a dress). So hear, hear! Let's defeat fat brain and them insecurities!

    I'm glad to be here too. If anything I do can ever help someone else, then I'm all for it. En garde! To the dragons we shall slay!

    (and on that ridiculous bombshell, it's time for me to drive home XD)
  • hippysprout
    hippysprout Posts: 1,446 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I started this thing well over a year ago with an initial goal of losing 138lbs. I've lost 75 at my highest point, and have had my ups and downs as you do. I've learned a lot about myself and weight loss in that time (and am currently 7lbs up from that lowest weight). I know how to get it done, and I'm not in a race to get to the finish line. I don't even think there really is a finish line. One of the things I've learned is that I'm fully capable of eating intuitively. I always thought I was mindlessly eating and that's why I was obese, but that isn't and never has been true. I've learned that I actively and with full knowledge choose to make those poor decisions with regard to fueling my body knowing exactly what the result will be. That's enabled me to set a line that I'm unwilling to cross with regard to those occasional poor choices. It's given me a little bit of freedom in this journey, and it was a real eye-opener for me.

    I don't expect that the rest of my goal will be smoothly met without hiccup, but I know that I will not stop, therefore I will get there. I know full well that I will likely adjust my end goal as it approaches, but for now, I will continue until I meet that first goal.
  • eastjc
    eastjc Posts: 32 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    eastjc wrote: »
    Josh here. Started at about 250 and am slowly headed toward 180 or less. 227.8 I think on last check. A bit of exercise so far, working my way up. 1500 cal limit, 7 carbs (115g) a day for the past 2 months or so as well as 30 or so min walking or swimming. Gonna start my free gym membership next week I'm planning after all my VA apps this week.

    Hi @eastjc,

    Welcome to LL.

    Did you lose a bunch of water weight your first week or so because, if not, you are losing over 2.5 pounds a week which is not advisable for someone at your weight. It will likely result in burning muscle as well as fat for fuel.

    I'm down 17 lbs since mid Last month. I met with my nutritionist today and he looked over mfp and said I was doing excellent but to start doing a few more carbs earlier in the day and a little less at night. He also said 2lbs a day which is what I'm trying to do but says it will be a little faster when starting out. He also said my plan to do an additional 60min cardio/strength training starting tomorrow will be good too. He did tell me to bump up to 1800cal on the days I do that though. So I think I've got what I need to be doing, just need to keep focused and implementing.
  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    Yes, it's supposed to be an appetite suppressant. Granted the way its been described to me its basically legalized speed....which makes me feel ways, but hey, whatever it seems to be doing its job for now I guess.

    Also, yes I am still logging my foods and eating at a deficit. Some days its more of a deficit than others, but its a work in progress. Down 12.7 lbs as of this morning (321.3).

    Cool, thanks for the info. And nice loss! Keep it up.

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hello all. This is probably my 10th time getting back at this, but I feel very motivated this time. My husband and I are going to Jamaica in December for a very delayed honeymoon and I'd like to lose as much weight as possible before then. I'm also just tired of being overweight. I have a lot of self esteem issues, and even though they might not get completely better once I lose weight, I think it will help. I'm tired of feeling gross all the time and like my husband isn't attracted to me.

    My highest known weight was 309, but I technically started at 305. I've only been back at this for 2 weeks, but I've already lost 3 lbs. My first mini goal is getting under 300 lbs, which I'm hoping to do by weigh in on Friday. From there I'm going to take it in 10 lb increments so it doesnt seem quite so daunting. My set goal weight right now is 150, but it's more about how I feel than what the scale says once I get there.

    I debated joining this group, but im hoping having a place to connect with other people who are in the same boat might help. I've been doing well so far, but I know from past attempted it can get discouraging sometimes. I dont want to start again, I just want to finish this this time. I'm tired of being stuck where i am, and I know only I can change it.

    Best of luck to all of you, I know we can do this!

    Hi @LilSkittles22,


    I am glad that joining won the debate. Our group is still pretty new but I think there are already some good threads going with ideas to help make the journey easier. As time goes on there will be more. Some you may see that you like and can apply to yourself others won't be a good fit. There is no right answer for everyone. If there were weight loss would be easier and there would not be so much obesity.

    I encourage you to try and avoid measuring your weight loss in pounds but measure it in time. Just about anyone can lose some weight. We are here to lose all the weight and that requires that we make sustainability our primary focus. If we try to make each day satisfying and normal and stay in a calorie deficit most of the time the weight will take care of itself. Tomorrow is my goal. It will be a good day and the bonus prize is that I will lose a little weight. At some point the scale will reflect the loss.

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I started this thing well over a year ago with an initial goal of losing 138lbs. I've lost 75 at my highest point, and have had my ups and downs as you do. I've learned a lot about myself and weight loss in that time (and am currently 7lbs up from that lowest weight). I know how to get it done, and I'm not in a race to get to the finish line. I don't even think there really is a finish line. One of the things I've learned is that I'm fully capable of eating intuitively. I always thought I was mindlessly eating and that's why I was obese, but that isn't and never has been true. I've learned that I actively and with full knowledge choose to make those poor decisions with regard to fueling my body knowing exactly what the result will be. That's enabled me to set a line that I'm unwilling to cross with regard to those occasional poor choices. It's given me a little bit of freedom in this journey, and it was a real eye-opener for me.

    I don't expect that the rest of my goal will be smoothly met without hiccup, but I know that I will not stop, therefore I will get there. I know full well that I will likely adjust my end goal as it approaches, but for now, I will continue until I meet that first goal.

    Hi @hippysprout,


    You are absolutely right that everyone one of us will face obstacles and we cannot be too stubborn about our plan. If quitting is no longer an option it means that we will have to adapt and overcome. The only way to absolutely fail is to stop.
  • corkdorkva
    corkdorkva Posts: 24 Member
    Just joined this group. Down 2 pounds in the last two weeks so starting here at 235 pounds. I have tried every diet out there since my teenage years (46 now). I am still in the free trial for Noom to figure out if the psychology aspect will help me, but either way I am committed to making changes that are sustainable- no deprivation, crazy workout schedules or being on a diet. I need to get a handle on eating moderately and healing my relationship with food. I tend to make one mistake and then spiral. I know I don’t like to workout and I do like wine and dessert so my journey will be about how to enjoy my life while making strides to get healthy. I am setting a loss goal of 80 pounds but I am prepared for this to take some time.
  • LilSkittles22
    LilSkittles22 Posts: 22 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »

    Hi @LilSkittles22,


    I am glad that joining won the debate. Our group is still pretty new but I think there are already some good threads going with ideas to help make the journey easier. As time goes on there will be more. Some you may see that you like and can apply to yourself others won't be a good fit. There is no right answer for everyone. If there were weight loss would be easier and there would not be so much obesity.

    I encourage you to try and avoid measuring your weight loss in pounds but measure it in time. Just about anyone can lose some weight. We are here to lose all the weight and that requires that we make sustainability our primary focus. If we try to make each day satisfying and normal and stay in a calorie deficit most of the time the weight will take care of itself. Tomorrow is my goal. It will be a good day and the bonus prize is that I will lose a little weight. At some point the scale will reflect the loss.

    Thank you NovusDies for the welcome. I do understand that the numbers on the scale are not the most important thing in my journey. Being completely honest, I can't help that it matters to me. I wish I knew how to genuinely not care about the number, but I'm not sure that will happen (at least now, in the beginning). Having said that, I am doing my best to focus on NSV/goals instead. I'm paying attention to how my clothes fit, how well/long I'm able to exercise, my energy level and overall feeling better.

    I have seen you post on the regular forums, and I've read some of your responses here as well. I really like your attitude that you just have to be good most of the time, and that as long as you are better today than you were yesterday then you will be fine. I don't really care for the forums because I feel a lot of people are very judgmental and condescending and I don't like that. I'm trying really hard to do better, but I know I won't always have the motivation and will power to do that. I am doing my best right now, and even though it might not be as good as someone else does, it is still better for me. I like seeing what other people are doing to be successful, especially when there is so much to lose, so thank you for starting this group.

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited July 2019
    corkdorkva wrote: »
    Just joined this group. Down 2 pounds in the last two weeks so starting here at 235 pounds. I have tried every diet out there since my teenage years (46 now). I am still in the free trial for Noom to figure out if the psychology aspect will help me, but either way I am committed to making changes that are sustainable- no deprivation, crazy workout schedules or being on a diet. I need to get a handle on eating moderately and healing my relationship with food. I tend to make one mistake and then spiral. I know I don’t like to workout and I do like wine and dessert so my journey will be about how to enjoy my life while making strides to get healthy. I am setting a loss goal of 80 pounds but I am prepared for this to take some time.

    Hi @corkdorkva,

    You have come to the right place because all of the things you want to incorporate into your effort are things I preach here. Sustainability is the path to success. It took me WAY too long to figure it out but I know it now and I live it... most of the time... I have had to temporarily adopt a higher and less sustainable rate of loss to hit a weight goal for a necessary medical procedure. It has served to reinforce my commitment to sustainability though. I am only cutting 200 calories a day from what I normally eat and my mood and patience have taken a nose dive.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »

    Hi @LilSkittles22,


    I am glad that joining won the debate. Our group is still pretty new but I think there are already some good threads going with ideas to help make the journey easier. As time goes on there will be more. Some you may see that you like and can apply to yourself others won't be a good fit. There is no right answer for everyone. If there were weight loss would be easier and there would not be so much obesity.

    I encourage you to try and avoid measuring your weight loss in pounds but measure it in time. Just about anyone can lose some weight. We are here to lose all the weight and that requires that we make sustainability our primary focus. If we try to make each day satisfying and normal and stay in a calorie deficit most of the time the weight will take care of itself. Tomorrow is my goal. It will be a good day and the bonus prize is that I will lose a little weight. At some point the scale will reflect the loss.

    Thank you NovusDies for the welcome. I do understand that the numbers on the scale are not the most important thing in my journey. Being completely honest, I can't help that it matters to me. I wish I knew how to genuinely not care about the number, but I'm not sure that will happen (at least now, in the beginning). Having said that, I am doing my best to focus on NSV/goals instead. I'm paying attention to how my clothes fit, how well/long I'm able to exercise, my energy level and overall feeling better.

    I have seen you post on the regular forums, and I've read some of your responses here as well. I really like your attitude that you just have to be good most of the time, and that as long as you are better today than you were yesterday then you will be fine. I don't really care for the forums because I feel a lot of people are very judgmental and condescending and I don't like that. I'm trying really hard to do better, but I know I won't always have the motivation and will power to do that. I am doing my best right now, and even though it might not be as good as someone else does, it is still better for me. I like seeing what other people are doing to be successful, especially when there is so much to lose, so thank you for starting this group.

    Changes in thinking and daily procedure can be made over time and the things we can't change will not be major obstacles they will just be things for which we will adapt. Ultimately everyone here may have the same goal but getting there will not be exactly the same for any of us. You will know what is right for you if you just keep going regardless of anything that happens.

    My views on motivation and willpower is that if you are leaning on them too hard you need to reevaluate your plan again. I almost hate the word willpower because that is the thing I used to berate myself for lacking in the past when I failed. I hated being so weak. I now realize that willpower doesn't work that well when you are battling yourself. Who is to say that the part of you that wants to eat whatever you are trying to avoid doesn't have the stronger will than the part of you that doesn't? That is not to say you won't lean on them more in the beginning though. It would be ideal if you didn't but it can take some people time to build a comfortable routine.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    amkita wrote: »
    I just joined and I'm aiming to remove 80-100lbs. a couple of months ago I weighed in at 263 (5'8"), which was my inspiration to switch things up since I had thought of myself as 240-250 for several years. plus, my clothes were starting to get tight and I was unwilling to buy anything new unless it's in smaller sizes.

    I've been overweight/obese most of my life and the lowest I've ever been was 180, ten plus years ago, due to a ketogenic diet (Atkins) and running/working out a bunch. it was too restrictive a diet, and now that I teach biochemistry for a living I'm a fan of glycolysis! also, I learned that I *hate* running. last year I had my thyroid removed, and the stress of maybe having cancer (I did not, thankfully), surgery, and a long, depressed struggle to get back to normal was rough. I got a fitbit to help motivate myself, which has now become pretty instrumental in this process.

    I'm down to 244 as of today, and have found that tracking my energy input (calories!) plus getting more active regularly (rediscovered my bicycle 🚲) has been pretty easy, and effective. I haven't cut out any specific foods, though I've cut back on alcohol and I've been vegetarian for many years. looking forward to losing more *and* being faster on my bike with less weight to move. 😃

    Hi @amkita,


    I wish I know more about biochemistry. It seems to be a very interesting subject.

    It sounds like you have learned what not to do the hard way a few times. Been there and done that. It also sounds like you have adapted and learned from those mistakes. It took me way too long to do that part.

    I look forward to watching you succeed and helping if I can.
  • jjlewey
    jjlewey Posts: 248 Member
    Welcome to all of the new people, it is great to see the group grow. I find myself looking forward to reading everyone's posts. Keep up the good work.
  • amybuckle6973
    amybuckle6973 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I have 94lb until my target weight. I became a new mum 12 weeks ago and I've spent the majority of my adult life overweight, but pregnancy cravings certainly made it 10x worse!!
    I need to break some bad eating habits and in all honesty would just love to feel fit and healthy again especially so I can enjoy future summers with my son playing sport and enjoying life.
    I really hope I can stay motivated!
    Good luck everyone!!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hi! I have 94lb until my target weight. I became a new mum 12 weeks ago and I've spent the majority of my adult life overweight, but pregnancy cravings certainly made it 10x worse!!
    I need to break some bad eating habits and in all honesty would just love to feel fit and healthy again especially so I can enjoy future summers with my son playing sport and enjoying life.
    I really hope I can stay motivated!
    Good luck everyone!!

    Hi @amybuckle6973,


    Congrats on the baby boy!

    Please be careful right now and especially if you are breastfeeding. If you accidentally create a deficit that is too large you could really tank your energy. I can't guide you on any of that but I am sure your doctor would have an opinion.

    We hope to help you so that you don't need a lot of motivation.
  • emalethmoon
    emalethmoon Posts: 178 Member
    Hey all. I'm 39 years old, married mother of two. 4 years ago I managed to lose 90lbs after being fat all my life, and since then I've gained ~50 back. I feel like crap, and I'm just done done done being fat. When I turn 40 (7.22.20), I'd like to weight 150 lbs. Today I weight 233.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hey all. I'm 39 years old, married mother of two. 4 years ago I managed to lose 90lbs after being fat all my life, and since then I've gained ~50 back. I feel like crap, and I'm just done done done being fat. When I turn 40 (7.22.20), I'd like to weight 150 lbs. Today I weight 233.

    Hi @emalethmoon,


    Hopefully this will be the last time for you. You obviously know the ropes unless you are looking for a change in strategy this time around. We will help in any way we can.
  • amybuckle6973
    amybuckle6973 Posts: 20 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Hi! I have 94lb until my target weight. I became a new mum 12 weeks ago and I've spent the majority of my adult life overweight, but pregnancy cravings certainly made it 10x worse!!
    I need to break some bad eating habits and in all honesty would just love to feel fit and healthy again especially so I can enjoy future summers with my son playing sport and enjoying life.
    I really hope I can stay motivated!
    Good luck everyone!!

    Hi @amybuckle6973,


    Congrats on the baby boy!

    Please be careful right now and especially if you are breastfeeding. If you accidentally create a deficit that is too large you could really tank your energy. I can't guide you on any of that but I am sure your doctor would have an opinion.

    We hope to help you so that you don't need a lot of motivation.


    Thanks for the support! 😊
    I'm actually under a lactation specialist so shes helping me along the way and said one of the main things to remember is to drink a lot of water and as long as I'm not starving myself (which I can guarantee is impossible for me 😂) then I'm all good.

    Thank you!!! Cant with to see everyone achieve on their journeys!!
  • magnusthenerd
    magnusthenerd Posts: 1,207 Member
    I was obese to morbidly obese pretty much my whole life. I was around 300 at 13. I lost weight around 15 down to ~190 for a while with low carb eating and resistance training, but eventually gained back.
    Around 2012, I got back into resistance training as my marriage was in a bad spot. As I went through divorce in 2013 I got into learning the actual science and research on weight loss. Over time went from 285 in 2012 to as low as 157 (~9% body fat) in 2016. Having dieted for so long and harder then I should have, I kind of let my weight drift up to try and fix hunger issues I was having.
    Since November I've been back in working out routine and have relost any of the weight I gained back - I'm at about the same 157 now, but even leaner / more muscle mass.
  • njenn86
    njenn86 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I'm Nichole.

    I'm so glad I stumbled on this group today! I just turned 33, I'm 5'4" and currently around 312 lbs. In 2017 I started Weight Watchers at around 333 lbs, and since then I feel like I've gained and lost the same 20 lbs over and over. I'm tired of starting over all the time and sabotaging myself when things start to go well. I have no self-control when my cravings start to kick in, so I'm currently looking at revisiting a lower carb diet to cut my sugar intake. I did Protein Power back in high school and lost 50 lbs for grad and don't remember feeling restricted, so I'm rereading the book to see if it's something I want to try again.

    I feel that my weight is keeping me from living my best life, but I never seem to remember that when there are goodies around. My goal is to lose the weight and increase my fitness level so I can have the healthy active lifestyle I see others living around me. I have a general goal weight in mind of 160-170 lbs, meaning I'm looking at a loss in excess of 140 lbs. It's a long way to go, but the time will pass anyway. I just want this to be the last time I start over.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I was obese to morbidly obese pretty much my whole life. I was around 300 at 13. I lost weight around 15 down to ~190 for a while with low carb eating and resistance training, but eventually gained back.
    Around 2012, I got back into resistance training as my marriage was in a bad spot. As I went through divorce in 2013 I got into learning the actual science and research on weight loss. Over time went from 285 in 2012 to as low as 157 (~9% body fat) in 2016. Having dieted for so long and harder then I should have, I kind of let my weight drift up to try and fix hunger issues I was having.
    Since November I've been back in working out routine and have relost any of the weight I gained back - I'm at about the same 157 now, but even leaner / more muscle mass.

    Hi @magnusthenerd,

    Good to see you here. Thanks for sharing your story.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    njenn86 wrote: »
    Hello! I'm Nichole.

    I'm so glad I stumbled on this group today! I just turned 33, I'm 5'4" and currently around 312 lbs. In 2017 I started Weight Watchers at around 333 lbs, and since then I feel like I've gained and lost the same 20 lbs over and over. I'm tired of starting over all the time and sabotaging myself when things start to go well. I have no self-control when my cravings start to kick in, so I'm currently looking at revisiting a lower carb diet to cut my sugar intake. I did Protein Power back in high school and lost 50 lbs for grad and don't remember feeling restricted, so I'm rereading the book to see if it's something I want to try again.

    I feel that my weight is keeping me from living my best life, but I never seem to remember that when there are goodies around. My goal is to lose the weight and increase my fitness level so I can have the healthy active lifestyle I see others living around me. I have a general goal weight in mind of 160-170 lbs, meaning I'm looking at a loss in excess of 140 lbs. It's a long way to go, but the time will pass anyway. I just want this to be the last time I start over.

    Hi @njenn86,


    I think the more I talk with the members here the more I believe that this is the no quitters zone. Screwing up may happen but it is no reason to quit so there is never a reason to restart just log it and keep moving forward.

    Let us know what you decide on your plan. I think it is helpful to compare notes. We might have some ideas to help you deal with your cravings too.

    You are right that time will pass anyway so we might as well spend most of it improving our lives.
  • jjlewey
    jjlewey Posts: 248 Member
    njenn86 wrote: »
    Hello! I'm Nichole.

    I'm so glad I stumbled on this group today! I just turned 33, I'm 5'4" and currently around 312 lbs. In 2017 I started Weight Watchers at around 333 lbs, and since then I feel like I've gained and lost the same 20 lbs over and over. I'm tired of starting over all the time and sabotaging myself when things start to go well. I have no self-control when my cravings start to kick in, so I'm currently looking at revisiting a lower carb diet to cut my sugar intake. I did Protein Power back in high school and lost 50 lbs for grad and don't remember feeling restricted, so I'm rereading the book to see if it's something I want to try again.

    I feel that my weight is keeping me from living my best life, but I never seem to remember that when there are goodies around. My goal is to lose the weight and increase my fitness level so I can have the healthy active lifestyle I see others living around me. I have a general goal weight in mind of 160-170 lbs, meaning I'm looking at a loss in excess of 140 lbs. It's a long way to go, but the time will pass anyway. I just want this to be the last time I start over.

    First step is track calories, figure out what you eat now for an average day. Try to be as accurate as possible. Get a scale if you can to weigh your food. Then set a reasonable goal for calories per day that creates a calorie deficit. Everyone is different, my goal is 2500, others are more or less. It should be something that you can comfortably accomplish. After that it's just time and adjustments. It is a marathon not a sprint.
  • LilSkittles22
    LilSkittles22 Posts: 22 Member
    njenn86 wrote: »
    Hello! I'm Nichole.

    I'm so glad I stumbled on this group today! I just turned 33, I'm 5'4" and currently around 312 lbs. In 2017 I started Weight Watchers at around 333 lbs, and since then I feel like I've gained and lost the same 20 lbs over and over. I'm tired of starting over all the time and sabotaging myself when things start to go well. I have no self-control when my cravings start to kick in, so I'm currently looking at revisiting a lower carb diet to cut my sugar intake. I did Protein Power back in high school and lost 50 lbs for grad and don't remember feeling restricted, so I'm rereading the book to see if it's something I want to try again.

    I feel that my weight is keeping me from living my best life, but I never seem to remember that when there are goodies around. My goal is to lose the weight and increase my fitness level so I can have the healthy active lifestyle I see others living around me. I have a general goal weight in mind of 160-170 lbs, meaning I'm looking at a loss in excess of 140 lbs. It's a long way to go, but the time will pass anyway. I just want this to be the last time I start over.

    Hi Nichole. This is a great group with a lot of great insight and advice. I have found it very helpful so far (3 weeks in). My stats are almost exactly the same as yours, so hopefully we can be a good resource for each other. Even though everyone is very helpful, I think having someone with such similar goals can help even more.

    The best thing I've learned from this group so far is to not think of this as a diet. Make changes, starting off small, that you can live with forever. You don't have to deny yourself goodies all the time, but maybe try to limit it to only once a week. I know that I think about my choices a lot more now. I try to ask myself if whatever I'm going to eat is worth possibly slowing down my weight loss. There are some things that are, like chips, which are my weakness, but most sweet things are not. If you try to restrict too much you won't be able to stick with it long term. The act of making good choices is what's most important to learn so that it will become ingrained in you and you won't have to think about it anymore, it will become second nature. Thinking of it that way means you won't have to start over anymore. If you go over sometimes, just do better for the next meal or the next day, because you don't have to be perfect, you just have to keep trying and you will do great!
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Hi! I find these Introduce Yourself threads so hard, because I never know what to say. I'm a 36 year old mom of 3. I work full time in a desk job. I started at 275 pounds and my goal is around 140 pounds. I have been here for 92 days this time. I have started this journey a few times before and never reached goal. I have lost 12.4 pounds so far this time.

    I'm glad to have found this group. I like having people to talk to that understand what it's like to have so much to lose.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hi! I find these Introduce Yourself threads so hard, because I never know what to say. I'm a 36 year old mom of 3. I work full time in a desk job. I started at 275 pounds and my goal is around 140 pounds. I have been here for 92 days this time. I have started this journey a few times before and never reached goal. I have lost 12.4 pounds so far this time.

    I'm glad to have found this group. I like having people to talk to that understand what it's like to have so much to lose.

    Hi @Americanbabydoll,


    I liked your post here. I find it amusing because I started this thread but in the multiple decades on maybe 100 different message boards I have never actually introduced myself in one of these EVER.

    We are glad you found us. It does help to have people that understand what it means to have more to lose. Sometimes you feel alone and I felt that way sometimes even among a lot of people at MFP that I like.

  • kosseychick
    kosseychick Posts: 244 Member
    Hello everyine😊 My name is Tara and I'm 49 years young. My goal is to lose 100 lbs and get below 200 lbs. I have a job that takes me out of town for 2 weeks at a time where I stay in work camps. My challenge is camp food and the evenings spent alone away from my friends and family. Temptations are everywhere here! I have a serious sweet tooth hence the *camp *kitten**. I have just started walking on the treadmill and doing some weights. I just bought a small food scale and have started weighing my food. I've got a long road a head of me.. going low and slow because I want it to stick this time😊. I'm looking forward to hearing about all your weightloss journeys and challenges/solutions you find a long the way! Cheers💜 Tara