

  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,819 Member
    Check in for sun July 28
    Tracked yes
    Calories under
    Exercise no
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member

  • notsolazylisa
    notsolazylisa Posts: 17 Member
    Just checking in here, I'm not in the challenge group until August so not sure when I'm supposed to post.

    I had a wonderful weekend, ate some junk food and drank some beer but also made a couple of healthy choices I'm proud of. Went out to eat and choose a grilled chicken sandwich and side salad over the chicken strips and fries. I walked a lot and went swimming.

    The plan for this week is to stay under my calorie goal most days, reduce my snacking or at least make better choices, and get some exercise most days this week.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Do we track our weigh ins here in the chat or is the spreadsheet that I am seeing for July going to be open for August? Sorry, still confused :sweat_smile:
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited July 2019
    @leonadixon - You'll post your weigh-in in the chat. As an advance warning, there will be a new chat thread created for August, and the link posted here.

    @notsolazylisa - Great goals! Congratulations on making all those healthier choices!

    @carddivakim - Welcome to Team Slimpossibles! We are delighted you have joined us!

    @digger61 - Sunday was another great day for you!

    @Wishusdonna - Keep taking good care of yourself!
    And -- oooh, was your blue egg a blue chicken egg?
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Week: 5
    Previous weight: 204
    current weight 202
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 687 Member
    Weigh in day Friday
    starting weight: 219.5
    current weight 215.5

    Sunday/Monday Check-in of week 4 July
    Food: gack - food logged and under cals but they were not the best choices
    Water: under
    Exercise: kayaking, biking and walking!

    Next Day Goals
    Food: make choices that are better and more nutritional for me and continued less sodium!
    Exercise: in the office and very busy - will work toward at least one walk during my office hours and then at home after battling the traffic back!
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: drink more water, remember the good, be the good and encourage others on their journey

    So - Sunday and Monday, not great food choices. Derailed some by planned hunger meeting up with unplanned homemade soup from a friend. Dang delicious but not the best when planning the pizza night - and was not going to give that up so will have to live with it. Looking for a better tomorrow - and this week. On vacation Friday through 09Aug so getting that slice of heaven means a little hell on earth, first.

    Hope everyone has a great week, as well!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Daily check in
    Weekend - didn’t log food but at least managed to avoid any extra junk food with the kids. There was wine and beer though. Ran both Fridayand Saturday, w eat to the ropes course Sunday, plus lots of just running around with the 5 year old.

    Monday - haven’t gotten back into the food logging 😖 but everything has been on track with what I usually eat. No workout today - had a doctors and a vet appointment. Got a cortisone shot (#2) in the shoulder so will have to modify workouts the rest of the week 🙁.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    Monday check in
    Weigh in day- today but on vacation and have no scale, not sure what to do here!
    Calories over
    Exercise elliptical, weights, bike

    I wish I could say I'm staying strong on vacation, but I'm not. I'm hoping squeezing in daily workouts will help with the damage. I really suck at moderation and being surrounded by food all the time is hard! I'm disappointed in myself, but trying not to be too down about it all.
  • Wishusdonna
    Wishusdonna Posts: 241 Member
    @Wishusdonna - Keep taking good care of yourself!
    And -- oooh, was your blue egg a blue chicken egg?

    Yes it was! From an Old Cotswald Legbar, according to picture on the box. They are nice, rich eggs with bright yolks.

    Here are some I've found for sale - ah I might be tempted! I'll wait until I've moved to the countryside though.


    I've shelled one for today's protein pot to go with some avocado and spinach, so not quite so pretty in my lunchbox.

    Proud of myself for making good food choices over the past couple of days. It's an effort sometimes!
    Yesterday, under calories, over on the water, exercise was 11528 steps.
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Hello new teammates! I registered to participate in August. Do I need to wait till 8/1 to start being active or can I go ahead and jump on in?
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    apple852hk wrote: »
    Weigh in
    Week 4 - July 2019
    PW 160
    CW 162

    I've not been eating meals regularly so been eating things that are not nutritious and calorie dense.

    Low mood meant that I chose food based on feelings than hunger. It's my 2nd month in this challenge and I haven't eaten with the best choices.

    I'm making a commitment to try every day a new than see it in a week I'll try again.

    Great goals! Sometimes it can only be one day at a time!
    buniphuphu wrote: »
    Weekly Weigh-In
    Username: buniphuphu
    Weigh in week: Week 4
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Starting Weight: 327.6
    Previous Weight: 286.3
    Today's Weight: 283.8

    Great loss!!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Wow, another weigh in at the hospital, with boots again, but am up by 1kg to 78kg - translates as 171.6lbs. Now, some of that may be ice cream, for sure, but a lot of it is water retention and maybe a little tumour growth too. Getting more and more people mistaking Eric for a pregnancy bump, and the skin is so tight round my belly. It's getting properly uncomfortable, but fingers crossed, have a surgery date within the deadline we're trying to get confirmed within the next couple of days.

    If it all works out , that's in just over 2 weeks. So, I'm on super healthy countdown!

    Steps since last check-in:
    Thursday 25th - 13431
    Friday 26 - 13867
    Saturday 27 - 12735
    Sunday 28 - 6830 - needed a rest!

    Someone has bought homemade cake into the office. Look at me, going to ignore it and eat my little blue egg with some spinach! o:)

    When is your surgery @Wishusdonna?
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Jactop wrote: »
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Week: 5
    Previous weight: 204
    current weight 202

    Wow Jackie!! Tell me your secret to these amazing weighins!!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    mrmcgrath wrote: »
    Hello new teammates! I registered to participate in August. Do I need to wait till 8/1 to start being active or can I go ahead and jump on in?

    Please jump right in!!! So happy to have you here!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    Monday check in
    Weigh in day- today but on vacation and have no scale, not sure what to do here!
    Calories over
    Exercise elliptical, weights, bike

    I wish I could say I'm staying strong on vacation, but I'm not. I'm hoping squeezing in daily workouts will help with the damage. I really suck at moderation and being surrounded by food all the time is hard! I'm disappointed in myself, but trying not to be too down about it all.

    I’m on day 3 of vacation and I’m not hitting all of the goals I set out to. Need to drink more water. The heat and humidity in Ontario is tough for water retention. I’m not eating as much crap food as I thought I might. I purposefully did not buy any baked goods and not a lot of snacks things.

    Yesterday my kids paddle boarded beside me while I swam front crawl in the lake. It felt AMAZING! Hoping to do that everyday.

    I’ll try to check in again tomorrow!
  • Wishusdonna
    Wishusdonna Posts: 241 Member
    Kres567 wrote: »
    When is your surgery @Wishusdonna?

    15th August now.

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Monday Check-in
    Food: all logged, good choices/on plan, kept to my fasting window, calories on target
    Water: on target
    Exercise: martial arts class (96 min)

    Tuesday - Goals or Improvements for Today!
    Food: log, all good choices, calories on target, keep to my fasting window
    Water: on target/over
    Exercise: outdoor walk (45+ min); martial arts practice (10 min); stretch goal - resistance training after Scouts meeting tonight
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    @Jactop - Brilliant weigh-in! Congratulations!

    @raleighgirl09 - Congratulations for eating in moderation, even if not always the best choices! For myself, I have to do both to lose weight, but I know that varies by person/body. Hang in there!

    @ka97 - Hurray for avoiding the junk food! That's a great step.
    When I have had trouble getting food logging going, sometimes I have eased into it by just aiming to log one meal a day, and then working my way up. Not sure if that would help you, but it's an idea.

    @Katmary71 - It is super-hard to not eat what's right there, so be kind to yourself. If there are not-so-great food choices surrounding you, you have to keep saying no, and that gets wearing.

    @Wishusdonna - Wow! Old Cotswald Legbars are lovely birds.
    So you guys plan to love to the country? Soon. or eventually?
    Avocado, spinach and blue egg sounds like a lovely lunch!

    @mrmcgrath - Yes, please do jump on into the conversation!

    @Kres567 - Hurray to not buying any baked goods, not a lot of snacks things, and getting in a serious swim! You may not be hitting all your goals, but it sure sounds like you are making some great choices on your vacation! Have fun!
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Weigh in day Monday
    starting weight: 195
    current weight 195.4 (7/29)
This discussion has been closed.