TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (September)



    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    PW 143
    Cw 141

    @abowersgirl, that's the way to start bringing it back down again! Nice two pound loss this week!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    edited September 2019
    @Coral333 @energyseeker @mirendybryant @HASWLRS

    Saying some of us use fitbit and some of us have other apps(apple, Garmin, etc.) Maybe a way of "participating" in the step challenge(outside of the groups fitbit challenge) we could post a picture/screenshot of our week's steps? Maybe we could start off with a low goal-20,000 steps for M-F and 15,000 for Saturday-Sunday. Unless you want a full week Monday-Sunday, which we could set a goal of 30-35,000 for the week? Then, slowly ramp up the numbers?

    For the water goal, we could do 5cups a day to start(40oz) per day, and also ramp that up weekly?

    Let me know what you think!

    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    @cmhubbard92, for the step challenge, I say we do Monday to Sunday, a full week, and let everyone set their own goal. We could do screen shots, or just post the step total for that day (for the less technically inclined). We'll keep a running total, just like a real Fitbit Challenge. I know it involves adding a bunch of numbers, but I don't mind, and it will feel more like a Challenge if there is some competition involved.

    For the Water Challenge, I like the idea of ramping it up weekly, until we get to eight cups, which is the minimum recommended. So 5 cups for week #3, like you suggested, Christine, 6 cups for week #4, 7 cups for the first week of October, then by week #2 we will be up to 8 cups a day and any new members can join us, too. We can also do a sort of Winner's Circle for those that reach the target for all seven days.

    Let me know what you think, and this goes for all Big Butts. @TBBT, Any suggestions, comments, now is your time to get in on the discussion.

    And we can always make changes as we deem necessary after the first week, kind of a trial and error approach.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Tracked- yes
    Under- yes
    Exercise- yes 135 minutes cloud Walker elliptical (I figured out what my machine is called lol)
    Steps- 25,326
    Water 132oz... Finally met that goal

    I love the idea of a steps and water challenge. I kinda already challenge myself in these areas daily and it's really helpful ☺

    @mirendybryant, I wonder if your machine gets called by a different name at the end of your workout? lol!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Missing Friday weigh-ins from: @jlbtnc and @murdog3t

    On deck for a Saturday weigh-in: @LMK02020 and @ethelsmommy

  • Coral333
    Coral333 Posts: 194 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @Coral333 @energyseeker @mirendybryant @HASWLRS

    Saying some of us use fitbit and some of us have other apps(apple, Garmin, etc.) Maybe a way of "participating" in the step challenge(outside of the groups fitbit challenge) we could post a picture/screenshot of our week's steps? Maybe we could start off with a low goal-20,000 steps for M-F and 15,000 for Saturday-Sunday. Unless you want a full week Monday-Sunday, which we could set a goal of 30-35,000 for the week? Then, slowly ramp up the numbers?

    For the water goal, we could do 5cups a day to start(40oz) per day, and also ramp that up weekly?

    Let me know what you think!

    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    @cmhubbard92, for the step challenge, I say we do Monday to Sunday, a full week, and let everyone set their own goal. We could do screen shots, or just post the step total for that day (for the less technically inclined). We'll keep a running total, just like a real Fitbit Challenge. I know it involves adding a bunch of numbers, but I don't mind, and it will feel more like a Challenge if there is some competition involved.

    For the Water Challenge, I like the idea of ramping it up weekly, until we get to eight cups, which is the minimum recommended. So 5 cups for week #3, like you suggested, Christine, 6 cups for week #4, 7 cups for the first week of October, then by week #2 we will be up to 8 cups a day and any new members can join us, too. We can also do a sort of Winner's Circle for those that reach the target for all seven days.

    Let me know what you think, and this goes for all Big Butts. @TBBT, Any suggestions, comments, now is your time to get in on the discussion.

    And we can always make changes as we deem necessary after the first week, kind of a trial and error approach.

    I’m in! Love the ideas and the weekly post for steps would be good for anyone who doesn’t have the time to post daily although I am personally going to make more of an effort to be doing tat as it definitely helps me. Great ideas @cmhubbard92 @HASWLRS
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Coral333 wrote: »
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @Coral333 @energyseeker @mirendybryant @HASWLRS

    Saying some of us use fitbit and some of us have other apps(apple, Garmin, etc.) Maybe a way of "participating" in the step challenge(outside of the groups fitbit challenge) we could post a picture/screenshot of our week's steps? Maybe we could start off with a low goal-20,000 steps for M-F and 15,000 for Saturday-Sunday. Unless you want a full week Monday-Sunday, which we could set a goal of 30-35,000 for the week? Then, slowly ramp up the numbers?

    For the water goal, we could do 5cups a day to start(40oz) per day, and also ramp that up weekly?

    Let me know what you think!

    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    @cmhubbard92, for the step challenge, I say we do Monday to Sunday, a full week, and let everyone set their own goal. We could do screen shots, or just post the step total for that day (for the less technically inclined). We'll keep a running total, just like a real Fitbit Challenge. I know it involves adding a bunch of numbers, but I don't mind, and it will feel more like a Challenge if there is some competition involved.

    For the Water Challenge, I like the idea of ramping it up weekly, until we get to eight cups, which is the minimum recommended. So 5 cups for week #3, like you suggested, Christine, 6 cups for week #4, 7 cups for the first week of October, then by week #2 we will be up to 8 cups a day and any new members can join us, too. We can also do a sort of Winner's Circle for those that reach the target for all seven days.

    Let me know what you think, and this goes for all Big Butts. @TBBT, Any suggestions, comments, now is your time to get in on the discussion.

    And we can always make changes as we deem necessary after the first week, kind of a trial and error approach.

    I’m in! Love the ideas and the weekly post for steps would be good for anyone who doesn’t have the time to post daily although I am personally going to make more of an effort to be doing tat as it definitely helps me. Great ideas @cmhubbard92 @HASWLRS

    @Coral333, if daily step totals were posted, that would be ideal. Then people could see how far behind the leaders they were. It would just take a second to post a number.
  • ethelsmommy
    ethelsmommy Posts: 40 Member
    Weigh-in day:
    Sunday 9.8 yes/yes/yes
    Monday 9.9 yes/yes/yes
    Tuesday, 9.10 yes/yes/yes
    Wednesday, 9.11 yes/yes/yes
    Thursday, 9.12 yes/yes/yes
    Friday, 9.13 yes/yes/yes

    Weight last Saturday, 9.7 217.8lbs
    Weight today, 9.14 220.2lbs.

    Oh, I hate you, thyroid!!!!!!!!!!! My appointment with the Dr is Tuesday--hopefully, things will get better soon. For now, I remain undeterred and continue to work my program. But I'm sorry, team, for letting you down. :'(
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Username : murdog3t
    Weight in week: 1
    Weight in day:Friday
    Previous weeks weight: 149.4
    Today’s weight: 152.4

    Sept 13
    Tracking: no
    Calories: no
    Exercise: yes
    Step: 8671

  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    I love the idea of both the step challenge and the water challenge. I like the idea of taking a pic of your step tracker each day or a screenshot of my weekly steps.

    I can really use help getting all my water in especially in the winter.

    I am not really sure how any of this would work, but am in to give it all a shot.

    @ethelsmommy If you are doing your best, whatever that means to you, then you are not letting the team down. We have all been on the upside of the scale. Reflect on your week, listen to your doctor, and keep moving forward.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    edited September 2019
    Hey team... love the challenge ideas. definitely on board for the water - been working on that while I haven't been doing much else. I don't track steps so I wouldn't be in that but I think for those that do it would be a great challenge (who knows may motivate me to get a tracker for Christmas!)

    I love challenges - they seem to keep me more motivated. One of the things that I loved about the Amazing Race group that I did was some of the different challenges every week - things like pick an exercise video that your favorite to share and then others would choose one of the videos to do or you have things like a rainbow challenge where you have to have a plate with rainbow colored food over the course of so many days to meet the challenge during the week trying to get you to eat differently. lots of little things like that that maybe we could just put out as personal challenges to the group or just out there for anyone who wanted to do something fun like that for the week with us. Personally I think those kind of fun weekly challenges within the team could be done where we don't have to have it so tracked... it wouldn't be any more work for us just to post it versus having weekly leaders. I think things like the the steps and walking are great foreseeing that part of it but these other challenges I think it would be just fun to see if we could just work together with it without adding more on to leadership.

    as I said before I haven't been involved like I wanted to be but I'm hoping to get back into doing more. my plan is: Sunday is my well.. I don't want to say reboot because every time I say reboot I seemed to end up back at the hospital with somebody so I just want to say it's my fresh start.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    edited September 2019
    erikNJ wrote: »
    So this is going to be my last month here. I was hoping this month would pick back up with the interaction and support but i’m just not feeling it. Not getting what I want, and sometimes need out of this.
    To end on a positive, I am really motivated towards my health goals and am feeling good. I will still weigh-in for the last three weigh-ins and will hopefully provide some good numbers for the group.

    @ericNJ So sorry to see you leave.. I can tell you that I so looked forward to your posts when I was pulling midnight shifts with mom at the hospital and when I was just too busy to take time to do more than read. You definitely showed me not to lose my overall focus and that times may come up and things may get in the way but the goals are still there and I can regroup and get back on track. I am sorry for not being more "here" this summer. I also want to thank you for taking the time to put it out there because what you said I think alot of us felt or knew but no one "kicked the team butt back into gear". Would love to see you stick around and try out what your post started... for what I think may be a more active team thread support but understand if you need to move on. If that's the case, I wish you great success in your journey!
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    edited September 2019
    I think the extra challenges are really good ideas. I think in general what I'd like to see here are simply more conversation starters and responses. I know that I can work on that aspect by getting more involved instead of just quietly reading through.

    I am on board with a water challenge. I love soda.I watched Fed Up last night and it really opened my eyes on the amount of added sugar in soda and other food products. I know there is a lot of sugar but the amount had never really registered in my head before.
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    edited September 2019
    @sandkp I also find that challenges really motivate me and I love some of your ideas. Are you thinking that we add a new/ different challenge to or weekly mini-challenges? For example... We still post tracked, under/ over, exercise plus then whatever the challenge is?.... a pic of your dinner, a link to a video, etc?
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    edited September 2019
    So, I'm having some issues with the posts on here. I want to try to respond to everything everyone has posted in regard to a challenge.

    Below are some of the examples I have written up. Obviously everything is optional! Everyone would pick/choose what they want to participate in, and skip it if they wish to as well!
    Water Challenge
    This week, challenge yourself to drink 4 cups(24oz) of water each day.
    Share your results with the team! Share any struggles you may have had reaching this goal, or techniques you have added in order to reach your goal!

    Step Challenge
    Pick your own step challenge for the week! Give yourself a realistic but also slightly challenging step goal! Don't overdo it and cause an injury!
    For example, if you routinely make 3,000 steps a day, aim for 22,000(1,000 extra). If you routinely hit 5,000 steps a day, try setting a weekly goal of 38,000(3,000 extra).
    You may share your steps daily with the team, or share your weekly total on Sunday! Take a picture or screenshot of your step totals! Share your accomplishments or struggles for this challenge with the team!
    If you have a fitbit and are not already a part of our group's fitbit challenge, tag @cmhubbard92 with your fitbit username, and I will add you to our challenges!

    Reflection(written) Challenge
    This week, reflect on what your biggest challenge has been since beginning your weight loss journey. Have you found a way to get past this struggle? Is there anything you need to do in order to become more successful? Do you have a plan in motion for the future? Share whatever you wish with the group!

    I was thinking that whoever beats their step goal by the most(percentage over, instead of physical steps, to be fair) could choose a fun little challenge for the following week for step challenge participants. Something like a short meditation video, challenge everyone to get outdoors, or simply relax and watch a movie one night. And if the same person wins week after week, the choice could go to 2nd place to mix it up a bit!

    Hope these ideas work for some of you guys!
  • annabananamc
    annabananamc Posts: 415 Member
    I love all the new ideas for interaction/challenges. I think for me the biggest barrier has more to do with the format. There are so many 'logging' posts that it's hard to scroll through and follow a thread of discussion. There is a quote but not a reply to specific messages, or maybe I just don't use the board correctly. I love the idea of having a different conversation topic/thread for our team, separate from the logging and challenges. Maybe not a TON of different threads, but at least one more?

    As for me 9/13/19 mini challenge

    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    murdog3t wrote: »
    Username : murdog3t
    Weight in week: 1
    Weight in day:Friday
    Previous weeks weight: 149.4
    Today’s weight: 152.4

    Sept 13
    Tracking: no
    Calories: no
    Exercise: yes
    Step: 8671

    @murdog3t, easy go easy come!! A new week starts now!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Weigh-in day:

    Weight last Saturday, 9.7 217.8lbs
    Weight today, 9.14 220.2lbs.

    Oh, I hate you, thyroid!!!!!!!!!!! My appointment with the Dr is Tuesday--hopefully, things will get better soon. For now, I remain undeterred and continue to work my program.

    @ethelsmommy, We can't possibly know how you are feeling, but we love your never give-up attitude!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment. So many suggestions, I am not sure how it would all work. As far as the discussion thread, there is no real good way to make navigation easier. If we could respond to one post and have all the comments come after that post like in the news feed, that would be easier to follow, but unfortunately it does not work that way.

    @cmhubbard92, could you give us an example post of how it would look if you were doing all the challenges.....just make up some numbers. I am having a hard time imagining it.
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 951 Member
    tracked, at, hiked over 11k steps
  • Mandy_tries_again
    Tracked - yes
    Under- yes
    Exercise- yes
    Steps- 25,467
    Water- 132oz

    Sorry can't post pics/screenshots, they just don't post with my phone and to much of a hassle to transfers to the computer every night
This discussion has been closed.