TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (September)



    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Coral333 wrote: »
    Posting a pic of the paella I made last night for anyone who needs a bit of food inspiration. It’s one of my faves because I can pack in the veggies (peas, peppers, onion, tomatoes and courgette in this one) plus some lean protein. You add in the rice and some stock and then leave it to cook so it’s actually quite a simple meal for dinner time when I’m normally running around mad! You can make it as low or high cal as you like as well, this portion had 700 caps per bowl.

    @Coral333, I don't like shrimp, but my family would love this and I haven't cooked shrimp for them is a long time. Thanks for the inspiration!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Week 3 weigh in
    Previous: 212.4
    Current: 209.4

    FINALLY in the single digit countdown to WONDERLAND!!

    @Ar_cervantes, whoa, three pounds gone, Amanda!!! You are wonderfully in the single digits and on your way to Onederland!! Well done!!
  • annabananamc
    annabananamc Posts: 415 Member
    Mini Challenge 9/15

    did another c25k run instead of yoga, we'll see if that helps this week!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member

    Water Challenge - the goal this week is a meagre 5 cups. We are going to start small and work our way up! So 5 cups is 40 ounces or 1250 mls, and is so easy to do! One cup first thing in the morning, because we are naturally dehydrated then, one cup with breakfast, lunch and supper, and then another cup with a snack, and voila, there are 5 cups without even thinking about it!! For now, just post with your daily post how many cups or ounces or mls you had.

    Step Challenge - Christine (@cmhubbard92) has a link set up. If you haven't gotten there yet, don't worry. Just set a weekly goal for steps and post your daily steps in the meantime. We'll get it sorted out. The important thing is to get MOVING!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Mini Challenge 9/15

    did another c25k run instead of yoga, we'll see if that helps this week!

    @annabananamc, it would be great if you could still do both! Yoga has its benefits, even if significant weight loss isn't one of them!! But well done on your C25K!! What day/week are you on?
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Sorry for bombarding the thread this morning....I don't really come on much on Sundays. It's the only day my husband is home all day and he didn't golf yesterday either so we got a lot done!!
  • cossmoss15
    cossmoss15 Posts: 509 Member

    Great job on drinking a lot of water, always! I drink a lot of water, too, but definitely indulge in other drinks too. Its something I need to work on in the future. In regard to composition, do you do any weight lifting to help you with that? May be good to get a routine going with a couple different things.

    Ha Ha - Yes I too indulge in other drinks too . . . . . . (wine, beer etc, etc, etc)

    I have been doing very little weight lifting. I'm nervous because I have a herniated disk and my surgeon said don't lift more than 5 pounds over my head. I'm also very careful when lifting anything. For example bringing groceries into the house, if a bag is too heavy I will seperate and make 2 trips. I know that is no help when trying to build muscle.
    So I have started planks, push-ups etc. Oh and I did go to a body sculpt class this morning.

    I've go a lot going on during the next 2 weeks, after that I will try to do more (but carefully!)

  • cossmoss15
    cossmoss15 Posts: 509 Member
    @Coral333 Looks yummy! I've had paella but never made it. You make it sound easy I'm going to try sometime this week. Thanks for the suggestion. Oh I had to look up courgette - I'd never heard of it. But of course I've had zucchini many times.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,064 Member
    cossmoss15 wrote: »

    Great job on drinking a lot of water, always! I drink a lot of water, too, but definitely indulge in other drinks too. Its something I need to work on in the future. In regard to composition, do you do any weight lifting to help you with that? May be good to get a routine going with a couple different things.

    Ha Ha - Yes I too indulge in other drinks too . . . . . . (wine, beer etc, etc, etc)

    I have been doing very little weight lifting. I'm nervous because I have a herniated disk and my surgeon said don't lift more than 5 pounds over my head. I'm also very careful when lifting anything. For example bringing groceries into the house, if a bag is too heavy I will seperate and make 2 trips. I know that is no help when trying to build muscle.
    So I have started planks, push-ups etc. Oh and I did go to a body sculpt class this morning.

    I've go a lot going on during the next 2 weeks, after that I will try to do more (but carefully!)

    @cossmoss15 please be super careful! Great job going and doing those things when I am sure it must be bringing some pain! I love your motivation, though!

    I love wine and beer(or if I'm feeling crazy, whisky)... my boyfriend just got a 12pack from a local(maybe 30miles from us but out of state) brewery for his birthday, and while I have only had a sip here and there, I can tell it is going to be a place that we make an occasional trip to! There's a vineyard about 8 miles from us that I have been dying to check out and do a wine tasting!
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,064 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Of course, if anyone were to have any issues getting into the google form, I could browse through the thread to see who put their steps for each day, and could just pop them in too. I wouldn't mind pulling the weight for this, because I know you already have so much to do with the weigh ins.

    @cmhubbard92, yes, I am definitely going to give you the lead on this one, especially in these growing pain phases. The only thing I would like to see is a group competition element, like in a regular Fitbit Challenge. Is there any way, with what you have set up so far, for you to post a leader board, with everyone's reported totals at a certain moment, a few times a week? And just like a regular Fitbit Challenge, it may not be completely accurate, if someone hasn't synced (or reported) for a while, but it would give us a chance to see how we are stacking up against our team mates.

    @HASWLRS I could definitely get some update posts throughout the week! I will write something up now so I can go ahead and plug numbers in when I am ready to give an update!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge - September Week #1 (Sun the 1st to Sat the 7th)

    Winner's Circle - 6 or 7 days:
    @annabananamc (7) - 9th week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @cmhubbard92 (7) - 31st week IN A ROW in the Winner's Circle!!
    @energyseeker (7) - 1st time trying the Mini Challenge and lands in the Winner's Circle!!
    @ethelsmommy (7) - 2nd week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @heaz10 (7) - 6th week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @mirendybryant (7) - only attempted last week; this week lands in the Winner's Circle!!

    Notable Effort - 4 or 5 days:
    @brandi_84 (5) - 1st time trying the Mini Challenge since rejoining and puts in a Notable Effort!!
    @ForLangston (5) - puts in another Notable Effort!!
    @murdog3t (5) - didn't even attempt last week, this week puts in a Notable Effort!!
    @Ar_cervantes (4) - puts in another Notable Effort!!
    @MelsLeanDream (4) - 1st time trying the Mini Challenge since rejoining and puts in a Notable Effort!!

    @abowersgirl (3)
    @Audgiebug (3)
    @dymphnadaniels (3)
    @erikNJ (3)
    @pkg1998 (2)
    @Nicoletime4me (1)
    @stubbornloser (1)
    @swauters (1)

    We had 19 participate this week, up from 12 the week before, but that is to be expected at the beginning of a month when everyone is keen!! We had six Winners, which is up one from the week before and all six Winners were accountable for ALL SEVEN DAYS!! I have never seen that before!! This week, @annabananamc, @cmhubbard92, @ethelsmommy and @heaz10 were joined at the top by @energyseeker and @mirendybryant!! Congratulations to all six for an outstanding week of absolute accountability!!
  • heaz10
    heaz10 Posts: 311 Member
    edited September 2019
    I think we are supposed to set our step goal for the challenge. My goal is 10,000 a day so 70,000 for the week.
    With that being said, I am off to a slow start today, but it is only lunch time.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Results for September Week #2

    Team TBBT had a much better second week of September coming in third as a team with a loss of 0.35% (0.55% for first place). Our team's Biggest Loser for the week was @cmhubbard92, with a loss of 2.48%. Congratulations, Christine!

    The TOP NINE Big Butts, all losing over 1% of their body weight for the week were:

    @cmhubbard92 - 2.48%
    @energyseeker - 2.26%

    @swauters - 1.55%
    @cossmoss15 - 1.41%
    @abowersgirl - 1.40%
    @heaz10 - 1.31%
    @MelsLeanDream - 1.20%
    @Caronell - 1.19%
    @Coral333 - 1.14%

    Congratulations to these nine and to any Big Butt that lost weight and contributed to the team's third place finish!!
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,064 Member
    edited September 2019
    heaz10 wrote: »
    I think we are supposed to set our step goal for the challenge. My goal is 10,000 a day so 70,000 for the week.
    With that being said, I am off to a slow start today, but it is only lunch time.

    I've added you to the spreadsheet!

    Anyone interested in the step or water challenge can view progress on the spreadsheet. If you want to submit your steps, use the form linked below, or post them here in this thread with the day you are entering them for! I am excited to see how we all do!
    Here is the spreadsheet
    Here is the form to enter your steps

    ***Please remember the spreadsheet is a work in progress. There are some things on the challenge page that do not apply at this time! Let me, @cmhubbard92, know if I made a mistake with your goal, daily steps, etc. I will fix these things as soon as I can! Also, let me know if you have any suggestions!***
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    sandkp wrote: »
    swauters wrote: »
    @sandkp I also find that challenges really motivate me and I love some of your ideas. Are you thinking that we add a new/ different challenge to or weekly mini-challenges? For example... We still post tracked, under/ over, exercise plus then whatever the challenge is?.... a pic of your dinner, a link to a video, etc?

    @swauters that was kind of what I was thinking.... nothing too overwhelming or needing tracked more than what we are posting for the other. Just a way to share info (videos etc ) along with getting us focused on something different or new (like the food stuff) I know I am just starting to get my head somewhat above water and am treading but not swimming yet so I didnt want something to detailed or that needed tracked because I couldn't take that on right now. Now if the spreadsheet is up and running with a link to it we can all get to easily, it may be easy to add a space on there for the weekly challenge or to add a link for the videos etc but since I am clueless on Google sheets that would be for those with knowledge to say how hard or easy it would be.

    @sandkp Click this link and just fill in username, step goal, day reporting and number of steps. I have everything all set to fill in 😊 if it doesn't work for you that way, I can copy any numbers you post on here!

    I can try working on a merging it into a challenge spreadsheet-adding links and whatnot! I will play with it today, and if it comes out alright, I will share with you all later!

    Edit: I started playing around with the spreadsheet. Here is what I have so far @energyseeker @swauters @HASWLRS @sandkp and anyone else that I've forgotten to tag. If for some reason it is allowing public editing, please leave everything as it is for now. I will be leaving for work shortly, and am still working on this!

    @swauters I could open it and that is exactly what I was thinking of. I won't be doing step challenge - I don't have a tracking device and have to figure out it I want to add it to the gift list (meaning if I will really use it!) If I remember right, once we have the link and the spreadsheet ready to go, it can be opened on a computer or sheets app and then we can find it easily right?

    @HASWLRS - if we get the sheet up and running using same link every week and it is working - maybe add that to the first post on the monthly group welcome so it is always easily found on page 1 of the monthly group for anyone that doesn't have the link saved or needs to "find it again"... just a thought.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Coral333 wrote: »
    Posting a pic of the paella I made last night for anyone who needs a bit of food inspiration. It’s one of my faves because I can pack in the veggies (peas, peppers, onion, tomatoes and courgette in this one) plus some lean protein. You add in the rice and some stock and then leave it to cook so it’s actually quite a simple meal for dinner time when I’m normally running around mad! You can make it as low or high cal as you like as well, this portion had 700 caps per bowl.

    That looks great @Coral333 - may have to try that as the family loves shrimp! little man veggies not so much - but everyone else is good to go!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    My struggle for this week has been resisting the urge to snack since we have to eat dinner pretty early several days a week.

    @brandi_84, I kind of missed this the first time around. If you have to resist the urge to snack in the evening, then leave some calories on the table to do just that. Eat fewer calories up until dinner, (which I assume would be easier to do than foregoing a snack at the end of the day) so that you have enough left for a night time snack.

    And I hope your pulled muscle is feeling better this week!!
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    sandkp wrote: »
    Hey team... love the challenge ideas. definitely on board for the water - been working on that while I haven't been doing much else. I don't track steps so I wouldn't be in that but I think for those that do it would be a great challenge (who knows may motivate me to get a tracker for Christmas!)

    I love challenges - they seem to keep me more motivated. One of the things that I loved about the Amazing Race group that I did was some of the different challenges every week - things like pick an exercise video that your favorite to share and then others would choose one of the videos to do or you have things like a rainbow challenge where you have to have a plate with rainbow colored food over the course of so many days to meet the challenge during the week trying to get you to eat differently. lots of little things like that that maybe we could just put out as personal challenges to the group or just out there for anyone who wanted to do something fun like that for the week with us. Personally I think those kind of fun weekly challenges within the team could be done where we don't have to have it so tracked... it wouldn't be any more work for us just to post it versus having weekly leaders. I think things like the the steps and walking are great foreseeing that part of it but these other challenges I think it would be just fun to see if we could just work together with it without adding more on to leadership.

    as I said before I haven't been involved like I wanted to be but I'm hoping to get back into doing more. my plan is: Sunday is my well.. I don't want to say reboot because every time I say reboot I seemed to end up back at the hospital with somebody so I just want to say it's my fresh start.

    @sandkp, love the idea, Shawnee, of a weekly group challenge like the ones you suggested. We'll definitely do that, once we get the water and step challenge up and running, with all the bugs worked out!! You will be our first volunteer (voluntold!), so get thinking about what challenge you'd like to extend to the group!

    @sandkp I also find that challenges really motivate me and I love some of your ideas. Are you thinking that we add a new/ different challenge to or weekly mini-challenges? For example... We still post tracked, under/ over, exercise plus then whatever the challenge is?.... a pic of your dinner, a link to a video, etc?

    @swauters, yes, something like that, Sara. It could just be a one time thing that week, or something we try to do over a few days, but just an added post one needs to tabulate and you can participate or not.

    @HASWLRS - you are not doing anything new to me... seems my life lately has been one long "voluntold" :smiley: I am definitely okay with gathering some ideas for this. Thoughts - do you all want to do one "fitness/exercise" type and one "food/nutrition" type each week or alternate between the two? I personally vote for one of each every week.

    we can either log it with out min-challenge OR if the sheet gets up and is able to be utilized for tracking that (meaning we can enter our stuff) without putting undo burden on anyone else to track that weekly it would be good. My thought is that if we do suggest links etc. the sheet would be a great place to have that list all in one so to speak so that others can choose. IF that works, we could even do a "do and provide link for a favorite workout video" one week and another week "choose someones fav video and try it" for another week - that would be harder if there was no set place to keep track of them easily.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Anyone interested in the step or water challenge can view progress on the spreadsheet. If you want to submit your steps, use the form linked below, or post them here in this thread with the day you are entering them for! I am excited to see how we all do!
    Here is the spreadsheet
    Here is the form to enter your steps

    ***Please remember the spreadsheet is a work in progress. There are some things on the challenge page that do not apply at this time! Let me, @cmhubbard92, know if I made a mistake with your goal, daily steps, etc. I will fix these things as soon as I can! Also, let me know if you have any suggestions!***[/quote]

    @cmhubbard92 I would definitely like to be added to the water challenge - no step challenge for me at this time. Thanks!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    sandkp wrote: »
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    sandkp wrote: »
    Hey team... love the challenge ideas. definitely on board for the water - been working on that while I haven't been doing much else. I don't track steps so I wouldn't be in that but I think for those that do it would be a great challenge (who knows may motivate me to get a tracker for Christmas!)

    I love challenges - they seem to keep me more motivated. One of the things that I loved about the Amazing Race group that I did was some of the different challenges every week - things like pick an exercise video that your favorite to share and then others would choose one of the videos to do or you have things like a rainbow challenge where you have to have a plate with rainbow colored food over the course of so many days to meet the challenge during the week trying to get you to eat differently. lots of little things like that that maybe we could just put out as personal challenges to the group or just out there for anyone who wanted to do something fun like that for the week with us. Personally I think those kind of fun weekly challenges within the team could be done where we don't have to have it so tracked... it wouldn't be any more work for us just to post it versus having weekly leaders. I think things like the the steps and walking are great foreseeing that part of it but these other challenges I think it would be just fun to see if we could just work together with it without adding more on to leadership.

    as I said before I haven't been involved like I wanted to be but I'm hoping to get back into doing more. my plan is: Sunday is my well.. I don't want to say reboot because every time I say reboot I seemed to end up back at the hospital with somebody so I just want to say it's my fresh start.

    @sandkp, love the idea, Shawnee, of a weekly group challenge like the ones you suggested. We'll definitely do that, once we get the water and step challenge up and running, with all the bugs worked out!! You will be our first volunteer (voluntold!), so get thinking about what challenge you'd like to extend to the group!

    @sandkp I also find that challenges really motivate me and I love some of your ideas. Are you thinking that we add a new/ different challenge to or weekly mini-challenges? For example... We still post tracked, under/ over, exercise plus then whatever the challenge is?.... a pic of your dinner, a link to a video, etc?

    @swauters, yes, something like that, Sara. It could just be a one time thing that week, or something we try to do over a few days, but just an added post one needs to tabulate and you can participate or not.

    @HASWLRS - you are not doing anything new to me... seems my life lately has been one long "voluntold" :smiley: I am definitely okay with gathering some ideas for this. Thoughts - do you all want to do one "fitness/exercise" type and one "food/nutrition" type each week or alternate between the two? I personally vote for one of each every week.

    we can either log it with out min-challenge OR if the sheet gets up and is able to be utilized for tracking that (meaning we can enter our stuff) without putting undo burden on anyone else to track that weekly it would be good. My thought is that if we do suggest links etc. the sheet would be a great place to have that list all in one so to speak so that others can choose. IF that works, we could even do a "do and provide link for a favorite workout video" one week and another week "choose someones fav video and try it" for another week - that would be harder if there was no set place to keep track of them easily.

    @sandkp, if there are links involved, then one easy place to find them sounds great. But if it is just a food challenge, or a specific exercise challenge, then posting with the mini challenge sounds right. As far as how many to do each week, that can be determined on a weekly basis, depending where the inspiration is coming from.
This discussion has been closed.