TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (September)



  • annabananamc
    annabananamc Posts: 415 Member
    Mini challenge 9/17/19

    only got that exercise in because I dilly-dallied around then decided to go to the gym and do my run on the treadmill (it was 92 degrees outside by that time) I HATE treadmills, but I got it done.

    QUESTION OF THE WEEK - What do you eat right before bed that keep you from waking up hungry in the middle of the night?

    I don't really do bedtime snacking, because I tend to eat a pretty good sized dinner compared to my other meals. However, between 3-5pm most days I get the 'snackies', and lately I've been enjoying Trader Joe's airpopped pocorn - low cal and the texture is nice, plus it fills me up. I'm a salty-crunchy girl, could leave ice cream and cake alone for weeks, but chips/crisps had better run and hide!

  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Username: brandi_84
    Weigh in day : Wednesday
    Starting: 185.6
    Week 1: 183.9
    Week 2: 183.6
    Week 3: 183.2

    Its coming off painfully slow, but at least in the right direction. I know this would have been better if I had made better choices over the weekend. So I'm going to try harder this weekend to make those better choices.
  • cossmoss15
    cossmoss15 Posts: 509 Member
    Hello all,
    Looking at the posts it looks like most people are doing awesome!

    For Tuesday the 17th
    Steps 13,821
    Water 95 oz

    I’m on my phone and tried to update the sheet directly but I am ‘view only’. I went to the form but could not type anything in. (I will try to enter from my computer next time)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    edited September 2019
    Weigh in Wednesday
    Last week- 231.8
    This week- 226.4
    ⬇5.4lbs this week
    ⬇33.6lbs total

    Only 11.4lbs away from my first big goal I gave myself in the beginning to lose by Christmas. I guess painting a shed gave me more exercise than I realized lol. So glad to finally be out of 230's 🖤

    @mirendybryant, you are so far from the 30's that they are but a distant memory!! What a week you had!! Well done!! And 11.4 pounds between now and problem!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    Username: brandi_84
    Weigh in day : Wednesday
    Starting: 185.6
    Week 1: 183.9
    Week 2: 183.6
    Week 3: 183.2

    Its coming off painfully slow, but at least in the right direction. I know this would have been better if I had made better choices over the weekend. So I'm going to try harder this weekend to make those better choices.

    @brandi_84, your assessment of this week's loss seems spot on. Can't wait to see what you do next week with a more controlled weekend!!
  • Coral333
    Coral333 Posts: 194 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    Username: brandi_84
    Weigh in day : Wednesday
    Starting: 185.6
    Week 1: 183.9
    Week 2: 183.6
    Week 3: 183.2

    Its coming off painfully slow, but at least in the right direction. I know this would have been better if I had made better choices over the weekend. So I'm going to try harder this weekend to make those better choices.

    It might be slow but that consistency without a gain and without throwing in the towel despite slower numbers is definitely to be admired!
  • Coral333
    Coral333 Posts: 194 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Weigh in Wednesday
    Last week- 231.8
    This week- 226.4
    ⬇5.4lbs this week
    ⬇33.6lbs total

    Only 11.4lbs away from my first big goal I gave myself in the beginning to lose by Christmas. I guess painting a shed gave me more exercise than I realized lol. So glad to finally be out of 230's 🖤

    @mirendybryant, you are so far from the 30's that they are but a distant memory!! What a week you had!! Well done!! And 11.4 pounds between now and problem!!

    5.4lbs is amazing! Go you and definitely in sight of that Christmas goal!
  • HASWLRS wrote: »

    @mirendybryant, you are so far from the 30's that they are but a distant memory!! What a week you had!! Well done!! And 11.4 pounds between now and problem!!

    @HASWLRS Thank you 😊 I'm trying to be more involved and thank you for all the support you give to everyone here.

    Question of the week- I have a problem with wanting to snack close to bedtime and I try not to give in by drinking a glass of water. I save my biggest meal of the day for dinner to keep me full thru the night hopefully. I rarely eat breakfast..i just don't like it. I think it's probably from IF a few years ago, I usually don't eat until after 2pm.
  • Audgiebug
    Audgiebug Posts: 22 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Missing a couple of weigh-ins:

    @Audgiebug and @eatingfoodles

    So very sorry @HASWLRS I swore I posted, must have forgotten to push submit on Monday. I weighted in at 294.4, I believe previous week was 297.8. I finally climbed over my plateau and it feels so good!
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday
    Last week- 231.8
    This week- 226.4
    ⬇5.4lbs this week
    ⬇33.6lbs total

    Only 11.4lbs away from my first big goal I gave myself in the beginning to lose by Christmas. I guess painting a shed gave me more exercise than I realized lol. So glad to finally be out of 230's 🖤

    That is amazing!
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Question of the week:
    I am guilty of choosing unhealthy snacks in the evening. Chips, cookies, chocolates. Several years ago, when I had my first go at losing weight successfully, I would have a bowl of popcorn between dinner and bedtime. I would shake on some ranch popcorn seasoning that you can find in the popcorn aisle. It was actually more satisfying than a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.
    I am seeing other very tasty, healthier ideas from you guys.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,064 Member
    I would like to jump in and say wonderful losses so far this week everyone! It's very motivating to see everyone working so hard!

    @cossmoss15 and @HASWLRS I have your steps/water for Tuesday!

    @ForLangston I will make the sheet editable by others once we get through at least the week and I know that everything has the right values/formulas.
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 919 Member
    tracked, at, yoga-ed up n 8,325k steps thus far. @cmhubbard92 -thank you!
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,064 Member
    edited September 2019
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes
    Steps: 9,691(currently)
    Water: 120oz

    I made an amazing dish for dinner tonight, Garlic Tomato Basil Chicken. I only managed to eat half because I started to choke on rice(reason why I can't listen to anything funny while I eat) and it turned into a few minutes of me thinking I was going to pass out or worse, because I couldn't catch my breath/kept choking. It was horrifying, it scared my boyfriend as he tried to help me. But I'm OK now, but my throat hurts and now I have a massive headache, so I skipped the dog walk tonight. I did get plenty of playtime in with them though, so they're asleep now.

    I have decided that my goal for a month from now is to just simply be at 196.0lb(I'll take 199), and see Onederland. This is my goal for my birthday(October 18th). I would love to see 196 because it means I will hit the 50lbs mark, and I will drop a BMI class. I think I can get there, I just have to remain focused!

    Off to bed in a few minutes after I make my lunch for tomorrow!
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    Sun: yes/no/yes
    Mon: yes/yes/no
    Tue: yes/yes/yes

    tracked: yes
    under: yes
    exercise: yes

    Took another 30 seconds off my mile time. Plus I added in some weights and walking
  • stubbornloser
    stubbornloser Posts: 83 Member
    This morning I weighed myself, even though my actual weigh-in day is Thursday. I was only 0.2 lbs away from 50 lbs lost since Nov 2018! I'm hoping tomorrow morning I see 210 lbs or less. I will be shouting from the rooftops!

    @cmhubbard92 - I am cheering you on! You got this!!!

  • Ar_cervantes
    Ar_cervantes Posts: 78 Member
    Tuesday 9/17
    Wednesday 9/18
  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    September 18 WEDNESDAY
    Calories - yes
    Tracking - yes
    Exercise - 181-Active Minutes - Night Shift
    Steps - 22336
    Water - 69oz
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    edited September 2019
    Sept 17
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes
    Step: 10446
    30 min yoga
    15 min meditation
    12 min rowing
    48 min hike
    Happy hump day
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