

  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    Saturday weigh in: 222.2.

    I'm grateful to only be up 0.2 given how badly I hurt my back Thursday. I spent all last night popping painkillers, laying on heat and eating chocolate for comfort. :(
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Week 3 Saturday
    PW 199.2
    CW 198.6
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,197 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    Saturday weigh in: 222.2.

    I'm grateful to only be up 0.2 given how badly I hurt my back Thursday. I spent all last night popping painkillers, laying on heat and eating chocolate for comfort. :(

    You're down 2.6 pounds from last week! So no worries. What happened to your back? Hope it feels better soon.

    And @matthewsfive - good one! you're leaving 200 in the dust now - keep on going!
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Terytha wrote: »
    Saturday weigh in: 222.2.

    I'm grateful to only be up 0.2 given how badly I hurt my back Thursday. I spent all last night popping painkillers, laying on heat and eating chocolate for comfort. :(

    You're down 2.6 pounds from last week! So no worries. What happened to your back? Hope it feels better soon.

    And @matthewsfive - good one! you're leaving 200 in the dust now - keep on going!

    I don't know what I did. I got home from the gym feeling ok, laid down on the bed and my lower back was just screaming pain.

    It's a bit better now. I did some cardio to try keep it moving, the worst thing for back pain is laying still.

    I hope your ankle feels better soon! RICE is pretty effective: rest, ice, compression, elevation.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,197 Member
    I hope the rest of these weigh-ins appears by morning... I'm heading for bed soon but will be up doing week 3 tallies bright and early tomorrow morning!!!
  • tdrjustus3
    tdrjustus3 Posts: 542 Member
    Weigh In: Monday
    Week 3
    PW: 286.2
    CW: 287.0
  • twinkle150
    twinkle150 Posts: 133 Member
    CW 326.4
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Time is flying by, folks -

    Weigh-ins due :smile:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I had a huge laugh at myself yesterday, but today I'm limping about a bit. I was sitting here at the computer and apparently my right foot fell completely asleep. I was concentrated on what I was doing, so somehow did not feel this happening. The phone rang. I stood up to go answer it in the other room (stupid land line), took one step, and my ankle completely collapsed. Down I went. I crawled to the phone, worried it was my husband who was off on a motorcycle trip for the day. Good thing no one was around with a video camera. It was just the ophthalmologist's office reminding about an appointment. Grrrrrr. In any case, I sprained it - it is all swollen and a lovely shade of burgundy today, but I can still walk on it and it is just a bit cranky. Good excuse to lie on the couch with ice, right?

    @ jugar
    Feel better, have your ankle looked at just incase it more that a sprain
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    Oh no! Almost missed it.
    CW 197.1
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    edited September 2019

    Username = @evangsimmons170
    Week = 3 (September)
    Weigh-in Day = Saturday (9/21/19)
    PW = 338.8
    CW = 338.8

    @jugar We need you to stay upright! Hope your ankle feels and looks better today.
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    WEEK 3 RESULTS FOR THE ki3owe2recw7.jpg

    TEAM % Weight No More 0.46%
    INDIVIDUAL % @CaydensMommy 2.27%
    TEAM LBS LOST Weight No More 20.1
    INDIVIDUAL LBS LOST @CaydensMommy 6.2

    AS A WHOLE WE LOST 37.9 POUNDS OR 0.15% !!


    1st Weight No More 0.46%
    2nd Trimstones 0.38%
    3rd Workout Warriors 0.34%

    1st Weight No More 20.1
    2nd Trimstones 15.8
    3rd Workout Warriors 15.2

    1st @CaydensMommy 2.27%
    2nd @Mulecanter 2.21%
    3rd @Angmarie28 2.19%


    1st @CaydensMommy 6.2
    2nd @amytriesww 4.7
    3rd. @Mulecanter 4.5


  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,448 Member
    This week’s challenge is brought to you by Team Weight No More.We want everyone to join us in a little self care this week. Self Care may sound indulgent but it is crucial for our physical, emotional and mental well-being. 
    Self-care produces positive feelings and boosts your confidence and self-esteem. Overwork and the accompanying stress and exhaustion can make you less productive, disorganized and emotionally depleted. It can also lead to all sorts of health problems, from anxiety and depression to insomnia and heart diseases. Professional self-care habits like taking intermittent breaks, setting professional boundaries, avoiding overextending, etc. ensures that you stay sharp, motivated and healthy.
    Smart self-care habits like eating healthy, connecting with a loved one or, practicing meditation cuts down the toxic effects of stress by improving your mood and boosting your energy and confidence levels.Even little things like sipping tea while looking at the raindrops racing down the window glass, enjoying a bubble bath, or reading a book are essential for your daily happiness. Self-care is not just about your mental health. It’s also about caring for your physical self, by eating healthy, taking adequate sleep, caring about your hygiene, exercising regularly, etc.
    This week take some time to practice a little self care and post it to your teams thread.  The following chart shows some examples of simple things you can do each day to show yourself a little self love.  You can follow the chart or do whatever you would like. It is all about you!
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    Sorry to be absent so much. I have been pretty sick last couple of weeks. Still dry though!
    Feeling somewhat better today.

    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 157.6
    CW: 157.2
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,197 Member
    Sorry to be absent so much. I have been pretty sick last couple of weeks. Still dry though!
    Feeling somewhat better today.

    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 157.6
    CW: 157.2

    Hope your health keeps improving - hugs flying your way <3
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    Thanks @jugar.. hoping to start being more active this week again! At least not gaining weight while I sit around! ;)
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    Steps for last week - I’m late so you can disregard if need be. They weren’t right anyway because I didn’t have my Fitbit on all the time. z72exjfzrt9z.jpeg
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,197 Member
    Monday (tomorrow! yikes!) is the Equinox - welcome to Fall! The leaves are really getting beautiful here - another week or so and we'll be in full colour.

    To celebrate the new season, we'd like to revive one of our earlier challenges - or discussions. Our wonderful motivator, @evangsimmons170 suggested this, but she is SO crazy busy these days, putting in 70 hour weeks, that I'll help out and put this up for her. I think it might be just the right thing for this last week of September.

    Just ONE thing :
    "Each of us can probably identify the one thing that if we did it, would automatically make other things fall into place. For example, if I would go to bed by 10 pm at the latest, I would have no problem getting up earlier to get a workout done. That would help me get to work earlier too. I think my bedtime is my one thing that triggers other things positively or negatively."

    What is your one thing?

    I have been thinking about this, and it is not always easy to put your finger on ONE thing. But I think I'm getting close. Someone on one of the other teams has been following a rather strict scheduling/calendar regimen. She puts everything on Google calendar (anything would work, hopefully one with reminders!). Cooking, workouts, work things, phone calls - you name it. I find that a bit too much, but I think the idea of scheduling things would be helpful. The idea spoke to me, and stuck in my mind, so I'm going to give it a try this week - put everything (within reason!) at a specific time, with a specific duration, and just do it as if it were an appointment or a meeting. Now that I don't work for anyone but myself, this has been difficult. It is easy to fall into the habit of just wandering through my day.

    So give it a go - and report in as often as you can on how your action on that one thing is working.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,197 Member
    And ONE HEADS UP for Monday weigh-in:


  • AmyRobF
    AmyRobF Posts: 97 Member
    I am so sorry I haven’t been on and I posted my weigh in on a day early. I didn’t realize it! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Maybe this week I will be back on track with EVERYTHING! With volleyball, Cub Scouts, soccer, Awana and Sunday School I was a mess! It’s every week but last week just took a toll on me. I was unorganized which is NOT me and it drove me nuts!
This discussion has been closed.