Introduce Yourself



  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    @scaredofscale Welcome Amy! Saw your photos earlier and your transformation is very impressive! Looking forward to hearing more from you in the future -- I'm sure you have some good advice to share from your experience.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hi. I'm Amy. I am 50 years old and a little over two years ago I said I didn't want to be fat and 50. I weghed 244.2 pounds. My knees and back hurt all the time, my hands were always tingling, and my digestion was a mess. Today I am 155.6 pounds, 15.6 pounds from my goal weight of 140 and I feel MILLION TIMES BETTER. The process and discipline of getting to a healthier weight has improved nearly every aspect of my life. Renewed self-confidence has helped me to shrug off the haters and nay-sayers. I truly feel fabulous today!

    Hi @scaredofscale Amy,

    Welcome to LL.

    Congrats on how far you have come. Like @merph518 I hope you have time to share more of your experience and keep us informed as you navigate these last pounds.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    resina wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I'm also a long time lurker and now brave enough to post to this wonderful group that has a lot of support and motivating vibes.

    I'm an Aussie and in my 63 years I think the only time I had a normal BMI was when I was born. Over the years I have lost 30 to 40 kgs a few times and keep recycling the kilos....I could be the queen of yo-yo dieting. In saying that I've been able to maintain around 25kgs from my highest weight. It scares me to go back there.

    I also find that I do best losing weight when logging my foods and then I get complacent and the cycle starts again. I need to permanently lose about 60kgs (around 133lbs) to enjoy my older years independently and hopefully without medical conditions contributed to by my weight. I have four young grandkids and I'd like to enjoy my times keeping up with them.

    I take my hat off to all of you for your achievements as I know it's not easy without hard work and commitment. I look forward chatting with you.

    Hi @resina,

    I was sure I put in the rules that no Aussies were allowed! Kidding of course.


    I am glad you found the bravery to come in out of the lurk and post with us. I hope it happens often.

    Have you tried to review your past and figure out if there is a common reason that begins your complacency? For instance, when I review my past I see that quite often I chose a course of action to lose weight that was not sustainable. I always made it harder on myself than needed. That wasn't the only reason I didn't stick with it but it was among the top.
  • Eminemsmom
    Eminemsmom Posts: 6 Member
    I'm returning to MFP after 7 years of being away. In those 7 years I've regained the 70 pounds I lost and added an additional 30. Now in my mid-forties, I'm experiencing so many weight related issues that I feel overwhelmed by the prospect of doing it all over again, with age and medical issues as added obstacles to overcome that I didn't have the 1st time around.
  • Eminemsmom
    Eminemsmom Posts: 6 Member
    CML32518 wrote: »
    I'm Christy. I have PCOS and Hypothyroidism. Due to that and bad habits, I gained a lot of weight, and fast., I am currently sitting at 340 lbs, down 10 from my starting point of 350. Right now, I am focusing on eating healthier, prepping my foods for the week at work, where I use to order out a lot while at my work desk. I am now on my 2nd day of getting on the treadmill after work. I have cut out the soda's, and drinking a lot more water. But I find that when it is available.. I'll eat some chocolate my kids bring home. I'm trying hard to not do that anymore.

    It sounds like you're off to a great start. I know how hard it is to avoid the chocolate.
  • Satisfiedwithbetter
    Eminemsmom wrote: »
    I'm returning to MFP after 7 years of being away. In those 7 years I've regained the 70 pounds I lost and added an additional 30. Now in my mid-forties, I'm experiencing so many weight related issues that I feel overwhelmed by the prospect of doing it all over again, with age and medical issues as added obstacles to overcome that I didn't have the 1st time around.

    Overwhelm can be quite the formidable adversary! Better today than yesterday is all that matters. One small change today can make a huge difference over time in how you feel, your health, and your fitness. Make the change realistic and sustainable for the rest of your life, and you will be on your way to greatness! Be your amazing future self today!

    Remember it’s not about being perfect either. It’s about learning to fail forward. Try something, if it doesn’t work, change it!

  • Eminemsmom
    Eminemsmom Posts: 6 Member
    Eminemsmom wrote: »
    I'm returning to MFP after 7 years of being away. In those 7 years I've regained the 70 pounds I lost and added an additional 30. Now in my mid-forties, I'm experiencing so many weight related issues that I feel overwhelmed by the prospect of doing it all over again, with age and medical issues as added obstacles to overcome that I didn't have the 1st time around.

    Overwhelm can be quite the formidable adversary! Better today than yesterday is all that matters. One small change today can make a huge difference over time in how you feel, your health, and your fitness. Make the change realistic and sustainable for the rest of your life, and you will be on your way to greatness! Be your amazing future self today!

    Remember it’s not about being perfect either. It’s about learning to fail forward. Try something, if it doesn’t work, change it!

    Thanks. I thought about what you wrote and changed my goal weight and fitness goals so I can focus on smaller changes. I can always update them as I get closer, but this way it won't feel as overwhelming right now.
  • fnarrrrrr
    fnarrrrrr Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, I hope I can join you. Long into sorry!

    I am 28, have always been large and have lost weight in the past through changes to eating habits and exercise, but never had a plan for maintenance so it has gone back on after a couple of years.

    I am now the largest I have ever been after a knee injury 4 years ago stopped me playing rugby but I carried on eating as if I was still doing 6+ hours intense exercise a week!

    I am getting married next year and have a beautiful size 26 dress ready to go, was feeling good about myself. Recently we were talking about things we would like to do or achieve before having children and a switch flipped in my head, I need to be as healthy as possible for my future family for a whole host of reasons and I need to start right now!

    I tried a rugby training session again a couple of months ago and realised I need to lose weight and take pressure off my knees before attempting any serious exercise

    So, I started this journey at 299.2 and am already 6% towards my goal of losing 140 pounds. Looking forward to making some friends on the journey and helping each other out!

  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    @fnarrrrrr. Welcome, and I absolutely know what you're going through. Best of luck on your road to a healthier you and congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Hope to hear more. Keep updating.
  • Satisfiedwithbetter
    Welcome @fnarrrrrr Your weight doesn’t define you. Your actions define you. Be healthier today through your actions. Be your amazing future self today!
  • fnarrrrrr
    fnarrrrrr Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome @fnarrrrrr Your weight doesn’t define you. Your actions define you. Be healthier today through your actions. Be your amazing future self today!

    Thanks satisfied! I have achieved a lot already this year and am in a happy place generally so it feels a good time to make positive changes for my health
  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    @fnarrrrrr Welcome to LL! We're glad to have you. Congrats on your progress thus far -- I look forward to watching you get closer to your goal :)
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    You have found a great supportive bunch of Losers!...buckle up and enjoy your journey back to good health!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    fnarrrrrr wrote: »
    Hello, I hope I can join you. Long into sorry!

    I am 28, have always been large and have lost weight in the past through changes to eating habits and exercise, but never had a plan for maintenance so it has gone back on after a couple of years.

    I am now the largest I have ever been after a knee injury 4 years ago stopped me playing rugby but I carried on eating as if I was still doing 6+ hours intense exercise a week!

    I am getting married next year and have a beautiful size 26 dress ready to go, was feeling good about myself. Recently we were talking about things we would like to do or achieve before having children and a switch flipped in my head, I need to be as healthy as possible for my future family for a whole host of reasons and I need to start right now!

    I tried a rugby training session again a couple of months ago and realised I need to lose weight and take pressure off my knees before attempting any serious exercise

    So, I started this journey at 299.2 and am already 6% towards my goal of losing 140 pounds. Looking forward to making some friends on the journey and helping each other out!


    Hi @fnarrrrrr Kate,

    Are you sure you don't need another 'r' in your username? :wink:

    Congrats on the upcoming wedding. Also congrats on the progress.

    Welcome to LL. Just dive in anywhere.

  • dembkogirl
    dembkogirl Posts: 361 Member
    Hi all! I've been lurking on here the past few days, and figured I would introduce myself!

    I'm Amanda, I'm 34 and live here in the US. I have been on MFP for years, and 2 years ago I was great at logging and making great choices, and dropped 60 lbs. I didn't maintain it though, and ended up gaining it all back. A month ago after avoiding the scale this year I hopped on and it was over 280. I didn't log but tried to watch portions and officially started logging in again about 2 weeks ago with a starting weight of 278.8lb. My long term goal is to lose 100lbs over the next 18 months and be out of the obese category. My thyroid is crap right now, and I should be starting medicine soon to help with that, and that should help as well with my energy and weight loss.

    I think one of the reasons why I gained back is that I have always been all or nothing with diets. Whenever I would make what I saw as a mistake, I would then binge the whole day to "get it out of my system" and restart the next day. Eventually the next day turned into the next week, then I just stopped caring. This time around my hope is to understand that this isn't a diet, this is me being more conscious about my health and making daily good choices that will make me healthier.
  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    @dembkogirl. I think you'll find this a very supportive group. I've been where you are. Actually, more than that. I hope you are able to report back in every now and then to let us know how you've been doing..
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    This is the right group of Losers to get support and motivation from!.....join in our posts and get to know everyone!....I have lost 49 lbs since May 28 and this group has made it easier!