

  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,544 Member
    Can I play Devil's advocate? ("Yes" I hear you cry)

    Weight loss and Muscle gain; they are an oxymoron. You can have one and then the other. If what you know what you are doing is right for you then keep doing it!

    Running speed; so you can't keep up with someone, neither can I, neither can anyone except Usain Bolt. If you overstretch you risk injury so listen to your body. If what you know what you are doing is right for you then keep doing it!

    We don't always want weight loss more than something else. Sometimes we need a treat to ensure that the times we are focused and losing weight don't become painful in the mind. Especially true during winter so take the hits of food or putting your feet up when you need to and come back the stronger for it. If you know what you are doing is right for you then keep doing it!

    Those with NSVs congratulations! You know what you are doing is right for you so keep doing it!

    Then is no singular answer as everybody is different. Of course if you know, and you will know, what you are doing isn't right for you and you keep doing it...
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    Today is Friday and I could not be happier!

    I have an active weekend planned. I have been helping out a friend for the past week or so - I will be with her this weekend, too. It has felt great to step in and be a shoulder for them and someone they can lean on in their time of need.

    I will be traveling to see my military daughter for Thanksgiving - so I am making what I can ahead and freezing. It will begin its thaw on the 7 hour drive and should be perfect for baking on Thanksgiving morning. This will give me more time to play :) I am hoping to go down a day early and have Wednesday all by myself. If so, I will find a nice place on the beach for some reflection time. The best part of being a Navy family - almost always near the sea!

    Besides that - I am planning some quite time with my sweet husband - probably watch the Alabama game - ROLL TIDE! Maybe sneak a short hike in :)

  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    I hear crickets on this thread......
  • kmargut
    kmargut Posts: 34 Member
    Luciicul wrote: »
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Good morning guys!!!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday! It was 17F when I left home this snow :(
    Mother nature is playing a mean trick on the deep south today!

    Today, I brought my crock pot to the office and I have chicken chili started for dinner tonight. I like to do this because I can give it an occasional stir and also like to torture my co-workers just a bit. >:)>:)>:)
    The office already smells delicious!

    Anyone have something wonderful to share with the group? A struggle you would like to discuss? NSV you would like to share?

    Not a struggle or a NSV, just a share...

    A number of us beginner joggers have commented before about how slow we are at running... I’ve mentioned being over taken by a fit little old granny...

    On my last “run” (I really do have to put that in inverted commas because I am so slow I’m not sure it counts as a run so much as a jog or shuffle)...

    ...I was over taken by a walker!

    So funny, thought I’d share, and hopefully other slow “runners” don’t feel so bad about their own efforts. Life is not a race, and at least we’re out there doing it.

    Long live tortoises!

    I'm right there with you! I started saying to myself before, atleast I'm out here doing something! "Better than nothing" is my mantra 😁
  • kmargut
    kmargut Posts: 34 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    Today is Friday and I could not be happier!

    I have an active weekend planned. I have been helping out a friend for the past week or so - I will be with her this weekend, too. It has felt great to step in and be a shoulder for them and someone they can lean on in their time of need.

    I will be traveling to see my military daughter for Thanksgiving - so I am making what I can ahead and freezing. It will begin its thaw on the 7 hour drive and should be perfect for baking on Thanksgiving morning. This will give me more time to play :) I am hoping to go down a day early and have Wednesday all by myself. If so, I will find a nice place on the beach for some reflection time. The best part of being a Navy family - almost always near the sea!

    Besides that - I am planning some quite time with my sweet husband - probably watch the Alabama game - ROLL TIDE! Maybe sneak a short hike in :)


    It's a work weekend for me, but I get to actually share a dinner with my husband Saturday night! Sunday nights are always family night at the inlaws if I'm off. It is usually the day I allow myself to indulge a little. My MIL is a great cook!

    Enjoy your weekend everyone!
  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    Steps 11/14 19,635

    Happy Friday!!!
  • Pamela_Sue
    Pamela_Sue Posts: 563 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    I hear crickets on this thread......

    That's cause my weekend is boring! Saturday is my stay at home day and Sunday is working in the church library, then church service. My simple, retired, life.
  • Pamela_Sue
    Pamela_Sue Posts: 563 Member
    Luciicul wrote: »
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Good morning guys!!!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday! It was 17F when I left home this snow :(
    Mother nature is playing a mean trick on the deep south today!

    Today, I brought my crock pot to the office and I have chicken chili started for dinner tonight. I like to do this because I can give it an occasional stir and also like to torture my co-workers just a bit. >:)>:)>:)
    The office already smells delicious!

    Anyone have something wonderful to share with the group? A struggle you would like to discuss? NSV you would like to share?

    Not a struggle or a NSV, just a share...

    A number of us beginner joggers have commented before about how slow we are at running... I’ve mentioned being over taken by a fit little old granny...

    On my last “run” (I really do have to put that in inverted commas because I am so slow I’m not sure it counts as a run so much as a jog or shuffle)...

    ...I was over taken by a walker!

    So funny, thought I’d share, and hopefully other slow “runners” don’t feel so bad about their own efforts. Life is not a race, and at least we’re out there doing it.

    Long live tortoises!

    Here's some Friday humor for you runners and joggers:

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,573 Member
    PW 211.0
    CW 212.8

    Those sodium laced pepperoni sticks were not worth the water weight gain. I am so salt sensitive, it drives me insane. Next Thursday, I will really be watching my sodium.
  • Pamela_Sue
    Pamela_Sue Posts: 563 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 Linda, I am also very salt sensitive. I eat out with my folks every Tuesday, and my weight goes up for 3 days afterwards. I keep reminding myself that it is just the extra sodium, but my head plays games with me. We can (and will) do this!! With you 100%.
  • machchic
    machchic Posts: 229 Member
    I am enjoying my last Friday off, I landed a job and no longer lost and unemployed. WE are running errands today, Saturday a few more errands and house cleaning since I will not have time next week to clean, I will be working. LOL Sister and Brother in law coming over Saturday for steak dinner a few beverages and card..We are killer Spade players. Sunday I will rest my mind in preparation for a busy week ahead. Thanksgiving weekend I will also be on the beach.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,573 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    Today is Friday and I could not be happier!

    I have an active weekend planned. I have been helping out a friend for the past week or so - I will be with her this weekend, too. It has felt great to step in and be a shoulder for them and someone they can lean on in their time of need.

    I will be traveling to see my military daughter for Thanksgiving - so I am making what I can ahead and freezing. It will begin its thaw on the 7 hour drive and should be perfect for baking on Thanksgiving morning. This will give me more time to play :) I am hoping to go down a day early and have Wednesday all by myself. If so, I will find a nice place on the beach for some reflection time. The best part of being a Navy family - almost always near the sea!

    Besides that - I am planning some quite time with my sweet husband - probably watch the Alabama game - ROLL TIDE! Maybe sneak a short hike in :)


    My most exciting part of the weekend is we are going to a recital for my 7 year old granddaughter. Norah is doing a solo from the Greatest Showman. She doing the song This is me!

    I am hoping the weather warms up a bit and some of the snow we have had dissappears. We got it so early this year. If it does I am going to go for a long walk in Springbank Park. Of course, the usual laundry, grocery shopping and house cleaning is on board for the weekend.
  • CharlesScott78
    CharlesScott78 Posts: 203 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    This came to the WaistAways team thread this morning - you guys are KILLING IT this week!
    SW: 399.2
    PW: 402.6
    CW: 386.4

    I was retaining a lot of water weight. Glad that cleared up. The steroid shot in my knee has really helped. I can actually get around.

    oops LOL
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    This came to the WaistAways team thread this morning - you guys are KILLING IT this week!
    SW: 399.2
    PW: 402.6
    CW: 386.4

    I was retaining a lot of water weight. Glad that cleared up. The steroid shot in my knee has really helped. I can actually get around.

    oops LOL

    It happens - no worries!
  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 352 Member
    PW 197.0
    CW 198.0

    Not what I was hoping for. We’ve been eating out too much and I can feel the sodium. Also the cold snap seemed to make me very hungry!

    My NSV for the week: my physical therapy is paying off. I noticed today that the saddlebag on my right leg is noticeably smaller than my left leg! 😂

    Plans for the weekend include attending a fair trade craft show at my church, maybe looking at some new homes, planning out my thanksgiving menu and perhaps going through a few Black Friday ads.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,309 Member
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,309 Member
    Plans for the weekend:
    Tomorrow I have a consult w/a health coach on Wellness and health; then taking a lecture on 50+ women and how to deal w/things for my age group by the same coach-she teaches a yoga class I take; tomorrow afternoon going by my son who lives w/his gf and her family in Elgin, IL and they are having their "Friendsgiving;" we are bringing brussel sprouts
    Sunday grocery shop, prep for week, church, and I have an intro class that is free for a new Barre studio that opened up in town and then decorating my Christmas tree downstairs 😘🎄🎄🎄❤❤❤
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,573 Member
    11/10 6,943
    11/11 12,018
    12/11 11,314
    13/11 11,753
    14/11 12,996
    15/11 9,357
This discussion has been closed.