TEAM: The Slimsons (January)



  • paula3311
    paula3311 Posts: 17 Member name is Paula. I am 42 and have always struggled with my weight. About 6 years ago I lost over 75 pounds, however through a rough relationship and it ending last year, I have gained all of it back. My goal is to get back to where I was and happy in my own skin once again. However that mountain takes smaller hills, so my goal for this month is to drop 8 pounds, drink 120 oz of water a day and ensure I hit 7,000 steps a day. Baby steps to get me there....
  • satchel2008
    satchel2008 Posts: 136 Member
    Weigh in day Friday
    PW 228
  • caloricus
    caloricus Posts: 591 Member
    Hi Team Slimsons

    I am 55 and this is my third month on the challenge. The first two months I did great until the last week and a half with the holidays and the stress of dealing with family members. I am hoping to get back into my routine.

    Let's rock this month Team Slimsons!
    WMEJA Posts: 652 Member
    Hello my name is Wendy from California. I just joined this challenge and have not been placed on a team yet but I am looking forward to it! I already am pushing myself to lose 1b a week but I plan to move my weight loss to 1.5 lb a week and then gradually 2 lb a week until I hit my goal. I will work hard for any team that I am placed on
  • SammyDee2015
    SammyDee2015 Posts: 285 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »

    @SammyDee2015 We are still in December's challenge for current members, January starts with Jan 5th.

    DOH! Sorry bout that. 😜
  • southgirl94
    southgirl94 Posts: 778 Member
    Dec Wk 5 - Fri, 1/3

    Track: No
    Calories: Probably under
    Exercise: Dancing
  • jiminelle
    jiminelle Posts: 7 Member
    Updated weight from Friday (changing my weigh in days to Friday)
    CW: 209.6
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    batgirl140 wrote: »
    Hi my names Beth, I’m 43. Ive got 2 young sons. I’ve been with the Slimsons for s year but in the last 4 months I’ve slipped back into old habits and have gsined about 20 lbs.

    I’m still down about 23 lbs from this time last year so super happy about that but still have a lot to go. I’ve spent the last 2 months under stress and getting crappy broken sleep, I’ve got my hormones all in a mess. Heading to the doctors to look into that but in the mean time I want to reestablish my presence on this feed daily and cut the sugar. I do miss my salads but I’ve gotten lazy again and don’t even want to make myself food. Need to be diligent and get back to it!!

    Good luck to everyone!

    @batgirl140 Actually, my hormones were a mess too, weight loss and keto helped mine. Now they're finally normal. I think a lot of mine was weight loss. I learned along the way that hormones are stored in fat and when you lose fat, your hormones are released (which causes issues as you might imagine) and they do settle down, and the other thing to consider is when you have more excess fat on your body your hormones are off as you have more fat to store those hormones. It was a surprise to me to learn all of that and really helped me to know that while I was losing a lot of weight because it was a hot mess for a long time during that time where I lost a lot of weight (fat).
    Also diet can play a role in your hormone production and retention. Something to consider as well. Garbage in, garbage out as the saying goes.

    But hopefully, you find that January is a new, fresh start and take it one day at a time. You'll get back to where you were! Maybe you can try meal prep, helps with laziness...because I have a looooot of that and I like to make food when I'm motivated and freeze it! It helps!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    paula3311 wrote: » name is Paula. I am 42 and have always struggled with my weight. About 6 years ago I lost over 75 pounds, however through a rough relationship and it ending last year, I have gained all of it back. My goal is to get back to where I was and happy in my own skin once again. However that mountain takes smaller hills, so my goal for this month is to drop 8 pounds, drink 120 oz of water a day and ensure I hit 7,000 steps a day. Baby steps to get me there....

    @paula3311 Welcome Paula. I think the first step is realizing that a lot of what you struggled with is in the past. It's hard to focus on taking care of yourself when you're in tough situations like that. Baby steps are key. You have to take the time for yourself and realize that you are important and you deserve this. You got this!! We're here to help. We all struggle at times!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    caloricus wrote: »
    Hi Team Slimsons

    I am 55 and this is my third month on the challenge. The first two months I did great until the last week and a half with the holidays and the stress of dealing with family members. I am hoping to get back into my routine.

    Let's rock this month Team Slimsons!

    @caloricus Routines are important, at least I know it's near impossible for me to succeed when I'm out of my routine. You got this, New month, New Year, New YOU!
  • osier5
    osier5 Posts: 429 Member
    Hi, Slimsons! This is my first month doing a challenge. I'm 47 with 2 "adult" children (21 and 19) and a 15 year old. I'm currently in grad school and working full time. The stress/anxiety has been intense. I've been overweight for most of my adult life. I committed to living a healthier life (mentally and physically) in July 2018 and have lost 75 pounds but I have 25 pounds to go. I spent 5 months of last year off track but have been diligent since October. I joined this challenge because I really want to hit my goal and I'm hoping being accountable to this team will keep me on track.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Username fanncy0626
    Weigh in day Friday week 1
    CW 138.8

    @AB0215 I didn’t know if we needed to post our starting weight or if you just added ours from last month.
    WMEJA Posts: 652 Member
    edited January 2020
    Hi my name is Wendy from no so sunny California. This is my first time and I am excited to be part of this team GO SLIMSONS!! I am 5 3 and over 200 lbs. My goal is to lose 100 lbs. I am working on getting a regular exercise routine going which has been easy since I am off work but I start back on Monday. Woohoo! My greatest challenge though is diet but, I am working on that as well...burning fat baby!! I look forward to working with the team to burn baby burn the calories away and the competition? In a friendly and healthy way!

    Ps. My regular weigh in day is the beginning of the week, on Sunday. Do I need to change it to Saturday to stay in the challenge? I don't want to be thrown out just because of the day I put in my weight. Thanks.

  • southgirl94
    southgirl94 Posts: 778 Member
    Dec Wk 5 - Sat, 1/4

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 3K steps walked
    WMEJA Posts: 652 Member
    Daily Post (Saturday /1/4/20)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes I worked out in my home gym. Stationary bike 20 minutes, elliptical 5 minutes, bike 5 minutes punching bag 10 minutes Kickboxing 10 minutes total 50 minutes you all!
    Goals/Day/Comments: My goal for today was to push myself to workout longer and to work on my diet which is a big problem. I tend to get snacky so I needed to keep track of everything I ate which can be a daily challenge in itself.
    WMEJA Posts: 652 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! I am here for you should you need anything - simply message me or tag me by putting an '@' just before my username (NO SPACES) and I will get to you asap! ~ Ashley @AB0215.

    Hello Ashley,
    My name is Wendy. I am on your team, SLIMSONS. I just want to start off by saying how excited I am to be part of your team. I know that I just sent you a message but, I am wondering, if it is not too late, if can change my weigh in day to Saturday. I like to see where I stand at the end of the week so that I can change things for the following week if that makes sense. I already weighed myself today. Thank you for your time.
  • smallhippo1
    smallhippo1 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi everyone this is my 3rd month with the slimsons. December didnt go at all toplan and i ended up 5lbs heavier bathe endnofbit but woth Christmas and other family/work stuff going on I got way off track.

    2020 is the year i will do this starting out at 186lns this month my aim is to lose 8 exercise at least 3 times a week and check in here daily.

    Good luck to all my old and new teammates we can do this!
  • Kin59vara
    Kin59vara Posts: 608 Member
    Week: January Week 1
    PW = 164.7
    CW= 165.1

    Reflections: I weigh myself every day and see fluctuations. I know that I am up .4 but also know why it is so. My calories were under BUT my husband wanted to go to his favorite restaurant and share our favorite meal after watching my son coach at a high school basketball game. Sometimes my calories are under but the choices that I have made impact my weight.
  • Kin59vara
    Kin59vara Posts: 608 Member
    Daily Post: Sunday

    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: Daily Burn: 12900

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited January 2020
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Username fanncy0626
    Weigh in day Friday week 1
    CW 138.8

    @AB0215 I didn’t know if we needed to post our starting weight or if you just added ours from last month.

    @fanncy0626 It carries over. You don't need to repost it.
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