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Introduce Yourself



  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    Welcome @astidog99, glad to have you with us. It can be daunting thinking of getting to a healthy BMI range for sure. I'm far from it myself, but even with what I've lost already I feel so much better physically/mentally. Try not to focus too much on the end goal :)
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hello, my name is Celina I am 5’ 6” and 250 Ibs. I am trying hard to loose weight not to change a number but to feel healthier and better about myself. I have tried time and time again but I am weak and always end up getting busy with college and work and breaking. I am hoping by grouping up with others I will be able to be stronger. I need encouragement. I can’t keep giving up I want to better myself.

    Hi @penguinlover0716 Celina,

    Welcome to LL.

    One of the more important things I have learned from my many failures is that if you have a hard time sticking to a process do not start by suggesting that a lack of willpower is to blame. Start by reviewing the process and determine what parts of it, if any, can be made to be easier. Weight loss is not a time to challenge your resolve. That happens anyway. The process of weight loss needs to be as easy as possible so that adherence is less of a challenge. Hopefully in addition to encouragement we can help you find ways to make your process easier.

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hey- new here. I’m looking for support and success / inspiration! I had some successful weight loss a few years ago but it crept back up, lots and lots- to a new high.

    I just recently (mid-Nov) had lab work at my physical and have a bunch of issues I have to take care of- prediabetes, high triglycerides, and out of whack thyroid (not a new problem, just med adjustment). All really so related to obesity and poor balance. It’s depressing!! My mom has diabetes and I see the strain it takes, even though she has good control.

    So my butt is now in gear- I feel a different resolve that isn’t about looking good, or cuter clothes, but life. I have a long road ahead, 83 pounds of loss to get to a healthy BMI (the TOP of the range). That sounds SO daunting. I’m a single mom, higher stress, but lots of positives too. In it with y’all!!

    I’ll check in later!

    Hi @GeminiLady159,


    The good news is that abating or mitigating your health issues will likely happen during your weight loss not at the conclusion of it. This means that while losing 83 pounds and getting to a healthy BMI is a great goal you do not need to make it more daunting by connecting all 83 pounds to your health goals. No one can predict when you will start seeing enough progress to show up in a blood test but getting healthier happens as you are losing weight. I choose to look at my health as improving each day I am in a calorie deficit and/or improving my level of fitness. It may take a lot of days for it to add up to enough that a doctor can measure but it makes it easier for me to view it as a daily goal.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    astidog99 wrote: »
    Hi Just found this group. I am 54 yr old, 5ft nowt and weight... nope too soon for that lol. I have a lot to lose- I look at charts with healthy weight and BMI and I and sure I will never ever get close to them but I still want to try and get rid of a lot.

    I am trying baby steps- one thing at a time. I am using MFP and just working on keeping under the calorie recommendation (which I have fixed for now at the initial recommendation of 1410) (Please don't do the maths lol) and ignoring everything else for now. So far so good. I am seeing the numbers very slowly going down.

    I do surprise people- I don't eat a lot. It is rare for me to finish a meal in a restaurant as there is just too much. My problem is I eat the wrong things, mostly because I just don't like the majority of "healthy" food (including the majority of fruit and veg!) You never know, my later posts may reveal the weird things I am eating and keeping me within my goals.

    Hi @astidog99,


    You do not need to ever share your weight if you do not want. Different people have different comfort levels with what they share online. I am quite private myself.

    If you read enough around here you will see that I subscribe heavily to the theory that you should eat a healthy number of calories before worrying about what kind of food should be involved. Most food has nutrients you need some just has more than others. I do not like to think of food as right or wrong or as healthy or unhealthy. Weight loss is healthy all by itself. Nutrition is important but there are many ways to make that work these days.
  • Supergirlsmum
    Supergirlsmum Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I am 5' 8" and have around 110lbs I hope to lose. I suffer with a chronic pain condition and in the 6 years I have had it, the weight has piled on.
    Due to past trauma I also have severe social anxiety so am unable to physically go to any weight loss groups. So I am hoping that MFP will help with the advice and support side on this journey to a healthier me and find some like minded buddies. Hoping that I can help with supporting others along the way too. 🙂
  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    I know it seems daunting, but with discipline and support, you can get there. Try to get into the habit of tracking EVERYTHING you eat. Then make adjustments to the types and/or amounts of food you eat. You'll see many people posting about the types of plans they follow - keto, low-carb, intermittent fasting, low fat, high protein, the list goes on. Personally, I don't follow a "plan", I eat whatever, just modify how I prepare it to reduce calories. Good luck to you. Keep us posted.

    Highest Weight : 343
    Current Weight: 231.7
  • 1973marley
    1973marley Posts: 3 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Introduce yourself here. Share as much or as little as you like.

    Hiya I'm in my mid 40s have fibromyalgia which makes exercise hard have also got epilepsy but now got it under control so want to concentrate on my weight.
    Every year something has cropped up health wise but I'm determined this year I am going to lose my weight.
    It's just I'm from a small town and don't have anyone I feel comfortable talking about my weight too them. And I would love some support. I am not that familiar with mfp if there is settings u want me to change I think u can show ur diary etc let me know what I have to do. I am currently 220 and want to lose 100 pounds which is a very tough ask but I just have to stay positive and that's the part I find hard.
  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    Hi @1973marley and welcome to LL! I hope you had a nice holiday season.

    Thankfully, you can do it without too much exercise if that's a barrier for you. While maybe getting some walking in would help you along, you don't need to go hard at cardio to succeed.

    What's your height? Make sure that 120 lbs (your end goal) is a healthy weight for your body. Looking forward to hearing more from you here or anywhere in the LL forums!
  • twinmombalto
    twinmombalto Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm new (again). I've been playing on MFP for a few years and could never sustain much forward progress. But I'm trying again! I have about 85lbs to lose. Look forward to getting to know everyone and trading support.
  • CrySunshine
    CrySunshine Posts: 2 Member
    hi all!!! thank you for the group. i have 100+ lbs to loose. been here before,,,, now im back. need motivation. please add me :smile:
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I am 68 and been on MFP since May 28 and I have lost 57 lbs.....now at 293 from 350!...I have had both knees replaced and my shoulder fixed...l was pre diabetic and B/P over the moon...stick with MFP guidelines and you will do fine...this group has a lot of motivation and success stories...please join in!....
  • MangoosePolicy
    MangoosePolicy Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Eva. I'm about 230 lbs at 5'0" tall. I'm looking to lose just around 100 pounds - maybe more maybe less depending on how it sits on my small frame. I've tried losing before - and I did a pretty good job, but then I graduated college and lost access to the free gym. Once I stopped exercising regularly, all I ever seemed to do instead was eat.

    I'm looking forward to really committing to this lifestyle change. And I'm so glad I've found other people on a similar journey.
  • Masika13
    Masika13 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone. Ive been back and forth on mfp for several years. After trying to change my eating habits and countless times of trying, somehow i did it. January 28,2019 i started my journey for a better me. Ive lost 97 pounds. Hopefully by the 28th ill reach the 100 pound loss. I am impatiently trying to lose the last 33. I know the slower the more sustaniable.
  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    edited January 2020
    Welcome all to LL!

    Feel free to browse the discussion threads here and jump into the conversation (or start your own!)
  • LauraRN73952017
    LauraRN73952017 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello everyone! I have always had issues with my weight. I have dieted since I was a teenager. I would lose and never keep it off. 14 years ago I hit my highest weight. I was 125 lbs over my ideal weight I opted to have a gastric bypass. I lost 95 lb I swore I would never be in that place again. Slowly over the next 14 years I gained almost all of the weight back. So here I am determined to lose the weight for good
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    1973marley wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Introduce yourself here. Share as much or as little as you like.

    Hiya I'm in my mid 40s have fibromyalgia which makes exercise hard have also got epilepsy but now got it under control so want to concentrate on my weight.
    Every year something has cropped up health wise but I'm determined this year I am going to lose my weight.
    It's just I'm from a small town and don't have anyone I feel comfortable talking about my weight too them. And I would love some support. I am not that familiar with mfp if there is settings u want me to change I think u can show ur diary etc let me know what I have to do. I am currently 220 and want to lose 100 pounds which is a very tough ask but I just have to stay positive and that's the part I find hard.

    Hi @1973marley,

    If you want to show your diary you can. It is not required here. I don't use the app as much as I use the website but someone can point you in the right direction.

    I have never found it sustainable to set out to lose 100 pounds. I did find it sustainable to try and get through one day at a time in a calorie deficit. By focusing on the day I made it a priority to make the process as simple and easy as possible and try to be happy doing it. That was important because when I started I had much more than 100 to lose and it was even more daunting. My plan was to ignore weight loss as much as possible and when it showed up on the scale consider it a bonus prize of eating a healthy number of calories each day.

    You can do this. Don't expect yourself to be perfect and certainly do not expect yourself to have it all figured out right now. It can require some trial and error. Largely once you get the hunger piece solved the rest of it is managing your mental state which is the piece that can be the hardest.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hello everyone! I am 24 (almost 25!) and I have 100 pounds to lose. I was in an abusive relationship for 2.5 years which led to me comfort-eating and gaining a ton of weight rapidly, and by the time I realized it was killing me I was so beaten-down I didn't care. But I'm tired of making excuses for myself and I am ready to feel strong and healthy for the first time in my life. I am lucky to have a good boyfriend now who loves and supports me at any size and helps with my fitness goals, and 2 sisters who are encouraging of my health goals. But as much as I am blessed to have their love and support, it would be nice to have some friends on here who understand what it is like to have to lose that much weight. I am optimistic for my future with this and am looking forward to making some fitness friends here! Thank you!

    Hi @lindseywalsh0,

    Sometimes the people in your life are too close or they try too hard to provide a solution when in reality sometimes the only response that is correct when you have had a bad day is "That sucks." Here we know that some days will suck because we are going through them too. We also know that you do not need to be perfect you just need to be good enough.

    The other problem is that many people have pre-programmed ideas about what it takes to lose weight. They may not understand when you are eating potato chips with your sandwich that it is not cheating. I have lost a lot of weight and very few weeks go by that I have not had a few chips.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm new (again). I've been playing on MFP for a few years and could never sustain much forward progress. But I'm trying again! I have about 85lbs to lose. Look forward to getting to know everyone and trading support.

    Hi @twinmombalto,

    I think the kind of support we can offer here is helping you to look at your plan to suggest what you might need to try to make this one more sustainable. I say try because can take some time and experimentation to figure out for yourself. One of my problems with many of my previous weight loss attempts was that I kept trying the same approach. I had to learn what to do differently.