Introduce Yourself



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    hi all!!! thank you for the group. i have 100+ lbs to loose. been here before,,,, now im back. need motivation. please add me :smile:

    Hi @CrySunshine,

    I think motivation is fine for wanting to change. I think establishing easy to follow daily habits is what is needed to make the change happen. Try to consider that weight loss is actually a pretty small chapter in your future success story because maintaining your weight loss needs to be endless. This means you will always have to eat the correct number of calories. When you start thinking that way you realize you need a plan you can potentially live with forever and not one that requires large dosages of motivation to get done day after day, week after week, year after year, and so forth.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    ZoneFive wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Ann-Marie. 61, currently 311, 5'7". I've lost substantial weight several times in my life and each time gained back to where I'd been, plus more pounds. I've been diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure, the whole ugly cocktail. This time, though, the aches and pains of being sedentary are worse than they've ever been and it's scaring me. I want to, I need to, get back on my feet and get moving -- and I'm worried that I'll push too fast and overdo things early in the game. I've never wanted to check in with a group and show my progress, but I think this finally might be the right time for it.

    I'm Ann-Marie, I eat too much and I don't move enough. Hello.

    Hi @ZoneFive Ann-Marie,

    The difference between sedentary and lightly active does not need to involve any exercise. All additional movement is burning calories and working muscles. Improving your non-exercise activity is pretty important because it is easier to establish than exercise habits and less likely to be overdone and create a setback.

    I have two things I tell myself for improving my NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenisis)

    1) Work harder not smarter
    2) The chair/couch/whatever is on fire

    Working harder means being less efficient like carrying less bags of groceries than I am capable so I am forced to make additional trips.

    The chair is on fire is like when you were a kid and you might have pretended that the floor was lava. In this situation I am trying to treat the chair as the enemy it actually is so I pretend it is on fire and sitting for long periods will burn me - because it will.

    A regular exercise program is important and every effort needs to be made to do one but don't think it is only about intentional exercise... it is not.

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I'm Eva. I'm about 230 lbs at 5'0" tall. I'm looking to lose just around 100 pounds - maybe more maybe less depending on how it sits on my small frame. I've tried losing before - and I did a pretty good job, but then I graduated college and lost access to the free gym. Once I stopped exercising regularly, all I ever seemed to do instead was eat.

    I'm looking forward to really committing to this lifestyle change. And I'm so glad I've found other people on a similar journey.

    I think it is best to consider exercise as a means for improved fitness and eating is for weight loss. Many people combine them which will sometimes create a problem when exercise is interrupted. Also weight gain seems to go hand in hand with major chapter changes in life. It certainly has for me. My activity level would take a sharp decline while my eating remained the same. I moved more when I was younger. I moved more when I was single. I moved more in my early employment days before I got into my career which allows me to sit more... I basically gained some weight after high school, some after college, some after marriage, and a lot because of my sedentary and time demanding career.

    Anyway what is done is done. We can't change the past but we can certainly change the future. I look forward to watching you succeed.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited January 2020
    Masika13 wrote: »
    Hello everyone. Ive been back and forth on mfp for several years. After trying to change my eating habits and countless times of trying, somehow i did it. January 28,2019 i started my journey for a better me. Ive lost 97 pounds. Hopefully by the 28th ill reach the 100 pound loss. I am impatiently trying to lose the last 33. I know the slower the more sustaniable.

    Hi @Masika13,

    Congrats on the progress. You have done great!

    I don't know that slower always equals more sustainable especially if you are struggling with patience. Sometimes slower is just something that has to be endured. I think if you are losing at a pace that does not compromise your health sustainable is just whatever you need to do for you to make it permanent.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hello everyone! I have always had issues with my weight. I have dieted since I was a teenager. I would lose and never keep it off. 14 years ago I hit my highest weight. I was 125 lbs over my ideal weight I opted to have a gastric bypass. I lost 95 lb I swore I would never be in that place again. Slowly over the next 14 years I gained almost all of the weight back. So here I am determined to lose the weight for good

    Hi @LauraRN73952017,

    Welcome. I think many of us, I certainly do, understand the lifelong battle with weight. I also started as a teen. I hope we can help as you get it permanently done this time.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I think I am caught up now. I didn't post much over the holidays so I got behind on my welcomes. If I missed anyone and you would like an individual welcome message let me know.

  • aoelliott2016
    aoelliott2016 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone. I am new to the thought of using an online community for support. I am currently looking to start a very serious journey to getting healthier for my two daughters. My ideal weight is 180, which I don’t think is somewhere that I want to be. I do however want to be at the 200lb mark, needing you lose 75 lbs currently. I’ve been tracking my intake for the last couple of weeks with success. Our new gym opened up today and looking forward to spending some time there. This one offers childcare so my wife is going to be going as well, which I’m hoping will motivate the both of us, please add feel free to add me as a friend, I can use all the tips and advice and motivation to stay on track as I can.
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    My ideal weight is 140 pounds because I have a larger frame and I felt comfortable at that weight. I've been off-and-on dieting for several years and I'm currently the heaviest that I've ever been at 242 pounds.

    I've always been heavier than average due to my family's eating habits. My family loved junk food when I was young and they're very food-oriented when it comes to social events. I do suffer from depression and I have overeaten in the past because of it. I have mostly overcome binging and I do eat healthier foods now, but its still a struggle at times.

    I'm currently trying to get back into the swing of things and I'm starting out slow by incorporating better habits. I currently have MFP to lose a half pound each week, but I will adjust that goal to one pound a week soon.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hello everyone. I am new to the thought of using an online community for support. I am currently looking to start a very serious journey to getting healthier for my two daughters. My ideal weight is 180, which I don’t think is somewhere that I want to be. I do however want to be at the 200lb mark, needing you lose 75 lbs currently. I’ve been tracking my intake for the last couple of weeks with success. Our new gym opened up today and looking forward to spending some time there. This one offers childcare so my wife is going to be going as well, which I’m hoping will motivate the both of us, please add feel free to add me as a friend, I can use all the tips and advice and motivation to stay on track as I can.

    Hi @aoelliott2016


    Good job logging and making some progress. I am not sure it matters what your goal weight is or should be. I have been at this for nearly 2 years and I still do not have one. I am aiming to get just below 200 and see what that looks and feels like before making any other choices.

    One word of caution about the word 'serious'. It is great to be serious about your commitment to change and improving your health and fitness but try not to let it translate into being too serious with yourself right now trying to get there. Losing 75 pounds requires time and adherence aka sustainability. Sustainability usually requires that you are kind to yourself. Try not to make drastic changes. Make small ones. Get accustomed to them and then make more.

    I am not saying you are doing anything wrong. The word serious kind of jumps off the page at me.

    Let us know how we can help.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    rhaiin wrote: »
    My ideal weight is 140 pounds because I have a larger frame and I felt comfortable at that weight. I've been off-and-on dieting for several years and I'm currently the heaviest that I've ever been at 242 pounds.

    I've always been heavier than average due to my family's eating habits. My family loved junk food when I was young and they're very food-oriented when it comes to social events. I do suffer from depression and I have overeaten in the past because of it. I have mostly overcome binging and I do eat healthier foods now, but its still a struggle at times.

    I'm currently trying to get back into the swing of things and I'm starting out slow by incorporating better habits. I currently have MFP to lose a half pound each week, but I will adjust that goal to one pound a week soon.

    Hi @rhaiin

    I like the way you are starting. Wading into the pool is sometimes better than diving into the deep end.

    It is best, in my opinion, to not call some food junk. It is better to call it food that you need to moderate. There is really no need to restrict anything that you can make fit in your calorie budget. Restricting the food I enjoyed was often part of my recipe for failure.

    Here is an article to read about how calorie deficits can possibly impact depression:

    Welcome. Jump in anwywhere!
  • hansep0012
    hansep0012 Posts: 385 Member
    @ZoneFive Welcome! I read your post and thought to myself, "Hey, that was (is) my concern, too" about getting moving. Although I've been making changes for a year now it was pretty cool to actually think about the PROGRESS I've made in 2019.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not running any marathons or lighting the exercise world on fire. But in terms of me, where I started and what I've accomplished in 2019 - now that's a pretty nifty achievement. Here's a small run-down of some of things I am proud of:

    I do my best to not lean on things and strive to stand or sit using my core muscles. Simple things such as riding in an elevator had me leaning up against the wall or tucked into the corner. Notice I did not immediately start taking the three flight of stairs, I just stopped propping myself up in the elevator. When moving from a seated position I deliberately use my legs to raise myself rather than positioning my arms to "push off" the arm rests. Same for lowering myself onto a chair, all legs, no "falling" into a chair (although I may use my fingertips to steady a roll-around chair). You get the idea.

    By far, in my mind, the most measurable thing I changed in 2019 about moving was starting to move - because it had been decades since I regularly and deliberately moved my body. The meme below is truly a testament to my walking - my five minutes at 2 mph on the treadmill was my workout when I started, now it's my warm-up and cool down!

  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    Thanks, @hansep0012. I've been slowly ramping up my activity. It was only a couple of years ago that I was swimming and walking daily, but a knee blowout put the squash on that rather abruptly. Right now I'm happy to be walking 5K steps a day, and -- rather like you -- thinking about getting back to the gym and pool. At some point I know I'll get bored of thinking and want to DO, and that'll be the time I get my gym bag and go.

    Thank you, too, @NovusDies.

    I have two things I tell myself for improving my NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenisis)

    1) Work harder not smarter
    2) The chair/couch/whatever is on fire

    Working harder means being less efficient like carrying less bags of groceries than I am capable so I am forced to make additional trips.

    The chair is on fire is like when you were a kid and you might have pretended that the floor was lava. In this situation I am trying to treat the chair as the enemy it actually is so I pretend it is on fire and sitting for long periods will burn me - because it will.

    I have two things, too -- two dogs who have learned to make it impossible for me to sit for very long. They demand to go out and come back in in reasonably quick succession, so I should probably lean into walking to the back door and make a circuit of the house or the yard each time. The multiple grocery bag trip idea is a good one, too!

    Thank you all for the welcomes. I'm glad to be here!
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    It is best, in my opinion, to not call some food junk. It is better to call it food that you need to moderate. There is really no need to restrict anything that you can make fit in your calorie budget. Restricting the food I enjoyed was often part of my recipe for failure.

    I don't have issues with eating any certain foods. There are certain ones I often avoid simply because I don't have the self control to not eat too much, but really, nothing is off-limits. When I'm talking junk food, its because my family would literally pile a plate full of chips, cheese, pepperoni and olives and call it a "snack" every night. It was bad. I didn't realize until high school that that wasn't how normal people ate.
  • skyegonestrong
    skyegonestrong Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I'm Skyelar, 27, mom of 2 young boys and I've been "struggling" with my weight since basically I started eating solid food 🙃 I'm alone in my house trying to make better food choices so I'd love to connect with people in my shoes.
    I'm currently 270lbs, aiming for 200 by the end of the year. I'm interested in eating lower carb, higher fat and protein, as well as lifting weights to lose fat and get strong. Ultimately my goal is to be fit enough to save my children's life if it would come to it, but I can't lift my own weight where I'm starting.
    In 2017 I went from 260 to 200 and only desire to be that weight for now, even though by BMI I could stand to lose 120 or so. Don't really care, I just want to feel good in my skin, be able to chase my kids around, buy clothes in stores again, and lose my food obsession. Plus, curves are sexy and I don't care to lose ALL my softness 😊
  • hansep0012
    hansep0012 Posts: 385 Member
    @skyegonestrong Welcome! Great introduction and background - the support provided here is pretty darn wonderful. As @NovusDies often comments, jump in, ask questions, start conversations and do it at your own pace.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hello! I'm Skyelar, 27, mom of 2 young boys and I've been "struggling" with my weight since basically I started eating solid food 🙃 I'm alone in my house trying to make better food choices so I'd love to connect with people in my shoes.
    I'm currently 270lbs, aiming for 200 by the end of the year. I'm interested in eating lower carb, higher fat and protein, as well as lifting weights to lose fat and get strong. Ultimately my goal is to be fit enough to save my children's life if it would come to it, but I can't lift my own weight where I'm starting.
    In 2017 I went from 260 to 200 and only desire to be that weight for now, even though by BMI I could stand to lose 120 or so. Don't really care, I just want to feel good in my skin, be able to chase my kids around, buy clothes in stores again, and lose my food obsession. Plus, curves are sexy and I don't care to lose ALL my softness 😊

    Hi @skyegonestrong Skyelar,


    I do not think it is that important to worry about goal weights. There is nothing you can do today that can or should be influenced by how many pounds are in front of you.

    I do caution against setting a weight by date. In theory it seems like a good idea to motivate but with weight loss it can backfire. It can cause you to try to go too fast which might kill your ability to adhere to it and it can create the notion that you are done once you get to 200. If you want to stay at that weight you will need to remain in weight management mode forever.

    Jump in anywhere. The natives are welcoming and understanding.
  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    @JackKsavestheday Welcome to LL!

    My story's somewhat similar, lost 110 lbs 10 years ago. Gained it back and more. Failed to get back on the wagon for years, and finally got serious about my health about a year ago now.

    I'll send you a friend request.
  • hansep0012
    hansep0012 Posts: 385 Member
    @JackKsavestheday Hi, Jack, welcome! My diary is open - so it's an invite, not a snoop, lol.
    Looking forward to you joining the group. Jump in anywhere!
  • weightloss42020
    weightloss42020 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am new, my name is Becky. I am a single mom of three kids. I began my diet on January 1st, and have already lost 8.6 lb. My starting weight was 343 and I am 5"5.

    I have always been "heavier" but since my divorce I have put on nearly 80 lb. I don't feel like myself anymore and I know I am not healthy. So just trying to take it slow and keep this a long-term thing.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
