TRIMSTONES January 2020 Chat



  • kmfeig87
    kmfeig87 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Hey Jess! @jessicakrall8 Let's go with 13,000 for the daily goal!
  • achagpar
    achagpar Posts: 493 Member
    kmfeig87 wrote: »
    I really need to get my game back a bit in gear. But my sister is here this I'm less motivated. I'm walking....but not quite getting with it on the food plan. Also taking steroids which seems to drive the scale pretty wacky. On the other hand, this is a journey and I'm not really that upset about taking a bit longer on it. I'm still in my healthy weight range and in some ways maintenance is equally daunting, whereas I know how to do this part!. :smile: :wink: Rock on Trimstones!!

    I’m right there with you... family visiting so eating way too much of the wrong stuff, not getting to the gym etc.. my habit tracker looks pretty bad... 🙄but I will get myself back on track next week.

    Steps for 1/8: 6998
  • DreaRN15
    DreaRN15 Posts: 453 Member
    DreaRN15- I’ve noticed the detox period is less and less, each time, have you noticed that?

    I guess I don't pay much attention to that because I only do this 3 week fast once a year but today I'm good. The first 2 days were the worst and it kinda weaned off yesterday.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    This appeared on one of the other team threads this morning, and I find it so wonderful that I want to share it. Of course, substitute your team name where they mention theirs!
    mrmcgrath wrote: »
    I am really missing my workouts so today, even though my workload hasn’t decreased, I will get to the gym! Sorry I haven’t really responded to any of your wonderful post. I have read them.

    Check In
    Username: mrmcgrath
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Weight: 198.2
    Todays Weight 196.4💥

    Calories: over
    Water: over/under? Over
    Macros: changed from % to grams. 2 out of 3
    Exercise: ??? Laundry. Lol

    Yesterday’s Fitbit/mfp stats:
    4973 steps. 5500 goal steps
    2.17 miles
    2400 burned calories
    12 active
    81 sleep score
    64 resting sleep
    2039 calories consumed

    Macros by grams. carb 198g, goal >150g, fat 94g, goal 44-77g, protein 101g, goal 70g

    Basic Goals
    30 active (heart rate driven) minutes: 12👎
    Complete food diary: 🎉
    Stay hydrated(more than 64 oz): 💦
    Stay below sugar goal: 👎
    Meet fiber in range: lettuce 👎
    Daily self care: meditating, crafting, reading, etc.🧘‍♀️
    Sleep: minimum 7 hours 💤

    My vision for 2020:
    To find out who I am outside of “mom” since I will be an empty nester in the 5 months.
    To love me no matter where I am at in my journey.
    To pursue habits and hobbies that I will enjoy and that will enrich my soul.
    To focus on total health (mind, body, and soul)

    Don’t let any one weigh-in dictate what I do.
    Choose to do the work.
    Choose to show up & do the actions.
    Don’t give up when you get your first bit of resistance.
    Stick to your habits no matter what. Ignore your ego and avoid complacency.
    Keep a connection with others who understand what this journey. Isolation is not helpful
    Don’t hide when weight gain happens. Assume it will. Share your truth, and don’t let your mind tell you no one will understand.
    Make up your mind that you are and will be successful.
    Accept that this is your struggle, and you will not be fixed. I will need to continuously manage my condition.

    WOW! This check-in is the first thing I am reading today, and @mrmcgrath has so much to say that is just SO inspiring.
    Key points, for me:
    • Choose to do the work... YES! There are no shortcuts.
    • Don’t give up. YES! Sometimes the work is figuring out which actions even work for us, for our body and environment and personality. Do the actions. Watch the results. Adjust as needed. But never give up!
    • Keep a connection with others who understand what this journey. Isolation is not helpful. SO MUCH YES! And Slimpossibles is such a great space for sharing the journey! :smile:
    • Accept that this is your struggle, and you will not be fixed. YES! And I think this may be the secret to maintenance. The future I at one thought I would find was one in which I lost all the weight and then got to eat what everyone else eats (more accurately, what I think they eat), as much as I want, and exercise as littler as I want (again, my *idea* of that, not anything reality-based. But of course I never get to be anybody else. All I can do is make my own choices about managing my own body and life.

  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    angmarie28 wrote: »
    So today started my works annual weight loss challenge. which is great, but slightly unfair as I started a week early, so I may have cheated a bit, and drank a bit of extra water before me weigh in this morning (at work, not on my official weigh in on here, lol) I didnt drink enough to go over my last weeks weight of 3.2lbs more than this week though, so nothing crazy, lol

    Mine starts today but we weigh in at home this week and send a picture of our scale. I have taken a picture each morning to make sure I start with the highest amount. :D
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    1/8 10,017
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Wednesday people did great (all green). No pressure Friday people :o
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member

    Jan 8 - 10,794
  • monaraehill2
    monaraehill2 Posts: 61 Member
    edited January 2020
    Definitely feeling some detox symptoms....despite all the sleep I’ve been getting (12 hours, some nights)....still feel very tired and spacey, intermittently nauseous, while my body adjusts to the IF’ing. Glad I made the decision NOT to try and work in exercise, yet. One major adjustment at a time, hey?
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,222 Member
    kcpond wrote: »

    Jan 1 - 5,848

    Hey @kcpond this step report fell after you reported the 3rd and 4th and after this you reported the 6th, so is 5848 for the 5th perhaps? That's what we're me fill in the gaps...check the chart if I'm confusing you...let me know! Thanks! :smile:
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Thank god for 70 calorie fiber one bars. Ive been fighting cravings for 2 days for pastries, so I ate 2 fiber one birthday cake brownies. Not as satisfying as other things like donuts, but they did satisfy the cravings, and not a ton of sugar, I finished the day at 17g of sugar.
  • schlerin
    schlerin Posts: 801 Member
    1/8 = 9,750
  • Kityseraph
    Kityseraph Posts: 14 Member
    Username: kityseraph
    Weigh in week: 1
    Weigh in day: Thursday (15 min to spare😅)
    Previous Weight (PW): 331
    Today's (Current) Weight (CW): 330.8
  • achagpar
    achagpar Posts: 493 Member
    Steps for 1/9: 8688
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Kityseraph wrote: »
    Hey sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sabrina, I live in Everett Washington. I'm 37 years old almost 38 on the 17th. I'm a mother of three children 5, 10, and 15. I've been on my fitness pal forever.. have gone through lots of cycles of losing a lot of weight but then gaining it back. Sadly I've lost 125 lb twice in my life and gained it. And hoping this time will be different I am trying to completely avoid sugar and flour since I know those are addicting and I have found I can't have those in moderation because then I slipped back into my old ways even after a little bit and believing I'm strong. I found this group from one of my MyFitnessPal posting about it and thought it could be very motivating to stay on track.

    welcome to the team. Im avoiding sugar also. Its suppose to be just a month challenge, but I may go longer as its helping me a lot with cutting calories.
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