Introduce Yourself



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    speyerj wrote: »
    Hi there, My name is Jane.I may be a little late to the party as I'm 7 1/2 months into my most recent weight loss journey. Truthfully, I should stop saying most recent - I should say last. It's sort of like introducing your spouse as your "current husband" - doesn't bode well for the future.

    Back in 2014-2015 I lost a little over 100 pounds, then regained it (and a little more for good measure) from 2016 to 2019. There was a somewhat sustained effort or two to get back on track, but allowed myself to throw in the towel. Nerve pain shooting down my leg finally prompted me to restart. I'm trying to do it right this time and make it last forever.

    I re-started at 286.5 on June 3rd. As of today I weigh 209.3. My goal is to get to 180 and see how that feels.

    I'm happy to say that the nerve pain has subsided. Every once in a while, I'll get an attack and I say thank you, thank you for reminding me why I cannot allow myself to relapse. You see, my abdominal fat was pressing against my front femoral nerve resulting in burning, stabbing pain that stopped me from sleeping. My first day of my "diet", a co-worker brought doughnuts into work. I was tempted, but then thought to myself, "I can have the doughnut, or I can recover from this searing pain." It served as good motivation.

    What's different about this attempt is that I've come to terms that I can't just go back to "living my life" like I used to do. The first time I lost weight, the whole time I was waiting, waiting to hit my goal weight. I said things like, "I can't wait until I hit my goal weight so I can eat, ____" Fill in the blank. I literally had dreams about bread and pizza. This time round, I eat bread, but only really, really good bread. And I eat pizza. But only really good pizza. I eat ice cream. But I measure it. And I make sure its good ice cream. No Halo Top for me. If I'm going to have a treat, it needs to be worth it.

    I'm also paying more attention to Macros. I figured out that when I ate a lot of protein, I wasn't hungry. When I ate a lot of carbs, I was starving. So now I track my protein striving for 100 grams a day at minimum and trying to limit carbs to under 100. I let the fat fall where it may. I used to think fat was the enemy. That just meant I substituted fat for carbs. It wasn't healthy. It wasn't helping me reach my goals.

    I log everything (or I try to). Yes, sometimes I just can't figure it out, like when you eat with friends a Tapas Restaurant and you are nibbling on 6 or 7 different dishes and you have no idea what's in them. Then I give up and log 800 calories and call it good. But mostly, I am weighing and measuring everything. And I kind of enjoy it. I weigh myself every day. I don't get hung up about the ups and downs. But there is a saying in business, that "What gets measured gets managed" You cannot manage effectively without measuring. The same is true of weight management.

    I seek support. My first few times out with MFP, I occasionally visited the community page but rarely posted and had no MFP friends. Today, I log in every day; I post something everyday, even if its just a "Woohoo" to someone's weight loss post; and I belong to a couple of groups. Hearing other's stories is inspiring and motivating, but helping others who are going through something I went through is therapeutic. I now understand why so many recovering alcoholics continue to go to AA and sponsor others. Helping others along the way sustains you. It reaffirms your own commitment.

    I hope you don't mind that I wrote a book. Feel free to friend me if something in my post spoke to you.

    Hi @speyerj Jane,

    I read the first couple of chapters. I can't wait to read the rest.

    Joking of course...

    Welcome to LL.

    No one is ever late coming here. I think it is important to have people at different stages talking about their lives and helping to troubleshoot. Weight management takes a lifetime to be successful and we can always learn from each other. Being further along doesn't mean that a person just starting won't have a usable insight. I am not sure about maintenance but I have learned that as long as you have weight left to lose you should not assume you have all the answers. I certainly don't.
  • jasspennington
    jasspennington Posts: 94 Member
    I’m Sebrina and have been heavy since the birth of my first baby. I was thin as a teenager but I had my first daughter when I was 18. I gained so much weight with the pregnancy know one understood why. Even the doctors. I lost some of the weight after she was born then I was pregnant again with my second daughter. I gained again. I have tried for years to lose the weight and haven’t had much luck. I am an emotional eater and as you all know life is an emotional roller coaster. I have a new mind set this tome around and I am very determined. This is going to be the start of a new me! Please friend me if you like! I feel like the bigger my support system the better I will do! Accountability! Thank you for this group!
  • science_and_fairies
    I'm Krystal!
    I have approximately 100 lbs to lose. I'm hoping to lose 50 before my wedding December 2020, cuz I will be under 200 then.

    One if my personal challenges is that i don't have access to a kitchen at all. (I live in a back house that is basically just a bedroom). As a result a lot of my diary is fast food, which isnt particularly diet friendly.

    Anyone who wants to add me please do, I would love the company.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I'm Krystal!
    I have approximately 100 lbs to lose. I'm hoping to lose 50 before my wedding December 2020, cuz I will be under 200 then.

    One if my personal challenges is that i don't have access to a kitchen at all. (I live in a back house that is basically just a bedroom). As a result a lot of my diary is fast food, which isnt particularly diet friendly.

    Anyone who wants to add me please do, I would love the company.

    @science_and_fairies Hi, Krystal!

    is there enough room for a mini fridge and maybe a hot plate and a toaster oven? One of the places I rented a few years ago had the fridge go bad. The landlord brought another one over, but didn't handle it right and it went bad. He wouldn't replace that one, so I made due with a mini fridge for 6 months until I was able to move out. You find yourself shopping a lot since you can only get a little at a time, but it worked! And its amazing what you can cook in a toaster oven.

    Anyway, just some thoughts - might help with the out to eating. But even if not, the nice thing about fast food joints is that most large chain ones have the calorie counts on the menu now and many have good calorie calculators on their websites. I modify stuff at Wendy's, Mcdonald's, and Arby's all the time to find the items with the best calorie counts and then modify them by taking things off or changing things up to keep those counts low.
  • science_and_fairies
    I dont have the space to set up a toaster oven or hot plate. I do have a mini fridge. However, I dont really use it to it's full potential. I'm not sure what meals I can make with such a small space in and out of the fridge. Most I use it to hold milk from cereal and lunchmeat. I think I need to start doing research into low prep/no cook meals.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @science_and_fairies that stinks! What about a crock pot? You can get little ones that hold a serving or two, and it could be set in the floor to cook while you're away and even stored under the bed when you aren't using it. I love my crockpot and am using it a few times a week, making overnight oatmeal, soups, casseroles, baking meats in it. Course, the down side is that you have to prep in the morning to have dinner ready in the evening, and prep in the evening for dinner in the morning.

    Hope things can turn around for you soon!
  • riagan1
    riagan1 Posts: 12 Member
    Wishing you all the best in your journey 👍😊
  • Jassaph
    Jassaph Posts: 44 Member
    Hello everyone, i weigh 109kg and am hoping to lose 35-40kg which is like 75-88 pounds so I've got a lot to lose. I'm 22 years old and i just got out of the university i want to lose a lot of weight before i start my job. I've always being a big kid since my baby days (cause i weighed 4.4kg as a baby🤣🤣) so i really want to shed some fat. I've been in MFP for about 6 weeks and a few days. I really hope i get to my goal weight which is why am here for encouragement and support in this weight loss journey. Thank you😊
  • Jassaph
    Jassaph Posts: 44 Member
    Hello everyone, i weigh 109kg and am hoping to lose 35-40kg which is like 75-88 pounds so I've got a lot to lose. I'm 22 years old and i just got out of the university i want to lose a lot of weight before i start my job. I've always being a big kid since my baby days (cause i weighed 4.4kg as a baby🤣🤣) so i really want to shed some fat. I've been in MFP for about 6 weeks and a few days. I really hope i get to my goal weight which is why am here for encouragement and support in this weight loss journey. Thank you😊
  • Toxyc
    Toxyc Posts: 36 Member
    Hey! I'm Tal!

    I am trying to lose at least 100 lbs. Aiming to be under 200 by next year. I've been over 200 lbs my whole life, with many failed dieting and life style changing attempts. This time is at least different as I'm finally in a very safe and supported place, plus I've worked so hard on dealing with my own mental health surrounding food.

    I have arthritis in my spine, and am tired of being in constant pain with my back, feet and knees. So I'm currently doing yoga every day, changing what I eat, and slowly adding in other workouts (mostly DDR right now).

    Anyone who wants to add me, please feel free! I would love more friends on this journey!
  • sayingyes2success
    sayingyes2success Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Lis, 51 years old, mother of two. I've struggled with my weight since my teen years and been a yo-yo dieter. In 2016 I lost 100 pounds and was sure it was the last time. However, life took a downward turn, I went through some emotional events, and gained most of the weight back. I have arthritis and tendinitis issues, fibromyalgia, and depression/anxiety. I came back to MFP at the beginning of this month with a whole new outlook and feel ready to commit to a healthy lifestyle.

    Look forward to learning about other's journeys. Feel free to add me, always looking for new friends.
  • Charley872017
    Charley872017 Posts: 4 Member

    My name is Charley, I'm 32 and have 3 children. I am a 2nd year nursing student. I have lots of weight to shift mainly for my health but also because me confidence is at an all time low. I have reached the point where looking at photos is becoming painful.

    I am unsure how to use MFP yet, even writing this now I'm not sure if it's going to post where I intend it to hahha. If you could all add me as a friend that would be lovely? Support is what I've lacked the most when I've tried to lose weight and I'm hoping you guys will be able to help me with that. I look forward to receiving some friend requests!

    Thanks 😬
  • Cadencec1
    Cadencec1 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I'm Cadence. I'm 25 and recently married. I've been overweight my whole life, but I've started noticing that it was holding me back. I can't do some things, and other things are just uncomfortable, like concerts and amusement parks. Another big motivator for me trying to lose weight is that I have PCOS, and I think that if we want to have kids, I'm going to have to lose some weight.

    I started logging my food and exercising more in January 2020, and I'm working on trying to incorporate more strength training and learning to find balance and working on perseverance and not giving up. Accountability would be much welcome.

    HW: 333
    CW: 295
    GW: *not set
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,111 Member
    @science_and_fairies that stinks! What about a crock pot? You can get little ones that hold a serving or two, and it could be set in the floor to cook while you're away and even stored under the bed when you aren't using it. I love my crockpot and am using it a few times a week, making overnight oatmeal, soups, casseroles, baking meats in it. Course, the down side is that you have to prep in the morning to have dinner ready in the evening, and prep in the evening for dinner in the morning.

    Hope things can turn around for you soon!

    I was going to suggest a crock pot too, hour situation sounds difficult but I'm sure there'll be some creative fixes if you put your thinking cap on.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Jackie9003 wrote: »
    @science_and_fairies that stinks! What about a crock pot? You can get little ones that hold a serving or two, and it could be set in the floor to cook while you're away and even stored under the bed when you aren't using it. I love my crockpot and am using it a few times a week, making overnight oatmeal, soups, casseroles, baking meats in it. Course, the down side is that you have to prep in the morning to have dinner ready in the evening, and prep in the evening for dinner in the morning.

    Hope things can turn around for you soon!

    I was going to suggest a crock pot too, hour situation sounds difficult but I'm sure there'll be some creative fixes if you put your thinking cap on.

    the nice thing about crockpots is that as long as you have enough liquid, you can't really overcook your food or burn it, so if it has to sit longer it will be okay. Though I will caution that you make sure you have enough liquid: when I was in college, I tried to use a crockpot to heat up a jar of store-bought spaghetti sauce and it burned :)
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I’m Sebrina and have been heavy since the birth of my first baby. I was thin as a teenager but I had my first daughter when I was 18. I gained so much weight with the pregnancy know one understood why. Even the doctors. I lost some of the weight after she was born then I was pregnant again with my second daughter. I gained again. I have tried for years to lose the weight and haven’t had much luck. I am an emotional eater and as you all know life is an emotional roller coaster. I have a new mind set this tome around and I am very determined. This is going to be the start of a new me! Please friend me if you like! I feel like the bigger my support system the better I will do! Accountability! Thank you for this group!

    Hi @jasspennington Sebrina,

    Welcome. My only advice to you for now is to keep your enthusiasm for a new you from trying to change too much too fast. That seldom ends well. Try to think in progressive small steps. Try to change one small thing and allow that to feel normal before adding more changes.

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hi @science_and_fairies

    Ideally it would be better to limit the number of meals you eat out. It is not required that you do that though. You can lose weight eating any type of food as long as you stay in a calorie deficit. The problem is that restaurant food can be off on reported calories. This may slow you down but hopefully not stall you completely.

    Any meal that you can eat from your mini fridge will help and save you money. Sandwiches, cereal, overnight oats, salads, etc. I like the crock pot idea but I am not sure how easy it would be to use without preparation space. Certainly if it is a type of recipe that really just requires you dumping cans of ingredients into the pot that should be doable.

    You face a challenge but I encourage you to think of it as an opportunity to take delight in being resourceful and adaptive.

    You can absolutely do this.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Jassaph wrote: »
    Hello everyone, i weigh 109kg and am hoping to lose 35-40kg which is like 75-88 pounds so I've got a lot to lose. I'm 22 years old and i just got out of the university i want to lose a lot of weight before i start my job. I've always being a big kid since my baby days (cause i weighed 4.4kg as a baby🤣🤣) so i really want to shed some fat. I've been in MFP for about 6 weeks and a few days. I really hope i get to my goal weight which is why am here for encouragement and support in this weight loss journey. Thank you😊

    Hi @Jassaph,

    Welcome. I was a big baby too (my wife still thinks I am sometimes). My mother often uses it as guilt trip material which is gross and TMI even if it involves how I was born.

    Good job making it 6 weeks. That is already an accomplishment.

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited January 2020
    Toxyc wrote: »
    Hey! I'm Tal!

    I am trying to lose at least 100 lbs. Aiming to be under 200 by next year. I've been over 200 lbs my whole life, with many failed dieting and life style changing attempts. This time is at least different as I'm finally in a very safe and supported place, plus I've worked so hard on dealing with my own mental health surrounding food.

    I have arthritis in my spine, and am tired of being in constant pain with my back, feet and knees. So I'm currently doing yoga every day, changing what I eat, and slowly adding in other workouts (mostly DDR right now).

    Anyone who wants to add me, please feel free! I would love more friends on this journey!

    Hi @Toxyc Tal,

    I am glad things have improved for you and hopefully that trend will continue. I am not much good at being an "MFP Friend" because I seldom look at the newsfeed but I will always try to help here and in the main forums as I am able.

    Jump in anywhere. This group is all about helping where it can.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Lis, 51 years old, mother of two. I've struggled with my weight since my teen years and been a yo-yo dieter. In 2016 I lost 100 pounds and was sure it was the last time. However, life took a downward turn, I went through some emotional events, and gained most of the weight back. I have arthritis and tendinitis issues, fibromyalgia, and depression/anxiety. I came back to MFP at the beginning of this month with a whole new outlook and feel ready to commit to a healthy lifestyle.

    Look forward to learning about other's journeys. Feel free to add me, always looking for new friends.

    Hi @sayingyes2success Lis,

    While I am the self proclaimed expert on diet failure I have never actually experienced losing more than a fraction of the weight I needed to lose before I regained it all (and almost always more). I do believe that when you start again you should first ask how this time will be different and it sounds like you have done that.
