Tracey's OMAD Reboot



  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    Didn't quite hit the 160's today but came reeeeally close with a weigh in of 170.1 pounds.

    Today is my net zero calorie day and I have been burning some calories today. So far according to my trackers, I have burned 508 calories through exercise. I did a 30 minute peleton bike workout this morning and have been taking a walking break every hour since I have been at work today.

    I have a new non-bluetooth pedometer that I can wear at work to track my walks. So I have more motivation to get my steps in. I am 5,858 steps into my 10,000 at work steps goal.

    Happy Friday Everyone!!!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    edited January 2020
    Nice loss and I'm sure you'll have another one tomorrow :) Like you said, OMAD for the win!!!
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    I figured out today that the research I did on the accuracy of the calorie count of fitbit trackers was spot on. The calorie count of my new pedometer was exactly 40% below the calorie count of my fitbit tracker on the same route. So I am going to go with the calorie counts of my pedometer and reduce the calorie counts of my fitbit by 40%.

    That means I can actually eat the 530 calories I burned from walking at work today. This is not including the 220 calories I burned on the bike this morning.

    Unfortunately (I think) the only exercise that fitbit sends over to MFP are the exercises that the Fitbit actually records itself so none of the walks I inputted into fitbit myself were imported over and my peleton workout which was shared from the bike itself to fitbit was not sent over either.

    The only exercise calories MFP is giving me from fitbit are the daily overage calories. Right now as far as MFP is concerned, I only earned 225 calories. I hope this increases as it gets closer to my eating window.

    I think I am going to eat up to 500 calories regardless because I know I burned at least that much.
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    This is my spreadsheet I used to track my walks at work. I aim to get some steps in each hour so I can meet my hourly goals on Fitbit. I was thinking I may reduce the number of walks because I can get 10,000 steps. Walking the .95 mile walk to and from my car which would be 4,660 steps and do the other two 20 minute walks which is another 4559 steps which is 9,219 steps. I can make up the remaining through bathroom trips and other work related walking.


    That would equate to ~1 mile coming in and going out
    ~ 1 mile walks at 9:30 and 2:30
    I may add one of the half mile walks at noon.

    I still have my walk to my car which is another 115 calories
  • Morena_2020
    Morena_2020 Posts: 212 Member
    Noice! And you're doing great.
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    Still haven’t eaten yet, but MFP has allotted me 690 calories from exercise so I am going to go with that.
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    Tonight’s meal: 944 calories

    8 salt & vinegar wings from Walmart
    Nut bar
    Chocolate kale shake

    This still is below my calories burned so I am still net zero calorie compliant
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    That chart is fantastic and you are doing amazing with your calorie counting :)
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    edited February 2020
    Brenda was right, had another loss today and broke back into the 160s with a weigh-in of 169.6. I just made it in but I don't plan to be in the 160s for long. 150s here I come. Still looking to reach 145 pounds by 25 May.

    I love my new plan. It fits my life perfectly and is working. Woot Woot!

    Happy Saturday everyone.
  • Morena_2020
    Morena_2020 Posts: 212 Member
    WOOT! You're on fire!
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    Tonight's meal. Gotta love 1750 calorie days. MMM MMM Good!!


    Pork riblets, mac & cheese, candied sweet potatoes, cornbread muffin, cabbage & kale
  • Morena_2020
    Morena_2020 Posts: 212 Member
    Holy cannoli that looks good!
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Congrats on getting into 160s👍👏 Keep up the good work😁 Your meals lokks delicious 🤤🤤🤤
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,249 Member
    Looks real good, congrats for yr results!
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    Weight was the same this morning as yesterday 169.6 pounds. Had a spaghetti dinner this afternoon after Church. Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, 2 small brownies, and chocolate kale shake. Tomorrow starts my 3-day fast.
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    You are doing awesome with your new plan. and your monthly fast will really get you down!!! Proud of you!!
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    Unfortunately I do not have a weight for today. I got on the scale, but didn't look at the weight thinking my Aria would send my weight to my fitbit but it didn't. So I have no fasting start weight. Booooo!
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    You're doing great and that food looks so good!
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Keep up the good work ❤️👍
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    edited February 2020
    I finally got my scale fixed and I will be able to weigh in in the morning. We got a new router for the wifi, and my aria scale was just not feeling it. It took me two days and I just finally got it connected. I am a little nervous about my weigh-in because I kind of overdid it on Sunday and I am thinking Monday's weight was most likely up in the 170s. I hope after 2 days of fasting, it will be at a decent number. I am going to work really hard this month not to gain my fasted loss. I've said it before and the weight always comes back, but this time I am committing to keeping things in check so I can solidify my loss. I need to get a new weight set point because I am definitely tired of the 170s and it seems like my body works overtime to get back to the 170s.