WEIGHT NO MORE - February 2020 Chat



  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Monday check in

    Food - IF and on track
    Water - 2 l (finally getting more water!)
    Exercise - 40 min walk, 11457 steps

    Yesterday was a good day and the IF has been making me feel better after vacation. I am taking it slow with walking but getting some good steps in when I do. I will try a run later this week, weather permitting. We have another school strike on Thursday, so the boys will be off. Some of their friends will come over for the day as I am here to supervise everyone (lucky me!). This labour dispute has been going on for months and I really hope it gets resolved as the strikes are ramping up (not taking any sides, just want this to end). I am lucky to have older kids and I work from home. The parents with little kids that use the school daycares are having it worse. But still it is bad for my boys as all school teams & activities are cancelled, reports cards and parent/teacher conferences are cancelled etc.

    @brown6267 - Fantastic steps!! I have not played pickleball but want to try. Do you like it?

    @Mrsbell8well - Hang in there. It is perfectly normal to get moody or cranky when you are recovering. This was a big curve ball for all of you. You and Molly have a lot on your plates and you are doing just fine. Try not to let things like a messy room get to you. If it makes you feel better, I am constantly on by boys about their rooms and chores, in general. Some days they are great, and other days not so much. It takes a lot of patience with kids and sometimes, I don’t have much! It comforts me to hear that you are pacing yourself and taking February off. Please stick to that promise with your recovery as you need rest right now. I am going to sound maternal, but don’t push it with the steps and chores. Take time to rest, nourish your body, mind and spirit. Think of this recovery as a quiet time to renew.

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx -Great loss! Nice day and gorgeous photos! Thanks for the hummus recipe!

    @JillyBT - A maintain is good and great that you did that meditation for your sleep. I am part of the sandwich generation too. I have been trying to help my MIL deal with her loss and my mom just asked me to take over her finances for her yesterday. It is not complicated but she wants somebody watching out for her. She has been independent until now and I don’t mind helping really. But I had a moment yesterday where it was like wow, I have to add this to an already full plate. I had to breathe and realized that I need to continue my focus on my health and this journey. I got this & you got this too!

    @tryingagain5 - Sorry that you had that headache and I hope it goes away. If it doesn’t, it would not be a bad idea to check in with your doctor.

    @starcrystal3 - You did have a good week, congratulations! I got one of those electric shovels so I can’t really count snow shovelling as a calorie burn any more. I also pay my son $5 to do it if he is around!

    @GingerPwr - You are doing some great thought work lately, way to go! We all have bad days like your Saturday (and you are not a loser for having some rest on Sunday!). But you did not let that derail you and that is awesome! Fantastic that you are back into running and I hope to join you in the next month or so!

    @kirsten1182 - You are in the zone and doing great! Keep it going as it is inspiring all of us!

    @rundgrenrocks - I am so sorry that your husband is sick and it is very good that he went in to urgent care to get checked out. Anybody would be thrown by the day that you had so don’t sweat it. Also, don’t give up and get derailed! Even if the bad day turns into a few bad days, don’t give up! Post any time and we are here for you!

    @sleepymom5 - I hope that you are doing ok today and being kind to yourself. Sending over another hug!

    @jedaschultz - Nice loss, congrats!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Day 10! February 11. What would help unlock your resistance?
    There is always something that would help you get through the defenses you throw up against your desire to for change. What would help you?

    Here is the link-

    My answer to this...I look back to how far I have come. I really have made so many healthy changes in my life. My weight isn't moving very quickly but I do eat so much better and am in better shape than I have been in a long time. The fact that I want to figure out my stumbling blocks at all is a testament of how far I have come.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Cafelelia you do sound a bit like mom lol! I appreciate so much the care and concern and words of wisdom. Hang in there with this weeks challenges. It’s a good thing you had a vacation. You will need another one after all this.
    @sleepymom5 good advice as well. I am starting out slow today. I’m finally feeling better. No head or throat issues. It’s rainy out and I’m still in bed snuggled in flannel sheets.
    Need to go make my smoothie.
    I did want to do a quick recap on Lectin free...my verdict...I think it might be easier for non vegans to follow. It can be done. There is lots is specialty food items and odd items. I ordered 3 supplements to find that 2 have shellfish that I need to return.
    It’s too high of fat oil for me and weird to have so much salt. Not enough emphasis on clean eating for my preference and not comfortable with the fruit restrictions.
    And overall it feels like a cult. That’s my take on it. In the long term not for me.
    But I will say my gut issues cleared which was my whole reason for doing it. I think the restrictions on sugar and gluten probably benefited me.
    Going back to organic clean eating and using some of his guidelines.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Found these enchanting beauties on Facebook. Looking forward to future experimenting.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello all! Just catching up with everyone's posts. Hope you are doing well & those who have not been doing well, I hope you feel better!

    My streak is continuing! I am feeling really good! Last night I got home, I ate my dinner & started my fast. I was sitting around, started to feel lazy, then I decided to get changed and do my workout. I felt so good when I was done. It is so easy to sit & relax and not want to move once I get home from work.

    Going to another hockey game tonight. Going to follow what I did on Saturday, but I doubt I will have a cocktail, I usually do that with the hubby & he can't go tonight. I should get a decent amount of steps in, I am at over 7K already.

    @sleepymom5 glad you found the Splash mixes, you can find everything on Amazon, lol. I only had the Margarita one, let me know how the other one tastes, I hope you like it!

    @Mrsbell8well you are going through a lot, hopefully your family understands. Take it day by day!

    Have a wonderful day! :smiley:
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 596 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    @CassieGetsFit2013 TOM can be a PIA. I am sure that can explain the gain. I love the idea of the 7 min workouts. What a great plan to get exercise in! Is it cardio, strength or both?

    It actually has different exercises, abs, butt, legs, arms, full body, etc! I really need to get started with it and see how it goes! 7 minutes might not seem like a lot, but it's definitely better than nothing, which is what I've been doing for a good while!

  • 33sandy1223
    33sandy1223 Posts: 55 Member
    edited February 2020
    week 2
    pw 196
    cw 196
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 596 Member
    I went dog walking today and I had to walk to his house and back and it took 53 minutes, including there and back and our walk. MFP says that is a 488 calorie burn, but I'm not sure if that is all that accurate. What do you guys think?? I lost my FitBit, otherwise I would be wearing it now and could see what that said I burned. Grr!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I went dog walking today and I had to walk to his house and back and it took 53 minutes, including there and back and our walk. MFP says that is a 488 calorie burn, but I'm not sure if that is all that accurate. What do you guys think?? I lost my FitBit, otherwise I would be wearing it now and could see what that said I burned. Grr!

    It could be correct but maybe a little aggressive. I did a 30 minute intense session with my trainer at the gym yesterday and my heart monitor said I burned almost 200 calories. So for me if I did the same workout for an hour it would have been about 400.

    I think a lot depends on current weight and how fit the person is. Your route probably made a difference too, were there a lot of inclines or hills, how fast you were walking, etc.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    For those who wished my headache to go away yesterday, it did, thank you. The more I moved around once I was at work helped.

    I don't get headaches too often but it was just a normal headache. I know a lot of people get migraines but I've never had one of those.
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 596 Member
    I went dog walking today and I had to walk to his house and back and it took 53 minutes, including there and back and our walk. MFP says that is a 488 calorie burn, but I'm not sure if that is all that accurate. What do you guys think?? I lost my FitBit, otherwise I would be wearing it now and could see what that said I burned. Grr!

    It could be correct but maybe a little aggressive. I did a 30 minute intense session with my trainer at the gym yesterday and my heart monitor said I burned almost 200 calories. So for me if I did the same workout for an hour it would have been about 400.

    I think a lot depends on current weight and how fit the person is. Your route probably made a difference too, were there a lot of inclines or hills, how fast you were walking, etc.

    Well, I have been out of shape lately and put more weight back on. Booo! There were maybe 2 hills to go up, and 2 I had to go down. Wish I could find my FitBit so that would probably be more accurate, don't you think? I was walking kind of a moderate pace. Not slow, but not very fast either. 😊 I do have Tachycardia, but not sure if that would mean I burn more calories just because my heart rate is always higher. 🤷‍♀️
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @sleepymom5 I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. Lots of hugs for you as you take that journey of grief.

    @Mrsbell8well I'm so glad you're getting your strength back! Keep taking it easy. Those flatbreads look absolutely amazing! I want to make one!

    @tryingagain5 Glad your headaches are getting better. I had bad migraines when I was younger. I think I can stand just about any other pain than headaches.

    So I was down 2 lbs over the weekend, but was right back at my PW today. I THINK it was the sodium in the sushi - even when you go under your calories, small things like too much sodium can cause water retention and weight gain.

    Stayed on track with my eating today, and got in the run I missed on Sunday. After only 3 runs I was able to improve my distance by almost half a mile in the same time frame, so I'm calling that an NSV. I'm feeling better and I think I'm looking better (stomach is a little flatter because I'm cutting down carbs - less bloated) At this point until the numbers change I have to hold on to that.

    Happy Tuesday!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I went dog walking today and I had to walk to his house and back and it took 53 minutes, including there and back and our walk. MFP says that is a 488 calorie burn, but I'm not sure if that is all that accurate. What do you guys think?? I lost my FitBit, otherwise I would be wearing it now and could see what that said I burned. Grr!

    It could be correct but maybe a little aggressive. I did a 30 minute intense session with my trainer at the gym yesterday and my heart monitor said I burned almost 200 calories. So for me if I did the same workout for an hour it would have been about 400.

    I think a lot depends on current weight and how fit the person is. Your route probably made a difference too, were there a lot of inclines or hills, how fast you were walking, etc.

    Well, I have been out of shape lately and put more weight back on. Booo! There were maybe 2 hills to go up, and 2 I had to go down. Wish I could find my FitBit so that would probably be more accurate, don't you think? I was walking kind of a moderate pace. Not slow, but not very fast either. 😊 I do have Tachycardia, but not sure if that would mean I burn more calories just because my heart rate is always higher. 🤷‍♀️

    Hugs! You will take the weight off again. It may take time but that's ok. I asked my trainer about calorie counts on Fitbits. He said they're only correct part of the time. The heart monitor, (Myzone) I have was given to me by my trainer and it doesn't always accurately track my calorie burn either. I don't do anything with the calories I've burned. I eat the calorie range given to me by my trainer. I'm not sure how he figured it but it was based on my age, weight, height, etc.

    I don't know anything about tachycardia but it would make sense if your heart rate is higher that you would burn more calories.

    I guess I would just take the calorie burn amounts as an estimate.
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 596 Member
    So, I had 4 small pieces of chocolate around 5 or 6pm. My left arm started hurting a lot. I tried doing things around the house, but with it being in so much pain, it was hard to do anything. Then hours and hours later, it still hurt, but not as bad...Now it is 12:18 and about an hour ago, I had 4 more pieces of chocolate...My left arm started throbbing and hurting worse again, my legs felt weighted down, I felt a little short of breath, my eyes felt heavy, I got a headache and felt really drowsy. My BP is now 138/96. I just talked to a nurse advice line through my insurance and based on my answers to all of her questions, she thinks I will be fine tonight, but should see my Dr. Or go to urgent care within the next 24 hours. She did say if I get worse tonight, to call 911. I'm not feeling as warm and bad feeling, my left arm still hurts a lot though, but I am gonna try and sleep and see about seeing my Dr. Or just going to urgent care tomorrow. Anyone have any suggestions or know what might be going in with me? Welcome to all feedback! 😊
  • @CassieGetsFit2013 That is such an odd reaction. Obviously medical professionals are best qualified to work it out, but it does seem linked to the chocolate. Is it one you hadn't had before? Any ingredients in it that you might have an allergy to?

    I don't always discount random reactions because I get bad migraines from some trigger foods, and I haven't worked out what they all are yet. And the migraine can present as stabbing eye pain that radiates down my arm, dizziness, nausea, all sorts of lovely things. I have reaction to store bought bread of all things. And most artificial sweeteners, also if I have too much sugar in a day... all things I found out the hard way. And I have run the gamut of sitting in specialists rooms - neurology, neurosurgery etc.

    I hope you get some rest and feel better in the morning, and please go get checked out.
  • Daily check in Wed Feb 12

    Tracked and under calories
    Water: 3+ litres
    Exercise: Cycled to/from work 21km
    Steps: 14,600
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