WEIGHT NO MORE - February 2020 Chat



  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sunday check in

    I ate to my hunger scale yesterday, go 2.2 l of water and managed to do a 2 km run. The run was pain free and at a slightly increased speed, so I am very happy. Will try to do 2 more runs this week. I did meal prepping which was great and I am always happy during the week with the prepped meals. Lots of hockey yesterday, but my husband took care of it. Both of my kids are in the playoffs for their divisions, so there are extra practices, exciting games and enough stress & pressure. They are taking it all in stride though and my little one got a shut out yesterday! If they both keep advancing, the season could run will into mid to late March :o I want them to win, but I also want a break!!

    Toronto and the hockey world are going crazy right now over the “emergency goalie” story, which has also hit the international news. Every team has an emergency goalie, who is not a pro. The one in Toronto is the arena facilities manager and Zamboni driver. The Carolina Hurricanes played Toronto on Saturday night and both of their goalies got injured, so the emergency goalie had to play for them and the Hurricanes won!! It is such a great story and his tshirts already sold out! Here are more details: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/article-hurricanes-ride-emergency-backup-goalie-and-zamboni-driver-david-ayres/

    @brown6267 - Fantastic steps!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - You are doing fantastic and I love your determination!! I am going to steal your phrase “It will not conquer me!”

    @timibotkin - Fantastic steps!! I had already announced the winner for our step challenge, but you would have won it! Please feel free to participate this week. You can post your steps daily, or post them all (Sunday to Saturday) on the following Sunday morning by noon.

    @sleepymom5 - So happy that you had such a good time at the Shore with your friends! You will get back on track, absolutely. Good luck with the busy day today!

    @tryingagain 5 - Good day yesterday! I hope that you get that day job, and you never know if you don’t try (in this case, apply)!

    @KUMEcyclingteam - Amazing prep and very yummy looking meals!! I love how your food scale is right out on the counter too!

    @nstephenson01 - You had such a productive weekend! I got tired just reading what you did! I have heard that magnesium helps with sleep (and overall calmness), but have not tried it for that. I supplement with it more when I am training for a race. I looked up Cyndie, and she has not logged in for a while. Hopefully, Angelina can get an update.

    @lennoncpa - I love the idea of an indoor triathlon! Congratulations to your son!

    @CassieGetsFit2013 - It’s ok. You can reset today and get back on track

    @phoebe112476 - So sorry that you got sick on your trip and hope that you enjoyed that restaurant meal before you left!

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Happy Monday! I’m down to my last week off of work and feeling good. I’m regrouping and setting my daily and weekly goals. I was doing great on weight until drunken noodles, fudge brownie ice cream and other indulgences took me upscale 3 pounds this weekend! Yikes. You all know me...I’m not so good at stabilizing a weight but I’m great at losing. Making a new goal chart today. Weight this morning 148.2. Goal 142 by March 30th. I know I can do it!
    Goals today 5k steps and increase by 1k each day till I’m at 10K. I have an acupuncture scheduled for tomorrow and hopefully a massage on Friday.
    Today I’m cleaning and organizing my “Fairy” room. I’m so excited about having the time to do that. It’s currently orange and turquoise. Not at all my colors but it’s a definite whimsical fun Angelina room. I’m hoping to switch to sage greens and shades of purple someday. When we moved in this house I rummaged through things we already owned to create my space.
    Have a great week everyone!!!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Felt good to get back in the water for aerobics class this morning. Class was cancelled Friday due to our snow "storm" - 2 inches which melted as soon as it hit any pavement! It stayed on the grass for a day.
    I have been doing good with food but not so with exercise of any kind. When I get really cold - which id more often than not - I just want to curl up under a couple blankets and read or play computer games. My weight has been up and down with this too. Hope to have a better weigh in this week.
    @ljdanny congrats on the new grand daughter, the stress of waiting is finally over!
    @Mrsbell8well that is a reachable goal for you. You'll get there before the end of March. Glad you are feeling better and able to take the time you need from work.
    @tryingagain I hope you get that job or a better one that you enjoy doing
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,023 Member
    Username: jedaschultz
    Week: 4
    Weight in day: Monday
    Previous weight:195.6
    Current weight: 197.4

    I went to a women's retreat for four days and we had lots of treats. I knew I would gain and that's okay. This was a weekend way with the girls and I'm okay with where I am. It could have been a lot worse but I know that I will get it back down by next Monday.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    @pacsnc6 thanks, I would like something I enjoy, it doesn't feel so much like work then. I am grateful to have a job, just ready for something else.

    Thanks. I did finish the whole application for the job so we"ll see.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I received a response back from the sleep medicine doctor. He did say he's glad the time is correct now but he also said the machine records the actual time used so apparently that means the time on it isn't that important. I did tell him when I napped I wasn't using it. In his response, he told me that I really need to be using it anytime I sleep, whether for a nap or for the night(or day in my case)
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    thanks, hopefully I can eventually get a different job
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 599 Member
    Saw my Dr. Today, finally! My BP was high when I got there, but had a lot of time to sit and calm down since I got there super early...So when I got back there, my BP was fine and Jackie, my Clinician said, "I thought you always said you had high BP"...I said, "I do, A LOT of the time!" So, kind of didn't like having her there cause she made me feel embarrased and frustrated...And I got to show Ruthie, my Dr. some of my BP levels on my BP cuff, but not as many as I wanted to show her, SO I went ahead and just messaged her and listed ALL of my BP levels from today back to the beginning of January and then she can decide from there if she wants to put me on anything. I'm NOT trying to seek out more medications and go on more...I JUST want my BP to be under control cause when it goes up, I feel HORRIBLE and get sick, etc! That isn't normal and I shouldn't have to go through that crap! So, we'll see what she says tomorrow when she gets my message...Also, had to do a urine sample to see if anything is wrong AND she went ahead and did a fricking pap smear and tested for cancer, and other infections and such...She said she'll send me a letter or call to let me know if there's anything wrong...That fricking device they use for the pap smear, HURTS! LOL...Also, when I got home, I did some things first...Had a headache, checked my BP and it was high again...😒🙄 People think I'm obsessing over this and maybe I am a little, bht it's ONLY because I hate getting sick and feeling so awful when it spikes. *Sigh* We'll see what my Dr. Says...Think I'm gonna start vaping CBD juice. I hear it can help lower BP and anxiety levels...🤷‍♀️
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Mon 2/24 check in
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute walk, PT, Stretching and strength

    Good day today! I am so tired. I think all this running around is catching up with me. Tomorrow will be quiet and I am happy about that. I will check in tomorrow.

    @timibotkin Impressive steps!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx You rock too!! Your workouts are amazing! I am glad that being fit helps with the recovery from the migraines a bit. I am glad that you understand how the scale works. You will have a nice loss soon. No worries if you want to change your weigh in day, just let us know.
    @brown6267 Awesome steps!
    @Cafelelia That is awesome how well the boys teams are doing! It is a long season though. Lol! I just saw on the news about the emergency goalie. What a great story!
    @Mrsbell8well I am glad that you have had time while you are off to be so productive. Hope you are all recovered by now. Enjoy your last week!
    @pacsnc6 I am the same way in the cold Lol! Maybe you would like the Leslie Sansone tapes for when you can't get out. They can be quick-15 min mile or longer. I really like them.
    @jedaschultz I am glad you had a nice time on the retreat. You have a great attitude! I am sure you will have that weight back down by next week.
    @hope002 Wow! Impressive! Thanks for sharing! Is that at your house?
    @tryingagain5 It sounds like a good day! Hope the adjustment helps your back. Is there a reason you don't use the cpap when you are napping? I assumed it was because you may be napping on the couch and not in the room the cpap is in? It is amazing how they can get all this data that helps us now a days.
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Hopefully you will hear back from the doctor about the BP. The two of us had fun days-you with the pap and me with my mammogram. Lol! At least they are behind us for the year.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Today's Leaping-Groundhog challenge

    Day 23 - February 24. Time for some good sleep. Who has troubles with this? Who has tips to help get enough sleep?

    The link- https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10783307/leaping-groundhogs-the-02-2020-questions-challenge#latest
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yes, you're right. My bedroom is on the lower level and the CPAP machine is on a table next to my bed. When I nap, I stay upstairs and sleep in a chair. It just seems easier not to use it for naps. But I guess from now on I"ll have to actually go downstairs and sleep in bed and use the machine.

    I don't want the sleep medicine doctor to "yell"(gently remind)me next year. I didn't know I had sleep apnea until they tested me for it after my second stroke. They said it was pretty mild and had I not had a history of stroke they wouldn't have put me on it.
  • rundgrenrocks
    rundgrenrocks Posts: 85 Member
    Congrats to all of the winners this week. I don’t exactly get all the numbers yet but way to go!

    @phoebe112476 you have an amazing attitude about what is like a work travel nightmare. Hope that one restaurant meal was awesome!

    @tryingagain5 what are you currently reading? Some friends and I are thinking of starting a book club. I’m rooting for you to find a job that fits your life better!

    @sleepymom5 as nice as I bet your get together with girlfriends was, I’m glad you have a quiet day ahead. I hope it stays quiet!

    @Cafelelia congrats to your kids and their hockey adventures. I have a friend whose daughter played in Idaho for 11th and 12th grade (we all live in Virginia), and now she plays in Michigan for a small college (partial scholarship, too!). I’m always amazed at sports mom dedication. My kids danced but I definitely wasn’t a “dance mom” (although we loved that show)!

    @Mrsbell8well I love your daisy goal! I was having a similar thought—I love jigsaw puzzles and I was thinking of keeping one out somewhere and adding ten pieces per pound lost or something like that. I already have a puzzle out so I’m not sure if I have room for another one, but I like that visual reminder idea and might steal it!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx I love your attitude about weight fluctuations! And I agree, falling-off pants are a very good sign!

    @CassieGetsFit2013 I hope you get some good answers about your BP. I’m on a small dose of medicine for mine and it made a huge difference in headaches, sleeping, etc.

    I ran around and did errands today, and I started three step bets, so I had to get my steps in, too. I’ve restarted doing Legs Up The Wall before bed — I’d forgotten how good it feels!

    I bought a four pack of paczki (donuts) from our military commissary for Jan (my Polish hubby!) and I to enjoy tonight and tomorrow before Lent starts. I ate mine really slowly with a fork, and it was okay but not amazing, so maybe I will let him have the last two. I’d rather have the Apple cake I made yesterday!

  • rundgrenrocks
    rundgrenrocks Posts: 85 Member
    Oh, I meant to ask—what is eating to scale? I’ve seen a couple of mentions of it and wondered.
  • starcrystal3
    starcrystal3 Posts: 91 Member
    Username: starcrystal3
    Weigh in week: Week 4
    Previous Weight (PW): 142.2
    Today's (Current) Weight (CW): 142.2
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 599 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Hopefully you will hear back from the doctor about the BP. The two of us had fun days-you with the pap and me with my mammogram. Lol! At least they are behind us for the year.

    Yeah! Sooooo glad to have that out of the way and now I can get the test results back and see if anythings wrong! Hopefully nothing! Last thing I need is for sonething else to be wrong! So, my Dr. Actually replied back to me tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow...She basically said my BP was high a lot in my recordings, but she doesn't want to put me on any medication right now...She said just try dieting and not eating meat and greasy foods...I'M A VEGETARIAN! I DON'T EAT GREASE OR MEAT! LOL...😒🙄 So, guess I have to suffer and get sick when ever my BP spikes. Yay! *Sigh* I know vaping isn't very good for you, but my Clinician did it before then stopped, now she's doing it again, so I'm gonna start vaping CBD juice and see if that helps with my BP AND anxiety...Cause I know my anxiety is a major cause for my BP spiking...Told Dr. About me vaping and she said please don't cause she doesn't want me to get lung cancer...It's not nearly as bad as smoking cigarettes! And there won't be any nicotine in it...But I see my Psychiatrist tomorrow and I'm going to ask her about vaping the CBD and see what she thinks cause have to find out if it's okay to mix with my other medications too.

  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    @hope002 Wow! Impressive! Thanks for sharing! Is that at your house?

    yes, I also have a good treadmill, so I don't need to go to the gym :)

    I am going on vacation tomorrow, will be back next Tuesday. Please use my previous weight for Friday.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    02/24 steps 14031
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    Week 4
    PW 160
    CW 159

    I was sick with a cold all weekend and had to take my husband for his colonoscopy today. I have mine scheduled for Thursday. Hoping I don’t have to reschedule because it took 3 months to get this appointment. Between the broken toe, sore throat and possible colonoscopy, no exercise for me. Really depressing, the exercise helps me cope with my parents. Looking at the positive side... being sick and prepping for a colonoscopy... I should loose weight this week!

    @Cafelelia I love the hockey story! My son played baseball and many of his friends are collegiate athletes. So my husband and I get excited when we see an aspiring athlete get an opportunity like that and excel. So fun to watch in any sport! Being from California I have not been that knowledgeable about Hockey but now that our son goes to UMASS Amherst we watch college hockey. The frozen 4 got us into it last year.
  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    Week 4?
    PW: 153.0
    CW: 152.6
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Check in: Monday
    Food: Pre-Logged but was overly hungry so had an afternoon snack of a handful of cashews, hard boiled egg and 1 mandarin. Otherwise, on track
    Water: Good, lost track
    Exercise & steps: 90 minute yoga class; 6,251 steps

    Good day yesterday. We got a little snow Sunday night but not enough to prevent me from getting out to my yoga class. Came home then took Gauge to the vet for his laser therapy. Made butternut squash ravioli (not homemade LOL) with homemade cauliflower alfredo sauce... so yummy. I lost track of how much water I drank but I'm mindful to up it on yoga days. I even remembered to set my IF app last night. There are definitely ebbs and flows in my level of motivation but feeling pretty good right now and ready to power through these next 8 - 10 pounds to reach goal. The mild weather and sunshine probably helps.
    Nowhere I have to be today for the first time in a while. Waiting for my fast to end so I think I'll do my JessicaSmithTV strength training video before eating and may take the dogs for a walk later depending on how Gauge feels.

    Today is going to be a rest and recharge day. Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Just wanted to check in with you all. Hope everyone is having a great day!!

    @rundgrenrocks I really think it is important that we have balance. I like that you had the treat but actually enjoyed it. I tend to gobble and then its gone before I even got a chance to enjoy it. I remember a year or so back you went on vacation with your family. I want to say a cabin or something wintery. You were saying how you enjoyed mostly everything the others had but you portioned it out and savored everything. That is what I am working towards. BTW- I have so many questions for you lol! What are wall walks? Also you have mentioned that you are focusing on exercises that help you..I knew I wasn't going to be able to phrase it like you did. In real life, like getting up off the floor. I am actually interested in that too. Do you have a web site you use? I also have to work on getting up from a chair. I can get up with no problem but with the hip issue, I didn't realize how much I was using my arms to push up. I can tell my legs need to more strength. Also, I am not sure with eating to scale, I know I use on track just if I am where I should be with my food plan.
    @starcrystal3 Not a bad weigh in, hope all is well.
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Hope you get some answers at the psychiatrist today.
    @hope002 Have fun on your vacation! We will use this weight for next week. Another question, what is the red piece of equipment you have there. It is like a big open box. Lol! I know at the trainer we would hang off of it and do these leg pull up things for abs. I actually liked doing them because I didn't get dizzy. I would love to get one for my basement but don't know what it is called or even if it would fit.
    @brown6267 Fab!!
    @JillyBT Oh no! Hope you are feeling better soon. Colonoscopies are no fun but at least you will get it over with. I know you like your exercise but focus on your health and getting through the week. Hugs!
    @phoebe112476 Another good weigh in!
    @nstephenson01 Sounds like you had a great day yesterday! Enjoy your rest and recharge day, we all need those!
    @Cafelelia I meant to also mention to you that I had heard on one of the podcasts that you should plan that what your drinking is leaving you in about an hour. I am not sure if that is necessarily true but may help you plan around your schedule. That is the biggest issue for me with drinking lol!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Today's Leaping-Groundhog challenge

    Day 24 - February 25th. Cardio. Functional training. HIIT (high intensity interval training). Mindful yoga. Tabata. Circuit. Strength training. NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), sports, hiking, dog walking. Exercise in all its forms – what works for you? What have you never tried? What questions do you have? What do you love? What do you hate?

    The link- https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10783307/leaping-groundhogs-the-02-2020-questions-challenge#latest
  • @Cafelelia I wish it was muscle going on but sadly it doesn't work that way. Apart from "newbie gains" (which I am not) muscle is incredibly hard to build. It takes months of dedicated exercise as well as eating at a calorie surplus to build muscle. The body can't build muscle from nothing. And even after months of heavy lifting and eating surplus, the scale might move a half pound. Shape will change as fat shreds and muscle becomes more visible, but the point of weight lifting or working muscles while eating a deficit is to prevent the body cannibalizing muscle for energy along with the fat. I lifted a lot when I was a Personal Trainer and my muscles got very visible, but that was through fat loss.
  • rundgrenrocks
    rundgrenrocks Posts: 85 Member
    @sleepymom5 Pam, Legs Up The Wall is just a yoga pose that stretches the back. I had stopped doing it when we got wood floors last year but I had a duh moment the other day that I could unroll a yoga mat to lie on! It’s easy but hard to describe — I think if you google it you’ll see a picture. It kills for a minute or two and then feels great.
    This month I focused on squatting, and making extra trips up and down the stairs. Not from a website or anything, just from thinking what I’d like to get better at doing, exactly like you realizing you need more leg strength. I literally want to move to a one story house because I hate going down stairs so much—probably because I fell down stairs and broke my leg ten years ago, and I worry about doing it again sometimes. Since hubby is not interested in moving, I’m trying to have a better attitude about staying here and stairs are just part of life in this house. The squatting helps me with things like feeding the dogs—I’m trying to squat instead of bending over sometimes.
This discussion has been closed.