WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - March 2020



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    @ljdanny. I was also thinking the Habit Share app would be helpful for you with those goals. It is an awesome app, free AND works better than the MFP app! Lol!
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    @sleepymom5 That would be because it's a Philadelphia Eagles cap. 🤣 NFL isn't the biggest sport here in NZ but my husband used to play socially and we've been fans for the past 20 years. Actually Cowboys fans but my mother bought hubby this cap when she was in the US last year and I don't mind the Eagles 🙂
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Lisa, 40yo and live in the UK.  I have been with my partner for 20 years and we have 2 kids (son 8 and daughter 4).  Other than occupying myself with kids, work and chores I have 2 main hobbies at the moment which are sewing and allotment gardening  (I have 2 allotments that I used to grow fruit and veg with varying success!)

    I am an accountant working in financial services.  Mid 2019 I reduced my working hours to 3 days a week so that I could focus more on my family, which has been great.

    So with the work side sort, my weight slowly increasing, and turning 40 in November, I made the decision to return to start my weight loss on the 6th Nov.  Weighing in at 218.5lb at that point, there is a long way to go to my 154lb goal (top end normal BMI).  I joined this group in December, and have found the support and motivation fantastic.

    So, February did not go quite as planned diet wise.  Following a bereavement and giving up smoking, I put on 8lbs in the month.  Finished February focusing on tracking, and am determined to make March count.  My March goals are:
    - loss of 0.5lb per week (2lbs for the month)
    - track food everyday
    - minimum of 8000 steps a day (have become really quite complacent in this front!)
    - (and the one that will be most difficult) - no food between 12pm and 6am - I really need to stop this middle of night eating!

    Hope everyone one has a fantastic month!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sorry for the late check in everybody. It was super busy today with hockey for the boys, but I did manage to complete all of the meal prep for the week. I had a good day yesterday. Food was good including a restaurant meal out, I got in a workout and had all of my water. Very happy to be starting a new month with all of you!!

    Remember that the photo challenge starts tomorrow!! Have a good night everyone!!
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    Check in: Friday 28/2 and Saturday 29/2
    Food: logged and under goal
    Water: have not tracked
    Exercise: steps: 7.7k & 7.5k

    Thank you for kind words regards my cat Dax - she is missed dearly, but was not unexpected which has made it a little easier.

    I have changed my goal to 0.5lb per week loss as seeing the red on my diary was getting demotivating.  Whilst my sleeping is off and I feel so hungry (assumed due to not smoking), I need something a little more realistic to aim for.  Last couple of days I have been tracking and keeping to this calorie target. 

    Today has been a lovely day.  As yesterday was chores and shopping, I promised the kids that we would have some fun today, so they were up early this morning ready to get planning the activities - and it was a long list to get through!
    1. Breakfast of pancakes
    2. Nature walk/scooter around massive lake with duck feeding and playing in park there
    3. Basketball
    4. Football
    5. Play with remote control cars
    6. Lunch
    7. Weeding front flower beds (my partner got this activity on the list!)
    8. Climbing (there is a large climbing frame in a park outside my house!)
    9. Cycle ride - this was a cycle ride to 3 different parks with a short stop at each for a play
    10. Dinner

    Thankfully the weather has been ok today.  No rain but quite cold, but has been really good to spend most of the day outside and doing fun things - feels like it has been too long since we have been able to do these kind of things properly. 

    @podperson1 - welcome! Exciting having someone in the same time zone!
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Fab loss - well done! Sounds like you should get your eye checked out - if difficult getting to see GP, are you able to talk to a pharmacist? 
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Also a fabulous loss! Well done!
    @sleepymom5 Out of curiosity - how long have you been journaling?  Do you use it for any particular reason?  I have just taken up doing this hoping that it will help settle me, and (selfishly) to try to get better sleep.  Figured getting stuff down on paper may get it out of my head. 
    @timibotkin Congratulation on hitting 50 loss - that is so amazing!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @timibotkin - I don’t have your steps for yesterday, but even with the 6 days that you did provide, you won the step challenge with week with 90,794 steps@

    @brown6267 - You won for the month of February with a grand total of 306,114 steps!!

    There were 5 of us participating for February (not everyone every week) and together we walked 973,239 steps!!

    Congratulations everyone!!

    If you wish to participate in our teams March step challenge, we track each week Sunday to Saturday. Please post your steps daily, or you can post all steps for each day on the following Sunday by 5 pm.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Weekend pics:

    Skylynns dinner was a big success! The macarons stole the show!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Here is a list of everyone on the team this month and your weigh in day (and real name if you have provided it):

    @cassiegetsfit2013 (Cassie)
    @starcrystal3 (Crystal)

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx (Kristy)
    @jedaschultz (Debbie)

    @Phoebe112476 (Phoebe)

    @GingerPwr (Casey))
    @tryingagain5 (LindaP
    @amsandos ((Anne-Marie)
    @Freeglerock (Lisa)

    @rundgrenrocks (Jenn)
    @ljdanny (Tracy)

    @lennoncpa (Sheryl)
    @pacsnc6 (Patsy)
    @sleepymom5 (Pam)
    @1Theresamcvean (Theresa)
    @Cafelelia (Lisa)

    @kirsten11872 (Kirsten)
    @timibotkin (Timi)

    @mrsbell8well (Angelina)
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Spring decor. New bunny pillows and a bunny pitcher. After dinner I switched the table to a spring setting.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Long day. I made it on my water and step goal. Food was promising till Molly opened a bottle of pink champagne. She made a cocktail with champagne, limoncello and frozen raspberries dropped into a flute. I drank 2 and really wanted a 3rd one, but I stopped. I did fairly well at dinner but ate 3 or 4 macarons. Yum yum. I was 145 this morning so I’m hoping I had a little wiggle room. My goal was 146 by tomorrow.
    I will try to do my intro and get on here as much as possible this week. I’m sure I will be buried in emails etc.
    have a good week everyone!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Cafelelia I would like to join the step challenge. My goal is 10k a day in March!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Cafelelia I love the list of names. Thanks for doing that.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Cafelelia I would like to join the step challenge. My goal is 10K a day in March.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Sunday 3/1 check in
    Food: didn't keep track but know it's over
    Water: 48 oz
    Exercise: 20 minute walking video

    I had lunch with some of the people from my church. Homemade chicken noodle soup, homemade beer battered bread, saltine crackers and scotcheroos for dessert.

    After that went home and went to bed to be able to stay awake for work tonight. It was really nice here this afternoon, sunny and low 50's so it was too bad I had to sleep the afternoon away. Now, I'm sitting in my car in the work parking lot. We have to start at 8:30 tonight instead of 10:30 so I"ll already have 2 hours of OT for the week and the week just started.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    I goofed! So sorry --

    for Third Place February Pounds Lost - it should have been @Emmajhare with 9.5 pounds tossed to the curb. @timibotkin was also amazing, but I somehow overlooked the quiet little 9.5 sitting there on the spreadsheet. Sorry!
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    Hi Everyone, My name is Jill and I live in Los Angeles.
    I am 52 and married for 24 years, I have a son in college on the East Coast. I use to work in Television Production, then became the full time Mom, President of Parent Booster Club, President of Little League and volunteer for every school function. The week after I dropped my Son off to college, my mother developed severe dementia almost over night. Long crazy story it was a mixture of scar tissue in her abdomen causing delirium and Lewy Body Dementia. It only took 8 weeks and emergency surgery 6 weeks in to get her back to somewhat normal. Needless to say I am now managing their health, finances and daily lives. I am fortunate that they can afford 24 hour caregivers but I am at their house almost every day either taking one of them to a doctor appointment or filling the medicine boxes.

    I was never overweight until I was pregnant. Gained 60 pounds. Lost almost all of it over 2 years. Then in my late 40's after the death of a close friend, the start of menopause, and anxiety (due to those two prior issues) I started to gain weight. This last year with my parents I put more on. I have been kind of been stuck at the same weight but since I have stopped the gaining, its a good thing. Last two weeks were bad, broke my toe, got sick, had a colonoscopy and then my Mom had a psychotic break. Almost had to hospitalize her again. We got the medications under control at the end of the week. Colonoscopy turned out all clear. And I am almost over the cold.

    So I am excited to start a new month! Went back to meditation today and that helped relieve the stress. Tomorrow I am going to try to exercise at the gym but not my usual class. The toe is still not 100%. Crazy how a broken toe can ruin your exercise.

    @Cafelelia please add me back to step count challenge. It will be a slow build but I want to get back up to 10,000 steps a day. Sunday only 4,892 steps but I will get there!

    Goals for March
    Daily steps of 10,000
    loose at least 2 pounds
    Drink more water
    Get back into my exercise routine
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    @Cafelelia may I also be added to the step challenge please? (Hoping it may motivate me to move a little more!). My steps for Sunday were 8577.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Happy March!

    I'm Casey, and I live in North Carolina. I've been in the group a lille over a year, and so far have lost 20lbs. I'm struggling with a very long plateau situation, but I feel pretty confident that I'll be breaking through soon.

    Can I join the March step challenge too?

    Gotta get to school early and set up an escape room. I'll catch up this afternoon!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Sunday steps March 1st-10,925
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    03/01 steps 4464
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Sunday 3/1 check in
    Food: logged and under
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute walking, PT, strength and stretching

    Great day yesterday! So you can imagine my surprise when I got on the scale this am and I was up 5 pounds! Time to practice what I preach about not letting the scale mess with us. I know I didn't gain 5 lbs overnight. I am not going to worry about it and keep on keeping on. I have a quiet week this week so I am happy. Today I am going to walk Charlie, I am going to try to get my selfie with him today, we will see how that goes, he is a little crazy lol! I also have to pick up my daughter in law at the airport later this afternoon. That is all so no reason not to have a productive day and stick with my goals!

    Speaking of goals-I never said my March goals

    1. Consistency with planning and logging
    2. IF 14 hours 5/7 days (This has helped tremendously with snacking at night)
    3. Close all my rings every day on my apple watch
    4. You all know I hate setting goals with the scale but I am putting it out there-2lbs this month.

    My reflection on February-I struggled most of the month but ended strong at least. I don't even know if it should be called struggling. I just said what the hell...not too much struggling. I wasted really 2 months. January wasn't too great either. I really feel like that is behind me now. Last week really helped get me back into my routine. I am ready to stay the course and start getting this weight off.

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx If your husband is a Cowboys fan, I am sure he wasn't too happy with the hat lol! I have to tell you, I don't miss that crazy running around with the kids. People told me I would but I don't lol! Maybe 5 kids did me in and I just had enough. I feel like you may be the same way when you are my age. Lol! There are things I missed but not the running around that's for sure! Sounds like you have some pretty awesome kids. It is great how involved they are. Hope things settle down for your son. It is tough being that age and being in a newish school to begin with and I know Aspergers adds a whole other level to all of that. Hugs to you Mama, you will sleep well tonight! Or I am sure you are sleeping well now? I need to figure out the time zones here. I got Europe down because I have been there lol!
    @Freeglerock I am so happy you are back with us this month. Love your goals and I think they are all obtainable. I am trying to figure out this night eating. Did you ever smoke when you woke up at night? Maybe instead of eating drink some water, maybe just having something in your stomach may help? Remember as we say one day at a time, take that one night at a time.
    @Mrsbell8well Skylyn's dinner looks delicious! She is turning into quite the cook! Those macaroons look almost too pretty to eat! Notice I said almost ;) Lol! That drink Molly made sounded good too. What was the ratio of champagne to limoncello? Have a good first day back to work! I am sure everyone missed you. You have been added to the step challenge!
    @tryingagain5 What a nice lunch you had. I just have been wanting soup pretty much all winter lol! I just love that cookie's name! Lol! I am guessing it must be butterscotch. I also like that you got a walking video in too. Hope you had a good night at work and can get some sleep today.
    @timibotkin Still an awesome month for you! You are still a winner on our team!
    @JillyBT You did have a rough February so I am sure you are looking forward to an Awesome March! I am glad that everything seems to be settling down for you. Love your obtainable goals for the month, you can absolutely reach them! We have you in the step challenge. You are all set to have a great month! Also, I have been journaling for a long time, since August 2015. I was never a writer or journal person before. It started off on fitbit. They used to let you journal on their website. They took it away and now I just do it on pages app or whatever it is called on my Mac. I started out just writing about weight loss related stuff, planning my day and how I did the day before and then it just went from there. Especially since a lot that is going on in your life affects weight loss. I do it first thing in the morning, before I go online. My 2015 self probably wouldn't believe I still do it now.
    @GingerPwr How fun setting up an escape room! I love those! Although I have only done it once on a girl's night out...We have you added to the step challenge. We will need your steps for Sunday.
    @Cafeleia I know you had a busy weekend. Hope the week is a little quieter but somehow I doubt it.

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Good Morning! A few reminders for today:

    The March Spring It Forward Challenge starts today! Please go on and post a selfie!

    The March Habit Tracker is up! Click at the link and go on team Weight No More to track any habits you would like throughout the month:
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Don't forget the March spring it forward photo challenge!

    Week 1 Themes

    Motivation Monday - Make it your own with a selfie!
    Show us who you are! Post a selfie, a bitmoji, a description of yourself, anything that represents you!

    Transformation Tuesday - Show or tell who inspires you to do better!
    This can be anyone - you, your kids, your pets, your friend, an inspirational person etc.

    Workout Wednesday - Post a workout or movement selfie!!
    Maybe you are walking, dancing, stretching, cycling or doing yoga. Show us or describe how you move!

    Thirsty Thursday - Water, water, water
    Show or tell us us how you drink your daily water!

    Food For Thought Friday - Share your favourite recipe!
    Post a pic or actual screenshot of the recipe, or just of the food itself! Just write out the receipt if you prefer!

    You can post here, on the link or both!

    Here is the link-
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    Ok, for the March Step Challenge, we have @brown6267, @Mrsbell8well, @freeglerock, @GingerPwr, @JillyBT and me.

    @Timibotkin, given your amazing steps for the last 2 weeks, do you want to join? If anybody else wants to participate, just post saying that you are in the challenge, along with your daily steps, or your entire step summary by day the following Sunday!

    Have fun stepping everyone!!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sunday check in

    Yesterday was such a busy one. The hockey schedule for the boys is so unpredictable for the boys and we were out most of the day yesterday at different arenas. My younger son played an outstanding game yesterday, helping his team win against a tough team. It was a nail biter. I also am undergoing a spot audit for my practice, which is to be honest is a bit of a pain right now. But I did well with everything yesterday. I followed my food plan, had 64 oz of water (a small miracle) and had a rest day for exercise. It was a scramble but I did all of my meal prep for the week too.

    @Freeglerock - Sounds like an amazing day with the kids (and an active one too)! You are doing great!

    @Mrsbell8well - That food looks so yummy!! Skylyn is adorable too!

    @tryingagain5 - Great day yesterday! Too bad about the mandatory OT, and hope that your new job search is going well!

    @JillyBT - Oh, I can talk all day about injury and ruined exercise! Hope that your toe feels better soon! We have a new month and fresh start and wish you all the best this month!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - We are living parallel lives with the kids’ sports!! We were up at 5:30 am yesterday to get one son to a hockey tryout at 7 am, and were in several hockey arenas for both boys after that. Same thing, I am so proud of the boys, but it gets so exhausting for the us. I hope that your younger son is doing better with the extra support.

    @GingerPwr - You have been doing so well and no doubt you will bust through that plateau! An escape room at school?
    Sounds like fun!

    @sleepymom5 - I love your March goals! Sorry that you weight is up, but you cannot give up now and you can do this! Rather than thinking of January and February as a waste of time, have a look at everything that you did in some detail and there are probably some very good learnings to take away for March. You’ve got this!

  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello all! Welcome to a new month & new week!

    I am feeling really good! I have reset, I started on Saturday after my disappointing weigh-in. I think I have been lying to myself a little about why I have gained weight. I definitely think menopause has played a factor, but I have not really been staying on track. I have been going home and eating whatever and not really caring. My workouts have been lacking. I was completely on track over the weekend! I tracked every bite of food and went to the gym yesterday, feeling so much better! I had to give myself a pep talk & reality check. I was extremely happy this morning when I weighed myself, I am down 5 pounds since Saturday! I weighed myself twice, but it was the same both times. Just goes to show when I am honest and stay on the right path, I can get results.

    I have a lot of things coming up in the next few months & I was to look & feel my best!

    @Mrsbell8well I have been busy, but I also have not been feeling great about my choices and the results I was getting.

    @sleepymom5 I am so ready to make March a great month! We got this! I will check out that podcast.

    Have a great day & week! :smiley:
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,124 Member
    @sleepymom5 and @Cafelelia I will join the step challenge. I forgot to post last weeks steps because I was do busy meal prepping.

    Today I go in for my first of three epidural shots. Let's see if they work this time. I do not have high hopes . Will not get to my gym class tonight because they said I have to take it easy. I do have a staff meeting not sure if I'll make it back for that either. We will see how I feel.
  • rundgrenrocks
    rundgrenrocks Posts: 85 Member
    Hi all and happy March!
    I’m Jenn, I’m just about 53, and I live in south northern Virginia (it makes sense if you live here). My husband works in DC for the Army staff (he is retired Army). My 18 and 20 year old daughters are both in college, also up in DC, so I’ve entered my second “semester” of empty nesting, but with lots of weekend visits. I used to be a high school math teacher but I haven’t worked (for money) in years and I like the flexibility of being able to help a friend or volunteer for something whenever possible. I need to lose about 80 pounds.
    I love to cook and bake and could probably make frosting in less time than it takes to make my bed. One of my kids is a vegetarian so I enjoy experimenting with new and weird foods, like the jackfruit “crab” cakes I made on Friday.
    I walk a lot and have finally gotten back into the routine of a dumbbell workout twice a week. My goals for this month are to continue and slightly expand the workouts, and lose two pounds. I would join the walking challenge but I’m still barely keeping up with posting and reading, so maybe next month. 😄
This discussion has been closed.