WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - March 2020



  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    03/08 steps 6153
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Step challenge reminder! @GingerPwr & @kirsten11872 - Please post your Saturday steps when you have a moments. Will announce the top 3 later today!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sunday check in

    Yesterday was all over the place, but I managed to stay on plan, and get my water & exercise. Moving forward the one hour was so tough because my kids have hockey so early in the morning. So getting up at 5 am, meant getting up at what was really 4 am to us. My husband and I also had supper out and saw a concert with some friends. I am really not used to going out on a “school night”, so it was a challenge and I am feeling it today. I managed well at the restaurant (they have healthy options) and stayed within my alcohol budget (3 drinks). I had two glasses of wine, and when everybody else ordered dessert, I got a coffee with an ounce of whiskey. It was a clever way to budget the alcohol and also to distract me from the desserts (I was full by then anyway).The kids were so tired. I am actually letting my older boy stay home and sleep as he had a second late night hockey practice and he got up so early. It was just to hard from him to get going this morning and he is still sleeping.

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - Great day! Life is so busy, I know. Just comment when you can.

    @sleepymom5 - So happy that you had a nice day yesterday!

    @amsandos - Hope that you are feeling good today in spite of TOM.

    @tryingagain5 - Great day yesterday! I looked back at the spreadsheets and you were in the 190 to 193 range around Thanksgiving. So a 5 to 8 lbs range would be very noticeable to somebody who has not seen you since then. What a nice NSV!!

    @podperson1 - Everybody needs some downtime on the weekend! Good luck with the scales today.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 - I understand your frustration and agree with what everybody has posted! Don’t let this throw you! You may want to start tracking some non-scale things like measurements, how a pair of jeans fit or even photos. This can really help take you attention away from just what the scale is saying.

    @ljdanny - Great walk yesterday and so nice that you were able to take your granddaughter. Little babies are heavy when you have to carry them for more than a minute or two!

    @brown6267 - Thanks for the steps!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Monday's Weigh Ins
    Tuesday's weigh ins
    Wednesday's Weigh Ins
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    edited March 2020
    I am reposting the moderator's photo challenge here for the week-


    Thanks to everyone for making Week 1 such a fun week!! For week 2, we will borrow from Marie Kondo and post about things that create joy, delight or even surprise!

    Motivation Monday - What sparks joy
    Post a photo or describe something that sparks joy for you. We posted about inspirational people last week. This is about a place, thing or concept in your life. Maybe it is a special object, a hobby, a favorite city, a special place at home, or a piece of art of music. Show us that thing that just really does it for you, even on those days when you don't feel so motivated.

    Transformation Tuesday - One piece of you transformed
    Post a photo or describe one aspect of your transformation on this healthy journey. This could be about weight loss or building muscles, but it could be about anything. Maybe you changed your hair, makeup or clothes. Maybe you have discovered changes in your skin, posture or some aspect of your health. Show or tell us about what has changed!

    Workout Wednesday - Your workout or movement essential
    Let us know about one essential item or aspect of your workout or movement. Workout equipment or gear may come to mind, but it could be a place, or an item such as a dog leash or a pair of sunglasses.

    Thirsty Thursday - Your favorite morning drink
    I am always curious about what people drink in the morning! I love my coffee and it has evolved over time. Post a photo or describe your favorite morning drink. Selfies with the drink are great or maybe you want to show us your favourite mug or glass, or where you are having your drink!

    Food for Thought Friday - Surprising favorite food item
    Let us know about a surprising food item that you love since starting your healthy journey. Maybe you discovered a new product and now can’t live without it. Maybe you never really like broccoli before, but you now love it.

    Okay F2F family, get your photos or descriptions ready and see you on Monday!!

    Share here, on the link below or both! Looking forward to another fun week!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member

    I had such a fun weekend! I didn't follow my plan as well as I should but I also didn't go completely off the rails. Back to reality today! This afternoon I am going to the cardiologist.
    I really don't think it is necessary but my doctor wants me to go since I had to start taking medicine for my blood pressure. I don't want to procrastinate because I hit my deductible with my insurance with all the tests and PT with my hip. If he orders test I want them in before the deductible resets in June Lol! Let's have a great week everyone!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx You are a busy Mama! I remember those running around days. Don't worry about responses if you don't have the time. I am glad you are checking in each day. I love how you still get your exercise in even if you have to split it up. Hopefully you can convince your hubs to take the morning run for basketball.
    @Cafelelia Sounds like you had a fun weekend too. Except for the early hockey practice. Your normal early practice is so early to begin with.
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,023 Member
    Username: jedaschultz
    Week: 2
    Weight in day: Monday
    Previous weight:196.4
    Current weight: 199.2

    Well really disappointed at this. I spent a long weekend with my mother. Very frustrating and stressful time dealing with an aging parent. I took out my frustration with food, not a good choice.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Steps: Saturday 3/7 - 15,583
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @sleepymom5 I posted my Friday steps in my Saturday post, but I should have posted by itself. If you did not see it, my Friday step count - 23,911
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello & happy Monday! I am absolutely exhausted today! Losing the hour yesterday has really messed me up! We woke up 45 minutes late this morning, I have a bad headache, I feel like I am hungover and I did not have 1 drink all weekend! Hopefully I feel much better tomorrow, adjusted to the time change.

    Thanks everyone for the congrats on my weight-loss this week! I am feeling so good! My weekend went well, I did not get to workout, but I did get in a lot of steps. We had plans all weekend, which was fun, but it derailed me from working out. I ate well except for last night, I was snacking a little, but back on track today! I refuse to lose my momentum! I am not sure I am going to workout tonight, I will see how I feel, I am just so tired.

    Have a great week! :smiley:
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    @jedaschultz I have been there - most of 2018 in fact. All part of your story, just turn the page and keep writing what happens next. You're in control of this.

    @kirsten11872 I honestly don't know how you get so many steps in, but go you! I used to get maybe 17k when I was working retail and going for deliberate walks before and after work as well as at lunch, and doing a gym session in the evening. *phew*

    @Cafelelia can you add me to the step challenge for this week? I'm probably not going to beat Kirsten or Timi, but it will be fun to add up what I do get 🙂

    I did drop enough subtle hints with my sledgehammer that hubby took son to his training this morning, and I happily skipped off into my gym. Oh, what a shame! 😆😆 I am awfully hungry today though!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - Absolutely, we’ve got you in for the challenge this week! The more the merrier! Listen, I came in “last” for Week 1, but I am thrilled because my step average was 7k per day (which does not include my stationary bike). With my injury, I could only walk about 3 k per day at this time last year. So I feel like I won regardless!
  • rundgrenrocks
    rundgrenrocks Posts: 85 Member
    Hi team,
    I’ve been reading but haven’t had time to comment, sorry! My girls came home for spring break on Friday, and my birthday was Sunday. They brought bagels and coffee drinks for breakfast and we went out for pizza and then had ice cream cake for dinner. Yikes! It was nice though.
    Apparently their professors have been told to be ready for online teaching in case they need to close the campus due to coronavirus. They already brought the study abroad kids home. I guess most colleges are in the same boat, or will be eventually.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    @Cafelelia Awesome! I have my step goal set for 8k per day and most days I beat it, but if I have a high pain day then no way. Stupid nerve issues. I had 3 or 4 days last week with no exercise and low steps I think. But then other days I can walk 10km.

    Generally if I am biking outside my watch registers almost no steps at all, and on my spin bike I'm having issues with it auto-pausing, and not adding all that many steps anyway. I don't think it will add much to my total. I try and get out to walk along the coast and the beach as much as I can anyway!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    @sleepymom5 and @Cafelelia

    Thanks for looking back at the previous weights for me. I had forgotten I was tracking them daily on the Samsung app on my phone. I started doing that at the beginning of November so no need to send them to but thanks for the offer. It was nice of my brother to let me know that he could tell I had lost some weight.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Monday check in
    Food-logged and under
    Water- 96 oz
    Exercise-Pt and stretching

    The cardiologist appointment went well. He said that everything looked good and he didn't think I needed any additional tests other than the Ekg and labwork I have already had done. I am happy about that. I didn't get to exercise today. After the doctors, MK and I cleaned the garage. All day I have been exhausted so I am just going to take my no exercise, low steps and make up for it tomorrow. I am hoping that it is just the time change and I am not getting sick. I have been sniffly all day.

    Congratulations to the winners of the step challenge- @kirsten11872 @timibotkin and @Freeglerock Great job ladies!! Also great job to everyone in the step challenge!!

    @jedaschultz I can relate to the stress of an aging parent. Hope you have time now to get back to taking care of you. You can turn this around. :)
    @kirsten11872 Sorry about the mixup with the steps. Thanks for reposting. You really do get amazing steps even when you don't get in a workout. That is awesome! I can relate to feeling tired. I have been exhausted all day. Hopefully after another good night's sleep we will be back to normal. Great job staying on track even with being tired.
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Glad you convinced your husband to take your son to practice and you were able to workout! Happy to see you are joining the step challenge.
    @rundgrenrocks Happy Birthday!! Sounds like it was a great one, especially with your daughters home to celebrate with you. My daughter is on Spring break too. I will have to ask her if her professors mentioned anything about online teaching after break. I am you had some time to check in. Enjoy your girls!
    @tryingagain5 It is nice that your brother noticed :) It is a good feeling when others can see a difference.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Monday's Weigh Ins
    Tuesday's weigh ins
    Wednesday's Weigh Ins
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    My internet connection is still a problem. I need to check in so I hope this posts. I had a really bad day yesterday. Came into work and the kitchen counter was just covered in sugary treats chocolate everything. I am so tired atm. I ate loads of it but I am on a sugar rollercoaster because now it is 2am and I can't sleep I am listening to my heart pounding. I feel like I am such a mess at the minute and I can't get out of it. I need a plan and I need to stick to it. I am killing myself slowly and will end up obese and with type 2 diabetes.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    @amsandos I know that struggle, sugar was my poison. It got so bad that I couldn't stand the taste of it any more and I still couldn't stop buying it and binge eating it. One night I had this awful moment of clarity that I was literally poisoning my body with it, and it had to stop. I was already obese (again, after having got to a healthy weight once already) and I was going to kill myself.

    I had to put things in place to help myself though. I had a healthy dose of stress and anxiety from the situation with my daughter at the time and I was binge eating because it was the only way I knew how to cope. So I got myself support. I had to do things differently, because nothing was going to change if I didn't. I started using mindfulness and mindful eating techniques (which I thought were a total crock at first!) and I had to learn to tune out what I call "Radio Doom and Gloom" - that negative self talk that was always in my head making excuses, judging me harshly, and telling me why everything was awful and I was never going to succeed in anything again. I was a complete mess, but over time I changed. I cut out sugar completely for 9 months, and I turned Radio Doom and Gloom into "Radio Sunshine." I figured out that I react with migraines to too much sugar and most artificial sweeteners so I don't have much sweet stuff, although I can/do have a little sugar again now. I do like to learn things the hard way!

    But there is a way through. What do you need to do to take care of you? I also had to do that, because I was always putting myself last. It's okay to put yourself first - get some sleep, take some time, say "no" to whatever you need to! And ask for support (this seems like a pretty good place right here!)
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Wrapping up Tuesday and despite my hungry day I am under calories. I'm in a pretty good routine of not snacking outside mealtimes now, (unless I really need it) so I just stuck with my plan. I have morning and afternoon tea and some grace calories in most days to play with for evening or starving situations, so I'm all set.

    I feel surprisingly comfortable back in the losing weight routine - I think maybe it gives me something to do and something to achieve and I really like how I'm eating and exercising. I feel so much better in myself. I sorted through some of my clothes on the weekend and I'm excited for when I'll fit back into some of my favorites in smaller sizes!

    Exercise - it's been raining so gym time for me. Spin bike and elliptical, I did before and after work again. 50/30 mins. It is really hard to get my HR up on the spin bike now, and my resting HR is dropping again too. I'll need to watch that. When I'm fit I go bradycardic, I wasn't expecting my RHR to get into the mid 50s again so quickly though. In 2016 it used to sit around 40!

    Hope you all have a lovely day.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member

    Saturday 5,518
    Sunday 10,035
    Monday 7,472
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    Need to catch up on posts, but thought I would do a quick check in. Ended up not tracking my food Saturday, Sunday and Monday - not entirely sure why, but I think as I was cooking food that could bot be portioned properly (Saturday a chilli from the slow cooker - counted the calories of the ingredients I put in, but had no idea how much was in my serving! And Sunday was a roast self served from the table with Monday being left overs). I hate not being able to be spot on accurate with measuring etc, so if I know I can't be accurate I almost take a stance of not bothering at all. Anyway, need to get over that! But I Didn't snack and the food was healthy so I don't think there will be any major gain from it. In a way it is good to know I can not track but make sensible choices. The weighing scales will tell tomorrow!
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    Sunday - 9,736
    Monday - 11,164
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    03/09 steps 14166
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited March 2020
    Monday check in

    I had such a bad frozen shoulder yesterday. It really hurt. It also meant that I could not get stuff done yesterday, which was super annoying. It still hurts this morning, but is manageable at least. I stayed on plan for eating, and made yesterday a rest day. I did not manage to get all of my water because I went to bed so early, but I did get in 52 oz. It’s rainy here today, but still warm. I am not taking the bait though because those Canadian winter gods love to play tricks on us, particularly in March!

    @brown6267, @freeglerock & @gingerpwr - Thanks for the steps!

    @Freeglerock - That’s great that you just estimated portions and ate healthy when you could not to do accurate measuring! It’s a good skill to have!

    @podperson1 - That is just a small gain and hope that you get over that cold quickly. Amazing NSV with the skirt!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - Thanks for sharing about your tough time and how you got through it. You are so right that it is ok to put ourselves first! Congratulations on fitting back into some of your clothes! Excellent NSV!

    @amsandos - I am so sorry that you had a bad day yesterday. It was just one day and you can move forward. We have all been there and support you. Nobody here is judging you, that’s for sure. Try to be kind to yourself about this, particularly with your worries and heart pounding at 2 am. @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx pointed out, there could be other reasons for your desire for sugar and then not sleeping. That’s ok. If you feel you need more support, like counselling, don’t hesitate to reach out to get it. There are free public hotlines and check your work for an EAP, as they sometimes have telephone or video counseling that you can schedule. I did that a few years ago when my son was having so many issues in school. Like on the spot at work, just called the EAP hotline and they helped me immediately. Re the treats at work, maybe just include it in your plan. Like I will have a few treats off the work counter if they are there today. That way it is not a forbidden thing. Just post here in the moment when you are at work if that counter gets to you. We are here for you and hope that today is a better day.

    @sleepymom5 - Glad that all went well at the cardiologist. Cleaning the garage is definitely a huge task, so it is no surprise that you were exhausted. Hope that you got a good night’s rest and feel better today. Daisy is absolutely adorable!

    @rundgrenrocks - Happy belated birthday! It was so nice that your girls came home for it! Yes, all of the coronavirus preparedness is going here too. School trips have been cancelled and we get weekly updates from the school boards. I am trying to keep the kids calm and go on with our normal lives as much as possible.

    @kirsten11872 - I totally get how you felt and that time change really messed up our entire family. You are doing fantastic and keep it going as it is inspiring the rest of us too!

    @jedaschultz - I am sorry about the stress that you are going through with your mom. I completely understand the issues of dealing with an aging parent. The stress can be overwhelming. Try to fit in whatever self care that you can, and also it is ok to get outside support if you feel you need it. Don’t let this gain throw you. We have all been there and are all here to support you now. Today is a new day. You can reset and move forward.

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    edited March 2020

    I keep posting the wrong pictures lol! I can be so bad with technology sometimes...
    Hope everyone is having a great day!

    @amsandos I saw that you already posted for today so I am hoping that means you had a better day today. You do have to make a plan that you can live with for work. They seem to always have sweets there. Is it in a room you can avoid? Can you bring in a healthy snack that you actually like in? Even if it isn't the healthiest but it is a healthier option. You aren't going to want carrots or an apple if there is something good in there. I like these protein bars that have about 200 calories and a good amount of protein. I used to eat them a lot and realized they weren't the healthiest. I will still have one for a special treat from time to time. Maybe get something like that or if you have a freezer maybe put some lower fat ice cream in there. Most of all, don't beat yourself up. You will figure it out. Maybe also remember how you felt when you couldn't fall asleep with all the sugar. You can do this.
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Ugh! I just wrote a long response to you and it disappeared! I like how you are in a good routine with your diet and exercise. Even the not snacking seems to be in the routine. Not saying you don't struggle at times, we all do but you seem to be sticking to your plan and doing well. Thanks also for what you wrote to @amsandos. I think we all can learn from that post.
    @GingerPwr Great job with the steps!
    @podperson1 Sometimes the scale can be fickle, especially if you are sick. Take the NSV of your skirt as momentum for this coming week. You are doing great! Hope you are feeling better soon and check in when you are feeling up to it. xo
    @Freeglerock I am glad you checked in. It can be time consuming responding to posts so don't ever feel badly about it. So I am not a cook at all but I can speak for a few of the people I know on MFP that do. Some of them make their own recipes and enter it into the data base. Taking the time to do this makes it easier in the long run if you are interested. What my lazy butt does-I see what is in the data base already and choose the one which the calories seem the average for the recipe. If that is hard to tell, I take the one that is in the middle. I don't take the highest or the lowest (unless the most of the recipes seem to be one of those). Hope I didn't confuse you lol! Hope you are having a good day.
    @brown6267 Wow! Awesome steps!
    @Cafelelia Hope the shoulder is better by the end of the day. Sounds like you had a good day otherwise.
This discussion has been closed.