TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (April)



  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Mini Challenge
    Yes Day
    Date: Thurs, April2nd:
    Tracking: Yes
    UnderCalories: Yes, +35
    Exercise(20min): Yes
    Water: 64oz
    Steps: 14,159

    *Daily personal goal this week* Push back eating until 12 noon, stop eating after 8pm
    No, and the struggle was real!!
  • jmalderman
    jmalderman Posts: 97 Member
    Friday weigh in: 129

    4/2 mini challenges:
    Tracking: Yes
    Within calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Username: thedestar
    Weigh In Week: April- week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight: 171.0
    Todays Weight: 171.0

    Thur April 2nd
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: 34min Upper body strength and cardio
    Water: 72oz

    I peeked at the scale on the 1st and it was lower so that was kind of a bummer this morning to see that it was the same 😩
  • kimmy5280
    kimmy5280 Posts: 367 Member
    Weigh In Week: April- week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight:
    Todays Weight: 259

    Daily Tracking: yes
    At or under calories: yes
    Daily exercise: yes, mostly walking, a little bit of stretching and a bit of core exercises
    Water: have not been tracking

    Hi Gang, I haven’t checked in yet to our group but I’m truly looking forward to making the most of this month and being stronger/healthier despite the unusual times. Wishing you all good health and good fortune.
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,956 Member
    edited April 2020
    Mini Challenge
    Pass Day
    Date: Fri, April3rd:
    Tracking: Yes
    UnderCalories: No, in the red -458
    Exercise(20min): Yes
    Water: 100oz
    Steps: 12587, treadmill treadmill treadmill
    *Daily personal goal this week* Push back eating until 12 noon, stop eating after 8pm
    Negative, I did wait until 11am to eat today
    First time Ive gone off plan in a very long time. Hope I can jump right back on tomorrow. *Note- I was picking up Popeyes for family and they made our order wrong and we ended up with extra food! I couldn't NOT eat a free chicken sandwich.. On a the end of a calorically-strict week. I completely CAVED under the pressure! Then I just continued to carb-up all evening😭😭
  • LMK02020
    LMK02020 Posts: 175 Member
    Over on everything food wise this week, and hardly any exercise,so my weigh in is higher.
    CW: 124.5

    I seem to be good until 6 pm with food and then the munching starts ! 🙁🎉

    I’m still working out of the house , but instead of my normal routine as a nanny, the entire family and other kids are home with me , so I’m a bit off on my normal routine and it’s evident in my decompressing after 6 pm with munchies 😳

    Hope everyone is doing well!!!
  • LMK02020
    LMK02020 Posts: 175 Member
    I really shouldn’t be complaining ! Sorry about that.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    LMK02020 wrote: »
    I really shouldn’t be complaining ! Sorry about that.

    @LMK02020 You are allowed to complain!!! We're here for you to vent to and express your frustrations at any time!!! Things are changing by the day, and we are all trying to find some way to continue a "normal" routine. It's stressful, and it can be really difficult! I hope you continue to be well! :)
  • richmondwriter
    richmondwriter Posts: 683 Member
    Weekly Round Table Discussion: I'd like to ask everyone how they are coping with this new normal? How are you staying healthy? How are you controlling what's controllable? All we have right now is control of our health. What is your plan to keep yourself in check during these trying times? Have you been implementing a new exercise because your gym is closed? Are you eating better because you can't go to your favorite buffet every other night!? Please share with the classroom.

    I was doing *really* well with all of this until the last week. With my TOM due to arrive, it didn't help me. I did not stay on track for much of last week, no matter how hard I tried! I went for any and all snacks, and I hurt my back (again) and didn't get much activity in. This week, and weeks after, will be different!

    We have not had dinner out in at least a month, and plan to continue this for a while. We have been making relatively healthy dinners lately, and have been having salad at least 3 times a week.

    One thing I need to really try focusing on again is yoga. It helps me get some stress out in a healthy way, and I know my body can use it. I am about to do some simple stretches with my yoga strap, just to ease back into it.

    As of right now, my plan is to refocus on making my lunches for work each day so that it is planned out. Also, stick to dinner plus one treat afterwards to make my calorie goal. Between work and being home, my goal is to aim for at least 9,000 steps a day. Sundays may continue to be my low days, and I am ok with that-I am looking at working Saturdays for overtime for the next few weeks, and don't want to overdo things too much.

    Sorry my thoughts aren't too well organized on here!

    It sounds like you have a great plan! I hope your back is feeling better soon.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    Krysless2 wrote: »
    Krysless2 wrote: »
    Mini Challenge
    Pass Day
    Date: Fri, April3rd:
    Tracking: Yes
    UnderCalories: No, in the red -458
    Exercise(20min): Yes
    Water: 100oz
    Steps: 12587, treadmill treadmill treadmill
    *Daily personal goal this week* Push back eating until 12 noon, stop eating after 8pm
    Negative, I did wait until 11am to eat today
    First time Ive gone off plan in a very long time. Hope I can jump right back on tomorrow. *Note- I was picking up Popeyes for family and they made our order wrong and we ended up with extra food! I couldn't NOT eat a free chicken sandwich.. On a the end of a calorically-strict week. I completely CAVED under the pressure! Then I just continued to carb-up all evening😭😭

    I want to throw some water on my face here. Last night just proved a point. I can be myself... Have the perfect amount of sleep... In the perfect stage of keto(where I'm not even hungry)... And I can STILL binge eat to a point of making myself sick. I'm at a loss for words... Just beyond disappointed. Last night was a mental ____ (you know what).

    *hugs* I don't think that we ever get 100% away from old habits... I think they lurk in the back of our minds preying on the right moment. The good thing is that you're aware, and I think you can move past this. You CAN do this! :)
  • richmondwriter
    richmondwriter Posts: 683 Member
    I blew it on the MUACs last week. Will try, try again this week.

    Past weight: 142.6
    Current weight: 141.4

    I am able to still walk my elderly dog every day, 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours, along the river. It is a little exercise (he is super, super slow and stops to sniff everything) but also a calming experience to be in touch with nature. I sometimes have to cross the street to maintain a social distance from others, but it's not overly crowded where I walk.

    While I do not have many snacks around, I tend to eat too much bread. This has been exacerbated lately as my husband has been stress baking and he makes really good bread!

    I will try to focus on eating more vegetables this week. Christine, I am impressed with your 3X week salads! I like what Krysless said about our weight being one of the only things we can control in this time.
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    edited April 2020
    I’m a couple days behind...
    Under:no 😢
    Water: yes
    Exercise: yes (walking)
    Steps: 12,415

    Under: yes
    Water: yes
    Exercise: yes (walking)
    Steps: 10.894

    Under: yes
    Water: yes
    Exercise: no. I intended to walk, but we got a bad thunderstorm
    Steps: 7118

    Starting to get out more. As my lungs clear from the bronchitis, I’ll be able to get back to exercising regularly. But after 5 weeks out, my stamina let’s me go for a walk and I’m exhausted.

    But I need to kick up the exercise. Now that I’m not sick, the weight isn’t magically falling off. I’m trying to be super strict on my diet just to maintain my loss.

    On the good side, I’m liking the new habit of walking after dinner. It means I can burn off some of the food I ate, plus I’m not sitting on the couch thinking about what treats might be in the kitchen. Win-win 😄

  • jmalderman
    jmalderman Posts: 97 Member
    Tracking: yes
    Within calories: no
    Exercise: no
    Steps: 8,361

    Tracking: yes
    Within calories: no
    Exercise: yes
    Steps: 12,663

    Well Friday and Saturday we’re not great on the calories front, but Sunday is a new day so going to try to do better!
  • asha170880
    asha170880 Posts: 51 Member
    Weigh-in Day : Sunday, April 5
    Previous Weight : 147.27 lbs / 66.8 kg
    Today’s Weight : 145.95 lbs / 66.2 kg
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Sunday weigh in
    PW: 154.6
    CW: 153.8
  • RoseyandReady
    RoseyandReady Posts: 256 Member
    Weigh in Sunday April 5th = 167
    Previous = 168
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    edited April 2020
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes
    Water: 110oz
    Steps: 10,317

    9,000+ steps? Yes
    Prepared lunch? Yes
    Only 1 snack after dinner? No
    Yoga? No

    Tracked: Nope
    Under: Probably not
    Exercise: Yes
    Water: 110oz
    Steps: 6,622

    9,000+ steps? No
    Prepared Lunch? Yes
    Only 1 Snack after dinner? Nope...
    Yoga? No

  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    I blew it on the MUACs last week. Will try, try again this week.

    Past weight: 142.6
    Current weight: 141.4

    I am able to still walk my elderly dog every day, 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours, along the river. It is a little exercise (he is super, super slow and stops to sniff everything) but also a calming experience to be in touch with nature. I sometimes have to cross the street to maintain a social distance from others, but it's not overly crowded where I walk.

    While I do not have many snacks around, I tend to eat too much bread. This has been exacerbated lately as my husband has been stress baking and he makes really good bread!

    I will try to focus on eating more vegetables this week. Christine, I am impressed with your 3X week salads! I like what Krysless said about our weight being one of the only things we can control in this time.

    @richmondwriter That is really amazing dedication to getting your dog out for a walk! I have not been taking my dogs on walks as much as I would like to lately... I am glad you can safely get out without having to come across the paths of many people! :) I completely understand your problem with bread lately! I took groceries to my mother, and she had left a bag of homemade bread out for me to bring home... I have been doing an absolutely terrible job with limiting the bread!!!
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,956 Member
    edited April 2020
This discussion has been closed.