

  • wrknonmedaily
    wrknonmedaily Posts: 203 Member
    Hope everyone is well,
    Monday weigh in:
    Username: wrknonmedaily
    Week 17
    PW 228.2
    TW 229
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Katmary71, you just keep resting your legs and you will be strong workout beast again in no time. Hmm, did your laptop try to commit suicide? :smirk: Dang, those oblique circles looked intense! How do these trainers come up with this stuff? Yesterday my girl had me do the pretzel move. Have you seen it? Google it if you haven’t! :wink:

    @trooworld, great job on our Wednesday challenge! You should be VERY proud that you haven’t been emotionally eating during this crazy time. I am VERY proud of you that is for sure! <3

    @digger61, yayyy I am glad to see that you will be posting more! Being a truck driver is a very important job so thank you!! :)

    @mrmcgrath, happy Wednesday to you too! <3

    @leonadixon, OK, so there is a trend happening with your weight that I am sure is making you sad. How do you plan to turn it around this coming month? Have you tried our Habit Tracker on the front page? You will turn it around. Just don’t give up!! <3

    @jmbrown11, great to meet you and yayyy for getting a hold of your drinking and turning it around. This is a VERY stressful time for so many people and we have to be extra mindful to take care of ourselves and that starts by doing what is good for us. I’m so glad that you are here with us! I encourage you to check in often and feel free to share whatever you like. :)

    @wrknonmedaily, that is such a small gain so don’t beat yourself up! Do you have a plan for going into May? I am working on mine! ;)

    Hey Team! Can you believe that this month is almost over? I swear March lasted forever and this month has flown by. Could it be that I’m actually getting used to life in quarantine? Sheesh, I hope not because I’m pretty sure that life is going to resume at some point and I want to be ready. Tomorrow, I go into my weekly staff meeting to talk more about opening up the church at the end of May. Sooo much to think about! :o

    Here is my Wednesday challenge

    1. Breakfast: Black coffee, Lunch: peanut butter and jelly sandwich and BBQ Good Thins, Dinner: homemade chicken salad sandwich and sweet potato fries. Snack: coffee with half-n-half and a few toasted pecans. The pecans weren’t on the schedule, but I toasted them for the chicken salad, and they smelled too good to resist! :p
    2. Water: I will end the day with at least 96 oz.
    3. Exercise: Today was day three of Barre Blend and it was all cardio. I pushed hard and didn’t quit as often as I wanted to and when I did it was just for a second and then I was right back at it.
    4. Well, I walked outside with the dog if that counts. I did sit for about 30 minutes and play with my 5000-piece puzzle.
    5. Something positive that I’ve done is stay consistent with my workouts. I’ve also kept myself busy with lots of little projects around the house and just today made a whole new to-do-list. :)
  • veryhotmails
    veryhotmails Posts: 171 Member
    WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS!!! @jmbrown11, @Kelly_2013, @JulieD769 and @veryhotmails!

    Please jump right in so we can get to you as you get to know us! :)


    Hello everyone, looks like it's gonna be fun here so just to add to the lovely group, am here with the hope of able to make a change to my life style in general. Am 5"7 tall on a fluctuation around 107/108 kg for couple of years, always been on healthy eating, portion control might be a bit of an issue, exercising on and a long holiday off it, continuity another obstacle but with support from people in this group knowing that all eyes on me and being accountable I think I will thrive. First time of joining a proper fitness group so hopefully It will be time well spent. Any other things?....
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    edited April 2020
    Katmary71 wrote: »

    @Jactop report back on the cucumbers, I'm curious how they are!
    Well it wasn't quite like eating chips but they weren't bad. They had a similar texture to kettle chips and we thought the flavor was pretty good. They softened up after sitting out for a few hours so they would be something you'd want to eat shortly after they're made

    Wednesday Check In
    1. Track✔
    2. Exercise ✔ bike 30 min
    3. Weights ✔
    4. Stretch ✔
    5. No Sugar ✔
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Funny, I didn't know what the pretzel move was called but did it today too!

    @Jactop glad the cucumbers turned out well! That's how I feel about the "replacement" foods, cauliflower is good but not rice, spaghetti squash and zuchinni noodles taste great but aren't pasta, and roasted radishes are really good but nothing like little potatoes.

    @veryhotmails So glad you're part of the group now! Checking in here and using habit tracker are great habits to stay on track,

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @digger61 So glad you checked in and let us know how you're doing, Mike! It sounds like you're doing real well now with your habits, way to go!

    @leonadixon That's ok, you got this!

    @jmbrown11 Hi Jordan! It sounds like you came out the other side, congratulations on your sobriety! Like @Jactop and I say, you earned your shower if you're a sweaty mess!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    Wednesday check-in
    Exercise- HASFit ab/cardio (standing with light weights), HASFit arm weights, AthleanX 7 minute abs, Sidney Cummings deep stretch, foam rolling
    Water- over

    Cardio 30 minutes- kind of?
    Weights- done
    Yoga/core- stretches and abs
    Recipe- thinking on whether I want to make a new recipe with tomorrow's salmon or stick to my new favorite way, I'll probably do the latter.
    10,000 steps- at 5000

    I'm irritated today with my Fitbit burn, have had a voice in my head this week telling me it's ok to eat an extra piece of fruit and that I don't have to log little things, etc but have managed to fight through it and stay under calories. I'm eating less not doing cardio and I'm hungry but supposedly burned 200 calories in 2 hours of working out and go by my Fitbit adjustment which is pretty small without my usual steps so am stuck eating right above maintenance. If I hadn't been maintaining eating according to it the last month then I'd just eat according to how I feel but want to make sure I'm on the right track following it. Yeah, it's stupid and eating over calories isn't the end of the world, just being a baby right now!
  • Kelly_2013
    Kelly_2013 Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning!! My name is Kelly and I'm super excited for this challenge! I'm ready to get this started! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,065 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thank you so much! <3

    Hello everyone. I found out yesterday that I'm going to be on furlough from May 18th until the end of June. It could be worse, I could have lost my job, but it is still very upsetting and devastating financially.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under over
    Exercise: ----
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: YouTube video, 52+ oz of water.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    edited April 2020
    My goal for May is to check in regularly and stay on top of the challenges.

    Fitrockr I was finally able to connect using a different email but couldn't sync with my old account so I'm Jackie T now instead of Topa.

    Roses and Thorns
    All of my health/fitness roses and thorns seem to be dependent on whether or not I eat sugar. When I eliminated it I ate better, was able to control junk food portions, had more energy, exercised regularly, got almost 2x as much sleep in the same amount of hrs in bed, was more productive and almost pain free.

    When I started eating sugar again mid April my joints were so stiff I could hardly walk (I'm pretty sure sugar aggravates my arthritis), spent many days on the couch with a heating pad too sore and tired to move, no motivation or energy to exercise, needed pain meds to sleep at night, blood sugar was way too high, carpel tunnel numbness was back, and I started putting weight back on.

    My seeds would be accepting that my body can no longer tolerate sugar. I've eliminated sugar for short periods in the past and gone back to consuming it again but this time the effects were so drastic it was a real wake up call.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @gwamajtw91, congrats on your 10 lb. weight loss!! That is fantastic! :star: We are also very happy to have you on our team and glad that it’s helping you stay accountable.

    @Jactop, glad that you were able to get Fitrockr to sync. I need to work on eating less sugar too. I do really good for days and days and then BAM, I’m overindulging…again! Let’s do a no-sugar May? Are you in? I am!! :grin:

    @trooworld, ohhhh I am sorry about your job! It’s so tough for so many people and I hate that you have to be one who is going to continue to struggle. You hang in there and stick to your goals! <3

    @Kelly_2013, hi and welcome! We are super excited to have you here too! You will find that we are very supportive and encouraging group.

    @Katmary71, I have never looked at my Fitbit burn. If I did I’m sure it wouldn’t be happy with me. :D You are NOT a baby! You are dedicated and we love that about you. <3

    @veryhotmails, first off welcome to the group! Second, you must tell us how you choose your username and where you are from. I read your post with a British accent. Am I correct? :grin:

    Good evening team! Today, was my day to go into work for our weekly staff meeting. We are hoping to open the church on June 7th if nothing crazy happens here. We talked a lot about how to social distance people and how to set up sanitization sections and stuff like that. I took today off from working but will be back at it in the morning. I started my 5000-piece puzzle too. It is going to take me a while to get this one done. :D My eating was OK but I surely could have done better...and tomorrow is weigh-in day! :s:#:|

    Our May thread is up and active so head over there and do your introduction posts! :)
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Week 5 weigh in (30Apr2020)
    Previous weight: 183.8
    Current weight: 182.8

    Hi team! A new month is upon us but I still have a 5th weigh in for April! This has not been a great weight loss month - I think the last bad month I had like this was in....November? Several things are similar; many night eating events, not paying as close attention, not getting all the needed water consistently. My logging has not been thoroughly consistent, either. I'm off my 100% A game and taking it a day at a time, for now.

    PSA - peanut butter by the spoonful is not your friend!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @Kelly_2013 Hi Kelly, welcome to the gang!

    @Jactop Wow, it sounds like you've definitely found a connection with sugar and your health issues, that's a serious list of problems when you're not careful. Can you use natural sweeteners to replace it instead or are those an issue as well?

    @gwamajtw91 Congratulations on 10lbs down!

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! I hope things go well with church, there's definitely a lot of planning that goes into it. There's so many little things you'd never think of, like passing out fliers, having coffee out for people, and doughnut holes for the kids that are off-limits now.

    @raleighgirl09 There's a reason I don't have peanut butter in the house!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Weigh in week:  Week 5
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 211.8
    Todays Weight: 211.5

  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Official Weigh In

    PW 192.2
    CW 192.2
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    Hello Slimpossibles! Another new member coming your way - welcome @meladriana !
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member

    Pw- 157.2
    Cw 158.2

    Sorry gang
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Our May thread is up and active so head over there and do your introduction posts! :)

    @TeresaW1020 I'm not sure if I am missing something but I went looking for the new thread and didn't see it on the F2F page, do you have a link, by chance?
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Our May thread is up and active so head over there and do your introduction posts! :)

    @TeresaW1020 I'm not sure if I am missing something but I went looking for the new thread and didn't see it on the F2F page, do you have a link, by chance?

    Yes! Here is the link May Thread

    In the future, if you can't find our thread just scroll to the bottom of the page and on the right, there is a link called "all discussions." Click it. :)
This discussion has been closed.