What's on your mind today?



  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone. Just a few minutes for commentary as I have to log in and get working....coffee and shower first though.
    In SFL we really have no need to put away and take out winter clothes. We have warm and hot clothing. I have a few light jackets and sweat shirts I put up. Most of my clothes can be layered for cold spells. I have a few winter shoes (closed toe) I put in shoe boxes for the hot season. Yes spoiled in FL.
    Chinkiri I'm so glad you're on the upswing. I know this year has been unusual but it also seems your weather sensitive. You may want to check into getting the lights that imitate sunlight for the next winter season. I hear they are worth the investment. If I lived where there was a real winter I would have to invest in them. I see sun year round and have almost forgotten the winter blues. Gosh, I've been in SFL since my early 20s.
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,121 Member
    Thank you @SuziQ113 We have a similar climate to you, I think, in Florida, but this year's weather, beautiful during lockdown and then rain when we were out allowed again, got me down. We don't have a real winter either. Great again now, this is why I moved here, amongst other reasons!
  • readyornot1234
    readyornot1234 Posts: 1,027 Member
    @Chinkiri - I’m so happy for you! It’s looking like a good day here as well.
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,121 Member
    @Chinkiri - I’m so happy for you! It’s looking like a good day here as well.

    Keep it up! I am struggling right now at this very moment to push myself to go out and do some exercise!
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    On my mind today...so many wonderful things...but someone just accused me of being a "sell out" because I accepted the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance of $600 a week. I'm a self employed Mom...and that is a very helpful figure. However, if I go back to work at about a 3rd of my normal load for this time of year...I'm losing money because my clients don't want to use my services just yet... So... Anyway.... (lovely use of grammar I know) I have to slice and dice the numbers and pray through this.
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,121 Member
    Thursday 21st May
    Another beautiful morning!
    I am grateful that I live in this beautiful city with 300 days of sunshine a year.
    I am grateful for my good health and that of my family.
    I am grateful for my financial security, but I am also grateful that the taxes I am paying and have paid over the years are providing a much needed income to people who have lost their jobs or are in the process of losing them.
    I am grateful for the support of all you people, helping by sharing or wise words when I am down and by cheering when I am doing well.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,121 Member
    On my mind today...so many wonderful things...but someone just accused me of being a "sell out" because I accepted the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance of $600 a week. I'm a self employed Mom...and that is a very helpful figure. However, if I go back to work at about a 3rd of my normal load for this time of year...I'm losing money because my clients don't want to use my services just yet... So... Anyway.... (lovely use of grammar I know) I have to slice and dice the numbers and pray through this.

    No one has a right to make you feel bad about accepting what is your right. We pay taxes to provide for provisions we consider important and our elected representatives approve. My oldest son is a chef in independent business and cannot work due to anti-Corona measures. He receives government unemployment assistance. What is he supposed to do, starve? Do deliveries? He has a 9-year-old daughter and partner with Crohn's disease, who has almost no immunity and who has to stay in confinement.
    People should think more often: "There, but for the grace of God, go I"
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    Chinkiri wrote: »
    On my mind today...so many wonderful things...but someone just accused me of being a "sell out" because I accepted the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance of $600 a week. I'm a self employed Mom...and that is a very helpful figure. However, if I go back to work at about a 3rd of my normal load for this time of year...I'm losing money because my clients don't want to use my services just yet... So... Anyway.... (lovely use of grammar I know) I have to slice and dice the numbers and pray through this.

    No one has a right to make you feel bad about accepting what is your right. We pay taxes to provide for provisions we consider important and our elected representatives approve. My oldest son is a chef in independent business and cannot work due to anti-Corona measures. He receives government unemployment assistance. What is he supposed to do, starve? Do deliveries? He has a 9-year-old daughter and partner with Crohn's disease, who has almost no immunity and who has to stay in confinement.
    People should think more often: "There, but for the grace of God, go I"

    Thank you for the support Chinkiri! I agree with you. We all have to do what is best in each of our individual circumstances.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,402 Member
    Chinkiri wrote: »
    22nd May
    Oops, almost forgot!
    I am grateful to have woken up healthy again and in good spirits.
    I am grateful for the use of my legs. After a horrific accident 20 years ago, they were talking about me being in a wheelchair after max 10 years, and here I am, planning a nice long walk for today.
    I am taking my partner, who has Alzheimer's, and usually that is a trying experience, but it'll be good to work on my patience and tolerance.
    I am grateful for my friends. We're biking to the beach on Sunday. Without a bit of a push from them I'd find a new excuse every day!

    Have a good day everyone! Sleep well, Japan and Oz!

    SOO glad to hear the ""chipper" tone back in your "voice"!
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,121 Member
    23rd May
    Another beautiful day!
    Like I said yesterday, so grateful for my legs! I did a two-hour walk yesterday, with ups and downs, in a beautiful 'domaine' by the river, used to belong to the Bazille family, now owned by the Municipality. It was closed until Thursday.
    I am grateful for things opening up a bit. It gives a little more normality to my life.
    I am grateful for good food! Counting calories doesn't mean I cannot eat well!
    Have a good day everyone!
  • lexabeep
    lexabeep Posts: 232 Member
    I’m sorry I forgot your name and couldn’t find it easily when I went back to look. You asked about what app I use to track earthquakes or get early warning. I live in Japan so the app goes off of the Japanese scale. Which is different then the what the USA uses. I don’t believe it would give you warnings but Information after the quake. It tracks all over the world, you can give it a try. The name is Yurekuru.( you can set to English in settings) Every cell phone in Japan has earthquakes and tsunami warnings based on location. I get one from the app and the government one. We don’t get them for smaller quakes.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,402 Member
    my day worked out for room for 1/2 a Chapman's Yukon Ice Cream Treat. YUM!

    Weight still stable Saturday-to-Saturday - I seem to have a decent handle on matching my daily calorie setting to my current average daily activity level (and this past week was only 20 calories under where MFP wanted me to set my maintenance goal with a "sedentary lifestyle setting" (which seemed the best choice given still more-locked-down-than-not work from home situation. )

    A few more types of stores are starting to open up in a limited "controled-traffic" way or else re-opening but for curbside pickup or pick-up-and-leave. To be allowed to open, the retail location must have its own to-the-curb access. Strip malls but not enclosed malls. Places like car dealerships by appointment only - that kind of thing.

    Non-medical masks are currently recommended for all situations where social distancing may be problematic (eg not necessarily for walk if in a wide-open setting (lots of room to pass and not many people anyway - but do wear if in more congested city streets / lineups / inside stores)

    I have made two-each for myself, DH, and snail-mailed a pair downtown to my son.
  • Chinkiri
    Chinkiri Posts: 1,121 Member
    24th May
    Still grateful for the use of my legs!
    I am going to try them out today, cycling to the beach!
    Grateful for good friends, giving me the little push I need to finally climb onto my bike.
    Grateful for seasons and seasonal food: the shops are full of delicious fruit at the moment. Taking cherries and apricots with me on my bike ride.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello UAC Friends.

    Sorry that I have been MIA. Work is kicking my butt. I have been working since last Saturday. My longest day was Thursday. I started at 2:30 am and worked through until 8:30 pm.

    My eating was a little off most of last week but managed to stay within goal range. This held true with recording and exercise.

    I was finally able to get a hair cut on Friday. TG my boss appreciated the fact I really had to get it for my mental state. The only appointment I could get was during the later part of the work day. I typically keep my hair very short (above the ears and clipped very close to my head). I had an appointment scheduled for the end of March for both highlights and a cut. Well, as we all know that did not occur. I had been wanting to see what my natural color was at this point of life. And, guess what?! Lovely Covid-19 time allowed my hair to grow out enough so when I got the cut on Friday I could see and evaluate. My hair is 50/50 silver and medium/dark brown. And, it does not look too bad. It's actually freeing to think I am ok with not dying it. I have always loved Jamie Lee Curtis' fully silver, short hair.

    What do you think? The first pic is from December when I had highlights refreshed....second is covid-19 hair and the third is natural. As you can see I am looking extremely tired in #2 and #3.


    In celebration of restaurants and such starting to open (50% capacity) on Friday I took myself out to dinner at a local pub. It was strange sitting 6 feet away from everyone at the bar, but it was good to be out and about.

    Well I have got to fly. It is 2:00 am here (yes, I am up at this very early hour). I have a few home things to get done and then it's back to work. Tomorrow is a holiday here and I promised myself I would not log in.
  • readyornot1234
    readyornot1234 Posts: 1,027 Member
    @SuziQ113 - my friends and I have been having a recurring discussion over the last few years or growing out our natural hair colors (whatever that may be since for some of us we’ve been coloring so long we don’t remember). The change just seemed too much at the time. Mine was last done the beginning of March. Many of us are not going to get it colored again until we have lived with and adjusted to the grey. I’m liking it so far.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    @SuziQ113, @readyornot1234, I applaud you for your willingness to go "natural". Not me. My "natural" is a really dull grey, but not even really grey...just dull!! So I will keep being blond for awhile. My hair in my profile pic is too blonde....haven't been that bright for a bit. Going with a more natural tone. My last colour was January 9th. I have no idea when hair salons will open up again. Have you heard anything @BMcC9? (We are in the same province).
  • readyornot1234
    readyornot1234 Posts: 1,027 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @SuziQ113, @readyornot1234, I applaud you for your willingness to go "natural". Not me. My "natural" is a really dull grey, but not even really grey...just dull!! So I will keep being blond for awhile. My hair in my profile pic is too blonde....haven't been that bright for a bit. Going with a more natural tone. My last colour was January 9th. I have no idea when hair salons will open up again. Have you heard anything @BMcC9? (We are in the same province).

    A friend sent me a gif or meme or whatever with 2 women side by side. One woman had beautiful silky shiny grey hair and the caption read “this is how I imagined my grey would look”. The other woman had wiry course dull grey hair and the caption read “this is how it looks in realty”. Only time will tell.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,402 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @SuziQ113, @readyornot1234, I applaud you for your willingness to go "natural". Not me. My "natural" is a really dull grey, but not even really grey...just dull!! So I will keep being blond for awhile. My hair in my profile pic is too blonde....haven't been that bright for a bit. Going with a more natural tone. My last colour was January 9th. I have no idea when hair salons will open up again. Have you heard anything @BMcC9? (We are in the same province).

    Here is the website for the Allied Beauty Association (national Canadian body for this industry)
    Covid-19 related latest update. https://abacanada.com/pages/covid19

    It includes province-by-province likely-tentative reopening plans, plus how the heck the "mechanics" might safely be adapted / negotiated both for the client and for the staff.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,402 Member
    I am currently faced with an interesting, not precisely common "dilemma"

    I have to start wrapping my brain (sooner than anticipated) to a "semi-retired" lifestyle but only in the daily-routine sense, not the financial sense!
    Work in my sector (federal public service) is finally waking up to the fact that "work is what you do, not where you go" and that far more categories of business lines can be successfully done by distributed teams working offsite than the powers-that-be were originally willing to admit. Par for the course for a bureaucratic mind-set.

    My post will continue to be work-from-home potentially "almost indefinitely" (DH is THRILLED that I will remain safely mostly-at-home as we watch the gradual reopening of "discovering what 'new normal' will look like from a safe distance"). No paycheck impact for us (just financial positives like no longer paying for commute-gas etc)

    HOWEVER - what I DO have to make mental and habitual adjustments to are all the "at work NEAT step-generating strategies" are basically gone for good. My available non-work (yet no longer commuting) hours have changed and opened up. Not a HUGE amount, but still the whole "time needed for the activities required to support the actual work-hours" have altered.

    Plus Stabilization is going well, so I have more-or-less arrived at the beginnings of maintenance. That means my exercise activities can change to less cardio-exergame based and maybe more balance/flexibility/range-of-motion, and yet I need to keep up with burning the additional calories I am now eating. So ALL my off-hour activities can't fall into the default category of "pretty much stationary" like reading, faux-cross-stitch, sewing etc.

    I would love to hear suggestions on the transition-to-full-maintenance going forward from those of you who have already done so (and are still working or at most semi-retired). I am not ENTIRELY my own master for scheduling my time QUITE yet ...