WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - MAY 2020



  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @Freeglerock Amazing loss and I'm glad to read that your day ended on a high note. Great job abstaining from the ice cream and what a wonderful reward to see the scale jump in the right direction!

    Check in for Tuesday
    Food: set my app for a 14 hour fast but went 17 hours before eating. Had a light breakfast of a banana and a hard boiled egg. Had my usual boring lunch at 2:00 so I wouldn't be overly hungry when we headed to our neighbors' for dinner
    Water: Great!!
    Exercise & steps: 21 minute Bowflex Max Trainer intervals, 30 minute JessicaSmithTV strength training, 45 minute walk with the dogs; 12,893 steps

    Dinner with the new neighbors was a lot of fun. They're going to be a great addition to the 'hood. I noshed a bit more on appetizers than I should have but the husband is a smoker fanatic... he smokes everything from pork to pies and so there was some cheese he had smoked that was lovely. Cheese, crackers & Chardonnay is all this girl needs to make a happy meal!! LOL Dinner was good but not so scrumptious I felt compelled to over eat. I also employed one of the strategies others on this team have done which was stick to the 3 drink rule. We got in late and had a spectacular thunder storm so I'm running on a lot less sleep than normal but so happy to not throw a hangover into the mix. Weight this morning was holding steady. See what tomorrow's weigh in brings.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Thanks everyone for your very sweet supportive kind comments. I actually felt great yesterday. I made a to do plan and stayed with it. I made Molly's birthday cake, took all my vitamins, drank 64 oz of water, started C25K, did yoga, 10 minute ab session, and a very light round of weights. Asked my daughter to trim my hair, (she did a great job), cooked healthful meals all day, cleaned the whole house and finished my jigsaw puzzle with the help of mom and Skylynn. It was a great day. I felt completely empowered and nurtured. I also reached out to a recruiter for the area we are interested in relocating to.

    Update...so things are happening in a "cray cray" way again! lol...I just taught my mom that word and she is having fun using it. I applied for a transfer and talked to my boss and the recruiter. Oh my...things are once again on a fast track. A new position opened on Monday and a house went up on the market the same day that seems perfect for us. So we are taking the old folks back to NC this weekend and looking at the home. We are expecting to be there by July 1st if all the planets, starts and moon line up. definitely Cray Cray!

  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,979 Member
    Wednesday Weigh in

    Username: GingerPwr

    PW: 135.5
    CW: 135.5

    I'm not upset at this. I've been working out a lot and yesterday was strength training, plus I don't think I had enough water. It's weird, but if I exercise a lot or really intensely, then I end up not losing as much weight as if I do moderate exercise.

    Now that I've hit 135(ish), I want to cut down my body fat percentage. Online calculators I've used say I'm around 27%, which is "adequate," but I want to move into the "fit" range, which would take me to 21-24%.

    I think I'll see what the next couple of weeks brings, but if I stay on a maintain for a while, I may move to the cheer / motivate section (not yet, though!)
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Checking in for the week, I have been very tired since my last chemo treatment Thursday. Still have a good appetite and no nausea or other side effects to speak of so I feel very lucky so far. Just need to nap once or twice a day.
    I had a video meeting with my PCP on Monday and she was very surprised at how good I look and how well I am tolerating the process so far. I am not really surprised that the fatigue is catching up with me, after all my body is trying hard to heal. I developed a dry cough so she had me get the Covid19 test - negative - and a chest xray - clear. I think the cough is from BP meds so talked her into discontinuing that one. Much better today after 2 days.
    I have been keeping up with all your comments. Congrats to all for staying with this in spite of being shut in for so long with no access to gyms and with the food shortages. It is definitely worth the hard work we all put into this healthy living process.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    05/20 steps 15428
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,979 Member
    @pacsnc6 I happy that you're not suffering the nausea! How would BP meds give you a cough? I hope you'll be okay without them!

    @Freeglerock Did I congratulate you on your loss already? I can't remember but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That's awesome!

    @nstephenson01 Your dinner sounds great - especially the smoked cheese portion. That sounds so yummy! We're going out for dinner tomorrow for our anniversary. I am fully expecting to overeat, but I'm not going to worry about it because it's an occasion and I know how to prepare for and recover from it.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    Food-on plan
    Water-80 oz
    Exercise-45 min walk, PT and stretching

    Another good day with staying on plan. I am having a good week planning and sticking to my plan but my weight is still up. I do need to start logging and watching my portions.

    Since I am so unhappy that I let myself get back up here I am listing the positives-

    I am back on track with exercise, water, making a plan, eliminating snacking, IF (14-16), eating healthier and logging into MFP. So logging and portions are what I am going to tackle next. I also have to stop looking where I was before Jim got sick. It isn't going to change anything. I really feel like other than gaining the weight, I coped with everything well. Now I need to learn to cope with things without eating through them.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

    @podperson1 I am familiar with the pull to want to lose the weight quick but the crash diets and quick weight loss results don't last for most people. Maybe figure out a way that you can indulge once in a while but it still be on your plan. Is there a snack that is within your calorie limits that you can add to your plan? Make your plan realistic for you. If you are used to having treats, start by having one less, or a half of one. Once you are used to that, go down again. Hope your grocery order showed up and you had most of what you ordered in it :)
    @tryingagain5 I know you aren't surprised by this. Why don't you start where you are at and dial it back too. Maybe pick 2 days to do a more intense workout? I did that with my more intense strength training. Instead of having it over my head each day, I picked 2 days to do it. I remember you said you weren't doing the best eating. Why don't you start with portion size with whatever you are eating and once you are good with that switch out for healthier options. These are just examples, make small changes that work for you. I was where you were before Jim got sick and I am in the 200s now. I am not going to let you in here! Lol! ;) You got this!!
    I am glad you aren't near the floods too! How scary!
    @nstephenson01 The dinner party sounds lovely and you did awesome! See how planning helps? Sure you may have had a little more cheese than you had planned but it was on something that was actually worth it and you can't get all of the time. You weren't just grazing and not thinking. You actually made a choice and had some and continued with your plan for the rest of the time there. That is what I am striving for. You had control not the food! No matter what the scale shows today, this was a NSV!
    @Mrsbell8well Wow! Things are moving quickly! Good luck!
    @GingerPwr Nothing wrong with maintaining but I wonder if even though you aren't losing weight, you may still be losing fat ? I would be curious if you do measurements how they are at the end of the month. I always forget to do measurements.
    @pacsnc6 Thank you so much for checking in. I am thinking about and praying for you. I am glad that you still aren't having any of the severe side effects from the chemo. Being tired is a good reminder that your body is fighting this and you do need to rest. I am glad you tested negative for Covid. You have enough going on. I am on a BP med that has the same side effect with the dry cough. I started it in January and so far I haven't had one. I am curious if this is a new medication for you or if you have been on it for a while and the cough developed. I am wondering if I am out of the woods or if it is something that can develop at any time. I am glad things are going well for the most part for you. Hugs!
    @brown6267 Wow!! Impressive steps!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Week 3
    PW: 169
    CW: 170

    Note to self: don’t cook ribs the night before weigh in... and eat 2 plates 🤦‍♀️. Overate last night and didn’t sleep well as I was so uncomfortable. Weight jumped up overnight so need to get back on track asap.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,457 Member
    @nstephenson01 That's why I don't make ribs Lol! No worries, these things happen, don't let that derail you today. You have been doing great!
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    Monday Weigh in
    Week 3
    PW: 160
    CW: 160

    sorry I'm late, My mom over the weekend started hallucinating more and more. She was imagining children climbing her 20foot hedges between their house and the neighbors and as well as imagining the kids swimming in their pool. She was trying to get them to come down and each day the story got more detailed, She remembers what the kids did the day before. Then Monday she would not come inside and she was yelling at "the kids", bringing them towels, drinks, snacks. She wouldn't eat herself or drink because she was all consumed by these kids getting hurt. Oh and one did and the paramedics were called in her head. So I have been at her house everyday and on the phone with the doctor. At first the doctor wanted to put her in the Pysch ward at UCLA but my brother and I did not want that. The geriatric consultant that I hired was great. She ran over, helped me, helped my mom and suggested a new medication that has worked in her other patients with Lewy Body Dementia. We finally got the insurance to approve it but the co pay was ridiculous. I finally just said I'll pay that amount. We got the medication Tuesday night. It takes 3-4 days to work. Knock on word as I type this... it started working yesterday, she was not all consumed by "the kids" and she started to believe us that we were able to get the kids to go home. Going for a walk this morning at the beach because I need a break from all this. Then I am going to tackle my day which includes catching up on all of you.

    I just want to get into some sort of routine. And every time I think I got it together I get thrown a curveball!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    @GingerPwr and @sleepymom5 I was taking a low dose of lisinopril since October with no problems until about three weeks ago. The side effects do include a dry cough which got worse as the days went by. I don't understand why it did n't bother me for the first six months but thought maybe it was in combination with the chemo drugs. Anyway, the cough is much better now that I stopped the lisinopril. I increased the amlodipine as a replacement.My blood pressure is pretty much under control with this.

    @nstephenson01 I love the taste of good ribs in BBQ sauce which is FULL of sodium so don't fix it too often. Eating them the day after weigh in gives more time to get rid of the extra sodium.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 I too am staying on my plan. It feels good to be back into a "normal" pattern.

    I have been thinking of what my life looked like when I was so successful. My sleep was a priority, I ate nutritious meals consistently, I exercised faithfully, I took vitamins, drank all my water. These are the habits that led to success for me. When I say I slipped back into old patterns, that means I quit doing these things and added more alcohol and was reckless with portions, both what and when I ate.
    I think I do best when I eat on a regular schedule. It's helping me to feel calmer.

    Well I had my interview this morning. It was pretty positive. My bosses boss called to let them know what a good catch I am. She is hoping to give me word by tomorrow afternoon. If I get the position we will be buying a home this weekend and putting ours up for rent. My start date will be July 1st. Crazy yes, but lots of consistent green lights so we keep moving forward.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @sleepymom5 I don't live near where the dam broke either but I have a friend who retired there about 3 years ago and she sent me a picture of her house taken by a security camera. Completely under water! What a shame.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 934 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »

    Congratulations @nstephenson01, @1theresamcvean, and @GingerPwr for being our top three winners for Week 2!

    Congrats also to @nstephenson01 and @1theresamcvean for being in the F2F Honorable Mentions this week!

    And a big congratulations to all of us! Lose, maintain or gain we are all winners for focusing on our health, lifestyle and fitness!!

    Hurray Team Weight No More!!

    What? I can't believe I won something! Thanks to all of you who keep those spreadsheets. This is a new kind of motivation for me. :smile:
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 934 Member
    Wednesday weigh in

    Week 1: 145
    Week 2: 142
    Week 3: 142.2
    Week 4: 141

    I was actually down to 140 yesterday but on my way to pick up my sons new bike and to lowes to get some more materials for our new fence I failed to pack a snack so we had to stop at a drive thru and I chose poorly.

    Theresa I would have to look for that post on being a runner as it’s prob buried by now . I want to post more in this forum but I’m finding it hard to balance social media with work and family. In fact I’m going to make a better effort at managing my business social media account and there is only so
    Much time I can be behind a screen. I think this summer I’ll have some more free time perhaps.

    Basically the running post was about how I coached a friend to start running . She recently lost her dad. I got her to do couch 2 5k and convinced her to get a treadmill. She went from doing 15 minute miles to completing her first virtual 5k (that I convinced her to do) and getting 26 minutes. I was a bit jealous as my first 5k was a whole 10
    Minutes slower. but I felt a bit guilty for even feeling jealous and it brought up all these old feelings of being an unathletic scrawny kid picked last in gym who failed all her phys ed tests. I was never athletic and I just don’t possess a natural ability so as an adult I struggle with imposter syndrome. I want to call myself an athlete but I second guess myself I suppose because of the image of an athlete was something I never really attained. Anyway, I mostly run for pleasure and personal fulfillment and for health so I’m trying to focus on that. I’ve started incorporating some speedwork because I do want to get faster especially since my time is so limited and the faster I can get the more miles o can get in a given time period.

    All right enough talking for me. Gotta get out there and get in this run before it gets too hot.

    Have a great day!


    I love your insights and vulnerability. It always shows me your inner strength, Dawn. So glad you shared with the group so they could get to know you as I have come to over the past two-and-a-half years. Hugs.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 934 Member
    edited May 2020
    Username: 1theresamcvean
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 154.8
    Today's weight: 154.1

    I'm happy with this. It's the second week in a row losing, although it's all weight I'm losing all over again. I have to sleep so much these days from having had that presumptive case of C-19. Exercising just wipes me out, so I don't do it often. As I said last week, I learned a lot from you hear about mindful eating, IF (which I don't really do, but I don't start eating until about 2:00 p.m.), and getting lots of sleep which is helping me in two ways in that it helps me to recover fully and to lose weight.


    This week some of you talked about the BMI charts and what is obese or not. I went and looked at them again because I haven't for so long. They are cray cray (to use Angelina's phrase). If you are muscular, they just don't work. But there are so many reasons they are out of date.

    The other day my sister and I were discussing how much body-shaming my mother does and has always done. I was a skinny kid and young adult, probably because she raised and fed me. Some of the things we learned from her were good. We could not drink pop (soda depending on where you live) or juice. In regard to the juice, she was ahead of her time. She said it had too much sugar and we could have fruit instead. She was a registered nurse, which may have played into it. We ate a lot of produce, practically no packaged food, I remember homemade cookies that were whole grain, homemade granola (because the storebought was a sugar bomb), and so on.

    The first time she body-shamed me, we were at a family wedding shower for my sister. I had been married for 6 months and probably weighed 127 lbs and I'm 5' 5". We were sitting in a circle waiting for the gifts to be opened and she poked me in the waist and said, "You look large. Have you gained 10 pounds?" Dead silence around the room. (On the positive side, she did tell me when I got married to a 6' 5" man, don't put the same amount of food on your plate as his. Fair point.)

    But body-shaming has always been her go-to and now that she's in a nursing home it hasn't stopped. My niece mailed her a wedding portrait in which my mother is out in front in her wheelchair. She is legally blind but must have had a good look at the framed photo with her back-lit magnifying glass using her remaining peripheral vision. She called my sister to say, "My nurse said I look beautiful. It's a good thing my wheelchair was hiding you. You only look busty. Your sister (that's me) looks large." I weighed about 149, which is technically the last pound in the normal range and felt pretty good.

    One of her other go-to stories is one that she tells all the women in the family when they first have their babies. For context, I was born in 1964. To this day, she proudly says that she weighed less on the day I was born than she did on the day she conceived me.

    When I was in university, I worked at the Science & Medicine Library at UofT. I looked up some periodicals that doctors were reading in 1964 and, first of all, they had cigarette ads (these are business-to-business publications so the ads were targeting doctors). Second of all, they encouraged the use of 'tobacco' and coffee (lots of coffee ads too using the word caffeine as if it were a vitamin) for pregnant women to keep their weight down through peer-reviewed research papers.

    When did they create those BMI charts? Things have changed in so many ways. Our heavier bodies are so much healthier than someone's skinny body from that era.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Wednesday check in
    Food - on plan
    Water - 2l
    Exercise - 5 km walk
    It has been a long day of homeschooling and I still have some business items to take care of, so I have to make this brief. The nice weather has finally arrived! Yesterday was a good day and I managed to stay on track. I think that is my theme to May, getting back on track. I have read all the posts, but will have to respond another day! Hope that you are all having a good day!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @Mrsbell8well Wow things are progressing quickly but when the universe offers up so many green lights, you gotta go with it. Good luck!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Wednesday check in
    Bummed about my gain so took a moment to reflect on yesterday and not just shrug it off
    Food: too much... slow roasted fall off the bone honey tamarind ribs did me in. How I can have so much willpower one day and the next... mmm, not so much LOL
    Water: good
    Exercise & steps: 40 minute walk; 11,132 steps

    Got right back on track with a 16 hour fast this morning but dinner is planned and it’s not a healthy meal. Hubby will be happy... the scale not so much. One day at a time!
This discussion has been closed.