WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - MAY 2020



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @pacsnc6 I feel so bad that I have not responded to your recent posts. Your in my prayers and thoughts. I am so happy that you have been doing so well under the circumstances. I will be eager to hear your final results. Hang in there!
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    @pacsnc6 virtual hugs! I hope it will go well and you’ll receive very positive news next month!! You’re so strong :heart:

    @Mrsbell8well I liked reading your reflection. It’s very straightforward and honest. It’s good to be honest with yourself.
    I think you know what your triggers are but you have too much going on and it’s easy to get comfort in food.
    I think most of us do that. I always stress eat. I know it’s bad and I know I’m gonna be upset but when I have negative stuff going on I tend to eat. Bc it makes me feel good (for a little - then come regrets of course)

    You may need to look through your old pictures, clothes. When you were bigger and unhealthy and put them side by side with the ones when you achieved your goal. Do you remember how great you were feeling when you had control over your body and weight?

    @Cafelelia aww thank you! <3
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    05/27 steps 12024
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Wednesday check in
    Food - on plan & 22 hr IF
    Water - 2.2 l
    Exercise - 5 km walk
    As I have been discussing, I have been doing more structured IF again. I decided to do a longer fast starting Tuesday after supper to Wednesday evening. It went well overall. There is something about those longer fasts for me that help me to reset how I feel and my hunger as well. My walking has been going well too and the 5 km walks are becoming easier to do. My goal is to increase distance a bit more, and then gradually return to running, probably a mix of one day running, one day walking. It has been such a long road getting back after injury, but I am not going anywhere so I might as well keep at it! As predicted, our province just extended its emergency order to June 9th, so we stay in Phase 1 reopening until then. For a population of 10 million, the number of active cases are not bad (something like 4 k without long term care home numbers), but is the Greater Toronto area that is the issue with someone like 75% of the active cases in the entire province. Given everything that needs to be figured out, I predict we move to phase 2 reopening at the beginning of July. During that phase, we can expand our current household “bubble” and the first thing that I will do is visit my mom, who has managed brilliantly during quarantine. For those of you monitoring summer vacations in Canada, outside of Ontario and Quebec, the active cases are very low and things are opening up. However it is too soon to say what will be permitted in terms of travel, and the US/Canada border continues to be closed except for commercial purposes.

    @lenka1 - Stress eating is a big issue for many of us. I really like that idea of looking at old photos to remind yourself of where you have been.

    @GingerPwr - That was an amazing way to reframe your thinking about your “oops”!

    @pacsnc6 - Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. I am glad that you continue to do well during treatment. I will continue to pray for you and your recovery. Sending you a big, virtual hug.

    @tryingagaint5 - I am sorry about that gain. I hope that you are doing ok and I know that things have been stressful, particularly around you job. Sending you a big hug too.

    @sleepymome5 - Hope that the computer is fixed!

    @mrsbell8well - Today is a new day and I hope that you are feeling better about everything today. As you said, take it 1 lb at a time.

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @gingerpwr wow so impressive! How do you feel? Are you at goal??? What number were you trying to reach? You have done such an amazing job losing these last 15 pounds. You are definitely my inspiration and my can do model. I remember how you stayed stuck around 145-148 for so long. There is no stopping you now!
    @lenka1good idea about the photos. I will see what I can find and post. I love your profile picture! I remember your picture of all the plants you posted last year. It's still a lot of plants lol!
    @Cafelelia great job on the IF. And yes I am feeling better today. At least I suppose I am. I was down a pound and a half so of course that is the compass for how I feel today. So sad to let the scale rule my emotions. But I am regrouping. I set a new goal date of August 12th to be back at goal.

    With a 3 1/2 pound loss I will be back in the 140's and feeling normalish again. I can soooo do that right? I don't have an actual game plan yet but I am still thinking about everything. My meals today are planned out and overall I am feeling optimistic.
    And yes your right that I just need to lose 1 more pound. That's it. That's my focus.

    My commitment today is to enjoy a nice glass of herb tea after dinner and skip dessert.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,449 Member
    Tuesday check in
    Food - logged, cutting it close
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - 45 min walk, PT, stretching and strength

    Wednesday check in
    Food - logged and cutting it close again
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - 20 min walk

    So yesterday didn't go as I had planned. I have been having internet issues lately but this time even my phone wasn't working as a hub. Not sure what is up with that. Today it is working. I think we may need some extenders or maybe it is because my husband is working at home. Even more than that, Mary Kate was having a full blown anxiety attack so all day I was either with her or trying to get things done while she would sleep. I was sure she was going to wake me during the night. We are going to have to call her therapist and try to get her in. She needs to be able to manage this, she can't keep going like this. She actually didn't want to do the video calls with her therapist once things closed down even though I encouraged her to. I am sure that contributes to this as well.

    Yesterday I ate too much at dinner. It always seems to be dinner, I do well at the other meals. I also noticed I don't need to eat as much at lunch. I remember I was eating 2/3 of my wrap and 1/2 of my chips last summer so I could eat my yogurt. (I am not ready to give up my baked lays yet). I am going to start doing that again. I am also going to make a point to be mindful at dinner. I always seem to be hungry and in a rush. I think these two changes are a good place to start. Logging my food makes me take a good look at what I am eating and what I am thinking at the time(or after). I also have not been snacking so I can have halotop ice cream after dinner. That has helped getting me through the day. I am going to have to cut that portion back. I remember last summer I switched over to a cone. I am going to have to start that again but not sure if I am ready. I know I do have to cut back if I want to lose weight.

    We are leaving for a walk at 11:30 so I have to get moving. I have my longer PT and strength today too. I am going to do that before I get involved with everything else I have to do. I like doing it twice a week and doing the minimal routine on the other days. I will also eventually change this to 3 days a week but this is working now and helping with consistency.

    My room is coming together nicely. I am nervous about this comforter with Jim and Daisy as it is white with blues in it. Yesterday, I ordered another one for the future Lol! In the past I have gone to order the same comforter and haven't been able to find it again so I am ahead of the game. ;)

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    @Cafelelia I feel the same way about IF as far as I don't seem as hungry. I wonder if it is something to do knowing that we aren't eating until a certain time so we don't think about it as much? Interesting.... You always seem to do well with the longer fasts too. I am glad that went well for you. On another note, I can't believe we are already at the end of May and thinking of our goals for June! Maybe I do have to do a little good bye and thank you to my old bed. I wish we could use it somewhere else but we really can't. It is a good idea to get out before the heat, I noticed you already were out this am.
    @Mrsbell8well I think that a good part of weight loss is mental. Maybe yours has to do with all the sudden changes you are making. I know I reach for food when I am nervous or anxious. Remember I put on 10 pounds in a month! If it only came off as easy. We all have different ways of coping. You said you were eating when you were thinking yesterday. You also was eating a radish and hummus. Yes, overeating is overeating but you did pick a healthy option. You also only had 3 cookies instead of the whole sleeve. You can turn this around. You do seem to enjoy really healthy food. That is great. Maybe if you start where you are at now and change one thing that you are doing that you think is contributing to your gain and go from there. This isn't a race, it is a marathon. You are in it for the long haul so you might as well make changes that you are willing to do your whole life. You can do this! Also, do you have to rush to move right now? Can you take time to research where you are going, homes, doctors etc before jumping in? Maybe that will take a little stress out of the move. I am sure that you and Molly both are a little stressed and that is why you were snappy. That happens to the best of us. Hang in there! Everything is going to work out. xoxo
    @lenka1 I remember a beautiful picture of you surrounded by your house plants. I love plants but just don't like to garden. I seem to kill all of my houseplants too. I have always wanted to do what your daughter did with the seeds Lol! I am interested how they turn out.
    @GingerPwr I agree, balance is very important. You seem to be doing well with that. I love that you didn't beat yourself up after the mall and just adjusted the rest of your days. Those oops are going to happen and we have to learn to work them in our plan. I also love that quote about falling in love with the process of becoming the best version of yourself. That really gave me something to think about. I ALSO love that post about being worth the effort.
    @nstephenson01 We all have those days that we are just never seem to be satisfied. When you are doing IF, how are you with the snacking? For some reason that seems to help me. I would much rather eat earlier the next day than eat in the evening. Sounds like you have a good plan moving forward and your shrimp dinner sounds delicious!
    @Freeglerock Sounds like you had a good time with your neighbor. I am sure you needed some adult interaction away from your day to day life. Hangovers are tough, especially with little ones. I am sorry about your daughter's fractured wrist. I hope she heals quick, no one likes a cast in the summertime. I am glad you were able to take some time off from work so you can enjoy it with your family and working on your projects. You have been doing great lately. Weren't you the one who didn't want to post a month or so ago because you weren't doing well? Look how far you have come! (if it wasn't you, you have to forgive my memory, the past couple of months are a blurr)
    @tryingagain5 You can turn this around. I know things a tough right now. Hang in there and let us know what we can do to help.
    @pacsnc6 Thank you for such an encouraging post. I am glad that your chemo is close to the end. Praying for good news in a month for you! xoxo
    @ProfDawnLee What a good month you have had. You are right about weight, it is data. Looks like you are certainly moving in the right direction!!
  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    @timibotkin - wow, what a lovely amount of space you have. I'm so jealous of people with big outside space at the moment, would be nice to be able to sit in a garden without having folks everywhere lol.

    @nstephenson01 - that's some fab growing on there! I always think homegrown veggies just taste so much better :)

    @xX_PhoenixRising_xX - yup, I was right - evil :D

    @Freeglerock - it's strange because I found using just pounds so weird when I first started, but now I almost prefer it, maybe it makes me feel like I'm losing more in some way? :D Congrats on the weight loss x

    @MrsBell8well - it's sounds like you're very honest with yourself and very self-aware, which I think can often be half the battle. I tend to be the queen of self sabotage so def feeling you there. It can be so hard when there's all these external stressors in your life you have done this before so you know you can do it again x

    @GingerPwr - inspiring words! It is so hard sometimes to make that extra time and effort just for ourselves but you're right, we are worth that <3

    @pacsnc6 - hope your treatment goes ok - getting towards the end of them!

    Well, yesterday was a complete 'fall off the wagon' day. I had pancakes for lunch (with fruit, does that help a little?) and then got talked into take-away for dinner. Reasoned, 'oh, I can just have a little and save the rest for tomorrow' - is there any left? Hell no! So, not the best day but surprisingly I am feeling a bit more positive than usual. I felt really horrible physically last night, which I think is my body no longer being used to constant junk food, and am not hungry today so have only had a small oat bar and it's nearly 5pm here. I'm not going into a guilt spiral and giving up on everything. It was a minor blip and I'm moving on. I'm realising that so much of my food issues are psychological and hopefully being a bit more aware and proactive with those will help me stay focused and on the right path.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Tofu pics:
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I have promised some tofu instructions. We eat tofu often and lots of different preparations. I think the easiest for me is to take a block of firm or Xtra firm tofu, wrap it in lint free towel or paper towels, place it on a plate and put something heavy on it. I had a jug of water 1/2 full that I put on mine. Sometimes I pile on plates or a cast iron skillet. Let it drain about 30 minutes. I slice the whole thing in 1/2 then cube it. For last nights dinner I used grape seed oil and threw in the cubes to get golden. Meanwhile I sautéed some veg in the wok. Molly made a sauce. We threw it together, added in some bean sprouts at the last few minutes of cooking and topped it with sesame seeds. We have also baked it, marinated it, put it in a blender, etc. Look for a recipe on line and good luck.
    Has anyone else tried "chili crunch"? $20 on amazon. expensive but very tasty.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Week 4
    PW: 170
    CW: 171.8
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,077 Member
    can i weigh in tomorrow please? i stepped on the scale this morning and it had me down 12 pounds, as much as i would love that to be true i believe something was wrong with the scale. Last night i ordered a king size bed also must be the season. i have been wanting one for ever, now i am going to hope there is room in the bed for me. today i had a meeting at work it went well not everyone is returning but they are giving incentives to those that are. it should be good to get back to somewhat normal. it is a nice day out, i may try and get out for a walk later but i do think i am going to sit outside for a little while. my hairdresser called and she is going to squeeze me in for all my services this weekend because we will be the only ones in the salon, i am very excited, i told her she needs a weedwacker for my hair. i don't bother trying to straighten it anymore because it takes forever. i can barely comb it i now know why my mom used to yell at me when i was little, lol.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    The overeating at night is getting out of hand and I need to regain control. I do well all day but become overly tired at the end of the day and turn to food (&wine). Did my first 18 hour fast this week and it went well but its all a mindset. Yesterday I couldn't wait for my 14 hour fast to end. I need to remember that IF doesn't mean I can eat what I want during my eating window.

    I'm home alone this week so it will be a good time to reflect and reset. My husband left this morning to drive from Montana to Pennsylvania to pick up our trailer. When layoffs occurred in March with what information was available it was thought the layoff would be for a short period of time so the guys left their RV's at the campground. Well.... 2 months later and not a whisper of work firing back up Scott left to retrieve our trailer and tow it back home. I tried to persuade him to make it a vacation but he just wants to get it over with and the dogs & I only slow him down. Its not exactly the best time to take a countrywide road trip with campgrounds, national parks and tourist attractions closed. Oh well... I just pray he returns home safely and will worry the entire time he is on the road, of course.

    @mrsbell8well I have admired and been inspired by your journey. If anyone can get back on track I am confident it is you!! No matter the method, you will find a way!!

    @gingerpwr Wow you have discovered the key. Love your mindset as well. Great loss AGAIN and fantastic consistency.

    @pacsnc6 so wonderful that you have one treatment left and haven't experienced any serious side effects. Continued prayers to you.

    I've been on the computer for too long this morning reviewing our finances and making a plan for my husband being off work for a while yet. I need to get going so will catch up on posts later. Take care everyone!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @ljdanny - No problem for the weigh in. If you fix your scale (or get a new one), just post your number tomorrow or Saturday. If you don’t fix the scale, just post and asked to be excused from weigh in this week.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Hi team sorry I’ve been awol!! I’ve had trouble with my sleep this week and that’s when I convince myself that food will help me go back to sleep!! Crazy. One morning at 3 am I made pancakes. I don’t even know why I have them in my house other than it was a Christmas gift from a client. A box of gourmet pancakes and syrup!! So once I pulled myself together I poured the rest down the garbage disposal. For a grown woman I have to treat myself like a child at times!!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @nstephenson01 boy can I relate. Did we ever figure out why we are hungry at night?

    @Mrsbell8well that food looks so tasty. I wish I had the patience to try new recipes. It would make my life so much more interesting!!

    @sleepymom5 I definitely do not have a green thumb. I even raked and put new seed in my lawn about a month ago - water diligently every day and even that won’t grow!! Seriously!!

    @ProfDawnLee I love asparagus. Is it supposed to be like a diuretic??!!
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    05/29 steps 9509
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,983 Member
    @sleepymom5 Your houseplant post is totally me! I only have succulents indoors right now.

    @Mrsbell8well Your food pics are sooooooo delicious! I've only cooked with tofu once because I live in a family of avid meat eaters. I made a tofu dish and thought they were going to disown me. Lol.

    @nstephen01 Evening and late night eating is definitely my weak spot. Last night I had Fritos because we had stayed up late (again) watching movies.

    So y'all, the Noom program was great and well worth the money (for me). It totally helped me to think about food and about myself differently. I loved the information it gives about recognizing thought distortions and reworking your thought processes. I accomplished my goal of FINALLY breaking through a year-long weight plateau.

    At this point, I want to focus on fitness - hopefully lose 5 or so more pounds, but mostly, just get into really good shape. I have been doing lots of Fitness Blender exercises that are free online, but I just bought their 8 week fat loss program - It's on sale right now for .... wait for it.... 6 DOLLARS.

    Yes. 6 dollars. For an entire 8 week program. You get a whole calendar of daily exercises and a nutrition guide to clean eating. I'm going to link to their main page below, because the free workouts are great. You can also check out little vlogs they do on lifestyle, eating, exercise tips, all that stuff.


    Everyone keep pushing yourselves to be better today than you were yesterday! You are creating a masterpiece, and that takes time!
This discussion has been closed.