Introduce Yourself



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hi my name is Melissa. I am 31 years old. I have kidney disease stage 3b. From a medication that the doctors didn't get me off quick enough. Then I had to switch to another medication that is filtered through the liver but causes weight gain and metabolism slowing down issues. I am at least 80 to 100 lbs overweight. I am trying to get to 150 lbs. I don't want to get diabetis because if I get diabetis along with kidney disease I could go blind. I am fighting it all the way. This is the heaviest I have ever been. I am 238 lbs now. I have been tracking all my food, exercise, and water for at least 80 days and have lost from 250 lbs to 238 lbs. I would love to have more friends to encourage me and me to encourage them on thier weight loss journey. Also I stress eat. But I'm getting better at not doing it so often finally. My fitness pal screen name is craftymelli7. Love to make some friends.

    Hi @craftymelli7 Melissa,

    Welcome to LL.

    You have already lost a lot of weight. Good for you.

    If you have not already I would check into other stress coping mechanisms and not expect yourself to just end stress eating without replacing it with something more effective. For you stress eating seems to be causing more stress which then creates a circle.
  • craftymelli7
    craftymelli7 Posts: 172 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Hi my name is Melissa. I am 31 years old. I have kidney disease stage 3b. From a medication that the doctors didn't get me off quick enough. Then I had to switch to another medication that is filtered through the liver but causes weight gain and metabolism slowing down issues. I am at least 80 to 100 lbs overweight. I am trying to get to 150 lbs. I don't want to get diabetis because if I get diabetis along with kidney disease I could go blind. I am fighting it all the way. This is the heaviest I have ever been. I am 238 lbs now. I have been tracking all my food, exercise, and water for at least 80 days and have lost from 250 lbs to 238 lbs. I would love to have more friends to encourage me and me to encourage them on thier weight loss journey. Also I stress eat. But I'm getting better at not doing it so often finally. My fitness pal screen name is craftymelli7. Love to make some friends.

    Hi @craftymelli7 Melissa,

    Welcome to LL.

    You have already lost a lot of weight. Good for you.

    If you have not already I would check into other stress coping mechanisms and not expect yourself to just end stress eating without replacing it with something more effective. For you stress eating seems to be causing more stress which then creates a circle.

    Also I am going to therapy. My therapist and I talk about my stress eating and other ways to cope with the stress. She is really understanding. She also has taken a lot of classes on healthy eating and people on the type of meds I'm on. She is a big support for me.
  • Mack200goal
    Mack200goal Posts: 3 Member
    Day 1 of MFP; 100ish to go. Heaviest I’ve ever been. Portion control my biggest challenge; 2nd being a bored &/or stress eater. Time to make a change
  • LushFix
    LushFix Posts: 303 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    LushFix wrote: »
    Hello everyone, My names Cassandra, I’m 30 years old. I just started my weight loss journey on May 18th. I have at least 100 pounds to lose.

    Hi @LushFix Cassandra,

    Welcome to our group.

    Jump into any discussion and let us know how we can help.

    Thank you. 😊
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Hi my name is Melissa. I am 31 years old. I have kidney disease stage 3b. From a medication that the doctors didn't get me off quick enough. Then I had to switch to another medication that is filtered through the liver but causes weight gain and metabolism slowing down issues. I am at least 80 to 100 lbs overweight. I am trying to get to 150 lbs. I don't want to get diabetis because if I get diabetis along with kidney disease I could go blind. I am fighting it all the way. This is the heaviest I have ever been. I am 238 lbs now. I have been tracking all my food, exercise, and water for at least 80 days and have lost from 250 lbs to 238 lbs. I would love to have more friends to encourage me and me to encourage them on thier weight loss journey. Also I stress eat. But I'm getting better at not doing it so often finally. My fitness pal screen name is craftymelli7. Love to make some friends.

    Hi @craftymelli7 Melissa,

    Welcome to LL.

    You have already lost a lot of weight. Good for you.

    If you have not already I would check into other stress coping mechanisms and not expect yourself to just end stress eating without replacing it with something more effective. For you stress eating seems to be causing more stress which then creates a circle.

    Also I am going to therapy. My therapist and I talk about my stress eating and other ways to cope with the stress. She is really understanding. She also has taken a lot of classes on healthy eating and people on the type of meds I'm on. She is a big support for me.

    I think it is good to take a multi-pronged approach to your health and well-being. Let us know how we can help.
  • mtikky
    mtikky Posts: 53 Member
    Joined here this evening off the main forums. 2014 I lost over 100lbs, then came off here and let myself put it all back on over time with bad habits and bad company.

    Back now, and still got over 100lbs to lose to get to "ideal" weight; so far 12lb lost in the first three weeks.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Day 1 of MFP; 100ish to go. Heaviest I’ve ever been. Portion control my biggest challenge; 2nd being a bored &/or stress eater. Time to make a change

    Hi @Mack200goal,


    If you are not a picky eater then portion control is not as important as calorie control. I eat enormous portions of food but I make sure that most of it is lower calorie options.

    Have you put together a plan to deal with your boredom and stress eating?
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    mtikky wrote: »
    Joined here this evening off the main forums. 2014 I lost over 100lbs, then came off here and let myself put it all back on over time with bad habits and bad company.

    Back now, and still got over 100lbs to lose to get to "ideal" weight; so far 12lb lost in the first three weeks.

    Hi @mtikky,

    Welcome to LL.

    Congrats on your 12 pound loss.

    It is so easy to get swept up in weight loss and fail to realize that it requires permanent habit and mindset change. I think at one time or another we have all tried to lose weight thinking once we get it off we can go back to normal. I have been guilty of this type of thinking myself. I am not sure why I it took so long to connect the dots that if normal equals weight gain then it is normal that needs to change.
  • Mack200goal
    Mack200goal Posts: 3 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Day 1 of MFP; 100ish to go. Heaviest I’ve ever been. Portion control my biggest challenge; 2nd being a bored &/or stress eater. Time to make a change

    Hi @Mack200goal,


    If you are not a picky eater then portion control is not as important as calorie control. I eat enormous portions of food but I make sure that most of it is lower calorie options.

    Have you put together a plan to deal with your boredom and stress eating?

    Essentially: “Meal Prep” - If it didn’t bring it to work to eat, then I won’t eat it (discipline to not buy more while at work). Trying for the same at home: Eat what I prepped; don’t graze/grab extra. Drink water if feeling hungry, don’t snack. That’s my start point at least. Any helpful tips always appreciated.

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Hi all! There's been a lot of new folks, so I'll just give a massive hello to you all at once! I don't know how much I'll be on this week; I'm getting away to a cabin in the hills for the week, and while there is wifi is some locations, it will probably be something I either just keep up with on my phone or only hit once a day. So you all get a break from all my posting :grin:
  • _F9_
    _F9_ Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all, newbie to the group. I have about 110lbs to lose to reach my goal. I've been using MFP off and on for quite awhile. Feel free to add me, and good luck to all
  • tammymccrae
    tammymccrae Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Tammy, and I'm thrilled to find this group. I'm 45 years old and today I weighed in at 294 pounds. In January I was at my heaviest weight ever at 312. I recently joined a weight loss program at a local hospital and I've been diagnosed with a binge eating disorder. Every month I have separate appointments with a nutritionist, a physician and a psychiatrist. I think it's making a difference. I'm just at the beginning of this journey but I feel more confident than I have in years toward my weight loss. I believe that long-term weight loss for heavier people with more than 100 pounds to loose is significantly different than trying to lose 20 pounds before a high school reunion. So I am happy I found this group and I look forward to getting to know you.
  • Ragamuffin14
    Ragamuffin14 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi, I'm Tammy, and I'm thrilled to find this group. I'm 45 years old and today I weighed in at 294 pounds. In January I was at my heaviest weight ever at 312. I recently joined a weight loss program at a local hospital and I've been diagnosed with a binge eating disorder. Every month I have separate appointments with a nutritionist, a physician and a psychiatrist. I think it's making a difference. I'm just at the beginning of this journey but I feel more confident than I have in years toward my weight loss. I believe that long-term weight loss for heavier people with more than 100 pounds to loose is significantly different than trying to lose 20 pounds before a high school reunion. So I am happy I found this group and I look forward to getting to know you.

    Hi Tammy, I'm right there with you weighing in over the 300 mark in January... I figure if every January I am lower than the year before I'm doing good right??? It will probably be my forever struggle lol!!!

    Glad to see you here, please share any helpful titbits you learn at your appointments 😉.

    Hugz, Lyn
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Day 1 of MFP; 100ish to go. Heaviest I’ve ever been. Portion control my biggest challenge; 2nd being a bored &/or stress eater. Time to make a change

    Hi @Mack200goal,


    If you are not a picky eater then portion control is not as important as calorie control. I eat enormous portions of food but I make sure that most of it is lower calorie options.

    Have you put together a plan to deal with your boredom and stress eating?

    Essentially: “Meal Prep” - If it didn’t bring it to work to eat, then I won’t eat it (discipline to not buy more while at work). Trying for the same at home: Eat what I prepped; don’t graze/grab extra. Drink water if feeling hungry, don’t snack. That’s my start point at least. Any helpful tips always appreciated.

    I took a peak at your diary. Looks like you are doing low carb. If you have not already you may want to research the keto flu so you can safely avoid it.

    My tip for now is to keep an eye on your hunger. If you are the type of person who will do well on low carb you should know because it will suppress your hunger pretty well. I do not, personally, respond well to high fat so that type of diet is worse for me but it does well for some. I would definitely give it a week or two and if you remain hungry it may be time to move on to plan B.

    Keep us updated on your progress.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    _F9_ wrote: »
    Hi all, newbie to the group. I have about 110lbs to lose to reach my goal. I've been using MFP off and on for quite awhile. Feel free to add me, and good luck to all

    Hi @_F9_


    Look around and jump in anywhere.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hi, I'm Tammy, and I'm thrilled to find this group. I'm 45 years old and today I weighed in at 294 pounds. In January I was at my heaviest weight ever at 312. I recently joined a weight loss program at a local hospital and I've been diagnosed with a binge eating disorder. Every month I have separate appointments with a nutritionist, a physician and a psychiatrist. I think it's making a difference. I'm just at the beginning of this journey but I feel more confident than I have in years toward my weight loss. I believe that long-term weight loss for heavier people with more than 100 pounds to loose is significantly different than trying to lose 20 pounds before a high school reunion. So I am happy I found this group and I look forward to getting to know you.

    Hi @tammymccrae Tammy,

    We are thrilled you found us and Happy Birthday!

    I am glad you are feeling hopeful. That is a great sign.

    I agree there are some differences between a Larger Loser and someone with vanity+ weight to lose. The duration requires a higher emphasis on sustainability and sensibility. There are also key physical and mental differences. A person with a bit of vanity weight is not concerned about loose skin and they are less likely to ever feel overwhelmed. There is also the issue of "fat brain."

    There is also not a lot of informational guidance available to people with high BMI's pursuing a non-surgical route. I often felt dismissed as a lost cause or because I was in a higher risk for health problems encouraged to lose weight at breakneck speeds despite the health risk associated with doing so. That never made sense to me. I knew I was in a higher risk bracket but I didn't want to lose all my weight in an unhealthy fashion and then face other problems because of it. My health needed help but nothing was immediately threatening. I had time.

    Please remember to advocate for your own health.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    @Mack200goal: I also do a lot of food prep, but owing to my food restrictions I eat small portions and have found that my stomach has shrunk. This is actually helpful; it makes it very hard to overeat even if I want to.

    As far as snacking goes, I have a lot of good snack options that I keep available to myself, and am learning to differentiate between a vague desire to graze or a mild hunger that can keep til the next meal versus a distinct problem with lack of calories that will start to mess with my temper and give me a headache if I don't supply a little boost. It is comforting and assuages deep fears when I can know that if I need to I can snack, it's no big deal.
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Ziortza, I'm 36 years old and I want to start a change.
    I've been fat my entire life. I've tried all the unhealthy diets you can imagine. I even had bulimia.
    I had a stomach surgery in 2008 that was making me lose weight for some months.
    I have hypothyroidism and POS. I'm vegetarian. I love doing sport and I love mostly healthy food.

    But here is the thing! I love drinking cola light. Way too much. And I like sweet breakfasts. Also, I'm the kind of person that copies the cravings of the others. That means that if I'm living with someone that craves chips, I will end up craving chips too.

    I started with MFP years ago and it was nice to count calories, but nothing changed. Now I started again but I'm with a dietist that I hope she will help me in other ways.

    I need to lose lots of weight. I'm in 134 kg :(
  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    @tammymccrae, and others who are looking for extra support: the CDC developed a program called DPP - Diabetes Prevention Program. Its a national program adopted by many health systems and health plans at no cost to their members.

    Just as I was starting this journey with MFP, my health insurance company reached out and asked if I wanted to participate. My insurance targeted me because I had a BMI of 42, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and while my A1C level didn't put me in the pre-diabetic category - it was kind of knocking at the door. One doesn't have to be diabetic to participate, because this program is about helping people turn around their health so they never become diabetic.

    It's a year long program. There are 26 lessons that you view on line to help encourage healthy habits - some of them are nutritional, some are about adding more movement, some are just psychological. I was connected with a nurse health coach who called me for a 30 minute session once a week. She'd have me check in with stats on weight and other health goals that I had committed to. We'd discuss the lesson, identify barriers to success and she provided encouragement. Most of the lessons from the program weren't brand new material to me, but they served as helpful reminders - helping me focus on just a few goals at a time. The overall goals for participants are modest - success means participants lose at least 5% of their weight and keep it off for at least 6 months. Of course you can decide to lose more than that.

    Having an accountability partner was really helpful at the beginning. My coaching program is about to end as we have been working with each other for almost a year. During that time, I've lost over 100 pounds and am approaching a place where I'd like to maintain. If you want to find a program, here's a link to a registry of programs by state:
  • AnnasMom89
    AnnasMom89 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello ya'll. This is my second time here but I'm really trying to get back on board with things. I'm the heaviest I've ever been at about 303 and I'm so unhappy. I have so much to lose-- but so much more to GAIN. Like someone else said, the key is taking it day by day.

    On that note, feel free to send me a friend request. My diary is open to everyone! I believe in cutting calories/portion control. It's worked in the past :)