TEAM: Gutbusters (June)



  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,307 Member
    Smilee3233 wrote: »
    Hi Team,
    I have given myself a six month challenge to lose weight, lower my cholesterol (I’ve just been prescribed statins 😩), and improve my overall health. I am 44, married, mom of three kids & three dogs 🐶, working full time (currently from home) in Ontario, Canada. The gym has been closed since mid-March due to COVID, so this challenge will be done from home. This is month one, and I am excited to start it here!

    Welcome to our little group... we are all in the same boat, just trying to get healthier, and have some fun along the way!
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,307 Member
    I guess I missed the "tell us about yourself" part, so buckle up:

    CW: Eating Disorders and oversharing haha

    35 y/o cis woman (pronouns she/her) living in the city of Chicago. I work from home doing boring work in the mortgage industry. I have several chronic health issues that make weight gain v easy and weight loss v difficult. (Severe asthma, chronic bronchitis, Fibromyalgia, multiple subluxations in my spine, Sciatica, etc)

    BUT my partner and their little niece are hyper active people and I want to be able to keep up with them and go on adventures, so I'm finally taking myself seriously with weight loss/building endurance.

    Important to note is that I am not ashamed of my fat body. I am VERY pro-body acceptance and radical self-love. I spent many years struggling with EDNOS (Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified) meaning I would binge, purge, and then starve for 3-5 days, etc but since I never became underweight I couldn't be considered Anorexic or Bulimic. I struggled with this pattern from ages 14-until last year. It's only very recently that I learned to love myself no matter my size. And because of that I hesitated a lot to join a weight loss challenge. I was very worried that it would trigger my pattern of starving.

    However!! I am pleased to say that last month (while not a perfect month) I did feel completely in control of my eating. Even when I overate it was a choice rather than a compulsion (ex: period days lol) and when I was eating less it was still within my recommended calorie amount, never too little. This all may sound like not a big deal to the average person but for someone with 20 years of eating disorders... I felt GOOD about my eating for the first time as an adult last month, and that was in part because of the challenge and how I was approaching food.

    So I am back for this month and I am super excited! I am here to be stronger, faster, and more active.

    I look forward to seeing how we all do. Remember to love yourself and treat yourself with kindness. Guilt and shame are not productive emotions and you deserve better than that. We may all be working on changing our bodies, but you are BEAUTIFUL and you deserve to hear good things even from your own brain.

    Let's kick June's *kitten*! Love to y'all <3

    You are having so much to deal with... ((( hugs ))). Congratulations on your accomplishments last month... Let's have a good June together!
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,307 Member
    May 31, Sun
    Exercised? Yes. 103 mins, 12,335 steps (2 walks)
    Calories? Yes in budget
    Tracked? Yes
  • squirrelsquad
    squirrelsquad Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone 👋🏻😁

    I’m an 18 yr old joining this challenge with my mom @Smilee3233 in hopes to loose some weight before university in the fall and start my long exciting journey in becoming a veterinarian🐄🐎🐕. Im excited for this gut busting challenge and hope to kick some butt! 😁💜

    Welcome and good luck with everything!
  • squirrelsquad
    squirrelsquad Posts: 41 Member

    You are having so much to deal with... ((( hugs ))). Congratulations on your accomplishments last month... Let's have a good June together!

    Thank you so much for your kind words! Let's do this!
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    June 2
    Exercised? Yes about 37 minutes treadmill
    Calories? Yes in budget
    Tracked? Yes
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    Happy Tuesday!
    Weigh in's from:
    Please post using
    June week 1
  • squirrelsquad
    squirrelsquad Posts: 41 Member
    PW: 316.8
    CW: 318.2

    Sorry y'all - p sure this is because I had to stop walking per my chiro. I will have to adjust diet to account for this.
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,307 Member
    Jun 1, Mon
    Exercised? Yes. 47 mins, 9,246 steps (1 walk)
    Calories? Yes in budget
    Tracked? Yes
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    June 3
    Exercised? Yes. 40 minute Jessica Smith workout. Indoor jogging
    Calories? Yes in budget
    Tracked? Yes
  • glouis4
    glouis4 Posts: 174 Member
    June Week 1
    PW: 158.7
    CW: 158.7
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    It's Wednesday. I hope everyone is doing ok.
    Weigh in's from, please post using:


    @GLouis4--got it, thanks!

  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,942 Member
    edited June 2020
    PW: 135.8 pounds (May 20th weigh in as I was delinquent and didn't post a weigh in on May 27th)
    CW 134.9 pounds

    Down 0.9 pounds. :) Happy with that. Happy with any loss at this point as I have been struggling to turn things around lately. At one point, maybe last Saturday, when I weighed myself I had gotten back up to 140 pounds so that was the kick in the pants I needed to reign things in and get back to making some healthier eating choices and to get back to regular walking for exercise.

    However, being home so much during this pandemic has me eating more junk and hating cooking leads to eating more processed foods and my dad's heart problems have been getting worse so trying to deal with that and support him with social distancing in place and no visitors allowed in his retirement residence has been very hard on me mentally and emotionally even though I support their protocol as their building remains covid free. This morning after I got off the phone with him I just felt overwhelmed and teary and helpless. My dad who usually takes it all in stride is also now showing signs of discouragement and frustration with it all that is going on with his heart so that upsets me too as I wish there was something more I could do. I am doing all I can by dropping him off at the hospital when he needs to go to the arrhythmia clinic as I am not allowed to go in due to current pandemic protocols and getting him masks and monitoring his vitals and staying in touch with his cardiologist/electro-physiologist and anything else I can for him. Yesterday he was going to be put on a waiting list to get surgery done by his electro-physiologist to get a pacemaker as his heart keeps pausing a lot and for way too long but that will only help fix the pauses and unfortunately won't fix his atrial fibrillation/irregular heart beat or fast heart beat and feeling his heart racing and it also doesn't fix his heart from converting from normal rhythm to afib and back to normal rhythm and the cardiologist says that his afib will continue to get worse and the pacemaker also won't fix the problem of him falling to the ground twice on me, once when he went unconscious when we were alone on a trail in a conversation area, and all the tests and specialists still can't figure out for sure what caused those episodes so just feeling teary and overwhelmed today. :'( For those of you who pray, I could use prayers for my dad, that God would heal his heart and have it beat at a normal rate on a regular basis and not pause and not accelerate above normal or go too slow either. My goal today is to try my best to not eat through my emotions as I am craving junkfood right now in this mindframe and feeling this way makes me want to cook even less.

    All that being said, back to my weight loss journey, my goal is to get back to my April 1st weight of 133.9 pounds.
    Maybe that was just an April Fool's joke on me, lol! :D

    @looneycatblue and @Keepingtrack1234
    I had planned to respond to other posts to me from both of you about things I posted in May but would start the responses and never finish so sorry about that. I will let that go and leave May behind me and start fresh this month. Thanks for your responses to my posts though.

    One thing I do remember you asking last month when I posted what I had been eating for accountability is what is a May West. Their online description says it's a white sponge cake filled with creme and coated in a chocolatey layer." The internet says the snack was originally named after the curvy American movie star Mae West but that after she died they changed the spelling to May West. Here is the outside of the box.


    I remember you saying to me, "I feel strongly that anyone who is able to do home projects and meditate and make sourdough bread and cook elaborate meals is an alien from outerspace. I have yet to meet any of these people in REAL LIFE! they seem to exist solely on social media.
    I consider the day a success if I manage not to: do e-learning without yelling, do my actual job and change out of my pajamas. Bonus points for: showering, laundry, dishes, cleaning walks and bike rides, prepping three basic meals THREE TIMES A DAY.
    So, do what feels ok to you. Whatever we are doing-it's enough. Be kind to yourself and give lots of grace."

    I am still struggling with this as I really do want to be more productive.
    I have one friend who has cleaned so much, her and her kids, that she has even cleaned her wall trim, another friend who has been doing a major purge of items in her house and who has even painted, someone else I know who is doing major home renovations as well as working from home in a totally non-related field, my godmother has been cleaning windows, someone is my Bible Study life group has been cooking and baking all kinds of things that her husband has been raving about and everytime she asks me what I am making I am embarrassed to say as I am mostly heating up things!
    I feel like I have less on my plate than many others as I have no paid work right now and I don't have kids so I feel like I should be able to accomplish the many things I want to around my house and I do know I have spent a ton of time watching TV episodes but I do also know that a time of relaxing has been good for me at times as I have been less stressed at times thanks to more down time and I do also know that I have been working hard to provide breakfast and lunch to go every day my husband goes to work and feeding us 3 meals a day when we are both home even though I hate making food and I have been doing a good amount of care ministry via text, email, phone, and door drops to support people during the pandemic and those who have lost loved ones or are going thought health challenges or difficult times.
    I do, however, still want to get my motivation and self-discpline in gear so I can get more done though as I really do have the time and I don't want to waste it as I have been home for 11 weeks and I keep feeling disappointed in myself for wasting so much of the time. Just need to get my mind and emotions on board with me to be more productive.

    On a different note, I wanted to let you know that I sent you an e-mail/personal message awhile back and it still shows it's unread. I know some people miss the notification when they have a new message.

    Sorry everyone for the long post!

    Hope to start responding to other group members' posts soon.
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member

    On a different note, I wanted to let you know that I sent you an e-mail/personal message awhile back and it still shows it's unread. I know some people miss the notification when they have a new message.

    I never got a message, sorry! Please re-send
  • allietuge
    allietuge Posts: 343 Member
    June Week 1
    PW: 168
    CW: 169
  • Kenyaa3
    Kenyaa3 Posts: 203 Member
    June week 1

  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,307 Member
    Jun 2, Tue
    Exercised? No. 0 mins, 4,307 steps, lazy day
    Calories? Yes in budget
    Tracked? Yes
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    June week 1
    PW 168.8
    CW 168.2
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    Thursday weigh in's from:
    @Colleen790--got it, thanks!
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,307 Member
    Jun 3, Wed
    Exercised? Yes. 38 mins, 7231 steps, 1 walk
    Calories? Yes, however not in budget
    Tracked? Yes
This discussion has been closed.