

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @Cornanda Thanks! Unfortunately, it was a fail...see below.

    Good morning! Well, I didn't do so well with cooking the burgers. I haven't cooked burgers very often and the instructions were for cooking on the grill and we don't have a grill so I winged it cooking it on the stove and failed miserably. :( Mine was underdone and I didn't realize it and ate it anyway. I found out because my husband started to eat his burger and goes, I can't believe you ate this it's totally undercooked! Ugh. Epic fail. So, next time, he cooks the burgers lol! Game night was a lot of fun though.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: walk with the husband and the pooch
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: stick to my points budget, 52+ oz of water
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good job on this week’s pounds loss and our percentage. Let’s keep up the good work and not lose momentum now that we are halfway into this month!! :star::star::star:

    @apple852hk, I like your tiny habits and the focus of not obsessing over the number on the scale. It really is just one of the many tools we should be using to measure our progress. Maybe do a running average like @mrmcrath does. Ohhh and I think I’ve taken a ride a time or two on that crazy train and might even have vacationed in crazy town. A little out there but really nice people! :D

    Hi Team! Today was a great day because I got to go to church. As most of you know I am the ministry assistant at my church and this morning we did our first Livestream from the sanctuary. We officially start back on June 28th. Anyway, DH and I went be part of the supporting cast for the pastor and it was so great to be back in church instead of watching it on my computer. :) I did do a good workout before church. Today was back and biceps and some core. I just finished my first piece of watermelon of the season. Soooo tasty!! OK, I am off to reorganizing my pantry and make a grocery list. Have a great rest of your day! <3
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning team!! B) I hope your weekend was great and that you are ready to tackle whatever you have going on this week. My goal this week is to work on listening to my body and learn to discern from head hunger vs. real hunger. Did you know that when your stomach growls you don't have to listen to it and go eat? It is NOT the boss of you!! I'm going to embrace the growl and know that when it occurs it's just the sound of my body getting ready to eat its own fat. :grin:

    Tell me your plans for the week and how you are working on becoming the best you that you can be. <3

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Watermelon this year seems to be really good! I'm glad you got to go to church. :) My plans for the week are to stick to my meal plan and not let FOOD be the boss of me. Also, Friday is going to be a challenge because I have to drive to LA to pick up my mother-in-law and drive her back down here. I think I will pack some snacks so I don't have to stop at fast food. Do you have any bars that are low in points that you like?

    Good morning everyone! I had a fun day yesterday. I went to a coffee shop with a friend. We sat and drank coffee and talked and drew with our art supplies like it was normal and COVID wasn't going on except it is. While sitting there talking, I got a text from my husband saying that he would like to donate $20 to us to go out to lunch. So we decided to do that. When my friend told her husband, he decided to donate $20 towards our lunch fund, too! So we really could have eaten anything we wanted but we ate at a vegetarian Thai restaurant that is fabulous. We got the food to go and took it to the park. It was a beautiful day. Later, my husband and I drove up the pacific coast and parked along the ocean and listened to the waves. It truly was a beautiful day.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: walk with the husband and the pooch
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: stick to my points budget, 52+ oz of water
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Good morning team!! B) I hope your weekend was great and that you are ready to tackle whatever you have going on this week. My goal this week is to work on listening to my body and learn to discern from head hunger vs. real hunger. Did you know that when your stomach growls you don't have to listen to it and go eat? It is NOT the boss of you!! I'm going to embrace the growl and know that when it occurs it's just the sound of my body getting ready to eat its own fat. :grin:

    Tell me your plans for the week and how you are working on becoming the best you that you can be. <3


    OMGoodness! I almost snotted when I read this! You are hilarious!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hey, everyone! I can’t believe the weekend went by so fast. I did good this past week, for the most part. Yesterday I found my hand in the chip bag…didn’t realize it until it was half gone. But I stopped and put them away. Not going to get mad at myself. My church is holding outside services right now and yesterday’s was about the Israelites about to cross the Jordan River. They needed to let God go before them to open the way. He explained that the Jordan River isn’t some little creek, but a rough, deep one that will sweep you away. After God went before them, he wanted them to step into the river in faith. The pastor asked us what is our “Jordan” that we need God to guide us with. I realized that I am my own “Jordan”. I will be working on this (with His leading, of course).

    I started today with some Turmeric tea and a banana. My goal is to not watch my fresh produce wither and die. So for lunch, I rolled out to the kitchen and prepped some lovely salad and roasted sweet potatoes for lunch. My daughter and I decided the potatoes didn’t really have enough seasoning (even though I used EVOO along with garlic, onion, paprika and chili powders). But the salad consisted of lettuce, radish, green onion, red cabbage and walnuts…along with a home made dressing of Basil Olive Oil and Walnut Balsamic. The potatoes were delicious with the vinaigrette! Lunch was a bit more calories than I expected, but it’s 3 hours later and I’m still full! P.S. If you use nuts, weigh them instead of using a measuring cup. My “1/4 cup” of walnuts was running over when I measured by 30 grams instead. If I’m going to count 200 cals for nuts, I want my full share!

    I gotta get on the ball today with water…it’s 4:30pm my time and I’m only at 60oz. I hope everyone is having a Marvelous Monday!
  • deadpheonixrising
    deadpheonixrising Posts: 43 Member
    edited June 2020
    Previous weight; 137.7kg
    Current weight: 137.7kg

    It's been a rough month so far mental health wise, hence the problems with the weight.
    I haven't left the house since March apart from one visit to my grandma to pressure wash her drive. - Socially distanced of course.

    I'm going to start going on walks really early in the morning wearing a mask to avoid other people in the coming days. Because of my health conditions and covid this is a scary thing but I really need a long walk.

    Doing exercise vids really hasn't been helpful because I get bored very easily if I feel like something isn't happening. Lifting weights = very boring. Carrying compost bags into the greenhouse = interesting.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,023 Member
    @trooworld- sorry your burgers didn't turn out, but your lunch outing/wave listening day sounds amazing.

    @TeresaW1020- so glad you will be heading back to church soon.

    @vegan4lyfe2012- good work putting the chips away- salad sounds delish! I am trying to increase the amounts of veggies with all meals- it really does help fill me up!

    I cleaned off a shelf in my closet this weekend and found a couple different sizes of pants that I took off the hanger and put aside when I outgrew them. If only I would have worked harder a bit sooner!
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 199
    Todays Weight: 199
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Thanks for the tip about the nuts. Your lunch sounds very yummy!

    @Cornanda Thanks, yes, the outing and wave listening day made up for the burgers for sure!

    Hello everyone! Yesterday, my husband took the day off and we went for a nice walk around a trendy part of town, stopping at a new bagel shop for bagels & lox. Later, we took the dog for a walk and when we got back, I started dinner. I had chosen to make a recipe that SOUNDED really good (Vegan Nashville Hot Tofu Nuggets) but I should have read the instructions before committing to it. It was overly fussy (I had to dip the tofu in a combination of either almond milk, flour, or panko crumbs a total of 4 times before I baked them). The result was surely delicious but I will probably not make this recipe again. Here's the link in case you want to torture yourself: https://www.rabbitandwolves.com/nashville-hot-tofu-nuggets-vegan/

    Calories: over/under: under
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: walk with the husband and walk with the husband and the pooch
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: stick to my points budget, 52+ oz of water
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    Monday check-in
    Exercise arm cardio and abs seated

    30 min. Cardio- done
    Weights- none
    Yoga- none
    Steps 14,000

    My nights have been really bad, will try to check in earlier.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Katmary71, you're in my thoughts and prayers. <3

    @trooworld, glad you had a nice day with your DH. I am not a fan of fussy and overly complicated recipes. Unless I’m having a dinner party and trying to impress people I keep it simple. : grin

    @Jactop, good job maintaining this week! :)

    @Cornanda, I have several pairs of pants in my closet that I can’t fit into…yet! : ;)

    @deadpheonixrising, I think that is a great idea that you get out and take walks. The fresh air and getting some sun will be so good for your health and mood. :)

    @vegan4lyfe2012, Oh I like that question that your pastor put to his people. I am also my Jordan and I really need to learn to step aside and let God lead the way. Why is it that we understand that yet find it so hard to do? :/ That salad dressing sounds soooo good!! :)

    Hi everyone! Today, was a busy day. I took my mom to the eye doctor this morning and we have learned that she has all sorts of issues due to her diabetes and will have to have surgery to remove scar tissue. Then I took and dropped her off so she could get a perm in her hair. She has been stuck in the house since March and wants to come back to the church in two weeks and wasn’t going to go with what she considered terrible hair. She looked fine but there is no telling her differently. :| I did a double workout today and did two different programs focusing on my legs. I will probably be sore tomorrow. :grin: I also did grocery shopping and tonight we had tacos and Mexican rice for dinner.

    So, where is everyone at? This place has been quiet and I’m missing my regular posters and our newbies!! I hope all is well and that you will check in soon.


  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In

    Username - bethanie0825
    Day - Tuesday
    Previous - 237 (?)
    Current - 233

    Apparently my first week on WW was successful lol. I manged some sort of workout 5 out of 7 days last week and I worked out Monday and Tuesday so far this week. No working out at work this week due to scheduling so lots of console walking.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    edited June 2020

    Hi everyone! Today, was a busy day. I took my mom to the eye doctor this morning and we have learned that she has all sorts of issues due to her diabetes and will have to have surgery to remove scar tissue. Then I took and dropped her off so she could get a perm in her hair. She has been stuck in the house since March and wants to come back to the church in two weeks and wasn’t going to go with what she considered terrible hair. She looked fine but there is no telling her differently. :| I did a double workout today and did two different programs focusing on my legs. I will probably be sore tomorrow. :grin: I also did grocery shopping and tonight we had tacos and Mexican rice for dinner.

    So, where is everyone at? This place has been quiet and I’m missing my regular posters and our newbies!! I hope all is well and that you will check in soon.


    @TeresaW1020 welp, I have been one of your missing peeps! We had a very busy weekend and beginning to the week but I think we've calmed down again. => I actually tried this morning to do some posting and MFP was a bit cranky so, oh well. Hey - tacos and Mexican rice is among my faves, sounds yummy!! => I'm sorry your mom got some not great news but glad that there is a plan and some forward momentum to be made, we'll be thinking of her and a successful procedure with swift recovery! And she's right (of course, she's Ma) - it's all about the hair!! :D
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 685 Member
    Tuesday check in

    Hey Slimpeeps!! Whew - catching up! So today has been good for cals (under), water (target), sleep (target) and exercise (target). Friday, Saturday and Sunday got out of hand on eating with cals over - water, exercise and sleep were good. I've decided to not weigh until my F2F weigh day and we can all be surprised together!!! => Between sodium excess and a car ride, I decided I didn't need to see water gain, I'll just wait for Thursday when I think the water should be recovered and then see if I have been able to maintain. I'm back on track and I hope so but - if not - I'll know I'm on track for losing as I progress.

    @bethanie0825 WOWSER girl - you have been working hard on the WW and IT SHOWS! Way to go, that's amazing and I'm so happy for you! =>
    @Katmary71 I'm sorry it has been bad.... :( Sending the mojo and hoping it feels better tomorrow <3 And 14,000 steps when dealing with seems like you're getting out some and likely doing your chair exercises; I certainly hope so, I know you enjoy that outlet until you can get back to the other videos.... {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
    @trooworld uh - that looks simply amazing and well worth the trouble - I had a true LOL with your warning on that recipe! Reading it, I gotta agree.....quite laborious. But I am lured by the promise of that crispiness......
    @Cornanda I keep clothes that are too small on purpose and if I find myself fitting into all of my 'inspiring' pieces, I troop right on down to the Goodwill for something to look forward to! The biggest reason I do it is the NSV factor - during long-term weight loss, body shape and composition can change and shift - even if the scale doesn't always cooperate, so the clothing is another tool or measure of my progress.
    @Deadpheonixrising girl, whatever it takes - composte lifting can totally be exercise - along with the other million chores of a garden!
    @vegan4lyfe2012 the dressing on the potatoes sounds amazing! I have found the same for nuts but mostly, I must admit, I get discouraged by the amount of calories for them and end up skipping having any.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,069 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I hear you, that's where I'm at, too. I should have looked at the instructions before committing to making that recipe. Grrr! I'm sorry to hear your mom has to have surgery. I hope it goes well. I bet that felt good for her to get her hair done. I got mine done, too. It was weird: I had to wear a mask the whole time, even when she was dyeing my hair. It has been quiet lately here!

    @raleighgirl09 Girl, that recipe TASTED amazing but I think Satan himself wrote it. ;) I did change it up and made it in the air fryer to get it even crispier and it was crispier so just imagine that crispness...yum. (((( SKINNY VIBES )))) for a good weigh in on Thursday!

    Hi all! Yesterday was kind of a nice day. I got my hair done for the first time since February. It was a bit weird: I had to wear a mask the whole time, even when she dyed my hair (which I was glad to do, don't get me wrong). It just felt...strange. I got home and read a book for a bit and then made dinner. Luckily, it was a less fussy recipe ("The Best Vegan Meatloaf" + air-fried carrot slices + farro).

    Calories: over/under: under
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: walk with the husband and the pooch
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: stick to my points budget, 52+ oz of water
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @bethanie0825, wahooooo look at that awesome weigh-in you had this week. Keep it up! B):star:

    @raleighgirl09, I think that is a good idea not to get on the scale until your weigh-in day. I’m thinking about stopping my every day weighing for a while. It just messes with my mind and really, who needs that kind of pressure. :grin:

    @trooworld, I’m going next Monday to get my hair colored and cut. I don’t know if she will make me wear a mask or not. Last time she didn’t but we will see. We gotta do what we gotta do to look good, huh? ;)

    Hello everyone! Well, I finally finished that 5000 piece puzzle that I have been working on for almost two months. I was annoyed that I had managed to lose one piece. I blame the vacuum or the dog. :/ It’s OK though. I will tear it down tomorrow and someday I will attempt to do it again. My new fasting book arrived today from Gin Stephens called, “Fast, Feast, and Repeat.” I’ve started reading it and it already has me excited to push myself harder. I talked about it at dinner and mom is on board and DH interested but skeptical. I will just have to prove it to him. :grin:


  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member

    Tell me your plans for the week and how you are working on becoming the best you that you can be.

    I've been working on my NO and my GO. My No is trying to say no to sugar and not give in to carb cravings. My GO is to not put off exercise and just go get it done.

    I've been slacking with the updates. I fell behind on reading posts so when I have time to log in I spend it reading instead of posting. Lots of good info and inspiration that I don't want to miss out on.

    @TeresaW1020 If your mother tries IF tell her to keep an eye on her blood sugar levels. When I fast my blood sugar goes up quite a bit which I thought seemed weird but my Diabetic Nutritionist said fasting can stress the body and raise cortisol levels which in turn can raise blood sugar
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    Well, I didn't do so well with cooking the burgers.

    A friend of ours who used to be a chef gave me a great tip. When cooking burgers make a small hole in the middle of the patty about the size of a dime (like a donut) so your burger cooks from the outside in and from the small hole out. When they're done you can barely see the hole and no more burnt/raw burgers
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hello, Slimsters! Playing catch-up here! Monday and Tuesday were a bit challenging, with internet going up and down and then Tuesday also crunch day on a project. My IT expert thinks the issue has been resolved, so hopefully back to checking in at better times of day!

    On the plus side - I have stuck to my food plan every day and done decently at getting in exercise. Silly NSV - I finally learned to follow a Jenny Ford step aerobics move that I had found challenging. Silly but exciting that can now do the "sideways bench around-the-world" thing. Yeah, I am not a dancer, but I am determined.

    WEDNESDAY: 🟡/🟢
    Calories: 🟢 all good, on-plan choices; everything weighed/measured and tracked
    Water: 🟢
    Exercise 🟢
    Wednesday Goals
    - Workout: 45 min+ 🟢
    - Weights 🟢
    Stretch/Yoga ⚪
    Martial Arts Breathing 🟢
    Martial Arts - 2 forms 🟢
    Other Goals
    - Grocery shopping & clothes shopping (workout shirts!) 🟢
    - Scouts Project - Catch-up items from yesterday 🟢🟢🟢
    - Conference Project - on hold today
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE 🟢
    THURSDAY Goals
    Thursday Goals
    - Workout: 45 min+ ⚪
    - Weights ⚪
    - Stretch/Yoga ⚪
    - Martial Arts Breathing ⚪
    - Martial Arts - 2 forms ⚪
    Other Goals
    - Scary-Behind-Project #2 - Need to knock out lots. Will start with a Scary Phone Call!
    - Gardening (pull at least one weed!) ⚪
    - Declutter something in the office and then CELEBRATE ⚪
    - Declutter something in the garage and then CELEBRATE ⚪
    - Housecleaning ⚪

    Fun recipe plan for the week is a Russian Root Vegetable Stew. My son did an in-depth project on the geography of Russia, and we are celebrating that with a Russian dinner tomorrow. We will also have a side dish of Pagac bread -- no on my menu, but I think he will love it!

    @TeresaW1020 - I am so sorry about your mom and surgery. I do hope that goes smoothly.

    Your finished puzzle is gorgeous! There's a toy store I used to go to regularly when my son was younger, that had lots of Ravensberger puzzles, and I recognize that one!

    @trooworld - Your not-too-fussy "Best Vegan Meatloaf" sounds kinda exciting! New recipes can be such fun. I hope it was as tasty as it sounds!

    @bethanie0825 - BOOM! What a great weigh-in! Hurray, you!

    @Deadpheonixrising - I wear wrist gadget that meausres pulse, and I can testify that gardeining really does raise the pulse and quaslify as exercise. So keep up with that composting! I'll bet the outside time is helpful for the mind and spirit as well. I hope that long walk is therapeutic. My husband and I go walking at off hours for that very reason, that it's hard to stay far enough away from people except at off hours.

    Yoga and then bed!
This discussion has been closed.