

  • launasoul
    launasoul Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 2020
    Hi MommaGemz and the rest of team Slimpossibles! Thank you Jugar :)

    First time posting, first time doing an online challenge. So have been reading some posts to see what people are up to and how it works.

    I'm really looking forward to being an active part of the group. I plan to increase my walking but was wondering if biking, rollerblading and any form of exercise is welcome in the group?
    A little confused on that front.

    I know it will take me some time to get used to the format. But I'm hella excited. Sadly, gained 45 pounds over the past year, after an injury. the good thing is that the injury has mostly healed and I know what got me there, and what had got me to where I was before the gain. So lots of tools, at my disposal, in my reach.

    Anyways, good to meet you all. My challenge doesn't start till aug 2 I think, so might just lurk around till then and congrats on the Slimpossibles on pulling in the win. From what I see people have been really dedicated, honest, despite whatever challenges in their lives. Excited to get going.

    Congrats again and look forward to meeting the team!

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Another new member should be heading over here soon! Please welcome @Tracey0088 , the newest Slimpossible.

    It is good to see you here @launasoul - I'm sure you'll have a great time, and I'm glad that you found the group after the mixup with the link. ALL exercise is good exercise, so if step counting is not your thing, all the other good ways of moving are more than welcome. Keep lurking, posting, and asking questions until the switch to the August challenge on Sunday. New members can post as much as you want, but your weigh-ins won't be official until the week of August 2nd.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week: Week 5
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 198
    Todays Weight: 199
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @Cornanda sounds like you're getting back on track, great job with exercise!

    @ launasoul Welcome to the gang! If you mean exercise as far as for Fitrckr to log your tracker it's whatever you like to do. Rollerblading I'm not sure (awesome you rollerblade!) if steps would register more on your arm or your leg, with biking @jugular convinced me it wasn't cheating to strap it to your ankle so I do that. If you mean in general it's what you enjoy, no hard rules! That's what I love about the group, aside of weighing (and no one is mean if you gain or don't lose) once a week there aren't rules and we all are doing different things and supporting each other. I'm glad you're part of our group!

    @Tracey0088 welcome to the group!

    @buniphuphu welcome back, I remember you!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    Monday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- belly dancing, arm cardio, Fitness Marshall, hip hop, and, stretching yoga, foam rolling, Kundalini for mental health, root chakra healing, earth energy healing
    Water- great! Drinking detox tea right now plus about 150 oz of water

    Cardio 30 minutes- done
    Yoga- done
    Strength- done
    Earth energy- done, it's so cool to picture myself as part of the earth then snack on stuff that's ripe from the garden like cherry tomatoes and strawberries
    Steps- 14,000

    Nothing really new. Filled up my 23andme tedt tube with spit and mailed it. Registration was stressful, I've read too many medical thrillers to feel comfortable giving away DNA but I've already given a bunch of stuff from being so unhealthy including donating endometriosis tissue to a medical school for testing. If I didn't need answers that im fairly sure of already I would've chickened out. Day 4 of diet is going well, forgot how much you can eat eating just produce, protein, and nuts. Last year I just did the first two, wonder if that's why I crashed so hard with pain.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    @launasoul Welcome to the group! This was my first month here so I'm new too. I'm glad your injury has healed up so now you can start working on losing!

    @Tracey0088 and @buniphuphu Welcome to the group. I look forward to meeting both of you.

    Tuesday check-in
    Yesterday I was beating myself up over a wretched weekend. My eating was so bad and my exercise was non-existent. I own it though. I know what I did. I can't go back and change it. My goal for the month was 7,500 steps a day and 1.0 miles per day. I updated my spreadsheet yesterday and figured out how many steps I needed to average and how many miles I needed to do the last 5 days of the month to make up my deficit. I'm not positive that I'll make it all up, but I did take a chunk out of it yesterday. My body isn't used to it though so I'm beyond tired this morning. I wanted to call in sick and go back to sleep. This is one of those days that I wish I didn't hate coffee and wonder why I gave up my Diet Coke. However, I don't like coffee and I haven't had soda all month...so...I'm not going to ruin it. LOL

    I'm hoping that I can use today (combined with yesterday) to undo some of this past weekend's damage. Weigh-in is tomorrow and I'd like it to not suck too hard. I'm already having anxiety over it...like I'm seriously ready for it to be bedtime so I can just wake up in the morning and get it over with. I will have 2 weigh-ins this week since Saturday is the first of August...I'll have my final numbers for July and will be able to see how successful my goals were despite me not sticking with them 100%!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @GretchenReine I hope today is a better day for you. ((( HUGS )))

    @Cornanda same to you, I hope today is better for you, too and ((( HUGS ))) for you, too.

    @launasoul Rollerblading sounds like a lot of fun! :) And welcome to the group.

    Hello everyone. After a few weeks of good sleep, bad sleep is back as of about last week. I don't know what is up with that, I've been doing the same things at night to help me sleep. Maybe knowing I'm going back to work soon is messing with my head. And maybe the bathroom fiasco is messing with my head. I want good sleep scores again! :(

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: over
    Exercise: walk
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: eat what is on the menu for dinner, 2 bottles (26 oz) of water
  • MommaGemz
    MommaGemz Posts: 494 Member
    @Katmary71 I strap my FitBit to my ankle during bike cardio too :D:D

    @GretchenReine Please, please don't be so hard on yourself. I would even recommend not trying to "make up" those missing steps or try to undo the last several days. We are all human and need an occasional break from the logging and stepping. Just start the day and follow your regular plan. You'll get back on track. Wishing you a good week!
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Tuesday check in
    I'm ready to pretend July didn't happen so I'm moving right into Pre-August and planning to make August my best month yet.

    I've been hovering at the same weight for almost 3 months, not because I hit a plateau but because I haven't put in the effort so it's time to get moving again.

    Welcome to all the newbies. Looking forward to getting to know all of you.

    @Katmary71 I wear my Fitbit on my ankle and don't consider it cheating as I have to physically take a step to make it count. And on a bike it only counts every other step so you're actually working twice as hard.

    In our grocery stores the nutritional yeast is with the quinoa and unusual grains.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    @anido1 Welcome to the group! Although we find that there are reasons that we "should" want to be healthy...sometimes our old habits outweigh those. I hope you find this group as welcoming as I have.

    @MommaGemz How do I not beat myself up when I'm so used to doing it??? So far yesterday and today have been back on track. I'm hoping to keep things moving ahead.

    @Cornanda It is definitely over! You are so right. I don't plan on making that mistake again! YUCK! How does exercising make you less hungry? Once I get my metabolism going by working out...I definitely feel more hungry! If I'm not active...I could probably go all day without eating. Great job getting your workouts in!
  • MommaGemz
    MommaGemz Posts: 494 Member
    @MommaGemz How do I not beat myself up when I'm so used to doing it??? So far yesterday and today have been back on track. I'm hoping to keep things moving ahead.

    I know, that's the key question, right? It can be so difficult to be kind to ourselves, and I can't say that I don't get down on myself as well. You had two great days back on track so that's something to celebrate - Yay!!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    Welcome to all the new members!! We are so glad you are here and look forward to getting to know you. Please jump in and make yourself at home. :)

    I wrote a long post to many of you yesterday and I think I forgot to hit post reply. Ugghhhh!! :# Anyway, I see that you have been helping each other and that is the beauty of this group. My day consisted of grocery shopping and cleaning my floors and doing laundry. I fasted 20 hours and will try to stretch it longer tomorrow. I really want a loss this week. As I know we all do! :grin:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    More Slimpossibles! Here come @LynnJ9 and @GabiV125 so get ready to give all the other teams a run for their money. You rock!
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Tuesday check in

    Hey gang! Did a little reading this evening, also did some job hunting and applying....balance, balance... => Food is going well - not fabulous, but well enough to feel good about it. Trying to not eat into the deficit calories but I think I am on many days by about 50-150. I'm righting myself from a wicked week or some more so I am counting this as a win. Exercise is holding steady, over 10,000 steps the majority of days. Water and sleep - down! I'm not really gaining any ground here from mediocre effort.

    So glad to see new members coming in! And @buniphuphu so awesome to see old friends! @Cornanda @GretchenReine and @MommaGemz you guys are leading the most important conversation there is for the journey, IMO - how do I talk to myself? How do I do that in a more productive way so that I can not get in my own way? How do I interrupt the negative chatter? I applaud you all - first step is asking the questions and keep asking, and Slims helping each other talk it out. Great job!! =>

    Not exactly caught up but happy to drop in before going to bed....early(ier)!!!!!!

  • Tracey0088
    Tracey0088 Posts: 22 Member
    Did someone say something about tracking steps through rockfit or something link? I can’t find that thread. I’m all about steps. I have spent one week gearing up for this. Started last week at 200.3 lbs. I’m at 195.1 today. Hoping to get to 185 lbs by Halloween. I plateau easily. And what does eating into your deficit calories mean? Trying to walk in the fat burning heart rate target. My fitness pal isn’t converting my macronutrients 50-20-30 for carbs-fats-protein. It has the 20-30 backwards in my food diary. Anyone else had this issue? Also need to figure out if I am calculating my calories needed from Food correctly. I welcome a moderator or long time member phone call to walk me through. Don’t know how to get my number to you without making it public which I don’t want to do. Tha k you for an ear.
  • anido1
    anido1 Posts: 35 Member
    I’m so ready to start with this group in August!! I just started yesterday to try and eat good and journal and already fell off the wagon today😭. I didn’t exercise as much as I planned to and ate more than I should have...grrrrrr!!!!! I need the motivation and accountability!
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