Weight No More Team Chat- August 2020



  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Belated intro - I'm Kristy, I am 41 from Auckland, New Zealand. I'm a Technical Writer so I sit at a desk all day, but I am also a qualified Personal Trainer.

    Once upon a time I was super morbidly obese, weighing in at 330 lbs. I am 5' 7". I have always been overweight/obese, then, one day in 2011 something just clicked in my brain. I was 32 with 4 young kids, I didn't want to be in my 40s and disabled from eating myself into an early grave. I turned down the offer of Weight Loss Surgery (twice), joined Weight Watchers, and then at the start of 2013 after moving to Australia, I found MFP. By early 2014 I had lost over 160 lbs and gone from a NZ size 26 to a size 8. I had also injured my shoulder, developed Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and started getting severe migraines. I maintained my weight loss until mid 2016, but it all got too much. I was diagnosed with chronic pain, had to stop exercising altogether, was suffering from depression and anxiety, and on top of that was diagnosed not only with Binge Eating Disorder, which wasn't a shock, but with anorexia, which was.

    BED won. In 2017 we moved back to NZ and I started gaining weight back. It was a rough few years, I had a lot of therapy, was banned from losing weight or tracking calories for quite a while. Now I am in recovery, have pain levels mostly under control (although I still have bad days/weeks, and suffer severe migraines) and have finally managed to start lifting weights again. My weight got back to 280 ish (I actually think in kg, but I translate because most of this group is American). Right now it's around 250 and I'm doing okay. My goal is to get healthy again - I feel like "me" when I am active, exercising and lifting weights and I haven't been able to do much of that for a few years. It's slow progress but I am on the right track. 🙂
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member

    Tuesday, August 5th - 10,600

    Cheers everyone!
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Lisa, 40yo and live in the UK.  I have been with my partner for over 20 years and we have 2 kids (son 8 and daughter 4).  Also have a cat (Curzon), fish and 4 chickens (and an endless supply of fresh eggs!). Other than occupying myself with kids, work and chores I have 2 main hobbies at present which are sewing and allotment gardening  (I have 2 allotments that I use to grow fruit and veg with varying success!).  The allotments are incredibly time consuming at the moment, but love that for pretty much every day of the year we can eat something we have grown ourselves.

    I have always been on the "larger" side, and my weight has yo-yo'd as I have tried one diet after another.  Turning 40 last November, I made the decision to return to start my weight loss on the 6th Nov.  Weighing in at 218.5lb (height 5'6") at that point, there was a long way to go to my 154lb goal (top end normal BMI).  Using MFP, and increasing my exercise, I have now lost over 45lb. I am now at my lowest weight in 20 years, which I am finding hard to believe.  I haven't consistently lost weight during this time - there have been a few bumps in the road, but so far I have managed to get back on the wagon and continue.

    My goals for July were:
    - get below 180lb and stay there! - Done
    - drink water more consistently - About 50% of the time I drink enough water, need to get more consistent!
    - start adding core workouts to my schedule (30min at least once a week) - Did 3 in 5 weeks...

    My goals for August:
    - Post more than once a week to this group as I am feeling an increased need for the accountability
    - Drink 2l of water a day (at least 5 days a week)
    - Do at least 3hrs intentional exercise each week.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,314 Member
    I'm going to be away from my computer all of today for work, so I'd like to postpone my weigh-in until tomorrow.

    (Also, I saw my weight this morning and know it's almost entirely water weight, and would like to give it more of a chance to disappear before my official weigh-in)
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,344 Member
    edited August 2020
    Week 1
    SW: 211.9
    CW: 213.2
    I'm not upset about this as I know it isn't real. All that exercise over the weekend kicked my kitten and everything hurts...so muscles are hanging onto water. 2+ hours gardening always does this to me.

    My Tasty Tuesday (6 hrs late) was Taco salad. Lots of lettuce with tomato, green onion, avocado and black olives. Some spicy refried beans (fat/lard free) and some turkey taco meat. Add a bit of light sour cream, salsa and a sprinkle of shredded cheese. And Voila! Yum!

    I will get back in to intro and gush at how well everyone (else) is doing!

    @Mrsbell8well -- hang in there ! and have a nice vacay!
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    08/04 steps 20324
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Tuesday Check In
    Food - IF and on target
    Water - 2l
    Exercise - 30 min walk
    I am scrambling to get everyone ready for vacation. Of course, work stuff decides to pop up at the same time. It is Murphy’s law. I had a good day yesterday. Completed a 24 hour fast and had a good supper. There is that feeling in the air of back to school, ugh. I need to keep up my active denial for a few weeks! I have to fun and I hope that everyone is doing great!

  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    So many tasty treats you guys shared! Y'all are awesome!

    @debbiewsharpe Hubs and I are researching this fall and winter so we can transform our backyard into a raised vegetable garden next year, but I kind of want some blackberry brambles too.

    @Freeglerock ooooh I love veggies and hummus too. Cucumbers are awesome!

    Yesterday was a fun day. Played golf with the Hubs and a couple of his coworkers who are hilarious. Drive, chipping, and putting were all improved, but my fairway game needed a lot of help.

    Today, my dears, is "Water Wednesday!" All that means is that you try to keep track of your water and post what you drank when you check in.

    I am woefully behind, but am about to go for a walk on a greenway nearby, and I'm taking about 40 oz with me.

    Stay hydrated!!!!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    edited August 2020
    @1theresamcvean Thanks for sharing the red lentil curry recipe! I'm definitely going to try it!
    Beautiful sunflowers @Melzz19!
    Happy birthday to your dad @tryingagin5!
    Congrats on returning to the 150's @JillyBT
    @debbiewsharpe I am in awe of all the steps you get each day! Fantastic!!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Week 1
    PW: 200.8
    CW: 202.4
    My own fault. Dinner out the night before weigh in day isn't a good idea, neither is going to get donuts after work (for breakfast or dinner, depending on what you call the meal 3rd shifters eat after work.😊

    I think I need to be put on the cheer squad for the month of August. Need some time to work on getting back on track (again).

    I'll still check in to keep myself accountable, just don't want to worry about the number on the scale.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes for my dad.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 429 Member
    15160 step total - August 5
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    I am trying intermittent fasting every few days. I did two 16/8 days in a row. I’ll see if I’ll do another one tonight. I should research it. I know many of you have or currently do it. Any advice?

    My husband is really trying to be supportive on helping me get healthy and loose some of this Belly fat since it can contribute to dementia (and a million other ailments). Having two parents with dementia is scarring me about my future. So I’m working on factors that could play a role in dementia... weight, sleep, exercise and stress. It’s kind of a catch 22... my parents dementia causes all kinds of stress and lack of sleep and this Covid world is not helping me! Anyway my husband has lost 20 pounds since this Covid world began. So he is motivating me.

    @xX_PheonixRising_Xx great photo

    @tryingagain5 I get it... I took July off and just reset. Hang in there!

    @Cafelelia so jealous of you and the others going on vacation. I’m to afraid to travel here in the United States... and I think a lot of places don’t want us from California just yet! Enjoy!

    Wednesday Check in
    Food logged and I was slightly over
    Water was on the low side
    Tried an online yoga class
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,314 Member
    edited August 2020
    August Week One

    Weigh In Day: Wednesdays
    PW (Previous Weight): 165.4 (July 29th)
    CW (Current Weight): 165.6 (August 6th)
    LTD (Loss to Date): 68.4 lbs

    I am SO glad I postponed my weigh-in to today.

    Yesterday, my scale said I was over 168lbs, and I knew that was entirely due to my return to weight training on Monday evening (I'm still sore, thank you for asking). Water retention and I have a love-hate relationship. I know it's just trying to repair my muscles so I can be even more of a badass, but seeing those higher numbers makes me more self conscious, and thereby more likely to stress eat. So, a 0.2lb gain that's basically equivalent to maintaining for a week? I'll take it.

    This Past Week:
    • 1 weight training intervals class, 8 spin classes, 13 miles walked, 14 minutes of planks, 12 floors worth of ladders in full industrial safety gear
    • Over a gallon of water every day
    • Eating was mostly on track - any splurges were not necessarily planned, but executed without going down the rabbit hole of eating chocolate chips straight out of the bag
    • 1 garbage bag filled with clothes that are just too big to wear without alteration - may attempt to modify some old t-shirts into new tanks for spin class
    • Asked by my landlord if I lived with my larger sister (I don't think he and I have had an in-person conversation since I moved in three years ago, when I was a good 220 lbs)

    Other Notes:
    I think I mentioned in a previous post that I was debating trying out to be a spin instructor, as the open auditions at my spin studio are on the 29th. If I didn't mention it and I'm only dreaming I did so: I'm debating going to the audition. Last night, after a particularly energetic class, one of the current instructors told me that she really hoped I would. That little nugget of positivity was probably the one thing that I needed to really give myself a chance.

    Often times, I feel we don't try things because the fear of failure overcomes our self-confidence. But if I've learned anything from trying to be healthier, it's that one failure does not define you, and you can't change anything for the better unless you purposely try to. So, in summary, spread some positivity today. You never know who may need it.

    @JillyBT - From what I understand of intermittent fasting, you can do it every day as long as you're consuming all of your nutrients and your body is okay with it. I know that I personally cannot intermittent fast, just from how my body reacts to not having food in it. But it's 100% safe to do and a lot easier to do regularly if you make it a habit.

    @GingerPwr - Water Wednesday - While I didn't check in yesterday, I still want to mention my 140 oz of water from yesterday. I'm super proud of myself for drinking that much. Hydration is always a focus of mine, and yet I come up short more often than I'd like.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    08/05 steps 12871
This discussion has been closed.