Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A steaming hot day but it’s so good to see the sun again. We were out early to walk on the moors, saw one other lady from a distance with her 2 dogs and lots of sheep. The lambs are maturing so tend to wander further than they should from mum then shout and baah but one in particular this morning sounded like a doll I had as a child that cried mummy when tipped... quite disconcerting!
    Photo entitled Who Are Ewe? 😄🐑

    I continued to remove old boards off the walls yesterday and uncovered more of the original plaster and colours. What a shame so much damage was done by a previous owner but I’m sure my builder can do a sympathetic job. Interestingly I discovered the low wall behind the old window seat was painted a similar pink to a sample I’ve bought so I’m going in the right direction... slowly!

    I’ve got washing out to dry and have some tidying to do in the kitchen while a pot of coffee brews. If the heat continues to build my day will be spent either under the garden umbrella or in the cool of my cottage.

    Have a safe day everyone.
    Jackie 😘
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Jilly and I had three very long walks yesterday, not a sheep to be seen alas, but plenty of other critters. One walk was with Janice who lost little Amy a few months back. We sat in the garden nattering afterwards and she said her optician recommended something named Lutein which supposedly helps stop the progression of cataracts and macular. She is convinced it works so I will give it a try. Anybody here heard of it?
    I have to stay home today until my grocery order arrives which could be any old time. Mainly cleaning products and stock pile of cans, toothpaste, and of course toilet paper, lol. I'm convinced the virus will return full force by the end of September and Mikes friend, Sandy, she who works for the surgeon, sent me an email overnight saying the same. She's on vacation next week and she's spending it stock piling and buying Christmas gifts for her nine grandchildren! I mention this in case any of you feel ominous as well. Not doom and gloom, but as Sandy says, being realistic. I hope she will drive over and I can get out with her and buy a few gifts myself.
    Other than that, I really enjoyed yesterday. Hope more of the same today! Oh, must mention for all dog lovers, Jill and I are getting pally with a lovely old gentleman. He's a French Bulldog. Getting on in years, but he's so sweet natured.
    Stay safe,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Just a bit of whimsy again. A pink elephant. 😂🤣😂


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Worms are more powerful than the African elephant and more important to the economy than cows... Charles Darwin

    Lin’s elephant teapot just reminded me! Surprising what little gems you can find in gardening magazines!👩🏼‍🌾

    Too hot to do much so a stop start sort of afternoon. I hope to go and check the allotment late afternoon, maybe pick a cabbage. 🥬. Exciting times!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    edited August 2020
    Happy Friday! :) Beautiful morning with the windows open. Laundry has been started, groceries were ordered and will be ready for pick up this afternoon. I have asked to keep the two boys over night tonight just to see how it goes. Lisa's parents keep all three but there are two of them and they have a four bedroom house. I guess I am jealous so want to give it a try. Lisa will bring them after dinner and we will watch a movie and have popcorn. I just hope they sleep all night and not wake at the crack of dawn. lol

    Jackie, I really can't wait for you to get everything done in your cottage, I really want to see the pictures of the finished product. I am surprised the pups don't chase the lambs, Daisy being a herd dog I am sure would. lol

    Anne, I have been taking ;tiiqgzqtnab3.jpg
    for years for my macular degeneration. My condition hasn't changed because of these eye caps and I highly recommend them to everyone. I order mine from Amazon but they are available all over.

    Bob, my daughter also loves Kohl cash. I found this site on Facebook where all the clothing items are $10 plus $3 for shipping. I have bought many tops and even masks from them.
    Since I basically wear nothing but casual wear since this pandemic it suits my needs just fine.

    Patsy, I am so sorry about your brother, it is so hard when they are out of state. My brother is about 40 minutes away but because of this pandemic I haven't seen him. His birthday is tomorrow so I will probably face time him to wish him a happy birthday. Prayers will be said for your brother and your family.

    Buzz, so glad you are able to join us again and keep in touch. I pray each day you get stronger and stronger. You are now the monarch of this group and we welcome all your advice and thoughts.

    Lin, that was another amazing puzzle, I might have to put you in competition with my daughter's FIL who is on his 22nd puzzle during the pandemic.

    Diane, hope all is well and the fires aren't getting out of control.

    Have a wonderful day and keep safe.
    One Day at a Time

    OMG, sorry for the over blown picture.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks SANDY, I will try and pick up tomorrow. Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    edited August 2020
    :) The longer I stay at home, the more I simply rotate the same two or three outfits. All my jeans are black and I have a few favorite shirts and I wear some combination of the two every day. I bought some new socks a few months ago after having to throw some away and a new pair of walking shoes, but other than that, the library shirt was my first new clothing item in a very long time.

    :) I stay out of WalMart. I go into my favorite grocery store, Walgreens, and Costco. These places aren't crowded when I shop early and the shoppers wear masks. Safety and getting what I want are my high values so I don't balk at a few higher prices. Occasionally we order from Amazon if I can't find what I need in one of those stores.

    :) Our big adventure this week was a quick early trip to the Home Depot garden shop to buy potting soil.

    :) I listened to a podcast this morning about the woman in France who lived to be 122 years old, so there is the possibility that we can be talking to each other for decades to come.

    :) This morning my walking friend is coming over to dance with me the spare room. There is just enough room for two people to line dance at a healthy distance. She is the only person we allow in our house (except for the cable TV tech awhile ago).

    <3 Barbie

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I can barely stay awake today. PT was a dud as far as walking. It's a beautiful sunny day finally, so what's my excuse?
    Thanks to people like BOB, who volunteer for Hospice, which does such a wonderful job helping people at desperate
    <3<3<3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone. A warm sunny day here. It is to get a bit uncomfortable later in the afternoon. We have fans everywhere that helps move air around but it does aggravate my allergies. I would rather sneeze or have a runny nose than be hot. I am no good at all in heat. I just seem to shut down.

    John is having to deal with a change in our internet and phone service. Just a horrible waste of time. Researching all the plans and customer satisfaction. This is a crazy industry. We are not knowledgeable about technology. Our son, Damon does not have time to hold our hand and walk us through every decision. It makes me feel old and decrepit that I have such difficulty with understanding it all.

    Anne: I also take PreserVision caps. I have macular degeneration. And from time to time have had to have shots in the eye. It is combination of various minerals etc. I take two a day as suggested. It isn’t like a magic pill that you instantly see better. It is a gradual help to provide better eye health. They are a bit expensive but worth every penny.

    Barbie: since the pandemic my clothing has just been horrible. There are times when I feel like I must be getting my clothing from the bottom of Katie’s doggie bed. I have to remind myself that to feel better, I need to try to look better. They are clean clothes but old and a bit shopworn. (What on earth does that mean?)

    Sandy: I had to laugh when you confessed to being jealous of the other grandparents. I know that the grandkids absolutely adore you. You have been almost their other mother. There is no competition. As you know, the heart is elastic. It holds untold numbers of people and animals firmly with untold quantities of love. A lesson you teach us all the time.

    Lin: I have a lot of teapots that I need to dig out of the back of the China cabinet. I have one that looks like a pink pig. Since my brother was a cop, he always gave us funny gifts featuring a pig. He has a great sense of humor. He laughs hardest at himself.

    Jackie: Katie could not be trusted near a lamb. Or any animal other than another dog. There are calves across the road and they warned all neighbors they have the legal right to shoot any dog that was harassing the livestock. It is a large dairy herd. They mean business and aren’t kidding when they say, “keep you dog at home or suffer the consequences.”

    I have rattled on too long, much love to dearest Buzz and all other dear sneakers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    edited August 2020
    Good afternoon. I was busy with one thing and another and had to make a trip to the bank. Busy ordering paper products, Kleenex are my highest consumption item, bars of hand soap and misc. things. Between Amazon and Walgreens, I think I have most things ordered now. And I used up some reward points at Walgreens so they won’t go unused. All of my Starbucks stars/points are expiring soon. I won’t be using them and I will no longer be a a Gold Card holder. Oh well. We are having a sales tax free weekend on certain items and I did hunt for some socks online but didn’t find any. No worries.

    I also have had connection problems with afternoon so I hope I will be able to post this. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Jackie, a hot day but a lovely morning for walking with the sheep. Thanks for the photo with the clever caption. 😂🤣😂 You are discovering so much about the former colors in your house as you work on the renovations. How amazing that one of the samples you obtained is a close match for the pink! Our temps are heating up as well. Yesterday afternoon we had loads of rain. Not just a bit, bucket loads. I understand we may get another dose of rain over the weekend. So I will be staying in, of course.

    Anne, lots of walks for you and Jilly. That is great. No one is causing you problems now or trying to pat Jilly? Did you get most of your stockup items today? Happy shopping tomorrow. Good to plan ahead. I also purchased some of the PreserVision AREDS2. But I found it has FD&C red 40 and FD&C blue 1. I have a sensitivity to these color additives so I stopped taking them. I take a multi type vitamin and note there is quite a bit of Vitamin C and Vitamin E. I have never searched for just a lutein alone.

    Sandy, enjoy the overnight stay. No need to worry, those kiddos love you. I can see it in the pictures you share. Have fun! Oh, and no puzzle competitions for me. I like to work on the puzzles but it is quite expensive these days so I hold back. Some people immediately start a new puzzle when they complete one. I have a stack of puzzles but hope there are enough through the fall and winter. 😄

    Barbie, I have no one to impress (or horrify) so I just wear what is comfortable. I do love new socks though. Always have to look at those.

    Buzz, I am sorry the PT was not helpful today. How many days a week do they come to work with you? Hoping the next session will produce a happier result for you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Patsy, I am sorry that you have to adapt to changes in Internet service as well as phone service. I spent a portion of the morning updating software on my not-often-used Mac. I just set it up and ignored it thinking it would finish on its own. Well, at the end there was a problem with my iCloud service, logging in on my Apple ID, getting an authentication code, etc. Good grief! Change isn’t fun these days is it? So you have a pig teapot! And it comes with a special story and lots of humor. Better than the average teapot. ❤️❤️

    Bob, you definitely are spoiled by the amazing sales. The big sales at Kohl’s with 30% off will not be a bit attractive to you in the future. Just the super clearance racks. 🤣😂🤣 My neighbor was out walking today. The first day that his arm has not been in a sling. I asked how he was doing and he said getting ready to go in for a follow up on his surgery. A tear in a pectoral muscle I believe he said. But he does not walk the neighborhood until 9 or 10 am. More people here walk in the evening. The kids are zooming about while the adults are walking sedately. I thought of you today as I chopped up my salad today. But I never take a photo, I just eat it. 🙃

    All best wishes my friends.

    Lin ❤️❤️

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Jackie – Beautiful countryside pic. Removing old boards etc. can’t be much fun but making discoveries is always nice. And lastly – nothing like the smell of clothes dried in the open air.

    Annie – I hope your groceries arrived ok. As for “stocking up” on cleaning supplies and incidentals – not a bad idea. I don’t hoard, but keeping a 60 day suppy of some items just makes sense after all we have gone through. Certainly won’t be surprised if we get a return virus visit. We’ll probably plan ahead a bit with grandchildren Christmas things and do more than usual shopping on line. No desire to fight crowds in a mall during the holidays. Speaking of which, DestinyUSA mall went back to regular hours this week and they are waiting for approval to re-open food court – but no rumors yet. Enjoy the weekend!

    Lin – cute elephant tea pot. Reminds me of a lady I know that collects a ton of “elephant related” items. Your right about the “clearance racks” I already scoff at “reg sales of “only” 30 % off. LOL. I have tried to get out of the “house-confinement” mood by getting casually dressed for grocery shopping, Walmart etc.... when sweat pants would do… just makes me feel more “normal.” There has been a lot more activity here too re: neighborhood etc. The natives are getting restless for sure.

    Sandy – So true about wardrobe during this pandemic. I think that is why I hunt out the super bargains…hard to justify otherwise since there aren’t a lot of places to go. Just don’t want to gain an ounce until I get to wear things for a while LOL. Jean laments over concerts in the park, movies, wide restaurant choices, regular zoo trips etc . I must say I have little interest in attending too many things (even when they open) until past the mask-wearing stage. Pretty much have considered 2020 a bust and looking toward 2021… anything between now and then is a plus.

    Barbie – While we do go out on a regular basis – like you, I time everything pretty much for off-hours. I do a lot of 6 or 7 am shopping during the week as of room etc. If we go to the mall or that kind of store we arrive 15 min before opening and then it’s a quick shop. Most people are arriving when we are leaving… which is great.

    Buzz – Thanks on the volunteering words. I haven’t done much lately, but always find my way back. It’s one of those things that can be rewarding. I took care of my dad when he was dying of cancer…even moved into his house for a while… never regretted it… some memorable moments. As for hospice, I recall seeing someone I knew there on one occasion – he was taking care of his 16-yr old son. The boy was gone within 2 days. Sad…but reinforces how lucky we are.

    Have a great weekend!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Good morning. Not just a teapot today.

    From the original post:
    “My favorite glaze, Red, and my favorite teapot, Cameron Clay Products/ Sevilla, Stacking Tea Set”


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Haha Lin, I fear that set would be an accident waiting to happen in my house!! Scrumptious colour. 🍊🍊

    Rhubarb chutney simmering while I eye up a few other items picked and pulled at the allotment yesterday. A beautiful day, around 24c with a gentle breeze.

    Happy Saturday everyone. I’ll be back when chores completed.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning all. I'm off to pick up that Lutein product I hope, but won't linger because with the return of humidity and heat, difficulty in typing again. Clue? This is awful!

    Anne ❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Will be back later, everything going well with the kiddos.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Nothing new here. Just watched some Sarah Cooper, lip synching comedy imitating good old Trump. She's pretty funny.
    My nails got clipped today. With no dishes to wash, they had grown longer than ever before.
    My daughter assured me today I needn't give a thought to breaking up my apartment. She and her husband would fly down, take care of everything, and rent a u haul if necessary to take back what they will store. They will distribute everything salvageable to siblings, etc. Whew, what a blessing!
    Perhaps I can concentrate on reading a huge book by Nelson DeMille, The Panther, which I bought a number of years ago. I can barely hold it!
    <3 Buzz
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Nothing out of the ordinary this morning. Great weather today. Jean and I did our mall walking this morning and then took a short ride.

    Back home by noon and prepared to grill… Today it was: Grilled Pork Chop w/ broccoli sprouts, cucumber, some “Jean” tomato, Romaine salad, radish, spaghetti squash, olive oil and balsamic spray and red onion. They are very “thin” boneless chops and “2” cooked weigh only 3oz. – perfect portion.


    Jean just headed out for a quick “farmers market” at out credit union. She was comfortable with me bowing out LOL. So that’s about it so far and I have things to do around the “homestead.”

    Lin – That “red glaze” got my attention really quick! Very colorful!

    Jackie – glad we are having the same kind of day… a beautiful day with sustenance.

    Buzz – That was a funny video. Politicians as a group make wonderful fodder for laughter. Lad your daughter and her husband are there to assist.

    Off to enjoy some sunshine and catch-up on a few things. Have a great Saturday everyone. Bob
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,090 Member
    I am back but in need of a nap. :) The kids were great last night, had popsicles, popcorn, juice boxes and even made some brownies. I never thought they would sleep with all that sugar but Robby asked to go to bed and Max was ready. About an hour later Max got up to go potty and then said he wanted to sleep in my bed. So I went to bed early but watched some TV before falling asleep. I had enough sleep but keeping busy with them has tired me out. Lisa came about noon with Charlie to pick them up and stayed while I feed them lunch and so Charlie could play a while. They don't understand the concept of me being in my own apartment, they kept saying they wanted to go downstairs because they have a two story home with a finished basement. Made me laugh.

    Buzz, I have seen those videos and they do make me laugh as well as Randy Rainbow who is so funny. How wonderful that your daughter and SIL will take care of your apartment for you.
    That has to be a big weight off your shoulders.

    Bob, another wonderful meal, I wish I lived closer so you could cook for me. I did take the boys for a walk today, not really far but enough for a little exercise.

    Hello to everyone else, I am feeling like Buzz and can hardly keep my eyes open.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Hello, me again. Chatted with a friend this morning and then watched a Live video for an hour. Every Saturday from 11am to Noon Central time. I enjoy it, just chatting, stories, and no swearing or politics at all!

    I am working on a couple more cards to mail on Monday. Then I have a list of birthday cards to tackle for the rest of the month of August. I feel like putting an apology note in all of my cards now. “Sorry, not getting to the post office for extra postage so I am only making very simple flat cards and my powers of concentration are lacking so keep your expectations low. Thinking of you and wishing you well.”

    What do you,think? Yeah, probably need to keep my issues to myself. 🤣😂🤣

    It is very hot here today and my plants are wilting this afternoon. Hope they are okay and I will give them a drink in the morning. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    I need to clean some veggies this afternoon. But sadly I finished my batch of broccoli sprouts and the onion sprouts aren’t ready yet. Soon though. I think broccoli sprouts are my favorites now. I made a broccoli sprout and tomato sandwich yesterday. Yum. The day before a shredded carrot and sprout sandwich. Difficult to keep these things together. I put it in a bowl so all the things that fall out end up being scooped up and devoured.

    Bob, so of course I loved your lunch selection of broccoli sprouts. Was there something else on the plate? 🤣😂🤣

    Sandy, what a nice evening you had with the boys. I am sure they couldn’t understand the concept of an apartment that well since they are used to several levels of a house and a backyard. But you had fun. ❤️❤️ I hope it made you feel better.

    Anne, did you have a successful shopping trip?

    Buzz, wonderful news! So glad your daughter and spouse will clear out the apartment for you. I hope you can enjoy your book. I plop the book in my lap to read which is what is likely causing neck pain. I hope you will not hurt your hands. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, happy chore day. Yes, well I think I would likely knock over that stack of lovely red china as well. But pretty to look at.

    Hello Patsy and Barbie and Diane and Jeri.

    All best wishes sent your way. ❤️❤️

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here I am back to catch up. The rhubarb chutney looks and smells good so considering I didn’t stick to the suggested ingredients it will hopefully be tasty too. I picked my first home grown tomato from plants growing in my garden room but think it will get lost in any bowl of salad as diverse as Bob’s!

    Definitely a cherry tomato and I’m saving it for a special meal! 😄

    I enjoyed some gardening time but somehow managed to get my feet sunburnt. My hot, sunny lockdown weather clothing has included shorts I’d never wear beyond my home and I do use a high factor sun cream but didn’t think to Put some on my feet when I popped sandals on. Swollen ankles too... must be an age thing! 🤪 Topped up my pink hair this evening after so much was cut out when I finally got to my hairdresser. I’m not sure I’ll continue the trend but it’s been fun.

    Buzz, that’s so good that you don’t have to worry about how to deal with clearing your apartment. Now just concentrate on feeling better and even walking again. 🥰

    Sandy, sounds as if you had a wonderful time with the kids. I’d like some of whatever you’re on for energy!! Perhaps you are already snoozing! 😉

    You made me laugh Lin with your idea of what to write in your cards. I’m sure your friends will be delighted with your efforts though.

    Anne, I do hope you managed to find the vitamin supplements. A friend of mine has found similar vitamins have considerably slowed the deterioration in her eye sight.

    My bedtime so I’ll say goodnight.