Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - August 2020



  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,584 Member
    @GabiV125 glad Bingo is working out for you, I'm mad that I can't do it, I love challenges! That's great about your workout buddy, funny how animals like being a part of everything!

    @bettyboag Ouch, I would've caved for a pretzel too, good luck with your fast tomorrow!

    @trooworld What workout videos are you doing? We were posting ours for awhile there, I got out of the habit when I had to start doing arm cardio since there's only 5 I can do so I've already made you all view them, I don't want to torture you all! Doing different dance genres every day was so fun, I can't wait to do that again!

    @Digger61 Kill it on legs tomorrow! Woot woot! I LOVE leg day!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Glad you're having a great visit with your son. I'm awful at using those times to overeat, even if I bring my lunch salad and everything I see the box of pastries and everything else I rarely eat and act like I'll never get the chance to eat it again, I'm getting better though! Being at maintenance helps a lot right before trips. Keep up the great control and enjoy your time with family.

    @TeresaW1020 Have you decided what type of workout you're choosing after this? It feels great to finish up a goal like being on week 8! Remember how far you've come from the first day!

    @Cornanda I'm so glad your daughter tested negative, thank God!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,584 Member
    Wednesday check-in
    Exercise- arm cardio, arm resistance bands, stretching yoga, Kundalini chakra meditation, earth energy healing
    Water- great

    Well my house is "safe" zoned again with Eric gone, no coffee cream, Diet Pepsi, or freaking AWESOME smelling cheese bagels- the house smelled insanely good after he microwaved that! How can I date someone who thinks food is only fuel and doesn't understand MORE is better???? And has actually left peanut butter cups in my pantry? Of course he's willing to share it all with me, thank goodness I can classify it as HIS food and not touch it, if it was mine I would've eaten and drank it all! AND he doesn't work out, come on! Can we all shout NOT FAIR? Can I get an Amen? Of course I'm starting to feel a little better (yay!) so now I have to do weird breathing through each nostril, fire breathe, meditate, spin in circles until I fall down, stay on this crappy diet, and keep taking 10 supplements because I did too much stuff at once to get better and don't know what exactly is helping! I stay a lot more mellow when he's here, it's Midnight and I'm rocking out in my bedroom with my Invisilign on to avoid the nuts in the pantry, been up too late binge-watching Netflix so I'm wide awake!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Thank you. I'm sorry about your dad, too. That must have been especially tough since he was so young. I'm glad you are having a good time with your son. How long are you there for?

    @TeresaW1020 I know, right? I was just about to punch in to work so I was late punching in!!! Well, I'm closer to getting a shower but still no shower. :/ We do have the start of walls though lol. Today, he's putting the texture on the walls so they should be finished and then all that needs to be done is the PLUMBING! and the flooring. Have you been listening to fasting podcasts or audiobooks while doing your puzzle? Or both?

    @Cornanda Thanks. I hope I do see light. I did some journaling, talked with my therapist, and talked with my husband so every day I'm getting closer. ;) Yes, I will be so glad when my home is back in shape and I can take a shower/bath! I will never again take THAT for granted! lol I'm so glad to hear that your DD's test was negative, that's a relief I'm sure.

    @Katmary71 I have had the INTENTION of doing Leslie Sansone's walking videos but I haven't managed to do them for about 4 days. I loved when you posted them, I found it helpful to find new videos. Here's one someone else on another board posted, it's dancing to the music to Hamilton. I've not done it yet but mean to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjkOCv1csyY&list=PL-5_b8Up2FICclhzBQS0QGKcGt2K9pH9D&index=3

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: walk
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: eat what is on the menu for dinner, 2 bottles (26 oz) of water
  • MommaGemz
    MommaGemz Posts: 494 Member
    @leonadixon Best wishes for your surgery! I'm sure they healthier you are beforehand, the easier it will be to recover 👍

    @Cornanda Hurray that your daughter's test was negative!! These days when my kids are in elementary school, and I'm home schooling, and I never get a break from them - I think about the time when they leave for college and it makes me feel a little gentler about these times.

    @trooworld & Katmary71 I have really enjoyed Leslie Sansone as well. I may have to break out my DVDs to mix things up a bit.

    @GabiV125 Jumping jacks provides exercise for your dog, too :D

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @trooworld I have been listening to fasting podcasts, but I want to start listening to audiobooks. I just haven’t found one that has hooked me yet. Fortunately, I can check out and return at will using RB Digital, which is cool. Definitely sounds like you will see your shower soon. Not soon enough though, huh? :#

    @MommaGemz Great weigh-in this week! B)

    @Katmary71 How far does Eric live from you? What will you do with those peanut butter cups? It’s never fair when we compare our weight journey with men. Don’t even try it! What have you been binging on Netflix? I think my next workout I’m going to do 21 Day Fix and then 21 Day Fix Extreme. I’ve done 21DF before but had to modify a lot, so now I want to see how much I can do after doing these last 8 weeks of Barre and weight lifting. These two programs are only 30 minutes so I will also supplement with my treadmill which will be nice to get back to that for a different kind of workout. Plus, General Hospital is back on the air and that’s my walking show! :grin:

    @Cornanda Yes it was his second shot. Hopefully, he won’t be told to do it again. I am so glad to hear that your DD’s test was negative. That must be a huge relief. :)

    Hi Team! I went to my staff meeting today and we had lots to discuss and now I have several projects to work on tomorrow. Most of it involves updating the church website and making a bunch of new graphics, which is always fun for me. We are planning to bring back our Wednesday night schedule and really hoping (and praying) nothing goes wrong! My diet has been off this week and I’m not sure why. I just haven’t been very dedicated. I’m making a new fasting schedule for the upcoming week and plan to stick to it. I still have half the month to make it to my goal of Onderland. Eye on the prize!!! B)

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,584 Member
    @MommaGemz Nice loss, way to go!

    @trooworld That looks like fun, she has awesome leg muscles! I liked doing Leslie Sansone a lot, sadly I was making them all harder because I was in decent shape from my bike and the stair treadmill at that point. I still have my VCR hooked up from the first month of being stuck at home, I used to do the VHS Leslie Sansone videos when my internet crashed. Jenny Ford is good for walking videos as well, I was getting into hers when I had to stop doing leg workouts.

    @TeresaW1020 Eric doesn't live too far but his work is closed so the first time he came I told him to hang out a few days, we've stuck with that for the most part. He works when he's here on projects from various employers plus he's coding a computer program he's working on. He brought his main cat a couple times and I'm the first person she's warmed up to aside of him, he's bringing his second cat next time. He managed to socialize my more outgoing, nervous cat and the relaxed one just started coming around to him. So our "kids" get along, his cat's the boss for sure though, she's a tiny sleek black cat and I have two big hairy partial Maine Coons. She's got them hissing back at her and doing acrobatics to impress her, it's pretty sad. The last shows we watched were on Amazon, The Hunted (about Nazis in America) and Boys (twisted superheroes), then on Netflix the last one was Witcher. We also watched Vendetta and Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown Armenia show as we'd been talking about how I'm half Armenian and he was curious of the history. I'll bet you'll kick butt at your 21 day fix now! Ha, I've been watching Days of our Lives for over 30 years, I still watch it but it's pretty awful! I would go to the gym during Young and the Restless but gave up on it, it's so horrible now it's not worth watching. Days is at that point too, I just feel like they're old friends since I've watched since I was 15!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,584 Member
    Thursday check-in
    Exercise- chair cardio, Fitness Marshall Alejandro, resistance band leg stretching for splits (I'm never gonna do this by my birthday!), Kundalini chakra meditation, earth energy healing, visualization.
    Water- awesome!
    Calories- over

    Wow, I can't believe this is happening to me, I normally crave tons of vegetables but now I'm craving nuts and chicken sausages, I think it's the fat, gross! I DO like nuts, it's the meat that's gross. I've never craved meat in my life and I hate fatty meat, my freezer is ground turkey and chicken breasts. I think it's the oil in the chicken sausages. I'm gonna end up high fat and that's the opposite of how I like to eat for crying out loud but it's what my body seems to need right now. I normally get about 20 grams of fat but have been trying to balance it more with nuts and seeds. Anyhow, I'll just try to listen to my body for now, I know a lot of diets based on brain and nervous systems emphasize higher healthy fats so maybe that's what's going on with all the nerve pain.

    I have to share this awesome music, it's so different! I've been listening to a lot of instrumental music like Eastern music or Bach 's organ fugue after meditating though my favorite music is rock. I was listening to Mongolian folk metal and a friend told me about Mongolian throat singing. This is the coolest song I've heard all year, close your eyes and dance to it, it's so fun and the instruments are great. I ended up doing a combo of African dance and belly dancing the first time I heard it, I've been listening to it all night. It's a "war' song, very primal!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,584 Member
    Oh, I also just watched The Secret again on Netflix and a show on chemicals, I knew a lot about the latter from all the stuff I read regarding endometriosis and chemicals though I haven't read about it recently, just don't have the money to replace everything though I use vegan or natural make-up aside of mascara then essential oil products over fragrance for the most part. Have yet to find a good deodorant that's natural and lasts through my workouts!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Weigh in week:  Week 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 204.2
    Todays Weight: 204.0
    Loss To Date: 60.5
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,918 Member
    @MommaGemz Yeah usually someone so chipper (especially in the morning when I do my exercise) would make me want to throw a shoe at the TV but for some reason with Leslie, it doesn't bother me. I think because she genuinely seems to want to help. Enjoy!

    @TeresaW1020 Ah, well that is the good thing about getting stuff from the library, isn't it? Oh, I have good news about the shower. See below. No, not soon enough!!! :D You are really close to Onderland, you can totally do it! That's exciting!!! I wish you luck and good focus!

    @Katmary71 Yeah I will actually do that video one of these days lol! I haven't done any Jenny Ford, I will look her up too, thanks! :) re: the HU video...WOW! I didn't know what to expect out of that video and I was blown away! That was really super cool! Now I have to look up Mongolian folk metal.

    Hello everyone! So, the plumber came and installed the plumbing in my bathroom (we've been without a shower for over a month now and had to take showers at my brother-in-law's). The drywall/painter is coming today to finish up painting and then the linoleum will be put down early next week. All that will be left is for the lights and towel racks to be put back up! We won't be able to take a shower until Saturday because everything has to dry but man, am I excited! Yesterday was the first day that I drank enough water in a few days. I haven't been able to access the bathroom because the drywall guy has been working and I didn't want to interrupt him, so I've been trying not to drink water during the day. But yesterday, nobody came until about 2:30 so I had enough time to drink plenty of water. Nobody is coming until 3 today so I should be able to drink enough fluids today, too.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: even
    Exercise: walk
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: eat what is on the menu for dinner, 2 bottles (26 oz) of water
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    edited August 2020
    ☝🏾 I love the "be patient and keep going" message, and thought you might, too!

    Happy Friday, fitness friends!

    Quick reminder that there is still time to check out the Week 2 Challenge - Bingo! I have not yet bingo'ed, and plan to buckle down and make it happen this weekend!

    @trooworld - A big wow to your bathroom saga, and hurray to your getting a walk in yesterday!
    Don't know if this odd perspective helps, but I am happy for you that you have family able and willing to let you shower there.

    I think you are doing great to stick so close to plan with all the disruptions (and am hoping for you that they end soon, and with not many more early morning visits from contractors!). Routine makes it so much easier to stay on a food plan.

    I haven't seen Hamilton (don't have the right subscription for it), but will check out the workout! Thank you!

    @TeresaW1020 -- Woohoo! You got a little bit closer to Onederland, despite feeling like you were not doing "enough!" Keep it up! 🥳

    How are your work projects coming? It sure sounds like you have a lot going on!
    And how is the puzzle coming along? :smile:

    @Cherrymajoni - Wow! What a great weigh-in this week! 👍🏾

    @Katmary71 - Your comment about deodorants that last through workouts made me smile. Happy hunting! :lol:
    I have decided to not worry during, and rinse off afterwards. It works as long as I don't eat too much garlic.

    And a big AMEN to the unfairness of guys not having the same food restrictions in order to get fitness results. You are so smart to classify stuff as His Food.

    If it were me, though, the peanut butter cups might have to go to the garbage disposal. And the smell of warm bagels. OMG, that could be hard. Though come to think of it, I dealt with that this morning. My teenager wanted a birthday breakfast of biscuits. I made him a pan of them and yes he ate all 8, so all I had to do was smell them!

    MUSIC: Thank you for sharing The Hu! They are new to me, and fun! 🙏🏾 :smile:
    Have you listened to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan ever? (See Musst Musst if you have not.)
    My current favorite song is Gina Chavez's La Que Manda. It has great lyrics. Also, this picture on her website is the rock and roll look I wanted in college.

    Here's a song of hers that is a favorite "just get up and dance" song of mine: Let It Out

    @MommaGemz - Great weigh-in! And I always love your graphs! :heart:

    @Cornanda - 🙏🏾 What great news about your DD and her test results. Wow.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - "I have been having a great time just being with my son." This just made my heart go all warm and gooey. Yay, you, for enjoying the time.
    "The hotel room has a kitchenette, so I have it stocked with salad fixings and bean taco fixings. I just have to say NO to the Mambas and ChikaBoom!" Great planning! Yourn "just say no" made me smile. Those can be very tough no's to say! :lol:

    @digger61 - How are you doing today!
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,011 Member
    @Katmary71--- you get a full on AMEN from me on men being blessed in the fitness department!

    @trooworld -- enjoy your shower tomorrow!
This discussion has been closed.