Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - August 2020



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,106 Member
    Prepare to welcome a new member, Slimpossibles! @TwistedSassette will be along shortly!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,655 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Prepare to welcome a new member, Slimpossibles! @TwistedSassette will be along shortly!

    I'm Christie (or Twisty) and I'm excited to be here. I have been around MFP on and off for like 8 years or so. I've been more of a regular in the last year and found some good community-run challenges which are helpful. Somehow, I'd never come across this group though!
    I'm a bit of a yoyo-er when it comes to weight loss. I have PCOS with insulin resistance so losing weight is hard for me. I'm currently at my highest weight despite being much more involved in exercising in recent months. So my focus in the short term is to make a habit of tracking my calories every day - I tend to do this for a while and then drop off the consistency so I'm focusing there for now. I'm hoping that will give me a better picture of my situation, and allow me to set some more defined goals around nutrition. I have a suspicion that my estimated calorie burn (both from exercise and just BMR) is significantly higher than what actually happens, so my current calorie intake goal is probably much too high.

    I am an Aussie and I love a good laugh. I have been married almost 12 years, and have a son who is almost 2. I try to take him for a walk in the pram most days after work - he loves it so much so it's been motivating me to get out there more! I also enjoy yoga but strength training is the devil. I do like Body Pump, so I've found some YouTube videos which I enjoy when I get the time to do them. Looking forward to getting to know you all as we work together toward our goals!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,589 Member
    @TwistedSassette Welcome to the team, it's great to meet you! I'm not sure what kind of exercise you're doing but if you're selecting an entry from MFP it may be too high, that was the situation with me. I'm on medication that interferes with weight loss (and makes me super hungry) plus have other health issues so it could've been confused because of that but in my case I did 2 hours of cardio a day weighing everything at 1200 calories losing 1lb a week so something was screwed up or I'd have been losing an extra pound a week. I recently did genetic testing and it said the combination of macros could've been an issue, who knows. Sometimes the data don't make sense, that's been the case even with my Fitbit though it's more accurate now than when I just selected my exercise in the database.

    Tuesday check-in
    Exercise- arm cardio, chakra meditation for healing, abs, yoga/stretching for splits, earth energy meditation
    Calories- under or just at, I haven't had dessert yet
    Water- great

    I forgot to post that I made raleighgirl09 roasted chicken with caramelized onions and olives yesterday and it was delicious! If you want the recipe let me know, it's on my desktop and I'm on my laptop. It was even better tonight, I made a garlic pepper infused olive oil and mixed with Italian herbs for broccoli and zucchini plus salad so it was a great dinner. I bought lactose-free gluten-free cheese for making the giant meatball but the gluten-free breadcrumbs had sugar so it's a bust, I'll have to find some sort of turkey burger recipe instead so I have something to put the cheese on. It's not bad cheese, Swiss isn't my favorite but it's better than no cheese! I figured it would be better than almond cheese which I've never tried. It's my "gotcha" day for my cats, I put out sardines for my two and my guy's cats and the latter wolfed it all down. I figure if you don't try you don't get a trophy even on your anniversary (I'll sneak some treats just for my boys into my bedroom for when we're alone later!), they did have some tuna water earlier so it's all good!
  • Tracey0088
    Tracey0088 Posts: 22 Member
    Delinquent Monday weigh in

    Monday weigh ins.

    Starting Weight 196.7
    8/3/20 Monday Wt week 1 = 195.3
    8/10/20 Monday Wt week 2 = 192.7
    8/17/20 Monday Wt week 3 = 190.7
    8/24/20 Monday Wt week 4 = 190.7

    I so didn’t want to come show my face this week. I am getting ready to screw this up. I do what I always do. I shoot out of the gait sprinting, all in..... 150 percent. Then I nose dive. I was tracking everything, to the point of obsession and running my feet, knees and focus into the ground. Then, that scale that I usually hate but have been liking decided to screw with my head. I was netting 7500 calories a week for a 2 lb loss each week and the scale went up to 192.2 from 190.7 and I flipped out. I went and ate a whopper from Burger King, a coke icee a brownie and stopped filling in my food diary and self care chart.

    So I went back in and filled in my sins in my food diary, made a new plan to stop obsessing and try again. I Am plateaued and that is a dangerous place for me especially when I’ve been killing it in the gym. I haven’t been lifting weights just rowing, walking and biking. That line “muscle weighs more than fat” B.S.” is true I’m sure but it is the number on the scale that runs or ruins my life.

    So I’m sorry I haven’t been present to cheer others on and adding value to your journeys. Seems life or the devil is trying to take me down. Pool pump is stuck and won’t turn (working on that), running grandkids here and there, and my job has been kicking my butt with fires everywhere to put out. So, here I am. Chin up Tracey and go get that weight off you are 6 weeks in and 10 pounds lighter and on target to reach your 185 lb goal by Halloween. 3rd person chat... I am definitely needing some guidance these next 2 weeks.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,655 Member
    @Katmary71 thanks for that. I wear an Apple Watch which monitors my heart rate so I expect it to be more accurate than the MFP entries (though they’re usually pretty similar). My watch data shows I consistently burn around 3,500 calories a day (passive and active), but I don’t believe I consistently eat that much so either I’m eating a LOT more than I think, or my watch is fibbing about my burn!!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @TwistedSassette Welcome to the team!! I am so glad to have you and look forward to getting to know you. It sounds like you have a good plan and I agree that consistency can be hard, which is why it’s so important to make a commitment to yourself and if you stumble the commitment is that you will never stop trying. :)

    @Katmary71 That chicken recipe sounds delish so please do post it! I’ve been on a recipe kick lately now that I’m trying to eat lower carbs and still satisfy those I cook for. I LOVE that you had a party for your cats!! :D

    @Tracey0088 Well, I am glad you decided to show your face. Tracey, I think what you wrote has been all of us at different times. We all start out doing a new weight loss plan with total enthusiasm and attack it with full force. But keeping that momentum is hard and the facts are that our weight isn’t going to only go down. It will fluctuate for many reasons. Which is why the scale should never be our primary source for how we are doing. Are you taking pictures and measurements? How do you feel physically? True, muscle doesn’t weigh more than fat, but it does take up less room in our bodies and it does weigh more by volume. Just keep focused on the long-term goals of health and fitness and the weight will follow. :)
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    @TwistedSassette Hi and welcome! I used to love to do Body Pump but I had to stop because I messed up my shoulder doing it. :( It is great exercise though and I miss it. I wish you the best of luck on your journey here!

    @Katmary71 Your dinner sounds wonderful! Sorry that the gluten-free breadcrumbs were a bust. Happy "gotcha" day to your cats!!!

    @Tracey0088 I can relate to your post. I had a very bad week last week and gained 4.2 lbs. It was awful. I was so embarrassed. I wanted to quit. But I didn't. I'm still here and so are you and we can do this! Hang in there, Tracey. ((( HUGS )))

    Hi there everyone. I managed to fit in some exercise before I started working yesterday. I did these two Hairspray Dance Workout videos (@Katmary71 DANGER!!! LINKS!!!!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiuSH27FC-A and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdH1M-wsxgo which I am too uncoordinated to do but I had fun acting like an idiot jumping around my living room trying to keep up doing. I made chicken parmesan in the air fryer last night and would have been under my WW points but then I decided to have it with pasta so there go my points. I'm still "in the green" for the week so it's all good.

    Calories: over/under: under
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: Hairspray dance YouTube video
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: track everything, 2 bottles (26 oz) of water
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Wednesday weigh-in:

    SW (7/1/2020): 298.0
    Weigh-in (8/1/2020): 289.6
    Weigh-in (8/5/2020): 288.0
    Weigh-in (8/12/2020): 290.2
    Weigh-in (8/19/2020): 293.4
    Weigh-in (8/26/2020): 290.8
    Weigh-in (9/1/2020):

    LTD: 7.2

    So although I should be happy that I lost most of the emotional eating weight from the last couple of weeks...I'm not happy. I'm still emotionally drained. I still want to cry. There is less than a week left in the month. Less than 7 days. Odds are I'm not going to show a loss for the month. I guess I have to wave the white flag and admit defeat. I can't imagine that I can lose over a pound before the 1st of September no matter how diligent I am. I'm going to try my best but I know me...and I know that my best really isn't that impressive. At least the first month was a good one. One out of two ain't bad. I wonder what other cliches I can come up with to make myself feel like absolute crap!!!

    Anywho, now to focus on my water and NOT over eating. At least this week was a loss. Now to try and finish off the month as strong as I possibly can.
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's been quite a week, and it's only Wednesday! Sunday evening, I was going to enjoy a second swim in my pool, not laps, just messing around. I had been in the pool for about 5 minutes when a snake swam by! EEEK! I was done! Hubby scooped it out with a net, but I've been pretty traumatized. I swam Monday, but only stayed in the shallow end and had to have someone watch for snakes in order to swim. Yesterday, no one would come outside with me, so I missed out. Also yesterday, my son announced that he's going to move in with his flaky GF. He said he wanted to do this a couple of weeks ago, and I thought we had convinced him that waiting until he graduated was a better plan, but I think she guilted him. My husband may have come up with another delaying tactic though because he said that it is impractical to move out since he can't drive (my son has never been interested in learning). Now he has motivation to learn to drive and a delay in moving (maybe).

    @TwistedSassette Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here at Mission Slimpossible! I have PCOS, too, so I understand how that can add to the challenge of weight loss.

    @Tracey0088 Don't ever feel bad about coming by! You held steady, and you're ending the month lower than you started! That's a big win in my book! :)

    @trooworld Those videos look like fun! They might be a little too bouncy for me, but still fun!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,106 Member
    Another new Mission Slimpossible contender! Please welcome @Hilogirl2018 to your team - enjoy!
  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 287 Member
    @Hilogirl2018 Welcome to Slimpossible! It's a lot of fun here! I hope you enjoy it!
  • Hilogirl2018
    Hilogirl2018 Posts: 687 Member
    buniphuphu wrote: »
    @Hilogirl2018 Welcome to Slimpossible! It's a lot of fun here! I hope you enjoy it!

    @buniphuphu thanks, looking forward to it!
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Wednesday check in
    Week 4
    PW 132lb
    CW 135lb

    Last night 7-9 ( so late) I went to my book club meeting. Usually I mess up spectacularly with all the heavy temptations laying around, and am bloated for days afterward. So yesterday I went to Costco, got a roasted chicken and made a much more healthy chicken salad for the club ( more veggies and less mayo).
    I behaved better than other times , but far from good-lots and lots if chips ☹️
    I did not eat so great, nor moved much this past week so this weight gain is not totally unexpected (some hopefully is water). Regardless, can’t waste time beating myself up for it so I’ll just march on ahead.
    I came full circle this month (started at the exact same weight) , but I learned a lot and I am proud of the work I put in, all the fun I had here and looking forward for the September challenge!
  • Hilogirl2018
    Hilogirl2018 Posts: 687 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    Another new Mission Slimpossible contender! Please welcome @Hilogirl2018 to your team - enjoy!

    @jugar I appreciate the welcome! I really need to be here.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,589 Member
    @Tracey0088 Great loss! Sounds like you pulled through this despite the setback, just keep going, you got this! Best advice I can give is even when you aren't getting results or don't feel like going through all the steps just keep going and do your best. It doesn't have to be as hardcore as you first started out, it's knowing you're doing the right thing and continuing to take steps toward your goal that matter the most. Not every day is going to be perfect food or exercise-wise and that's ok, just keep going through the motions and you'll still get there! And if you need to switch things up a bit, just because you start out with certain ideas doesn't mean that they'll work for you long-term. I really learned that hitting maintenance, I had a pretty hardcore routine and strict diet and still have to alternate and change my diet and exercise depending on my body's needs, it's never 100% perfect and we're never 100% the same person we were before. With my pain issues there's nothing I'm doing now that I was doing when I first started aside of some sort of daily workout and eating a lot of vegetables. My exercise is completely different and I eat a lot different than I started out plus I added in spiritual exercise as well. I figure I'll be modifying things for the rest of my life, it's ongoing learning to what works best for me.

    @TwistedSassette Wow, that's a huge calorie burn, you must be seriously active! Even doing three hours of cardio a day using MFP log-ins I didn't burn anywhere near that much! Maybe 2500 when I got 35,000 steps? You go girl!

    @trooworld great day! I'll check those links out after I post this! I think if I press them they won't take me to You Tube but I don't want to risk it! Your air fryer recipe sounds good, I miss Parmesan cheese the most out of the cheeses!

    @GretchenReine If nothing else what about thinking that you maintained for a tough month? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, you could've gained all your weight back and you didn't so be proud of yourself for not completely letting go of your new habits. I think one of the hardest things for me to learn is it's okay not to be perfect, it truly is an ongoing battle to be healthy and it's rarely a steady race. Even when I was eating 1200 calories a day exercising two hours a day I stalled for a month, it makes no sense mathematically but it happened and I had to hang in there as much as I wanted to stuff my face in frustration!

    @buniphuphu I have a black widow and wasp phobia so I get it with the snake! I hope this isn't common and you won't have to worry about it often! Yikes, not sure what to say about your son, great idea about him driving. Another thing would be graduating before moving in would cause less interruption in both of their schedules and would make it easier for them to adapt to living together. It would be hard to do that in the middle of school. Good luck!

    @hilogirl2018 Welcome to Slimpossibles!

    @GabiV125 Great way to look at your month! Those chickens have a lot of sodium as well so that could have something to do with it. If not you sound mentally ready to keep going, great outlook!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 It sounds like a great trip aside of the accident! I hear you about hating the pictures but you have the right takeaway message and that is that you're in this for the long haul. It's called a lifestyle change for a reason, you got this! And spending time with family makes it even that more important to take care of yourself.

    @bethanie0825 Yay, 1lb down!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,589 Member
    Wednesday check-in
    Calories- right at the line, I lost my fitbit and have no clue what to log my arm cardio and the rest as it varies every day so I just upped my sedentary calories to 1900.
    Exercise- arm cardio, dance and hip hop, root chakra healing, arm resistance bands, leg stretch resistance bands, yoga, earth energy healing
    Water- great
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,655 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    @TwistedSassette Wow, that's a huge calorie burn, you must be seriously active! Even doing three hours of cardio a day using MFP log-ins I didn't burn anywhere near that much! Maybe 2500 when I got 35,000 steps? You go girl!

    Oh, that's not my calorie burn from exercise, that's including my BMR (passive) and my everyday movement (active) as well as exercise. According to my watch, I burn 2,700 calories just existing, plus another 1,000 from daily movement before exercise.

    I'm a bit of a numbers person (I am an accountant!) so I did sit down this morning and run some numbers which seem to make more sense. I think my exercise calories are probably pretty close to right, the issue is with the BMR/passive numbers. I worked out my TDEE is around 2,100/day, but my Apple Watch is calculating this at around 2,700. Adding a sedentary factor (since I work a desk job for 9 hours a day) adds around 400 calories to my daily TDEE, but my Apple Watch is adding close to 1,000 on average (without exercise). So I think my watch is overestimating by 600-1200 calories a day! If I use the TDEE figures against my calories eaten, my actual results are much closer to the calculated results. Just means I need to adjust my intake and my expectations accordingly!
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