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  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    The summer I was 15 is when my mom took me to the doctors for diet pills...when school started in the fall, I had gotten my hair cut,got contacs and lost a lot of weight...I didn’t look like the same person and I was probably as high as a kite...I had endless energy from the pills....I ate very little and I walked to and from school, was in marching band and went to school from 7:20 in the morning until 3:40....I stayed on some kind of pills or diet until I was in college...
  • MuttiNM
    MuttiNM Posts: 240 Member
    @NovusDies Those are awesome stats! It must feel great to be there. Congrats!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    MuttiNM wrote: »
    @NovusDies Those are awesome stats! It must feel great to be there. Congrats!

    It is amazing and sometimes it feels too good to be true like I will wake up and it will have all been a dream.

    On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being ridiculously easy and 10 being horrible but survivable I would say that most of my days were a 4, some were a 2, a few were 7, and a couple were at least a 9. However, when I consider all the good that has come from it even the nines don't seem as bad now. I would not be here though if they had all been nines or even sevens. It is so important to prioritize being as happy as you can be now. It won't always work but it will work some of the time.
  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,344 Member
    Thought I should actually write something. I've been around reading the threads, but I don't think I've commented in a really long time! Just hanging in there. My scale keeps doing water weight fluctuations that are unusually large (for me) but I think I'm right around 255 for real, where I've been for about a month. Work has been crazy busy and I'm working a lot of evenings. Normally my summers are dead, so my eating has suffered because I've had very little time to actually cook food. I also have a tendency to eat my feelings, so the frustration at having no summer and not even one day off this year isn't helping. I'm still doing okay, but my calorie deficit has ended up more around .5 lb per week than the 1.5 that I have it set for.
  • Ccricfo
    Ccricfo Posts: 156 Member
    emmyjaykay wrote: »
    Well, I’ve only been weighing every couple of weeks. Life and eating have both felt a little off so I wasn’t really expecting anything good when I weighed in today.

    Turns out just doing it, even if it’s weird, works! I’m officially over 50 pounds down and have entered the 200s for the first time in at least four years! I feel really proud of myself and my body right now.

    I had a mini goal of turning 30 under 300 and I definitely smashed it considering my birthday is in December!

    I love it when I obtain a goal've come a long way in a short time....I hope you keep beating your goals!
  • mc62412
    mc62412 Posts: 195 Member
    mc62412 wrote: »
    mc62412 wrote: »
    mc62412 wrote: »
    mc62412 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. 👋🏼

    I’m 34 female 5’ 7”. I started at 290.5 ( to be exact ) here’s my numbers I’m not going to post them all cause there are a lot. I’ll post every other week.

    4/12 : 290.5
    4/26 : 289.4
    5/10 : 283.5
    5/24 : 281.4
    6/7 : 271.3
    6/21 : 266.7
    7/5 : 261

    My last weeks weigh in was 7/12 : 257.9

    Down ward I go. Some weeks are slower then others but like a previous post said, the downward trend is what counts !

    8/2 : 246.4 💪🏼👏🏼

    8/10 : 244.7

    8/20 : 239.4 officially down 51.1 pounds. Seems unreal. Still a ways to go but I’m going!

    8/30 : 236.3
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Just don't whine if they pop back up tomorrow!

    I was 222.1 on Friday, 222.5 yesterday, and 224.4 this morning, but it didn't bother me to be up 2 lbs as I was out to eating yesterday and have been eating more the last 2 days. Not over maintenance, but the extra carbs along with TOM finally showing up? 2 lbs is actually pretty good all things considered!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Just don't whine if they pop back up tomorrow!

    I was 222.1 on Friday, 222.5 yesterday, and 224.4 this morning, but it didn't bother me to be up 2 lbs as I was out to eating yesterday and have been eating more the last 2 days. Not over maintenance, but the extra carbs along with TOM finally showing up? 2 lbs is actually pretty good all things considered!

    @conniewilkins56 oops - I just realized I forgot the lol emojy after the dont' whine comment. Sorry - I mean that as totally tongue in cheek and as a joke! Though I suppose I can blame it on TOM coming down the pike; I'm always a lot more snarky in the first few days leading up to and during TOM lol :lol: ( remembered it this time! *laughs)
  • rieraclaelin
    rieraclaelin Posts: 115 Member
    edited August 2020
    Weighed in this morning and was initially bummed to see that I had only lost 0.6 pounds over the course of the last week, when I've been averaging 2-3 pounds a week.

    But, then I had to stop and tell myself that hey, sometimes this happens. Plus, I'm just ending my TOM, so, I'm sure that played a big role in it, too, and I kinda did some more intense workouts this last week (at least for me, I'm still starting off "small", but I had two days where it really had me going, cardio wise).

    I normally only weigh myself once a week, on Mondays. But, I'm thinking about doing it daily after reading through all of your posts every day, and just start charting. And like you've all said, watch the progress and as long as I see a decline, it's all good!

    For those who do weigh daily, do you log in your weight every day on here, or do you log in a chart daily and then once a week update your MFP?
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Just don't whine if they pop back up tomorrow!

    I was 222.1 on Friday, 222.5 yesterday, and 224.4 this morning, but it didn't bother me to be up 2 lbs as I was out to eating yesterday and have been eating more the last 2 days. Not over maintenance, but the extra carbs along with TOM finally showing up? 2 lbs is actually pretty good all things considered!

    @conniewilkins56 oops - I just realized I forgot the lol emojy after the dont' whine comment. Sorry - I mean that as totally tongue in cheek and as a joke! Though I suppose I can blame it on TOM coming down the pike; I'm always a lot more snarky in the first few days leading up to and during TOM lol :lol: ( remembered it this time! *laughs)

    Ha ha....I stayed exactly the same this morning! TOM here ever are never “snarky”...

    I log my weight on here and Happy Scale every day....
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    My number went up quite a bit this morning. I know it's water weight due to the heavy work out I did on Saturday. My body is still sore from it. One day at a time! I'm making progress and it will all even out in the end.
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    Weighed in this morning and was initially bummed to see that I had only lost 0.6 pounds over the course of the last week, when I've been averaging 2-3 pounds a week.

    But, then I had to stop and tell myself that hey, sometimes this happens. Plus, I'm just ending my TOM, so, I'm sure that played a big role in it, too, and I kinda did some more intense workouts this last week (at least for me, I'm still starting off "small", but I had two days where it really had me going, cardio wise).

    I normally only weigh myself once a week, on Mondays. But, I'm thinking about doing it daily after reading through all of your posts every day, and just start charting. And like you've all said, watch the progress and as long as I see a decline, it's all good!

    For those who do weigh daily, do you log in your weight every day on here, or do you log in a chart daily and then once a week update your MFP?

    I weigh every day, and log it both into MFP as well as into a weight-trending site ( daily. It took me about 2-3 weeks of daily weighing to get over the "omg it is going up and down" panic, and now I just view it as one data point in a bigger picture. Personally I have found it really interesting to be able to see what affects my scale weight (TOM, exercise, sodium, carb-heavy meals), and also reassuring to know that a 4 lb increase (thanks to yesterdays corned beef brisket) isn't (can't be) fat, but is just water retention from the extra sodium or food weight. I'd highly recommend a weigh trending app (commonly used ones are Happy Scale and Libra), which can help you see past the daily fluctuations and look at the longer term trend.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Weighed in this morning and was initially bummed to see that I had only lost 0.6 pounds over the course of the last week, when I've been averaging 2-3 pounds a week.

    But, then I had to stop and tell myself that hey, sometimes this happens. Plus, I'm just ending my TOM, so, I'm sure that played a big role in it, too, and I kinda did some more intense workouts this last week (at least for me, I'm still starting off "small", but I had two days where it really had me going, cardio wise).

    I normally only weigh myself once a week, on Mondays. But, I'm thinking about doing it daily after reading through all of your posts every day, and just start charting. And like you've all said, watch the progress and as long as I see a decline, it's all good!

    For those who do weigh daily, do you log in your weight every day on here, or do you log in a chart daily and then once a week update your MFP?

    I weigh every morning first thing before breakfast in HappyScale but only record here. I had played with using the HappyScale trend weight as what I record here, especially on Thursday record days where my weight pops up to the highest point all week, but then I saw that the HappyScale trend is a moving average and I wanted historically static numbers, so I went back to recording my actual weight for Thursday mornings and keeping an eye on the HappyScale trend.

    For me, seeing that fluctuation up and down during the week helps keep me somewhat sane because there have been times where I've put on 2 lbs of water weight over a Wednesday night to make it look like I didn't lose anything during the week when I had actually lost 2 lbs.

    I was up 3 lbs this morning, but I'm not surprised - lack of physically demanding exercise plus extra food up to maintenance levels = extra water weight gain + extra food being processed in my system = temporary gain. And with this camping trip coming up, I'll probably hold onto that extra weight for the next week or two. I'm leaving myself in a deficit for this camping trip, though - I'm the one cooking so I can control the ingredients.

    We'll see how much hiking I get in, though, with the best friend. Her knee is messed up so she can't go, which may severely limit my chances of getting away for my own hike unless she can find a pool or a lake she can spend some time in.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Weighed in this morning and was initially bummed to see that I had only lost 0.6 pounds over the course of the last week, when I've been averaging 2-3 pounds a week.

    But, then I had to stop and tell myself that hey, sometimes this happens. Plus, I'm just ending my TOM, so, I'm sure that played a big role in it, too, and I kinda did some more intense workouts this last week (at least for me, I'm still starting off "small", but I had two days where it really had me going, cardio wise).

    I normally only weigh myself once a week, on Mondays. But, I'm thinking about doing it daily after reading through all of your posts every day, and just start charting. And like you've all said, watch the progress and as long as I see a decline, it's all good!

    For those who do weigh daily, do you log in your weight every day on here, or do you log in a chart daily and then once a week update your MFP?

    Some people use trending apps. I use a spreadsheet. I do not update MFP that often but I will if I see that it has been at least 10 pounds since my last "check in" so I can get a new calorie amount.

    Some people can handle daily weighing. Some cannot. I have been both. When I started I had a bad relationship with the scale but it has improved over time. There is no right or wrong just what is right for you at the moment. I am in favor of treating anything you change like an experiment not a firm choice. An experiment has a time frame and criteria for success or failure. I believe this helps keep a person objective.
  • rieraclaelin
    rieraclaelin Posts: 115 Member
    Lost another .6 pounds since yesterday, so, I'm thinking I had some water retention going on :p

    But my weight today is 350.2! I am so close to that 49, ugh, come oooon!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Lost another .6 pounds since yesterday, so, I'm thinking I had some water retention going on :p

    But my weight today is 350.2! I am so close to that 49, ugh, come oooon!

    It is right around the corner.

    If you can handle it the one thing daily weighing does it give you an idea for how you fluctuate and whoosh. There is no script that you can follow precisely. Your body is doing things under the hood that you can't possibly know. However, there are things that are common. Like for me it is common for my whoosh cycle to last 4 to 5 days with the 3rd day being the biggest drop day. It is just like I was expecting my weight to go up on Sunday morning because I ate out so much on Saturday. I have to live my life though and temporary weight fluctuations are nothing to fear under normal conditions. They are annoying but it is not mentally healthy to be so obsessed with fluctuations that you avoid anything food related that can cause it. Since I can retain 20ish pounds of water if I am not careful I do try to avoid compounding mine too much but that is just because releasing all that retention takes a lot of electrolytes with it that can make me feel bad.