Fearless October 2020 Challenge



  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    10/2 prelogged and did some weights but only got 1943 steps
    10/3 no permitting or strength (anniversary party) but had 6730 steps
    Will make up the difference today.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Fell a little short of the mark yesterday, but it's still an increase over goal from last month . Progress...not perfection. Also, i added in more motion while walking which I feel in various muscles today.That's Good!

    I will get there.
    I notice I'm paying more attention to logging, and choices, and how exercise helps with total numbers....in other words, I feel I'm getting a little more invested overall.
    Progressing nicely.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Calorie goal- more like a maintenance weekend plus some poor decisions. At least I had plenty of movement both days.
    Snacking - Friday I did have snacks after dinner and Saturday I did not. I’ll be working on doing better as the week goes on- the weekends have not been planned well.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    10/1-10/4 goals met... I just did a 15 minute walk today because I was antsy lol... will be back out there tomorrow walking my 90 minute walk or more ..we shall see :)
  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    Pretty good day today helped by beautiful sunny fall weather!
    1. Food on goal today and, most importantly, nuts avoided.
    2. Starting training for my half marathon. 3 miles ran this morning (slow, but got it done!) and another 4.5 miles walked running errands, etc.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Calorie goal and snacking: 👿 I didn’t log anything because it was a football day of grazing on snacks for most of the afternoon followed by a carby dinner that made me feel sick. I now need a detox couple of weeks to get back on track. If there was a silver lining, I got lots of movement in and had a fun day so I’ll give myself a break and move on.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    10/5 Goals met and I am about to go walking ...I am hoping to walk 5 miles today ... I keep coming up short :)~
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,368 Member
    10/2 - 10/4:
    Calories good for the weekend, protein good on Friday and Sunday, a little low on Saturday, nets carbs were good for the weekend.

    Exercise - rode 21 miles on Friday, got the Halloween decorations down from the attic and put up the most of the outside stuff on Saturday, finished the lights and hanging spiders, etc on Sunday.

    A good weekend - no couch potato this weekend!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    10/4 Goals not met but still ate well and went bowling last night. Need to make up a 3000 step deficit today.
    It's cold in my house so I'm up out of my chair moving more to t=stay warm ;)
  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    Good day today!
    1. Food on point. Although boring, it’s best if I just stick with the same menu.
    2. 4 mile training run today plus an additional 7 miles walking as had work ( I work as a library aide and, unfortunately, those books don’t shelve themselves!).
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    The past couple days I'm hitting 85% of a mile in steps. On both days I'm just done for the day or too tired to go for the complete mile. So, that's still about 1500 more steps per day than last month. Hopefully the stamina factor will kick in soon and I'll hit one mile regularly.
    Still proud of my activity progress.

    Food is still all over the place. More real food, less processed though; and still too high on carbs, but not SAD level.
    Getting there slowly but surely.

    Have a great night, pals!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    Prelogged :)
    5000 steps :)
    Off day no strength :p

    Still need to make up 3000 step deficit.
    Made some keto biscuits yesterday and some PB Protein balls this morning. Saw a recipe for low carb apple crisp I'd like to try (diced zucchini). Might have to still add some apple in there.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Calorie goal ✅ had a nice deficit based on the amount of activity I had for the day.

    Snacking- I did add some additional protein a few hours after dinner because I was a bit low for the day and felt like I’d cave to something off plan if I didn’t. Not terrible but could I have just refrained? Yes, more than likely.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,368 Member
    Food was good - calories were low since the salami I ate last night was apparently a little old and cleaned out most of dinner... oh well.

    Did get a good 19 mile ride in the morning and finished the day with 7700 steps.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,328 Member
    10/6 Goals met and I walked 5 miles with Leslie Sansone today .... I have blisters on the tops of my toes ...I ordered a pair of sketcher hiking boots when I was in a walking boot so they are to big on my feet now ....gonna try to pairs of socks and see if that helps :)
  • eneild
    eneild Posts: 198 Member
    1.Food just ok today. Took my eldest daughter to a post-op visit at Mayo and we had lunch (I usually fast until mid afternoon) so my calories are definitely over today. I did make good food choices so that’s a plus.
    2. 3 mile training run and managed an additional 4 miles walking.

  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Calorie goal - a bit over what I would like but still in a deficit. Wasn’t feeling super hungry so lunch was light with a normal sized dinner for me.

    Snacking- dumb excuse for why I did which added a few calories from nuts but I just had a handful to distract my dog from bad behavior. Again, could have gone without but whatcha gonna do??
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,368 Member
    Calories were a little on the high side (but still below maint), must have been making up for Monday. Protein 134g, Carbs 90g net.

    Exercise - did a short ride of 14 miles in the morning and then body weight exercises later in the day. Finished with 7500 steps for the day.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Hey y'all. I'm around. We had a weekend trip camping, and I'm just having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I'm doing fine on the eating and fitness end, it's just everything else is being ridiculous. Kids don't want to go back to school work. They keep trashing my house. And etc...

    logging and on-plan: :innocent:
    exercise: :innocent: yardhike

    logging and on-plan: :innocent:
    exercise: :innocent: strength
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    @baconslave mine are married and on their own but I still have the hubs wrecking my house ;)

    10/6 Prelogged food :)
    8857 steps, made up my deficit :)
    No strength day but better get on that