Waist Aways - October 2020 Team Chat



  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    @KellyBgetsfit Oh no!!! Drink that water. Drink that water 💦It May help stop that bored and binge thought. I also find a few almonds help curb. Then there is always @jugar’s pickle suggestion. Hope things get better soon. You know what to do.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy Glad to hear your husband did well. Hope his whole recovery is swift. Good for you still getting most of that exercise in. Nice of you to let him sleep in too. You are doing an excellent job. You’ve got this.

    @spyro88 Sending hugs for your tough time right now too. Hope your partner feels better soon. Focus on what you can do to make you healthy and listen for us to whisper in your ear...make good choices...you’ve got this!!

    @eggfreak Sending good vibes to you today. Hope all goes well.

    And to all those ice cream lovers out there, I hear you! Love 🍨 anytime of the year.

    @YinxFed Hurray for getting out and walking to your book club. And kudos for the bravery in joining the running club. Let us know how it goes.

    @conleywoods Glad you are feeling like you are getting back on track. You are an amazing momma and teacher. Balancing all that and having dates with hubby and exercising and eating right takes a Rock Star ⭐️ and you are one. Keep it up.

    My new month is going well. I’ve hit my step goal every day. My eating has been good and mostly logged. Water 💦 is pretty good but there’s room for improvement. Took a walk and had PT yesterday. The day just seemed to get away from me and I never checked in before bed. I need to get some steps or exercise going today while J sleeps.

    @jugar 10/6 42 moderate walk and 44 minutes of strength training.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • graceojo999
    graceojo999 Posts: 95 Member
    Oh and I forgot to say I am Grace...29, I am a postgrad research student..4th year thesis writing. I live with my younger sister in Nottingham Uk. I find this group very helpful and it has made me more patient with myself in terms of weight loss. I am also a qualified pharmacists but I only do that once in a while because of the PhD workload. My weight was at 70kg a few years ago...and I’ll like to get back there. Even though I am 5.5 I look really skinny at much higher weights than most people. That’s why I don’t think I want to go lower than 70. (Sits in the healthy BMI range for me). I want to make as much head way this year. I can’t wait to continue this journey with you all 🤗
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    edited October 2020
    Random thought of the day: I want to start a lil herb garden in my kitchen. My dad had one when I was a kid, I drove him bonkers by constantly picking and eating all his chives. :smiley:

    I'm thinking about growing chives, dill, rosemary and oregano. Could be fun and delicious. It's a real struggle to break free of the 2020 gloom, so maybe this will give me something to do. At the very least, the mystery seeds I've been growing at work are thriving!

    Anyone have any idea what this plant is?

  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @Terytha That's a Tomato plant! They have such a distinctive smell if you touch the stems and leaves with your hands.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    Ok, I'm late to the party this month. I wanted to write my intro on a real computer instead of my phone so I didn't hit the dreaded DONE button, and my husband has monopolized my laptop for his video conferences. I finally kicked him off so I could log in to MFP.

    I'm Courtney and I'm an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer at the Ottawa Airport in Canada but I live across the inter-provincial bridge in a rural town in cottage-country Quebec. I turned 40 this summer and had great plans to hit the gym and get in shape beforehand, and then Covid happened and I lost all motivation when the gym closed and stress-ate my face off while on lockdown.

    I've been gaining and losing the same 40lbs for almost 20 years, so I'm hoping this time, with all of the motivation around me like I've found in this group, I will finally stick to it, and learn to be satisfied with the calorie limit I should actually be consuming instead of my goldfish tendencies to eat until I want to explode. This is my second month with this group, and my first month was great, but I expect it to slow down now that the newness has worn off a tad. I've started to dip back into the wine with dinner habit and that needs to be reserved for weekends only for me if I hope to keep this downward progress.

    Does MFP adjust my calorie goal as I lose weight to maintain progress as I hit certain markers, or do I do that myself? I'm tall and reasonably active in my job but when I hear about other people's calorie goals, I wonder if mine is low enough? I'm rarely hungry unless I plan poorly, and the scale has been going down, but I was just curious if I should adjust it myself or leave it be and possibly aim lower whenever possible?

    My goals for October are:
    1. Log honestly every day
    2. Avoid wine on weekdays
    3. Remember to drink water!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @jugar I'm not at work today so I won't have access to the scale I usually use until tomorrow so you'll get my weigh-in data tomorrow by 7am. My scale at home weighs me an average of 2 lbs heavier, and fluctuates by up to 4 lbs depending on how wide I place my feet..... Not the greatest for consistent, correct numbers.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    @PlaneMonkey thank you for solving my mystery! My boss gave me the seeds but she wasn't sure what they were either. =P

    MFP does not adjust your targets automatically so every 5-10 lbs I lose, I go into the Goals screen and re-save it so it'll recalculate. I'd say if you are still losing weight and feeling comfortable then it's fine. No need to fix what's not broken!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    Thanks @Terytha, I just did what you said and it chopped 110 calories off my daily goal from the weight I lost last month. Glad I asked!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    Welcome back! I was worried you had fallen off the edge somewhere, and it is wonderful to see you again. You did the right thing - after a big panic and eating too much, causing yourself pain and distress, you pulled back and got yourself on track. For you it is keto, for someone else it will be another path, but you know what works for you!

    I have a question, though. Do you want to keep your weigh-in day as Sunday as it was before, or switch to Wednesday which is when you just weighed in, or another day altogether? And as soon as you can post an accurate weight, that would be great.

    Well done on renting office space. It is SO hard to work at home where we are used to relaxing and eating (among other things!). It has been one of the hardest things about retirement for me - actually doing ALL the things at home.

    Yes indeed it is tomatoes! You have too many in one pot. One plant per pot! Same for rosemary - don't put too much in one pot, and they need lots of heat and light. Basil is easy as long as there is a ton of light, and they are the most delicious for everything. Oregano will grow in the most ridiculously bad conditions outside and come back year after year, even where it gets stupid cold. But inside it will probably do well too - feel free to crowd those into pots together! You will have a blast with this. I am about to plant my indoor salad garden to get me through the winter. I hate buying salad stuff in the stores. It is never very wonderful compared to what we can grow at home.


    water water everywhere. and pickles or other sour stuff. you got this!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 615 Member
    @jguldi11 @jugar let's hear it for the Ice Cream Team. I have tried some Halo Top flavors and if I am far enough removed from a Ben & Jerry's meltdown (oh I made a pun :lol: ), they are pretty good.

    @YinxFed definitely kudos on your joining a running club! That takes guts. I'd love to know more about the structure/how it works once you get a taste.

    @Terytha I have had the hardest time growing herbs in my apartment this spring/summer. I had grown basil and rosemary quite successfully in the past, and this time I did those, plus mint, sage, and cilantro. The basil was a disaster, and almost everything else got various disease! And it brought those tiny flies into my apartment. So, if you strike gold, please share your care instructions because I am at a loss. I think I am going to "harvest" what is edible tomorrow and put all the leaves in baggies with water to freeze them.

    Work has been super hectic so far this week, but I am still working in my steps and workouts, and I prepped one of my favorite chicken recipes on Sunday & Monday, so that's always something to look forward to. Lemon Dijon Rosemary chicken thighs, for those interested: https://www.halfbakedharvest.com/sheet-pan-lemon-rosemary-dijon-chicken/#bo-recipe

    I omit the potatoes and goddess sauce, the chicken marinade is good enough on its own! I pair it with garlic roasted asparagus and low cal toast.

    We're over the hump of the week!
  • CanadianGiraffe
    CanadianGiraffe Posts: 205 Member
    Today I made a giant pot of borscht with some of my beet harvest. I made rye bread yesterday so together that made for a pretty good supper. And my eating the rest of the day was on track too. I had a tough workout at the gym this morning. Three variations of squats and two variations of hip thrusts along with a killer glute exercise. Pretty sure I'll be moving slowly tomorrow.

    @Gidgetgoescrazy Happy healing to your husband. It sounds like you're off to a good start.

    @YinxFed Walking & running. Way to go!
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    @kali225 thanks for sharing that recipe! I made a similar dinner that I love last night but it doesn't have the paprika. I will have to try out the one you shared. I love the lemon and garlic anything SO GOOD!
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    edited October 2020
    @YinxFed Nice work getting to book club! What are you reading? I could use some suggestions if you feel like sharing!

    @Gidgitgoescrazy So glad your hubby seems to be making a good recovery :)

    @conleywoods @micki48 @jugar aaarrh thanks for the support. You guys are awesome. It really does make a difference. My partner seems to be on the mend now. Kristi I hope things are going better for you too xx

    @Terytha Nice tomatoes! I hope they continue to grow and bear delicious fruit! We have some in our art studio and they are just about ripening, I'm getting so tempted to pick them off and eat them :D

  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    I've been a bit absent recently, both on here and with my calorie counting and exercise. I've been logging but tbh my efforts to stay within calories have all been a bit half hearted compared to a week or two ago, so I'm not expecting any losses until I get myself back in gear! Going to do my best today. I am also starting a new course tonight, I am training part time to be a counsellor for young people and this is Level 3 of my training, so it's exciting!
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,076 Member
    Greetings Team!

    I'm having a slow day today, but thats OK. Thanks for all your encouragement of my plans to join the running club next week - I'm looking forward to it!

    I'm working today, filming a quick video on English pronunciation and finishing another one that is still in production. Fun times!

    @spyro88 your new course sounds amazing - will it be online or a blended course? The book that my book club has chosen for this month is The Beekeeper of Aleppo by Christy Lefteri. I got it on Kindle last night. I'll let you know what I think later.

    Happy Thursday, Friends 🙂
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