Mission Slimpossible - November 2020 Team Chat



  • adhmrh
    adhmrh Posts: 112 Member
    @broncobuddee and @TeresaW1020
    I need to change my weigh in day to Friday. Thanks.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member



    1st @Sleepymom5 3.13%
    2nd @kmriedell 2.66%
    3rd @mari_moulin 2.39%

    1st Sleepymom5 6.4
    2nd A FOUR-WAY Tie! @kmriedell @SisuMom2019 @travelingalone1 @Navallez all lost 5 pounds
    3rd @mari_moulin 4.6

    @vjsky @363days @krobinson9721
    @machchic @lovethyneighbor @Cornanda
    @iHUSTLE4MUSCLE @melaniedscott @davidji82

  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,728 Member
    @raleighgirl09 Ahahahha I know what you mean about the lbs/kg thing - luckily for me I work at a gold mine where we sell our gold in oz and our other metals in lbs, so I have the conversions memorised!

    @adhmrh How wonderful about your husband's retirement. It sounds well-deserved! Thinking of you with regard to all the covid stuff, it must be really scary in your part of the world right now. We have been relatively lucky here in Australia and it's all but stamped out. Still getting a few cases from returned travellers, but they're in hotel quarantine so no risk to anybody. We are rarely getting any community transmission so the rules are starting to relax a lot. I really feel for those who are going into lockdown again, I know it's a hard and scary time so my thoughts are with you all!

    @TeresaW1020 Wow, your decorations are beautiful!

    @apple852hk Sounds like you're in a bit of a funk at the moment. I know just what you mean about eating the whole block of chocolate! I did the same thing on Saturday. I have to leave the packet in the pantry and only get out what I am willing to eat, otherwise I do the same thing. Hubby sometimes puts the chocolate in the fridge which is another deterrent for me lol, I don't really enjoy it as much cold and it's hard to eat! Sending you hugs, please let us know if we can help to support you!

    @Firefly743 @itsmegina @SammyDee2015 Great weigh ins!!

    I could have sworn that I posted yesterday, but I can't see it so maybe something glitched :frowning:

    Yesterday was quite an active day, I rode my stationary bike, did some yoga, and took the little guy to the pool for a swim since it was so hot! Unfortunately, someone had an "accident" :unamused: in the olympic sized pool, so everyone was crammed into the heated little kids/rehab pool! There were teenage boys wrestling and diving everywhere, a swim lesson taking up half the pool, little kids getting splashed with all the ruckus - it was a mess! Should be back to normal today so hopefully we will go again after work.
    Saturday was not so great. I totally overate (see above re chocolate) and didn't do any exercise. Back on the horse today. I prepped my lunches for this work week yesterday, a nice seafood salad. It's a little higher calorie than I had intended, as I didn't track it until this morning, but I can make it work with the rest of my day so should be fine.
    Wishing you all a safe & happy & healthy week ahead!!

    Day 54: Sunday 15 November
    1. Log calories eaten: Yes - 35/54
    2. 20 mins exercise: Yes - 30/54
    3. Record a calorie deficit: Yes - 28/54
  • adhmrh
    adhmrh Posts: 112 Member
    @Cornanda @davidji82 @itsmegina Congrats on an awesome week!!!!

    @TeresaW1020 thanks so much. I pray your church continues to avoid covid cases. I am really excited about my hubby's retirement. He has worked so hard, for so long. He is a little over 10yrs older than me, so I am not ready yet to retire. I love my work, it is so rewarding. I know you feel that way about your too. Love your pictures, just lovely!!!

    @Katmary71 thank you. I hate things are closing back up in your area. This virus is so hard. Glad you won't be alone. Chili sounds like a great idea!!

    @trooworld thank you and appreciate the hugs!! Hope you enjoyed the beautiful day!!

    @TwistedSassette I appreciate your thoughts and comments. You got in a great variety of exercise. I love hearing how you and your son spend time have fun!!! Seafood salad sounds yummy!!!

    Today has been a super day. Church was wonderful today. My son is still not really having any symptoms. I appreciate everyones thoughts and prayers. I think if he can make it a day or two more symptom free he should be past the "worry" time. I have done well with food today, but haven't gotten any exercise. Did manage to get in 10,600 steps and clean out my closet, switching out spring/summer clothes for fall/winter clothes. It may not have officially been exercise, but it sure felt like it!!! :smiley:

    Sunday check in:
    -log every bite: yes
    -6,000 steps: yes
    -30 mins of some kind of exercise: yes, if I can count closet cleaning
    -drink 96 oz water: I think more like 50oz today
    -spend time in Bible study and prayer: yes, but at church not my own personal time.
    -no sugar: yes, finally!!!!

    Looking forward to a less stressful week! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,713 Member
    @Cornanda @davidji82 @itsmegina Way to go team!

    @Cornanda How are you doing my friend?
  • SammyDee2015
    SammyDee2015 Posts: 285 Member
    Daily check in - Monday- argh!
    Evil late night of binging drama. 13 freaking cookies wolfed down -which equates to my whole day of calories! 🧐
    .... means I am starting from scratch again, dang it. I used to be able to resist these (make ‘em every Sunday for hubby’s lunches) but obviously need to retrain my indulgence muscle once more.

    In order that I no longer guess - I plugged the entire recipe into mfp, then labelled the cookie jar with the actual calories per cookie.
    (Armed with the facts I should be able to resist them better).

    Also will try restricting water two hours before bed in an effort to stay asleep, therefore bypass the willpower workout entirely.

    I put a Halloween mask over the cookie jar for the daytime to ensure the rest of Monday will be AWESOME. 🌸
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @TwistedSassette Oh dear, that is some accident! I hope that things get cleared up so you can enjoy the pool again. A seafood salad sounds lovely. Enjoy your day!

    @adhmrh Your puppy in your avatar looks so happy and cute! I love animals, especially dogs and cats. That's good news about your son. That sounds like exercise to me! Here's to a less stressful week.

    @Katmary71 It was super nice yesterday. I'm glad you had good weather, too. Good luck with the cat wrangling, I hope your trip goes well.

    @GretchenReine Hopefully they do put safety measures in place at your work. I'd hate to be in quarantine for two weeks, I'd be miserable. Not that I really go anywhere besides the grocery stores, but if I couldn't do that, I would be very unhappy. Cute picture.

    @SammyDee2015 That's a good idea to put the calories on the cookie jar, and putting a Halloween mask on the jar is pure genius! Have a good day.

    Hello all. I kept busy yesterday with sewing and watching a movie. Things are going okay, pretty well I guess.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under: under
    Exercise: walk
    - track 90% of food intake - 100% accomplished
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day - 50% accomplished
    - meditate for at least 5 minutes a day - not accomplished
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow:
    - track 90% of food intake
    - drink 2 (26 oz) bottles of water a day
    - meditate for at least 5 minutes a day
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    adhmrh wrote: »
    @broncobuddee and @TeresaW1020
    I need to change my weigh in day to Friday. Thanks.

    @adhmrh - all set!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited November 2020
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Hugs to you and prayers that your arm will heal and you can get back to feeling good. <3

    @trooworld Glad that you are keeping busy with your sewing project. Do you find it keeps you out of the kitchen? That is one of the reasons I like to do puzzles because if I’m not busy I’m snacking! :/

    @SammyDee2015 Ugghhh I’m sure your cookie binge made you angry with yourself. I’ve been there often! Good plan to figure out the actual calories and to keep them out of sight. Does your hubby really need the cookies? Maybe you could make him something healthier and still give him something tasty. Just a thought! ;)

    @GretchenReine I’m glad that you are out of quarantine and can get back to work. Being stuck at home can be very difficult for our diets. I gained 10 lbs in the first couple of months of lockdown before I finally got a grip and realized that now that I work from home most days, I simply have to exercise control. Love your cute graphic!! :)

    @ChristBeforeCheesecake & @OneSmallThingToday Nice little losses this week! B)

    @Katmary71 That must have been confusing when a different church came on the screen. :grin:

    @adhmrh Glad your son still isn’t showing any symptoms. I would say 10,600 steps and a closet clean out totally counts towards exercise. Don’t sell yourself short on all you accomplished! :)

    Hi Team! Today has been fairly productive so far. I had a good workout this morning and my mom and I went and did some grocery shopping. I’m only eating a 500 calorie Keto meal today, so I’m working on keeping myself busy. I think I’m going to knock do my Christmas cards today so they are done and ready for mailing at the end of the month. Tomorrow I get to watch my favorite 3-year old for a few hours and he is coming over to my house so I hope all my Christmas decorations won’t be too much of a temptation for him. We may be taking several walks outside with the dog to keep us busy. :p

    NEW YEAR CHALLENGE: 46 Days until January 1st
    1. Fast Clean: I’m fasting for 23 hours today
    2. Workout: Barre Blend full-body cardio. The woman kills my quads!!
    3. Eat on plan: I’m making Picadillo over cauliflower rice and will keep it under 450 calories so I can enjoy my evening cup of coffee with my hubby.
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member

    Reminders (sorry if I missed it in the thread):

    Sorry again - can't seem to get my act together this month!
    CW: 165.0

    Also, any chance you can change me to Fridays? I've been meaning to ask for a while and keep forgetting :wink:

  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,728 Member
    @GretchenReine I love that meme! I might have to put it on my wall at work. Meanwhile, I'm glad that quarantine is over and you can look forward to getting back to normal, whatever that is these days.

    @SammyDee2015 I just made some cookies last night - and I can foresee I may have the same issue!! A hallowe'en mask :lol: - what a great idea! Out of sight, out of mind.

    @TeresaW1020 I had to Google "Picadillo" as I'd never heard of it - it looks delicious! We make something similar occasionally but just call it savoury mince. But this looks like it has much more flavour - I'm going to have to give it a try!

    @buniphuphu Your continued swimming efforts and resulting weight loss absolutely astound me! You're doing so well. You'll be having that surgery in no time!!
    Yesterday turned out to be a little stormy & cool in the afternoon, so no swimming. I did a little strength work on my glutes and some yoga instead. I really need to incorporate more strength work. I just don't really enjoy it but I know it's good for me in the long run (even if it doesn't feel like it the next day). For now I am just going to start with 10 mins a day, which I know isn't much but it is better than doing none at all.

    This afternoon and evening there is a foodies market in my town. It's not something they've done before so I want to go and check it out as I like to support community events. There will be a lot of temptations to resist, I think!

    Day 55: Monday 16 November
    1. Log calories eaten: Yes - 36/55
    2. 20 mins exercise: Yes - 31/55
    3. Record a calorie deficit: Yes - 29/55
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    gwamajtw91 wrote: »

    Reminders (sorry if I missed it in the thread):

    Sorry again - can't seem to get my act together this month!
    CW: 165.0

    Also, any chance you can change me to Fridays? I've been meaning to ask for a while and keep forgetting :wink:

    All set for Friday!
  • adhmrh
    adhmrh Posts: 112 Member
    Great day today! I'm trying to go to bed earlier so I can wake up earlier. I want to get to work earlier so I can leave earlier. I think I have now used the word "earlier" enough for one post. :smiley: I had a much better day today. Finally feel back in the zone.

    Thanks @broncobuddee for getting me changed to Fridays.

    @TwistedSassette I don't really like strength training much either. I think 10 mins a day is a great start!!

    Awesome weight loss @anido1 !!!

    @buniphuphu the swimming is definitely paying off. What an incredible weigh in!!!

    @TeresaW1020 thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it! Enjoy your day tomorrow. Lots of walks could be a win/win! lol

    @vegan4lyfe2012 praying for relief from your pain.

    @trooworld movie sounds great, sewing not so much. Years ago in Home Economics we had to sew an animal pillow. I got a "C" on my pillow. It was a dog, and his ears were on his shoulders. Needless to say sewing was not my strong suit!!! :smiley:

    @SammyDee2015 loved that you labeled the cookie jar! Great idea!!

    @GretchenReine glad your quarantine is ending. I sure hope your employer makes sure safety measures are in place!!

    @OneSmallThingToday great weigh in!!!

    @Katmary71 I had to laugh out loud at your online church story!!

    Hope every one had a great day!!!

    Monday Checkin:
    -log every bite: yes
    -6,000 steps: yes
    -30 mins of some kind of exercise: yes
    -drink 96 oz water: yes
    -spend time in Bible study and prayer: yes
    -no sugar: yes
This discussion has been closed.