Downsizers - November 2020 Team Chat



  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    Is anyone using Wii fit here?

    Gimme a few weeks and the answer will be YES! Just need to get under 330ish to be light enough to use it :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,557 Member
    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    Weigh in today - unchanged :( I’ve been making an effort though and am pleased I’ve not gained! Baby steps

    PW 212lbs
    CW 212lbs

    One step at a time.

    CHECK IN: Saturday, Nov. 21
    🏃🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    💦 Water ✔️
    🍽 Calories /Tracking ❌
    😴 Sleep ✔️

    SAT.. 11/21: 17,500 (spin) + 8,977 = 26,477

    Still riding the 'struggle bus'. Exercise is good every other day, but I can't maintain consistency with my usual routine and my eating has been atrocious for over a week.

    I ate so much yesterday that my husband remarked on it. Usually, I don’t do my binge eating until after he is in bed. Look at how many off eating days you had last week and aim for one less this week. Small changes will get us off that bus. 🚌

    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    Tracked No
    Under calories No
    Steps 11008 tracked
    Exercise no

    Took a rest day from workouts. I did not track and feel like I ate way too many carbs the past couple of days even though I wasn’t horrible. Did a quick dog walk but that was it, weather was so nice too but with my daughter quarantining we are limited.

    Seems like a lot of us are struggling right now so this must be right where we need to be giving each other support.

    I always say without this group I would have gained all my weight back plus some.

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post November 21
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 9024
    Exercise 40min walking/jogging on treadmill

    I was pretty short on steps yesterday by the evening so I thought maybe if I tried jogging I could work out for less time and hit my steps haha. I can't jog for too long at a time yet but I'm slowly getting better. 5 minutes of jogging, walk for awhile, 2minutes jogging, have to walk again, and so on. Took me 40mins to go 2 and a half miles and get to my step goal.
    My parents are doing alright. Mom says she feels much better but she can't leave the house until dad is better too. Dad is just having a problem with dizziness and random nosebleeds.

    That is great you are jogging. Build yourself up slowly and before you know it you will be jogging the entire time.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Username : azkunk
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 183.8
    CW: 183.3
    LTD: 23.7

    Only 0.5lb ☹️ Going to talk to the coach about changing my macros to lose more like 1.5 lb per week.
  • lcfa5317
    lcfa5317 Posts: 147 Member
    Saturday, Nov. 21 steps = 11, 908
    Sunday, Nov. 21 steps = 7,110
    Weigh in was Saturday. I was 194. I think I am down, but I have been playing the yo-yo game.
    It's not a fun game - I don't recommend it.
    I know I haven't been doing well because I have been in pain. Then I self-medicate like many of you.
    I just ordered a standing desk. Yay!
    I have been using a foam roller and that has been helping too.
    I cleaned the house today, so I was able to burn some calories that way. I was able to persuade my husband to clean too. I hate to clean, but it feels better when everything is done. It's not all done, but it looks loads better.
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    Just Dance sounds like a fun to a way to workout. I am going to put in a plug for brooks sneakers. Mine are so comfortable! So a courgette is the same as a zucchini right? I love zucchini but unfortunately my husband doesn’t.

    Yeah, sorry it is a zucchini. I try to translate from English to Canadian and then every so often an English word will come out haha. Ironically, it's actually a french word... but, ya know, us English are weird. We also call eggplants "aubergines" lol

  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    363days wrote: »
    I need to do a much better job tracking and would love to hear how others are successful at doing it. Do you use the online tracker? I have found it a little cumber some but maybe it is because I'm new at it. Do you track separately and then add to the online? What works for you? Thanks for your advice!

    Literally what Linda said lol. I typed up a response this morning and then pressed "done" which just closed the page... which happens way to often. And it made me so angry (it took me forever to type it out lol) that I just put my phone down lol

    But honestly, I echo everything that Linda said, that was practically word-for-word what I said
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    edited November 2020
    Nov 20th Check in

    * Track food ✅
    * Stay under calorie goal ✅
    * Not restrict ✅
    * Drink 2L water minimum ✅
    Exercise sessions this week- 3 (goal of 3) ✅✅✅

    Steps- 12,650

    I honestly could've done more dancing but my shoulder is k.i.l.l.i.n.g me! And since I have to work tomorrow I really do have to take it easy. I have ice on it as I type. I was just having so much fun with it yesterday that I just overdid it.

    Was a rough and snowy day today- so I think my walks are over for the winter. I am always so nervous to fall, especially being so big, I land particularly badly.

    Work was rough today. I went in at 11, and it was just constant line-ups. I swear, not a lot of people seem to give a stuff that there is a pandemic. I don't know how many times I have to ask people to socially distance or put their masks on!

    The drive thru finally cleared at 5.22.... i was clocking out at 5.30 lol.

    But- stuck to plan, did some dancing, went to an OA meeting, which really helps with my head. Reached out to a buddy today. I did all the do things!

    So I am hoping for an earlyish night tonight. Back up by 8. Really want to get up earlier to spend some time meditating and just generally chillaxing. Then I am off for 3 days! Bliss!!

  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    ALSOOOOOOOOO I have a question for you guys

    So there are 4 weeks to the challenge, does that mean it ends on the 28th? When does the next one start? On the 1st? Like does the first weigh in date rotate or?

    Ok that was more than 1 question lol

    It does end on the 28th .... and December will start on the 29th :) (5 weeks in December) We always start on a Sunday and end on a Saturday each week

    hahaha- oh that is extra mean, 5 weigh in days on the holidayest month if the year hahaha >:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)>:)

    I LOVE IT!! heehee

  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - my steps are below. Not to good this weekend ... I was too busy to walk 🙁

    11/20: 4974
    11/21: 6103
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member

    checkin 11/22
    weigh in day is Friday
    Steps 1321
  • darleenturner
    darleenturner Posts: 79 Member
    11/22 10836 steps

    Went for a lovely walk at our local woods with a friend I hadn't seen since before our first lockdown and then had a take out coffee and chatted outside for another hour. So much better this lockdown that we can exercise outside with 1 person and can be someone different each time.

    Got my sleep apnonea test back and have to go and collect a machine next week. Hoping this will give me a better quality of sleep and won't feel so tired each day. Think its only mild but will know more when I have my appointment
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,899 Member
    We had to take our dog to the emergency vet yesterday. It was stressful, as we had to wait 2 hrs and 45 mins in the parking lot. He should be ok. We have to watch him pretty carefully, and give him medication. He has an abscessed tooth, and scratched his cornea. He is a small dog, Shih Tzu, with the heart of a lion. Now, we have to call our regular and see if we can keep a scheduled appt for a tooth cleaning and scheduled extraction of the aforementioned tooth....

    Hope everyone is doing well. Let's end this upcoming week with a bang not a binge!! :)
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    Is anyone using Wii fit here?

    Gimme a few weeks and the answer will be YES! Just need to get under 330ish to be light enough to use it :)

    Yay!! We can connect
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    Username : azkunk
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 183.8
    CW: 183.3
    LTD: 23.7

    Only 0.5lb ☹️ Going to talk to the coach about changing my macros to lose more like 1.5 lb per week.

    Every step forward is a good step
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    lcfa5317 wrote: »
    Saturday, Nov. 21 steps = 11, 908
    Sunday, Nov. 21 steps = 7,110
    Weigh in was Saturday. I was 194. I think I am down, but I have been playing the yo-yo game.
    It's not a fun game - I don't recommend it.
    I know I haven't been doing well because I have been in pain. Then I self-medicate like many of you.
    I just ordered a standing desk. Yay!
    I have been using a foam roller and that has been helping too.
    I cleaned the house today, so I was able to burn some calories that way. I was able to persuade my husband to clean too. I hate to clean, but it feels better when everything is done. It's not all done, but it looks loads better.

    The feeling of a house clean is wonderful.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,899 Member
    Check In:

    Ex. Minutes: Yes, 40 mins
    Calories: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Sleep: Yes
    Eating Time: No

    Ex. Minutes: Took the day off
    Calories: Yes
    Water: Yes
    Sleep: Yes
    Eating Time: Yes
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    11/22 10836 steps

    Went for a lovely walk at our local woods with a friend I hadn't seen since before our first lockdown and then had a take out coffee and chatted outside for another hour. So much better this lockdown that we can exercise outside with 1 person and can be someone different each time.

    Got my sleep apnonea test back and have to go and collect a machine next week. Hoping this will give me a better quality of sleep and won't feel so tired each day. Think its only mild but will know more when I have my appointment

    I sleep much better since I have my Cpap. And it gives tones of energy for the rest of the day
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Bluetail6 wrote: »
    We had to take our dog to the emergency vet yesterday. It was stressful, as we had to wait 2 hrs and 45 mins in the parking lot. He should be ok. We have to watch him pretty carefully, and give him medication. He has an abscessed tooth, and scratched his cornea. He is a small dog, Shih Tzu, with the heart of a lion. Now, we have to call our regular and see if we can keep a scheduled appt for a tooth cleaning and scheduled extraction of the aforementioned tooth....

    Hope everyone is doing well. Let's end this upcoming week with a bang not a binge!! :)

    Good luck with your dog!
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,899 Member

    40 minutes walking at 3.0 speed, with at an incline of 2

    No exercise. Took the day off. :)
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,899 Member
    "I just ordered a standing desk. Yay!"

    I have a standing desk, and absolutely love it. It has a pneumatic lift, so I can adjust it to the perfect height. I ordered one for my husband as an early Xmas/birthday present. I hope you love it!!

This discussion has been closed.