WaistAways - November 2020 Team Chat



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,234 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    PW: 166.2
    CW: 167.2

    Unsurprising. I've been depression eating again and dinner last night was very salt heavy.

    Plus I spend so much time sitting and writing these days.

    Oh well. I did say I was gonna take it easy through the end of the year.
    The big question is - how is your novel coming??? It is so hard to write every day :grimace: Hugs to you :heart:
    My youngest is turning 6 and we had his party this weekend! It was a busy day yesterday celebrating. I watched my calories so I could enjoy the dinner and cupcakes! He loves pigs so we had a farm party. Thinking of all you bakers out there! I baked and decorated these cute piggy cupcakes! We still have leftover cupcakes and blueberry muffins 😋 With any luck we'll polish them off today eat lighter before Thanksgiving this Thursday. Not much exercise unless you count assembling toys!

    @conleywoods HBD to him! :) beautiful cupcakes! my life seems very boring compared to yours :D
    @jugar thanks :) I am not a great cook, so I'm just at the beginning of the road of learning to cook healthy desserts instead of skipping them.

    this is the sugar-free black bean & banana brownie with pure cacao that I cooked today. it tastes good if you already like dark chocolate:

    The piggies are gorgeous! My son was into pirates when he was little, so I used to make some epic pirate ship cakes - but these are just too cute for words. Did he prefer snouts or tails? :lol:

    And @mbakhtiaruz Your dessert is beautiful too! I am having a laugh, though. If you had to pick the 2 foods in the world I really do not like, they are bananas and chocolate. Bring on the black beans, though! One of my favourite desserts (so glad I cannot get them anywhere near where I live) is Chinese sesame balls (jian dui) stuffed with sweet red or black bean paste. They are amazing. The Vietnamese version is also super yummy (banh cam). OK, I'll stop thinking about them now. I'll think about your fabulous brownies and be happy not to want them!
  • once_mas
    once_mas Posts: 160 Member
    edited November 2020
    jugar wrote: »
    I am having a laugh, though. If you had to pick the 2 foods in the world I really do not like, they are bananas and chocolate.

    Hahaha so funny😂 but it did not have any taste of bean or banana, the only taste was walnut and dark chocolate that my husband is not a big fan of it so he added honey on top of it to make it sweet for himself.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Steps and Workouts
    Sun 14,880
    20 min elliptical
    Mon 16,711
    30 min weights
    20 min elliptical
    Tues 10,738
    Weights 30 min
    Wed 9,032
    20 min elliptical
    Thurs 10,490
    Fri 11, 945
    Sat 19, 003
    30 min weights
    10 min barre
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Sunday weigh in - sorry I'm late!

    PW - 184.0
    CW - 183.7
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Steps update for 12st November - 3359

    Only worked out 3 times this last week - wasn't really feeling myself at all last week if I'm honest.

    This coming week I am returning to a structured workout program - I will be starting Heather Robertson's November workouts on Monday morning. Her workouts are quite intense so 5 times a week will be sufficient.

    And as well as upping my water intake, I will work harder on having breakfast each morning too.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Friends!

  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    edited November 2020
    jugar wrote: »
    Terytha wrote: »
    PW: 166.2
    CW: 167.2

    Unsurprising. I've been depression eating again and dinner last night was very salt heavy.

    Plus I spend so much time sitting and writing these days.

    Oh well. I did say I was gonna take it easy through the end of the year.
    The big question is - how is your novel coming??? It is so hard to write every day :grimace: Hugs to you :heart:

    Its moving along! I was behind and I finally caught up so I'm sitting around 35,500 words and getting into the mid point of the story. This is the worst part honestly but there is only a week or so left.

    I usually rely on takeout during NaNoWriMo but we have been diligently cooking meals. Yesterday we finished Christmas present shopping and we went to the gym today. So I feel like I've gotten better overall at taking care of myself, even if I have been snacking too much on the piroulines.

    Both of us are working from home tomorrow so we're arguing about what to have on as background noise. I just can't watch LotR again. D:
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    edited November 2020
    Step update for November 22
  • MandiSaysHey
    MandiSaysHey Posts: 304 Member
    @conleywoods I love the piggy cupcakes they are SO cute!!
  • MandiSaysHey
    MandiSaysHey Posts: 304 Member
    Steps for Sunday, 15,643
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Weigh in today 178.4
  • MandiSaysHey
    MandiSaysHey Posts: 304 Member
    Monday weigh in
    Pw: 233.3
    Cw: 232.2

    I am still losing but the last month or so my loss has slowed down a bit. I know that happens but it feels discouraging. I think maybe I need to adjust my goals a bit on here and lower my daily allotted calories. But then, not sure if this is the right season to do so with holidays and birthdays coming up.
  • MandiSaysHey
    MandiSaysHey Posts: 304 Member
    Actually, I have been terrible about water lately. Yesterday I dont think I even drank 16 oz. Of water all day. So maybe first before lowering my calorie goal I will focus on improving water consumption for a couple of weeks and see how that helps.
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Weekend was good, I did okay yesterday, I did make an apple pie, it was the 1st one I've ever made, it was pretty good, so I had 2 small slices of that, but that and the nachos I ate during the game were the only thing I ate all day...

    So Friday, last minute invite to my Sis in Laws house for a girls night with our little group, it was fun, had a few drinks, but nothing crazy... So that kinda messed up my exercise for the day, and I missed Yoga. Saturday I was super lazy and hubby and I chilled on the couch watching movies all day. Sunday, I did my yoga, my strength training and my 10k Steps so I finished the week out as a success and checked all of my boxes, so I am pretty proud of myself for being able to adjust my whims, and still accomplish my goals...

    Thanksgiving isn't very tough for me, I am not a fan of thanksgiving food, my favorite food is stuffed celery, it's just celery stuffed with a cheese spread, one is cheddar and the other is cream cheese mixed with crushed pineapple, so I got the 1/3 fat cream cheese, so it won't be alot of calories at all... LOL Oh I do like chex mix, but I haven't thought about making it, as it's one of those things you can't make just a small amount.. Although I could make it and just take the majority of it to my BIL, he likes it about as much as I do.. LOL

    The regular foods, the sides, the pies, etc, I don't really eat. Heres a weird thing about me, I won't eat casseroles other people have made ( with few exceptions) I have to see what I am eating, ya know how some people like the fatty parts of meat, or don't cut off the gross spots in the chicken breast, or don't peel their carrots, or don't cut out the bad spot in the potato... Well when I am faced with a casserole, I imagine all that stuff is in there, and I won't eat it.. I don't know why, maybe it was because my mother used to lie to me about what was in my food... She fed me pancakes once, and told me the spots were chocolate chips, they were blueberries, the dining room was dark she told me the light wasn't working, so she tricked me on purpose ! I don't like blueberries, or being tricked.. LOL Anyway, I have weird food issues..

    Okay well have a great day !
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,234 Member
    @CurvyCalorie so sorry I forgot to change your user name in the spreadsheet until after the tallies were done! Well done in any case - and this week, you lost almost another 2 pounds! Keep up the great losing.
  • snakagawa11
    snakagawa11 Posts: 13 Member
    Monday's Weigh in:

    CW 138.7
    PW 139.1

    Actually thought I was going to have a gain. My husband is a commercial fisherman and is only home a few days a month so we celebrated our holiday early -- lots of food and cocktails! So I'll take this weight
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Steps update for 22nd November - 3519
This discussion has been closed.