Downsizers - December 2020 Team Chat



  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    User 363days
    pw 262.8
    CW 262
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    I don't know how to delete the previous post. My weight is the following:
    pw 172.8
    CW 172
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    4th December

    * Track/ under calories/no restricting - ✔️✔️✔️
    * 2L water ✔️
    * "fresh air" count- 15 ✔️
    * midnight bedtime ✔️
    * Awake and out of bed by 9am ✔️
    Steps- 13,095

    Workouts- 5 out of 4 for the week ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

    Wow I really didn't think I was going to get my steps in today! I was feeling so rough today- mix of emotionally and physically (after yesterday's poopy day I guess lol) So at 6 I decided to do some dancing. WELL. After that I found some energy! I showed my wife how to do some things on the wii fit (which I'm jealous she can do cus I still can't workout on it yet because of my weight) and we did a 10 minute free-step together, I put some dance music on and I stepped to the side of her. It was fun!

    I did weigh myself on the wii fit today- and it works! But once I put on my workout clothes and have a glass of water, I am too heavy :( So give it a few days I guess!

    I am going to try and do some exercise in the morning again- even if it's just for half an hour- see if that's why I was feeling so bad, maybe I was just having an off day. We shall see.

    Tomorrow I'll have to do some cleaning too, I didn't do much at all today. Even though I did get out of bed before 9am! I was even in bed by 11 last night, but I was tossing and turning til nearly 1am! Hopefully my sleep will improve.

    Anyway so I am officially enrolled in school! Paid and signed up today. I only signed up for 1 course to see how I go. There's a compulsort Mathematics module- Introduction to Statistics. I signed up for that because I was actually going to do a BSc in Mathematical Sciences years ago but the foundation year threw me- I had to do a lot of engineering modules (most of the foundation year students were going into engineering so it was mostly catered to them) and because of those modules I failed. But the maths stuff I was great at- always enjoyed the subject. So once I finish that course, I will maybe go to another one or 2. Just need to get a routine going there. I'm scared AND excited!

    Anyhoo, the wife and I are going to chill and watch some TV before bed.

    Stay safe all <3

    This is so exciting to be signed up for school. I always feel like "anything can happen" when I am taking a course, etc. Good luck!
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    12/1 6918
    12/4 10.845
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    I totally blew my eating plan yesterday, the weigh-in got to me. I was down 2. lbs more than my weigh in day and it sent me into an eating frenzy. Today I got up and found meditations on you tube regarding overeating, guilt from over eating, and more. I am going to start doing those short meditations daily. Regarding weigh-in - I've decided on my weigh in day I'm going to put my average weight for the week, rather than that day's actual weight, be it lower or higher. I hope this isn't breaking some rule - I just wanted to be honest and let you know how I think this might work better for me. I hope everyone has a glorious weekend. It is pretty weather here in Oklahoma and I will be hiking this afternoon!
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    363days wrote: »
    I totally blew my eating plan yesterday, the weigh-in got to me. I was down 2. lbs more than my weigh in day and it sent me into an eating frenzy. Today I got up and found meditations on you tube regarding overeating, guilt from over eating, and more. I am going to start doing those short meditations daily. Regarding weigh-in - I've decided on my weigh in day I'm going to put my average weight for the week, rather than that day's actual weight, be it lower or higher. I hope this isn't breaking some rule - I just wanted to be honest and let you know how I think this might work better for me. I hope everyone has a glorious weekend. It is pretty weather here in Oklahoma and I will be hiking this afternoon!

    I just realized that if I put my average weight it would mess up the team's stats, I'll add both my average weight and my actual weigh in weight. Thanks for your patience as I play these mind games with myself.
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 573 Member

    12/4 steps 10, 948
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 573 Member
    Each day when I come to this message board, I have to try to figure out where I left off with reading the posts. Is there a way to pick up where I left off with reading the messages?
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post December 4
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 110oz
    Steps 9001
    Exercise 32 min treadmill

    Most of my steps came from grocery shopping. We went to whole foods for the first time and checked it out, found a couple products I'm excited to try. Today my husband and I are gonna have a date night and also go check out trader joe's too. I didn't know we had one here. We are watching a football game with my parents this afternoon and then leaving the kids with them.
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    CHECK IN: WEEK 1 (Friday)
    🏋🏻‍♀️ Exercise ✔️
    🥤 Water ✔️
    🍽Calories /Tracking❌
    💤 Sleep ✔️

    👣 STEPS
    FRI: 8,000 (spin) + 10,146 (Circuit Training) + 14,096 = 32,242

    *Had a good diet day yesterday but then ate twizzlers and popcorn during movie night last night. I have to restart today.
  • draby2011
    draby2011 Posts: 178 Member
    Okay guys I am here and doing okay! This COVID thing is getting out of hand again and it has become insane. I literally can not figure out if I come home more physically or mentally exhausted at the end of these days. I also did my schedule for the month and I literally scheduled myself 3 days off so that I can TRY to rest.

    I weighed in at 235 pounds which is a 1 pound increase from last week. It is kind of expected. This week was my littlest little's 5th birthday so we did pizza and cake at her request and because of my stress eating, I happily obliged. My mom had her below the knee amputation on Thursday morning. The surgery was successful for the most part. The infection and swelling were so bad, they weren't able to close the incision site so they'll go back sometime next week to close it up. I didn't realize how much that affected me until me and my littlest little prayed over it and I began to cry. I think it was the wake-up call that I needed, to get my butt in check.

    My 12-year-old had a well-check yesterday and we had to have the obesity talk. She is 5'1 and weighs 98 pounds. The reason for the talk is because she had a drastic increase in weight since last year. (Last year she weighed in at 82 pounds) We do have a problem with proper portions and snacking with her. Hopefully, between my mom's situation and the talk that we had yesterday, we can prevent her from having the same issues that we have developed.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I will be checking in later tonight and catching up on all my steps. Have a great weekend!
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    I’ve been busy the past couple of days and haven’t checked in but Ive been staying pretty much on track. Macros have been a bit on the low side and I was a little short on my water goal yesterday but I’ve been keeping my steps up.

    NSV—- I bought a pair of size 12 jeans and they are not snug at all!
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - steps for the last few days

    12/2: 9392
    12/3: 9469
    12/4: 10253
  • 28Haveitall2020
    28Haveitall2020 Posts: 230 Member
    scribb wrote: »
    Hi all
    Hope you are all well.
    Today steps; 45 mins step cardio.low impact.

    Well done

    Thank you.
    Hope your weekend started well
  • 28Haveitall2020
    28Haveitall2020 Posts: 230 Member
    lelbarou wrote: »
    I'm so sorry with your testing positive for Covid. I'm glad your symptoms aren't too bad, but probably a lot of rest and fluids are good right now I imagine. I hope you have a speedy recovery and that symptoms decrease quickly.

    I think that's really amazing that you exercised though you didn't feel like it. I know when I feel badly that I want to eat. Not sure if you are the same? Anyway, glad you realized it was the other person's issue. It doesn't sound like you overate by very much going out. But maybe a good strategy is to get the menu online ahead of time and plan exactly what you will get.

    Hell Tanya. That is wonderful that you worked out even though you weren't really feeling it. It sounds like it's becoming a real habit. Congrats starting your courses! Math is my least favorite subject! But I'm happy to hear you like it and I imagine very good at it as well. I should be a fun course for you.

    WOW! That's three people in a row who didn't feel like exercising but did it anyway. I am seeing a pattern here! Wow! Firstly, I think it's great that you feel accountable and supported. I do as well! I imagine it is also becoming just a part of your daily lifestyle.

    Amazing! Your walks are so astounding! It really is impressive. I think it's great you lost some weight and that amount does not come just from one low calorie day. I think it comes from all your hard work in terms of working out and eating well. So, congratulations and enjoy! Yay!

    @scribb and @28Haveitall2020
    Both of your are doing outstanding work in the area of your steps and fitness.
    That is really inspirational. Great job!

    Thank you soo much . Felt this ❤️. Hope you are doing well . xx
  • 28Haveitall2020
    28Haveitall2020 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi all,

    Tomorrow will mark 1 week we have been working on our December goal
    25mins Zumba dance and
    20mins very slow walk.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    draby2011 wrote: »
    Okay guys I am here and doing okay! This COVID thing is getting out of hand again and it has become insane. I literally can not figure out if I come home more physically or mentally exhausted at the end of these days. I also did my schedule for the month and I literally scheduled myself 3 days off so that I can TRY to rest.

    I weighed in at 235 pounds which is a 1 pound increase from last week. It is kind of expected. This week was my littlest little's 5th birthday so we did pizza and cake at her request and because of my stress eating, I happily obliged. My mom had her below the knee amputation on Thursday morning. The surgery was successful for the most part. The infection and swelling were so bad, they weren't able to close the incision site so they'll go back sometime next week to close it up. I didn't realize how much that affected me until me and my littlest little prayed over it and I began to cry. I think it was the wake-up call that I needed, to get my butt in check.

    My 12-year-old had a well-check yesterday and we had to have the obesity talk. She is 5'1 and weighs 98 pounds. The reason for the talk is because she had a drastic increase in weight since last year. (Last year she weighed in at 82 pounds) We do have a problem with proper portions and snacking with her. Hopefully, between my mom's situation and the talk that we had yesterday, we can prevent her from having the same issues that we have developed.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I will be checking in later tonight and catching up on all my steps. Have a great weekend!

    I am sorry about everything you are going through. Don’t forget to take care of you through all of this! Hopefully, your mom’s situation will be the catalyst you need to get the whole family healthy.

    Thank you for bringing up your daughter. I am struggling with that right now and I’m not sure what to do. My 11 yr old is a dancer and part of a competition team. She has always been slim but this whole quarantine situation has really effected her. I am a nurse and a bit on the conservative side with risk so we’ve been dancing vis zoom since March and opted for online school. All of this isolation has led to more tv, more snacking and less dancing. She just doesn’t get the same fulfillment not being in the studio. We decided to let her go back to the studio in October if the positivity rate remained below 5% but that next week it started to climb and she never went back. She is 4’11” and 105 lbs now and I have tried to have the healthy talk and buy better snacks but she just won’t eat anything healthy. I haven’t come out yet to tell her our concerns because I don’t want her to start having body image issues. I just don’t know how to proceed.
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    PW 203
    CW 203.4
    Loss w/ MFP since 4/17/20 - 66.6lbs
    LTD 119.6lbs

    I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty irritated standing on the scale this morning. It took me a couple minutes to get over my anger and let it go. I don't know what happened, maybe just my body being stubborn. But doesn't matter in the end, just gotta keep going.
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