New to group



  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,384 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I used to belong to a women over 40s group and got a lot of MFP friends that way but quite a few have become inactive so I am looking to refresh my friends feed.

    I’m 50, with two kids (3 if you count the husband 😂): 13, 16 and 51! I live in Montreal, Canada.

    I’m fairly active between lifting, Zumba and running (live my IFit treadmill).

    I am looking forward to new friends so if you are looking to connect feel free to add me 😊

    Lmao, I have a kid that’s 68....
  • losemicaroline
    losemicaroline Posts: 742 Member
    Hello, Everyone! It's great to meet all of you. I live in Grand Junction, Colorado--not too far from Telluride, but a world away culturally. We don't play Bluegrass, but my husband and I love it for sure.

    Sorry for starting my own introductory thread before I saw this one. (I am working on patience along with fitness!) :)

  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Welcome, everyone!
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hey all, nice to meet you all and excited for a new group. I am 59, grandmother to one (11 months now), and my “kids” are 33 (son), and 29 (both DD and SIL). Been married 37 years. Met hubby in 8th grade math class where we competed with each other and I annoyed the heck out of him.

    Growing up, I was labeled chunky at 5’5” and 125 lb. I do wonder the impact of those labels for a kid. I am a big time yo-yo-er, which is something that really needs to end. My high was “only” 168, but if you add up all those repeated losses and gains over the years, I would solidly fall into the obese category. Gave up CS career to raise first child, spent 7 years heavily involved in community volunteering, then added “volunteering” as an employee at Weightwatchers (I say volunteering because the pay was so bad). Hubby retired at 46, and I left WW at 52. Got to an all time post-30-year-old weight in 2017 of 124 and was 126 for daughter’s wedding (dress ended up too big :( ), three days later the trainer that I was working with 4 days a week was fired, and the struggle with my habits, weight and fitness returned. Most recently, COVID added to all that. I returned to MFP in earnest Sept 14 at 153 lbs, started tracking and joined a few accountability groups. This morning I was 132, and for the first time ever, am exercising in some fashion every single day on my own. Maybe something good came of COVID ie forcing me out of in-person group setting and requiring independence. I am expecting that an independent style will also be beneficial with another factor that I struggle with, my nomadic lifestyle. I live in Massachusetts, Maine and the Florida Keys (plus mainland visits with MIL). This jumping around is not conducive to depending upon a single meeting room, trainer, or the like.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • age_is_just_a_number
    Hello all. Nice to meet everyone.
    Little one 742 and AnnPT77: I’m sorry for your loss.
    Cafelelia: I’m in the GTA. Thornhill. South of 7 and west of Yonge.

    I’m 53. 4 kids (25, 22, 20, and 17). Married for 29 years (just like ridiculous59 I say “ Yikes! How did that happen!?”)
    I’m 5’5” and 130. Before kids I was 115. After the first three I got to 125. After the fourth I got to 135 and stayed there until about 5 years ago. Then started gaining until I was 145 and said “whoa, that’s not good”. So, I made some changes, started tracking what I eat and exercising. Since then I’ve gotten down to 125. My goal for COVID was to not gain. I was doing pretty well until October, when my 20 year old started baking. She’s been baking bread at least once a week. I have virtually no self control, So, now I’m about 130.

    I look at all of this as a journey not a destination and as a lifestyle not a diet.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi!!! I’m Kathy, and live in New Brunswick. I’m new to this group, but not to MFP. I’m still trying to lose some weight, but have never really been fault entirely.
  • wolfiespack
    wolfiespack Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to the group and looking forward to working on feeling better and losing weight this year.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Welcome! I was inspired last Jan after turning 50 in Dec, so I get it. I totally derailed in March, so now am changing 50 is the healthiest year of my life for 51. I would love food ideas from a chef (feel free to start a food thread if we don't have one, I don't recall).