Mission Slimpossible - December 2020 Team Chat



  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,955 Member
    @Cornanda As you have seen, a lot of us are struggling. I can definitely relate to you! My weight blew up this week. It's starting to come back down though.

    @apple852hk Those are really cool. So perfect!

    @TeresaW1020 No, I'm not really beating myself up about Christmas. It was one day. What I am kind of mad about is how I ate the whole week. :( But it's a new day, a new week (for me), and another chance to be healthier in my habits.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,614 Member
    Hey gang! Count me in on sugar, I feel horrible right now and need to make a change. I basically see the next few days as clearing out the fridge and cupboard, no more making cookies! I feel like I've been run over by a train this year, we've all been through it in one way or another, time to help each other up, brush the dirt off and bandage our wounds, and charge into the next year!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @ljdanny 2.04 %
    2nd @CurvyCalorie 1.77%
    3rd @davidji82 1.65%

    1st @davidji82 4.9 Lbs
    2nd @lelbarou 4.8 Lbs
    3rd @Bluetail6 4.0 Lbs
    3rd @888Angie888 4.0 Lbs



  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Week Five challenge is up! This challenge is to help you reflect on 2020 and how you plan to make 2021 even better!


  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,141 Member
    PW: 190.4
    CW: 192.4

    Ugh. Actually, I expected a higher gain, so I'll be satisfied with 2#.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 39,838 Member
    Another newcomer heading your way ...Please welcome @tianneclements :)
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,683 Member
    Hi all, sorry I have been a little absent in the last week or so. I have been reading and keeping up with your posts, just haven't had a chance to post as my laptop at home died (or almost) and posting from my phone is just too hard to deal with most of the time! I've stolen hubby's laptop for the moment so I'm just popping in to say hi and that I'm still here!

    I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas/holiday and are ready and rearing to go for the new year! I have indulged a fair amount on Christmas goodies (my family is known for overwatering and since we hosted, all the leftovers were left here!) and haven't done any exercise in like a week. But I've been quite active with cooking and cleaning, hitting well above my average steps most days before Christmas and a couple of days where I hit the 10k mark (which never happens!). I haven't even been weighing myself every day, but when I have, my weight hasn't fluctuated too much so I guess it's not so bad.
    I was absolutely spoiled at Christmas. Amongst other gifts, my hubby got me the Hogwarts Battle board game and expansion, which is so much fun! My parents bought me a yoga wheel that I'd been wanting to try out (bless them!!) and my sister gave me a Neptune mat (acupressure mat) which I haven't tried out yet but can't wait!

    I have considered joining in on the no sugar challenge for January, but I don't think I will. In my own experience with myself in the past, deprivation tends to lead to bingeing and self-sabotage, so it is better in my case that I restrict servings rather than avoid altogether. I have been thinking about some goals for January and for 2021, but haven't settled on anything just yet. I think that my word for the year will be "Peace". There has been a lot of turmoil and I am looking to simplify my life and ease my mind. I know that I want to meditate more (and my Neptune mat will be great for that) and do more yoga which brings me peace of mind. I have a tendency to focus on imperfections and negatives, and I want to change that mindset for a more peaceful thought pattern. And I want to get myself more houseplants to bring the peace that comes with greenery into my home!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,955 Member
    @TwistedSassette Sorry about your laptop. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas! I love your word for the year. I also do a word for the year but I'm not going to reveal it until Jan 1st. ;) I want to meditate more as well. I was doing so well during the warmer months when I could do it outside but when it turned cold, I stopped. I love yoga and should do it for health reasons if not for mental reasons.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    WELCOME to our NEW members @tianneclements and @AshleighAnn72!! We are so happy to have you on our team. Please just jump right in and make yourselves at home. :)

    @TwistedSassette So happy to read that you had a wonderful Christmas! You choose a great word for 2021! Peace is something we could all use more of. :smile: You don't need to join the No Sugar challenge in January if for you it would feel too restrictive. However, I don't intend for this challenge to be a "one size fits all" kind of thing. You can totally choose how you want the challenge to look. Maybe your challenge would be to use moderation when it comes to sugary foods. Give it a thought! :)

    @Katmary71 YES! I’m glad that you will be joining us in the challenge and I agree that this week is about cleaning out the kitchen. Although I think my mouth did most of that in the last couple of days. :D You have had such a rough year and have endured so much pain. My prayer is that this year will find you feeling better than ever. <3

    @trooworld Yeah, I’m in the same boat with being upset over all that I ate this week and not just the one day. Forgive and move on, right? :)

    Good morning Team!! Well, I stepped on the scale this morning and it wasn’t pretty! I’m up over 5 lbs!! Merry Christmas to me! :D The goal for this week is to try to get a bunch of that off by Friday’s weigh-in. So I’m back to fasting, low-carb eating, and working out. I had a wonderful Christmas and spent the last two days packing up the decorations and getting the house back in order for the New Year. I've also been thinking about this group and things we can do to help us all achieve our goals. See my next post for my newest idea. ;)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    This will be a NEW feature where every Monday you will have a chance to think about your mindset for the week ahead. I will post something every Monday that will hopefully stimulate conversation among us and get us thinking about how we can improve our mindset as we strive to achieve our goals! B)


    As 2020 comes to a close, are you feeling the need for a change, or wanting to improve on something in 2021? Instead of writing a new year’s resolution another great way to go into a brand New Year is to have a focus word instead. A single word that encapsulates what you need more of. What you want to focus on, or what you need to improve on.

    It might be a theme or overarching focus for your year ahead – either way, it’s an exciting way to set your intention and provide an anchor to encourage you to consciously (and subconsciously) consider this focus word when making decisions – what you want more of and what you want less of in your life.

    How to decide on your word for the year

    Sometimes we know exactly what we need in our lives, and sometimes we need to think about it. Ask yourself the following questions:
    • Considering how this past year has been, what is something that you could improve on, do differently, or keep working on?
    • What do you want MORE of in your life?
    • What do you want LESS of? Be sure to turn it into a positive word though!
    • What would be a game-changer for you?

    I can't wait to read all your responses and see what 2021 WORD you choose!! :)


  • adhmrh
    adhmrh Posts: 112 Member
    Welcome @tianneclements and @ashleighanne72

    @TeresaW1020 love Mindset Monday! I am thinking about my word. Will pop back in when I have it figured out.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We had a great time with our sons in town. On the positive side we did some hiking and played some pickleball. On the negative side my eating has been out of control for 4 days. I have a lot of work to do before I weigh in on Friday. But I am back on track and that is what is important!!!

    Happy Monday!!
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 692 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week: Week 5
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Todays Weight: 193.0
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 692 Member
    I think I missed last weeks weigh in. December was unbelievably crazy at work which slid right into busy holiday plans. I'm looking forward to our province wide 28 day lockdown

    Our son got engaged last week and our daughter last December. Their fiances are siblings as well so no dates set yet but they might have a double wedding later in the year which will be great incentive to stick to my weightloss plans.

    My word for 2021 will be Consistancy and count me in for a sugar free January

  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Update for the New Year Countdown, 12/27, day 96:

    -eating within calories: 70/96 -daily average before exercise was right at maintenance
    -12k steps: 55/96, daily average was 12969 steps
    - 4.8 lb lost in 96 days

    I did not expect to actually stick with this challenge , but I’m glad I did and now I am surprised that I am not only seeing results, I may even understand my body a little better.
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I love your idea for a 2021 word for the year.
    Mine is going to be STRENGTH.
    The strength to keep going for the 2nd year of the weight loss plan, but also the goal of progressing with weight training. I want to be physically strong - to be able to do at least 10 proper push-ups & 1 pull-up!
    Has anyone seen the Instagram of Joan MacDonald https://instagram.com/trainwithjoan/ ?
    Granted her daughter is a professional trainer, but still inspirational - what a transformation and she started at 70 years old!!

    I knew it would be a struggle to lose 16 lbs in 2020, although the initial weight flew off. The back slide since September has been gradual from 13 lbs lost to 9 lbs lost, but at least I am not where I was at this time last year. Time to re-set!!

    Definitely doing the dry January (which I do every year), but seriously considering the no sugar challenge too.

    Looking forward to a new start in 2021 - Happy New Year everyone :smiley:
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @gwamajtw91 Strength is a great word for 2021! Yes, I have seen Joan MacDonald before and she is truly an inspiration. Thanks for sharing because I just bookmarked it and when I’m feeling like I can’t do it, I’m going to look at Joan. I hope you will do the no sugar challenge and if nothing else please join us for your dry January. I’m doing that as well! :)

    @adhmrh I can’t wait to hear what your word is going to be! So happy that you had a great Christmas. I also way overate these last few days but I’m getting back on track and I know you are too. <3

    @Jactop Wow, you know you have been busy when you’re looking forward to a lockdown. :grin: I hope you will be able to take some time to rest and focus on yourself. How exciting to think about weddings and especially if it will be a double wedding. Yup, you better stay focused so you can rock that mother-of-the-bride-and-groom dress. :grin:Consistency is a great word and yay for being in for the January No Sugar challenge!! B)

    @GabiV125 I’m so glad that you have stuck with the 100-Day challenge. I have too and I’m looking forward to a new challenge that will keep us focused on our goals. I hope you will be joining us? Learning to understand your body better is awesome!! :)

    Hey Team! I’m doing a lot of soul searching and planning for this coming year. This is the first time in my life where I actually believe that I’m going to reach a goal weight. It’s exciting to think about but it’s also going to take a lot of work and focus. Doing this week’s challenge helped me think about what I’ve learned and where I want to go. If you haven’t looked at the challenge check it out and feel free to give your answers here if you feel comfortable doing so.
    New Year…New You

    Here is what I wrote:
    What went well this year? I never gave up. I struggled but I didn’t quit, and that determination is what turned a lousy first half of the year where I only lost one pound to the second half where I’m close to losing 20 lbs.

    What didn’t go so well this year? First, was thinking that I could do intermittent fasting and eat any type of food that I wanted in my window. I can’t! Second, being locked in my house because of COVID and using it as an excuse for my weight gain. It isn’t!

    What did I learn? I learned several things about myself in 2020
    1) I learned that I’m a sugar/carb addict and the only way I can really lose weight is to go low-carb.
    2) I learned how good working out makes my body and mind feel.
    3) I learned that I can drink black coffee, not die…and even like it!
    4) I learned that I don’t need to count calories, points, or macros and that learning to listen to my hunger and satiety hormones can happen and how liberating it is.
    5) I’m in the progress of not learning to be on a diet but instead to be living a lifestyle of health.

    My 2021 adjustments:
    • The Goal: To continue learning, pursuing, and NEVER giving up on myself.
    • The Timeline: I don’t have a timeline because I’m living a lifestyle that will last for life.
    • The Actions: Keep doing what I know works and tweak when I need to. I will always be an intermittent faster. I will continue to workout and push myself to be stronger. I will learn and adjust to eating foods that are good for my body.

    2021 Word is…TRANSFORMATION. :) I love thinking that my journey to health and fitness isn’t a decision but a destination. Transformation for me is about the here and now. Not later…not next Monday…it’s right now!

    I picked this word after reading a passage from a book my friend posted.

    Chasing Cupcakes by Elizabeth Benton
    Transformation is not a journey you pursue, transformation is now. Change happens in any moment you choose it. Transformation is a decision not a destination. Excellence is not an aspiration; excellence is the next five minutes. Excellence is an opportunity that exists no matter what you are doing in the next five minutes. Transformation is a present choice, not a future outcome. You don't have to earn it; you have to choose it and every choice is a chance. When you plan to do better tomorrow, you miss the chances in front of you today. When you see change as something that exists in the future, what you don’t see clearly is the opportunity to choose change now. You don’t take responsibility for the work that presents itself today because who and how you want to be is out on the horizon of your life.

    Transformation is Now means you can be different right now. You need to be. This is when change happens. NOW not tomorrow. This next moment is your chance. This next meal is your chance. The next moment is your opportunity. No choice is too small to make a difference.

  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,017 Member
    Wow- a word and plans for the year. I like it. It will be good to think about it this week. I love the mindset monday idea also. I will get right to work on this.

    Well, my determination dial has been turned up a bit and my what the hell dial has been turned down a bit, but I'm not all the way there yet. I enjoyed using my Christmas gift of a step for my aerobic workouts today. I think it's going to be fun to crank up the intensity on my exercise.

    Lately I've been enjoying these You Tube workouts- they are low impact and easy to modify. They also have some short (20 min) ones. Those can come in handy for different reasons.


    Happy Monday to all.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 39,838 Member
    Hi MS... You have a new member heading your way... Please welcome @cdnlaxmom :)
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