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  • _inHisGrace
    _inHisGrace Posts: 183 Member
    Age 45
    Height 5’1
    Sw 307.8 (8/24/2020)
    Cw 265.2
    Gw 105

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Age 57
    Height 5’9"
    Starting Weight: 275.6 lbs (Jan 2020)
    Current Weight: 179 lbs
    Long Term Goal Weight: 150 - 160 lbs (????)
    Short Term Goal Weight: 175 lbs (100 lbs down!!)
    Normal BMI - 169 (ten pounds away!)

    Maybe maybe maybe getting back on track? This is my lowest weight since ??? I don't know! But I was close to this before Christmas and then there was that little bit of haywire :-)

    I feel a million pounds lighter this morning after a couple of days back on track.

    I think after being on a successful run for much of 2020 I forgot how to get through those savage cravings. They really did seem to ease up there for awhile. I will figure out how to stay on this amazingly beautiful track though. It felt so good waking up this morning, kinda knowing that the scale would have good news.

    I know we are supposed to try to avoid the "all or nothing" mindset. But I think there are some foods that require something close to that approach - because once they get two feet in the door (one foot is okay it seems) - the bacteria they feed in our gut get stronger and start demanding more with a ferocity that is hard to resist. I can have a treat occasionally - and it isn't bad getting back on track. But. A few days of treats and all the rules seem to change.
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    @lauriekallis I was wondering what your daily calorie goals are and how much exercise you are doing each day. Essentially what is your plan? We started in the same place ( I was 250) and our goals are the same since we are almost the same height but I have been working at it for much longer and you have had better results. Just curious what you were doing. Thanks!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Loss this Week:
    -6.5 lbs

    Well that's a pretty great start to the rest of your journey! Water weight or not. Congratulations!

  • Dante_80
    Dante_80 Posts: 479 Member
    edited January 2021
    Almost a pound gained this week! It's been quite some time till I last saw the scale going upwards, this is somewhat disappointing.

    So..let's focus some more on this coming week!

    Age: 40
    Height: 167cm - 5'6''
    SW: 177.8 kg - 392 lb (May 2020)
    GW: 69 kg - 153 lb

    LW: 126.0 kg - 277.8 lb
    CW: 126.4 kg - 278.7 lb
    Variance: +0.4 kg / +0.9 lb / +0.32% TBW

    OL: 51.4 kg - 113.3 lb

    Weight remaining for:
    Obese class II: 15.1 kg - 33.3 lb
    Obese class I: 29.1 kg - 64.1 lb
    Overweight: 43.0 kg - 94.8 lb
    Normal: 57.0 kg - 125.6 lb
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Dante_80 wrote: »
    Almost a pound gained this week! It's been quite some time till I last saw the scale going upwards, this is somewhat disappointing.

    So..let's focus some more on this coming week!

    Great attitude. It is discouraging when the scale goes up. But I guess it's going to sometime. :-(

    I'm leaning on your "let's focus some more on this coming week" because my scale seems kinda stuck right now and I've been on track for a few days. Thank you for this!

  • emmyjaykay
    emmyjaykay Posts: 83 Member
    Welp, I thought I was maintaining but the last few days I had that thing where my body puffs up for a day and deflates. Checked the scale and sure enough: whoosh. Whooshing is so weird.

    Anyways, I'm down another two and a half pounds which puts me right at that 80 pound down loss that was evading me. I've been eating way differently than I have during the rest of my weight loss since the holidays so it's interesting to me that it hasn't mattered all that much when I look at the last couple of months.

    So, not definitely not complaining about unintentionally hitting my next decade loss!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    emmyjaykay wrote: »
    Welp, I thought I was maintaining but the last few days I had that thing where my body puffs up for a day and deflates. Checked the scale and sure enough: whoosh. Whooshing is so weird.

    Anyways, I'm down another two and a half pounds which puts me right at that 80 pound down loss that was evading me. I've been eating way differently than I have during the rest of my weight loss since the holidays so it's interesting to me that it hasn't mattered all that much when I look at the last couple of months.

    So, not definitely not complaining about unintentionally hitting my next decade loss!

    Congratulations! I remember that "whoosh" ... it feels so long ago! lol

    I am curious - what are you doing differently? I swear sometimes this is all feels so much like a weird science project.
  • emmyjaykay
    emmyjaykay Posts: 83 Member
    edited January 2021
    I am curious - what are you doing differently? I swear sometimes this is all feels so much like a weird science project.

    It absolutely feels like a science experiment! I think that's a good way to look at it—when the numbers are just data/information for you to use, there's not much you can get upset about!

    I've been a lot looser with myself since the holidays. Basically, I was just eating more but still eating fairly sensibly. Prior to Christmas, I'd been losing energy faster during workouts and taking longer to recover my sore muscles so I think that for me, there's a caloric threshold that my body doesn't love going under, especially now that I'm more active. It'll mean slower loss but I'd rather feel strong while I workout and take a little longer.
  • Dante_80
    Dante_80 Posts: 479 Member
    Viewing this as a science project is indeed a great idea!! It really removes the befuddlement and mystery out of weight fluctuations too, but you need time to observe. For example, I have two distinct candidates for showing a greater weight this week (I only weigh once a week). And both have to do with the day before, given the fact that I know my CICO balance for the time period.

    Next Friday, I'll change the first and see what happens. Then, the next one. So, this way we both learn and adjust accordingly.
  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,348 Member
    Starting weight: 345.8
    Current Weight: 257.6

    2020 was a very disappointing year on the weight front. I first got under 260 on April 1, 2020, and have basically plateaued ever since. I got down to 250 at one point, but my upswings kept getting larger as well. That said, I'm pleased to still be under 260 after the holiday season, when I was not trying very hard at all.

    I'm hoping that 2021 will be a very different year, and that I can bring more effort to the table and break away from this seemingly never-ending plateau. I REALLY want to see the 240s and 100 lbs lost. It's my busy season at work, and being insanely busy can make things worse, but I have some plans in place to avoid the excessive use of fast food.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Starting weight: 345.8
    Current Weight: 257.6

    2020 was a very disappointing year on the weight front. I first got under 260 on April 1, 2020, and have basically plateaued ever since. I got down to 250 at one point, but my upswings kept getting larger as well. That said, I'm pleased to still be under 260 after the holiday season, when I was not trying very hard at all.

    I'm hoping that 2021 will be a very different year, and that I can bring more effort to the table and break away from this seemingly never-ending plateau. I REALLY want to see the 240s and 100 lbs lost. It's my busy season at work, and being insanely busy can make things worse, but I have some plans in place to avoid the excessive use of fast food.

    I am with you on the plateau front....after hitting the 103 lb loss and weighing a low of 247.0 before Christmas, I am at 253 and holding steady....not being able to swim is killing me because I am just not getting enough to eat to feed my body...I skip breakfast to get more to eat later but I really need to lose 40 or 50 lbs this year....anything under 200 is my goal because of my height, frame,age, etc....and I can’t manage a correct diet break so how will I ever deal with maintenance?....Woe is me!....
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    I'm in the same boat as many here. My low was 193 back in September....then I gained about 10 after 2 weeks at home, hovered around 202-204 for a few months (had a really hard time with hunger when eating below maintenance), gained another 10 when I went home for the holidays, peaking at 211 when I got back. I'm back down to 207, so at least some was water weight. But ugh. Back on track, eating below maintenance, currently not having hunger waiting for it to slowly drop off again. Frustrating.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My Starting Weight:
    ~375 lbs (01/01/2017)
    My goal:
    180 lbs
    215 lbs
    Current Weight:
    228 lbs 1/21/2021
    Loss this Week:
    -5.4 lbs
    Total Loss:
    -147 lbs

    What's Working/What Needs Work:

    I triple checked that weight this morning with two different scales! In fact, I've been doing that all week! The last 3 days have been good days; I've stayed under or right at my calorie limit and I've gotten exercise in. Monday I shoveled a light weight snow for 2 hours. And I see a huge difference - the extra calories are vital to me, so I've got to force myself to exercise and get it back as my routine. I would have hit the elliptical this morning, but I was up late on the phone with the boyfriend; the poor fellow had a really rough day yesterday all the way around. The 1,000 miles between us has been good for keeping us out of trouble and giving us space to get to know each other as people and not let emotion sweep us away, but sometimes like yesterday I really, really hate it and find myself praying God opens the doors so we can get to the same location soon!

    So I need to make sure I get the cardio in and the elliptical in this afternoon and this evening. That can be a struggle for me because I truly hate working out :(

    Meanwhile, things are progressing very well on the romance front, all except for the distance issue, and that will just take time and patience to wait for the right opportunity. He's willing to relocate down here; he just needs to find a job, and that is the hard part as this area isn't booming anyway, and I'm expecting things to get even harder in the near future. Its hard to believe its been 10 weeks since we started talking!

    Otherwise, I keep trying to keep moving forward. I'd love to be back under 220 lbs by February 14th which should not be a problem, and to see 200 by at least the end of June. I hope! The key is me staying on track here and getting that exercise time up! But things are looking good now, at least - I seemed to have slowed down the regain and I'm hoping this is truly a sign I have reversed the mentality!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,717 Member
    Woah this has been a tough month on the weight front and really tough to maintain a calorie deficit. The last few weeks I've had a majority of deficit days - but still, the scale has been bouncing around in the low 180s no matter what happened the day before. A couple of the "not" days were over maintenance and perhaps that threw everything off? Or maybe our bodies just try to weather the calorie deficit "storm" and can manage to hold onto every ounce it has for a few weeks? I really hope that is the case and that the scale will start tracking down in line with my calorie deficit. It is so hard to keep strong when it doesn't seem to make any difference when you weigh yourself in the morning.

    But today - 179.2 - finally some relief! I've crossed that 180 line and am almost back to my lowest weight (179). I was so excited I had to celebrate here - I couldn't wait to meet the lowest weight. I don't know what happens when I get below it - my brain will explode for sure I think.

    Congratulations @gewel321 !
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Congratulations to all of you....this losing weight thing is hard work!...I am in the same boat...after hitting a low of 247 before the holidays, I ballooned back up to a whopping much fluid retention...but I am happy to report I am back at 251 this morning...not getting my swimming in has really limited how much I can eat...right now I am set at -1.5 pounds a week...I have been walking a little and trying to just move around more...losing a little over 100 pounds has completely changed my life and I feel really good...I plan on losing another 50 lbs this year if all goes well....the weather is supposed to be warmer next week so I hope I can get in the pool...everyone keep up the great work!