WaistAways - January 2021 Team Chat



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    There are some errors on the step chart for last week - some of the cells ended up as zero. But the team total is working fine - not sure what the problem there was.

    Sometimes I put in a formula "=sum(number, number)" so that the steps and the exercise equivalents both are there, and they automatically get added up. A couple of those were deleted or something. I'll fix them back again (thank goodness for edit history!), but it will change the totals :frowning: sorry!!!!

    @eggfreak and anyone else feeling stuck in a plateau - in addition to the usual checking of your intake and making sure to adjust as needed to keep losing as you get lighter, it also helps a lot to build strength. If you do some weights or other muscle building work 3x per week, and keep increasing gradually as you get stronger, you burn more calories even when you're sitting around. Even though aerobic exercise burns a lot more calories while you're doing it, lifting weights or other strength work has a bigger effect on your resting metabolism. Which feels really cool. Sitting on the couch burning more calories? Yeah!

    I totally overdid it on the snowshoes today. But it was worth it - I just couldn't stop. The trails were so beautiful today, and I did ALL the crazy hills, and then just wandered around to enjoy the day. I think I'll sleep well tonight!

    Here comes Friday! Heads up, Friday people:

    Keep up the great work!
  • MandiSaysHey
    MandiSaysHey Posts: 304 Member
    Steps Thursday 10,113 plus 20 minutes of beginner kickboxing
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,074 Member
    PW - 257.3 lbs
    CW - 255.7 lbs
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @conleywoods those pictures are amazing! You're beautiful in both, but the progress is outstanding! Your eyes look so much bigger!
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Friday weigh-in
    PW 87.6
    CW 87.6
    Haven't been that great with food so I'm happy there is no gain.
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    @micki48 steps for January 21

    Thank you
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    @conleywoods You are beautiful ! The progress really shows !

    Had a good day yesterday, gonna be hard work today staying on plan today, I am only working 3 hours, then I have errands to run, so I don't want to get stuck in the "lets just eat out" mentality... I need to come up with a plan, like every time I make the choice to eat at home vs eating out, I get to put a marble in a jar, and at the end of the month, I exchange the marbles for cash... LOL - I should get my husband to be the one who pays me, he pays when we eat out, and I buy the groceries, so in reality it's saving him money.. LOL

    So the weekend is the hardest time for me to stay on track, and I know it is for several of us, so I challenge you all to have a perfect weekend ( 85% or better is perfect in my eyes)...

    We can do this !!!!!

    Oh and the interview went well, we hired her ! :)

    Hope you all have a wonderful day...

  • MandiSaysHey
    MandiSaysHey Posts: 304 Member
    @conleywoods you can definitely view the difference and the progress you've made. Great job pretty lady!! ❤
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,074 Member
    @conleywoods fantastic work! You look amazing

  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    Met all goals today. Steps 12,862
  • MandiSaysHey
    MandiSaysHey Posts: 304 Member
    Friday steps 10,415 plus 30 minutes of beginner kickboxing.

    Almost didnt quite make it to 10k steps because I got off work early today, but my son needed some new pants so I ran into a store to take advantage of having somewhere indoors to get some steps in and getting him something he needed anyway lol.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    I hope everyone has had a good Friday, or are still having one. I really went a bit wild on my "free day" today. I proceeded with total disregard for wise food shopping, and then continued with eating what I bought. I got good exercise, but enjoyed way too many baked bready things. They are now either gone or in the freezer!
    Kali225 wrote: »
    Woke up at 4am today, with my light still on, contacts still in, and the computer open to my left. Sheesh.

    I also overdid it with my workouts on Wednesday, as I seem to have pulled or strained something in my left quad/hamstring. I'm going to take it easy today and stretch/foam roll. And definitely be more on top of my food choices.
    I hope you are feeling better and will get a good night tonight! Waking up at 4 with your contacts still in, etc. is not fun. You need a few good clean, quiet days to get past that one. Foam rolling should help a lot, and a recovery day or 2 are always in order when you have overdone it. Take an epsom salt bath too, if you can. Good luck!

    I can't believe we'll be heading into the last week of January very soon. Take a look at your habit tracker, journal, or memory and think about what needs tweaking. Where do you need some help or inspiration? What works?
  • SMcFall0215
    SMcFall0215 Posts: 122 Member
    PW 163.8 I believe
    CW 164.0

    Alittle bit of a gain but I can come back from that.. I got this!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Mighty quiet around here! Everyone must be having a good day or already sound asleep :smiley:

    Two more weights due for today -
    @CanadianGiraffe (I'm hoping you are doing OK and your son is as well :heart:)

    And 3 for Saturday!
    @Micki48 (Captain)
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    @micki48 steps for January 22
    Thank you!!
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