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  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member

    well, it depends on why you are cutting out sugar. If its a matter of health because of doctor's orders, then that can be a challenge for sure. I've found that the best alternatives for me are splenda for baking and Pyure stevia/ertithrytol blend for my coffee and tea. Otherwise, I look for sugar free options when I can because I want to lower the calorie count, but dont' consider sugar to be an evil that must be avoided because I'm not diabetic or have any health issues that warrant the limitation. Cutting down is always a good thing but if you can find ways to compromise with yourself, it may be easier to deal with.

    Course some people have to cut some things out completely, so if that's the issue you are dealing with, you have my sympathy! But perhaps you could try to comprise and use less, count it, and see if that helps you control the cravings?
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    mariwrh wrote: »
    Hello there!
    I am 20 years old and I have been overweight pretty much my whole life.
    I have tried to lose weight in the past and even lost a considerable amount once(around 40 lbs) but I gained it all back, mostly from emotional eating and mental issues that didn't allow me to concentrate on my diet a lot.
    2020 was an all time low for my mental health, and an all time high for my weight.
    My self confidence was deteriorating, just got out of a tiring, toxic relationship and was generally at a loss.
    The idea of 2020 ending inspired me so much that I decided to do something for my confidence and my health.
    I've been on a weight loss journey for about 2 weeks now and it's going well!
    I've got many lbs to go(around 100),so I'd love to meet all of you lovely people and build a support system for each other.

    See you around, Maria.

    Hi @mariwrh Maria,


    I have been pulled in a number of directions lately which has has resulted in me being pretty far behind on my posts here.

    I find myself saying this often but try not to think about the amount of weight you need to lose. Each day is a new effort to lose a tiny amount that over time can add up big losses. Some days will not go well but hopefully most will. Try to teach the days that go badly as a learning opportunity not a reason to be down on yourself. I am not sure there is anyone here that has been losing weight for 4 months or more that has not slipped up or at the very least they may have slipped up and not realized it. I have lost over 250 pounds, I have a long track record of counting my calories, I have studied and studied weight management, I started this group to help others, and NONE of that keeps me from having bad days here and there. I do not have as many as I did in the early days but I still have them.

    The most important thing is not to quit. You can't be all or nothing about it. If you have a bad spell, dust yourself off, and keep going.

    I hope you stick around and we can all share in your progress!

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    samvee wrote: »
    Hi there, Losers (LOL).

    I'm Sam! I'm 34, and started using this site almost ten years ago to count calories. It worked really well, and I lost about 45-50lbs. I started at 250, lost the weight pretty quickly, and have been hovering between 200 and 210 ever since.

    Fast forward to now, and (I don't wanna blame COVID, but...) my weight has jumped back up to 225ish. I saw that number, remembered how hard it was to lose the weight before, and signed back onto here. I also got in contact with a dietitian through my work benefits.

    So far, I've lost about 10lbs from there. Ultimately, I'd like to get down to 150-160lbs, which would be about 100lbs less than I weighed initially. This seems like a huge amount, but seeing so many people on here being so successful has been inspiring.

    Exercise. I haven't found anything I really enjoy. I do go for walks a few times a week.
    Eating snacks after dinner. The hours between dinner and bedtime are really tough.
    Portion sizes and stopping eating when I'm full. Don't know if I'd call it a binge problem, but...
    People around me eating whatever they want, while I try to stay within my calorie allowance.

    I'm learning that the struggle is the journey. Looking for people to connect with on here with similar ambitions and challenges. Maybe we can help each other out! Add me, if any of this resonates with you. Looking forward to this chapter of my very long weight-loss book.

    Hi @samvee,

    Welcome to LL.

    I am going to jump right to your struggle areas:

    1) Exercise - Everyone likes to suggest that you find an exercise you enjoy. That is an ideal scenario. Realistically though it may end up being an activity you can tolerate. I love to hike and while there are trails near where I live they are not near enough for me to do it daily. I can step outside my door and walk and I do like it but I can't say I always enjoy it. Some days I do not feel like doing it at all. It is on those days I remind myself that walking keeps me in shape to hike.... which I love.

    2) There are a few ways to experiment with snacks after dinner:
    a) Leave calories so you can enjoy snacks while staying in your budget.
    b) Eat later so there is less time before bed
    c) Experiment with what you are eating so that you stay fuller for longer
    d) Consider that it may be habit driven instead of hunger driven and try to identify helpful changes in your routine. One of the more common suggestions is a hobby that keeps your hands busy.

    3) I would need to know if you are eating enough calories before giving you a suggestion here. Did you go through the MFP guided set-up and are you consistently eating very closely to your goal? I ask because there is a common backfire situation that occurs when someone tries to eat, say 1200 calories because that seems to be a magic number that floats around, and then because it is too little your body rebels on you.

    4) Comparison is the thief of joy. If the people around you are eating high calorie items while maintaining a pretty healthy weight they have their own system. If they are not maintaining a healthy-ish weight then there is no reason to compare yourself to them because it is not really a perk to be eating more than you need on a regular basis. When I have been in that situation I try to be glad for people that can eat more but I admit it is not always easy.

    Anyway I hope you stick around!

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member

    You're back! @conniewilkins56 will be thrilled :smiley:

    You were greatly missed ;)
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member

    You're back! @conniewilkins56 will be thrilled :smiley:

    You were greatly missed ;)

    LoL....yes, I am thrilled Novus is alive and well....some days I think he is my life line....I still have to stop and think, WWND?.....( what would Novus do )

    Welcome back Novus!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,102 Member
    ScheduleIt wrote: »
    I have 200 pounds to lose all told. I’m going at it 50 pounds at a time.

    This is not my first time trying to lose weight or visiting MFP, but I have discovered that this is one of the best places due to the community.

    I have set 10 health related goals plus sub goals, and I am handling each goal in six week intervals (that’s the plan).

    In the past, I’ve either tried to do too many things at once, or I just didn’t have the motivation to get anything done.

    Today, I am approaching my goals using a daily checklist of things I find to be important.

    The checklist consists of my goals, some reminders, quotes, etc.

    I’m focusing on long-term sustainable change. One pound a week would be good.

    Feel free to message me to add me as a friend. Please reference this forum post in the subject.


    Just so you're aware, in case you get friend requests - the message function isn't currently working with friend requests and non-friends are not able to message each other at the moment.
  • NumberGood
    NumberGood Posts: 18 Member
    @NovusDies I 100% agree. It’s not about the weight you need to lose.

    I am stealing your write up from my own reference purposes.

    Thank you!
  • NumberGood
    NumberGood Posts: 18 Member
    P.S. For my health related goals (in order of priority) that I am able to share. Here they are... they may help someone in some way. And, if anyone has any feedback for what I’m planning, I greatly appreciate it!

    - [ ] Not getting enough sleep - sleeping on a schedule, don’t think of eating again as a reason to not sleep, realizing that I cannot function without enough rest, limiting caffeine

    - [ ] Not drinking enough water / Having too much caffeine - using caffeine as a tool by alternating between caffeine and water, replacing pop with Powerade Zero or water

    - [ ] Eating poorly - avoiding eating large amounts of food, eating half of what I used to, not eating out as much, limiting fast food

    - [ ] Eating fast - putting my utensil down between bites, taking a drink between bites, taking a breath, thinking about how full I am

    - [ ] Walking - walking regularly, steadily increasing my walking, walking in the first half of the day
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,102 Member
    ScheduleIt wrote: »
    P.S. For my health related goals (in order of priority) that I am able to share. Here they are... they may help someone in some way. And, if anyone has any feedback for what I’m planning, I greatly appreciate it!

    - [ ] Not getting enough sleep - sleeping on a schedule, don’t think of eating again as a reason to not sleep, realizing that I cannot function without enough rest, limiting caffeine

    - [ ] Not drinking enough water / Having too much caffeine - using caffeine as a tool by alternating between caffeine and water, replacing pop with Powerade Zero or water

    - [ ] Eating poorly - avoiding eating large amounts of food, eating half of what I used to, not eating out as much, limiting fast food

    - [ ] Eating fast - putting my utensil down between bites, taking a drink between bites, taking a breath, thinking about how full I am

    - [ ] Walking - walking regularly, steadily increasing my walking, walking in the first half of the day

    We have both a Today's Goal (not just weight loss related, sometimes the monotonous home stuff too) and a Daily Habit thread you might enjoy for some accountability for those goals if you want to join us.
  • NumberGood
    NumberGood Posts: 18 Member
    Ah, thank you! I’ll check those out!
  • NumberGood
    NumberGood Posts: 18 Member

    Just so you're aware, in case you get friend requests - the message function isn't currently working with friend requests and non-friends are not able to message each other at the moment. [/quote]

    Thank you for this information!
  • nmflannery87
    nmflannery87 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello all! My HW: 360 lbs, CW: 328.6 lbs, GW (eventually): 180-200 lbs. This is not my first go at losing weight. I’ve been obese all my life and finally in 2012 I got down to 275, which is still obese but the lowest I can remember being in forever. I went to nursing school and gained it back and some. I’ve been up and down until I hit 360 around 10/2020 and I’m working my way down. I am hoping it sticks this time. I want to be healthy and strong and finally do this for me.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Welcome newcomers to Larger Losers!...we are a motivated, supportive and friendly group!...try to take each day at a time and don’t worry about all of the weight you need to lose....if you “Trust in the Process”, mostly have days at or below calorie goals, you will lose weight!...you lose weight in the kitchen and not in the gym!...there are lots of posts here with really good advice and information!...jump in anywhere because your ideas and comments are important...some of us are just starting and some have lost a lot of weight!..everyone is different and we all lose at different rates...if you have any questions about weight loss, foods,or goals, someone will try to answer your questions...

    There are posts you can add your short and long time goals in, share recipes, ask advice, whine or vent!...there is also a Daily Habit Site where some of us check in daily to see how we are doing....

    You can introduce yourself and share as much or as little as you want....there is never judgement!...

    Again, WELCOME!
  • murnagerie80
    murnagerie80 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, 277 here and just starting this weightloss journey. About 4 wks in and going to gym about 3 days a week. It's hard but I'm trying!!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    And keeping trying is definitely the way to win. I tell myself often, especially lately as I'm back on a stupid plateau right now, that as long as I'm trying there is hope for victory; the only way to guarantee failure is to give up.

    I need to get exercise back in, but I can't make myself consistently use the elliptical, especially as my evenings are busy in video phone chats lol I've tried walking on the elliptical while being on the phone too, but my machine is too loud for it. I need the warmer weather so I can get my walks outside restarted.
  • Janatki
    Janatki Posts: 730 Member
    Hi, 54, 5” 2, serial dieter all my life, have chronic health problems.
    My relationship with food has been pants over the years!
    This time been here a couple of weeks, more determined than ever ....& found this group!
    Already lost 5 lbs following MFP ‘s calorie deficit, get moving principles
    Just a mere 75lbs to go....😳
    Taking it one day at at time, small goals... to honestly log whatever I eat & increasing my level of exercise bit by bit.
    Looking to give & receive some support ... & hopefully gain insight, information from fellow members to lose this weight for good and have a fitter & healthier future
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,754 Member
    Welcome @Janatki ! Glad you found us.

    This is a very supportive/knowledgeable group that really will help you tackle your 80 pound weight loss goal! I've not really been here that long myself - but wow - it has made such a difference for me. Great people here and there are some amazing old posts worth going back and reading through. It is so nice to be in the company of those looking to lose more than 20 or 30 pounds - people who understand what it means to work toward/commit to and sustain a long term weight loss program that will lead to life long change.

    You can do this!
  • Janatki
    Janatki Posts: 730 Member
    Hi Laurie & thanks for the welcome 🤗