WaistAways - February 2021 Team Chat



  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @micki48 steps
    25 Feb 11599
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Had a busy few days work wise, and have been working late. It's coming into my customer's peak trading period which means I get busier helping them. In 2019 I took the extra hours as overtime, in 2020, and 2021, I am taking it as TOIL to try and avoid burnout.

    We've got a week off in April but can't go away due to lockdown regulations (which might be reduced the week after) so I've pushed that to June, but we're keeping the original time off work too. Then last night we booked a lovely Airbnb on the south coast for a few nights in September with my mum and sister, which I'm really looking forward to. I don't think either of these trips will change my approach to weight loss (some people try to rush it for a holiday), but I'm looking forward to getting some nice photographs where I hopefully look at myself and think I'm looking good.

    I went on the mini trampoline for 30 mins on Wednesday and my knees didn't thank me, so I've just walked since. Going for a longer walk with a friend this afternoon if I can finish work in time. With working the extra hours I've not gotten round to creating a targeted exercise plan yet - but it's on my list for the weekend along with more DIY. I also feel like spring cleaning and decluttering; it might not be warm, but it's beautifully sunny outside and I'm getting triggered :D
  • SMcFall0215
    SMcFall0215 Posts: 122 Member

    Happy Friday y’all, I totally missed checking in and saying heyyyy this week but iv been here watching.. we had a few things to do for the new house, they pushed our closing date back from March 6th to April 9th because they are behind schedule which FYI is only because they messed up multiple things when we went in to do a walk through so very frustrating and time consuming when the process goes all bad lol anyways.. This week I was able to get my cousin out with me a couple times to walk it’s been in the 60s and beautiful outside the past couple days... we are supposed to have a decent weekend so fingers crossed 🤞🏻 that the weekend stays the same we do have rain for today but I need some outdoor activities with the kids in my life ASAP .. plus I’ll be out there selling Girl Scout cookies with my daughter 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Ok ok enough of my rambling.. hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Hi everyone! Just a quick jump in. My internet has been out going on the third day. Hope you are all well. Hopefully this get fixed today. Using a hotspot, but that's extra $$.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Steph1498 wrote: »
    PW: 156.5
    CW: 155.5

    I tried on everything in my closet this week. I’m at that point where “I have nothing to wear”... because my clothes feel and look different on me.

    I’m happy to say that I finally fit the dress I’ve had for at least ten years (with the tag still on it) that I was determined to fit in! Funny how I kept it forever and how great it felt to zip it up so easily!

    Fireworks! I had one of those dresses I kept for a long time and when it finally zipped, well, I know just how you feel! It is amazing. Finally I had to give that dress away because it became too big! Well done Steph! AND to make it even sweeter, your previous weight was 158.5 - you really had a great week :blush:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Happy Friday!
    Beautiful weigh-ins here this morning - great job @steph1498 and @SMcFall0215 :heart:

    I have just had a somewhat startling weigh-in as well. Even though I'm on maintenance, I weigh in every Friday. I am at the lowest in ages - 112.8 - and I'm eating like crazy and not getting as much exercise as usual! I think the giant hematoma weighed a lot more than I thought it did. It is still draining, and the weight just keeps slowly going down. Easy way to lose, and if it keeps going, I'll have to work on eating more :lol: I worry that I'm losing muscle, though, so will slowly have to get back to some strength work. I'm having dreams every night of getting back onto my beautiful horse. He's going to need some work after this year off too :grimace: His life has been way too boring, right?

    I'm trying to think up a really good challenge for next week. I'm waffling between a few:
    • 3 magic numbers (one of the old stand-bys) - daily report on any 3 numbers (fibre, water, sleep, minutes of ex. etc)
    • one week commitment - pick something you're having trouble sticking to and do it every single day without fail.
    • affirmation - every day write "I used to ___. Now I ___." (kind of like #2)
    • something to do with working from home?

    Please let me know if you have any ideas that would help you! It does not have to be one of these. Anything will do. Thanks!
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Happy Friday, Folks!

    So I will be following the British Heart Foundation's 25k Trek training plan from next week. It is for 16 weeks so that gives me some contingency as my London Bridges Challenge is 26 weeks away.

    And one of my good friends has agreed to coach me once a week too!

    Love it when a plan comes together!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    YinxFed wrote: »
    Happy Friday, Folks!

    So I will be following the British Heart Foundation's 25k Trek training plan from next week. It is for 16 weeks so that gives me some contingency as my London Bridges Challenge is 26 weeks away.

    And one of my good friends has agreed to coach me once a week too!

    Love it when a plan comes together!

    This is great! I am looking up that training program right away :smiley:
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    YinxFed wrote: »
    Happy Friday, Folks!

    So I will be following the British Heart Foundation's 25k Trek training plan from next week. It is for 16 weeks so that gives me some contingency as my London Bridges Challenge is 26 weeks away.

    And one of my good friends has agreed to coach me once a week too!

    Love it when a plan comes together!

    I just looked the BHF site up - what a great resource and the walking plans look great!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,752 Member
    Hi Waistaways .. You have another one joining your team ... Please welcome @smaidiigaa :)
  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    Met all goals today. Steps 12,302
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I did not eat any of the Buster Bars in the lunchroom despite wanting sugar more than I wanted air. It was hard, I was exhausted and stressed, but I did it. 450 calories for ice cream was just too many.

    My employee review today was an hour long and left me feeling like a boiled potato, all hot and mushy. But it was positive, I'd say. Quite positive. So I'll take it as a win at work and a win at calories, get a little exercise tonight and hopefully sleep well.

    @YinxFed that sounds amazing, hope its really fun!

    @jugar The weekly challenge we're doing on another board is a "pick three challenges" in the categories of nutrition, physical fitness and personal growth. Maybe that would be good here?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    I did not eat any of the Buster Bars in the lunchroom despite wanting sugar more than I wanted air. It was hard, I was exhausted and stressed, but I did it. 450 calories for ice cream was just too many.

    My employee review today was an hour long and left me feeling like a boiled potato, all hot and mushy. But it was positive, I'd say. Quite positive. So I'll take it as a win at work and a win at calories, get a little exercise tonight and hopefully sleep well.

    @YinxFed that sounds amazing, hope its really fun!
    @jugar The weekly challenge we're doing on another board is a "pick three challenges" in the categories of nutrition, physical fitness and personal growth. Maybe that would be good here?

    That sounds interesting - got a link?
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    edited February 2021
    jugar wrote: »
    Terytha wrote: »
    I did not eat any of the Buster Bars in the lunchroom despite wanting sugar more than I wanted air. It was hard, I was exhausted and stressed, but I did it. 450 calories for ice cream was just too many.

    My employee review today was an hour long and left me feeling like a boiled potato, all hot and mushy. But it was positive, I'd say. Quite positive. So I'll take it as a win at work and a win at calories, get a little exercise tonight and hopefully sleep well.

    @YinxFed that sounds amazing, hope its really fun!
    @jugar The weekly challenge we're doing on another board is a "pick three challenges" in the categories of nutrition, physical fitness and personal growth. Maybe that would be good here?

    That sounds interesting - got a link?

    Its on Reddit, and I'm not supposed to link back to it, the group is kinda selective. But here's the description:

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Well done on finding your keys @micki48 ! Putting things on the car roof is a dangerous habit. I knew a flutist in Boston who put his instrument case on top of the car and drove off. Luckily, a young boy picked it up and was happy to take the reward for its safe return! It was worth a lot of $$$$... Glad you found them!

    So, a couple more Friday weigh-ins are due, and here is the list for Saturday as well -

    And that will wrap up February! As a team, so far, we have lost over 50 pounds this month, so let's keep on going!
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