WaistAways - March 2021 Team Chat



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Welcome Ty! @MzBossy (I'll bet your boys call you that... :wink:)
    So glad you are here - and that you are hitting the commitments. Daily candy and ice cream are out! Keep on coming by here every day, let us know how it is going, and get to know all the little voices who will start living in your head saying "you're not really going to eat that, are you?" and cheering you off the couch every day. And cheer us back!

    I'm just about to attempt a short session on the exercise bike. I will see how (if?) the sore buttock likes that - walking outside was not so great today, so I'll see if this goes better. The sun was beautiful and it was above freezing, but the snow gets really punchy when it is warm like that, so walking was too uneven.

    Off we go! New months are always fun.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 621 Member
    @micki48 thank you for the good moving vibes!! They were received! It really went quite smoothly with myself, my parents, and my two saintly friends. I just walked back to the new place from the old for the last time - it's spotless over there, hope the next tenant appreciates it. I am totally unpacked here, bags and boxes out to the curb, and ready to collapse. But I do have some tech stuff to set up for my home office that I should get out of the way. Internet guy coming tomorrow morning to save my from my phone's hotspot. :)

    Steps for the week! (Can you tell which was the moving day... :D )
    2/21: 14,813
    2/22: 12,171
    2/23: 12,056
    2/24: 13,059
    2/25: 12,146
    2/26: 17,338
    2/27: 21,454
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Kali225 wrote: »
    Hi all --

    I'm Kay, 26, living in Boston and working in finance downtown (although I have been WFH since late March '20). I was a runner and a dancer all my childhood through high school, and totally dropped regular activity in college. Add in an unlimited meal plan and a general dislike for vegetables, and I gained way more than the freshman 15. I consider my start date for this weight loss to be Feb 2018, when I moved out of my parents' house and started my first post-grad job. I am very big on getting my steps in - and I did meet a very modest goal of running 22 miles in Feb, but I would say overall I don't love running, so most of those steps are walked each day. I love home workouts almost exclusively for strength, cardio, hiit, etc. (through youtube, instagram, and the app FitOn mostly) and I follow Yoga with Adriene on youtube for my daily yoga practice. My biggest struggle with weight loss is bingeing on weekends and emotional eating when I get stressed/frustrated, especially on a bad workday. I joined F2F in August 2020 and it has been so key for keeping my motivation up!

    Now that the aforementioned move to a new apartment is out of the way, I am looking for a good kickstart this week into March. I need to be more focused on my water intake each day, I can tell I am a little dehydrated. And I definitely need to recommit to daily yoga and my mon/tues/wed/thurs workout schedule. Other days of the week are more lax/just walking, but I have some built-in things for those early weekdays that I should stick to.

    Is it time for bed?

    Yes! I'm glad your move is done - enjoy the unpacking and making everything all spiffy :heart:
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    CW: 85.4

    My last weigh in was 86 on the money - but I've been in the 85s all week and it's great to have that new number at the front.

    I'm keeping my calorie goal where it is for March, and not eating my exercise calories most of the time as suggested by @jugar. I've accepted that there'll be the odd day where I do go into them - like last night - but I'll try to limit it. I'll put a 'rule' in place later if I feel I need to. I'm also sticking to my "1 of everything" approach where I don't duplicate portions of snacks - e.g. I can have chocolate daily, but only one portion rather than several just because it fits.

    I took measurements and photos this morning. Measurements still seem a little all over the place but I'm not taking a back measurement (where my bra strap sits) and I know that's lost as I've gone from the largest hooks on my bra to the smallest. I only bought those bras in January! I am busty and they have to fit properly, so this is going to cost me a fortune in bras :D
  • riagalgate
    riagalgate Posts: 22 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    riagalgate wrote: »
    Hi Everyone, I came across this lovely group just over a week ago and I thinks its great to have a community to come to gain support and inspiration.
    So a bit about me, I'm 40 years old, with 3 children, 21, 16 and a 2yr old. I work full time as a Bank Manager, my hobbies (when I was fit and slim) was horse riding and playing badminton. Hoping to start back riding soon now that I've lost weight and getting stronger/fitter. I live in a lovely country village 30 minutes from Blackpool, and I LOVE it, we moved here 4 years ago next month and it was the best move ever!! I can say that now,it was a house of horrors when we first moved in and nearly put it back up for sale .
    I started my weight loss journey again in January. I started piling on the weight a few years back after injuring my back, a third child and then quitting smoking last March. I'm super excited about March, not only is it my birthday month but its also my 1 year anniversary of being smoke free, 1st time since being 14 years old and when I've not been forced to stop when I've been pregnant! I've saved nearly 4k in 1 year- that's UNREAL 🤯.
    Since January I've lost over 2 stone now but have another 2 stone to lose, I'm currently 11 stone 5lb and want to be 11st stone or under by my birthday on the 27th.
    For fitness I love running, spinning, cross trainer and currently using the beachbody app, mainly MBF and I absolutely love it, ive got into a great routine since January of getting up an extra 30 minutes early ans doing a workout before work.
    Here's hoping for a great March. Good luck everyone 😃😃
    Welcome! It is great to have another horse person in the team! I have not been able to ride for almost a year because of an injury last April, but I had surgery almost 3 weeks ago that should take care of it and I hope to be back on my lovely spotted fellow in another month or so. We're both going to need to ease into it! We will have to trade horse stories and drive everyone else on the team slightly crazy... Good for you for quitting smoking and kicking 2 stone to the curb. With a small child in the picture that is no small feat!

    What are your goals for this month, and what are you going to track to make it happen?

    My goal this month are to get slowly back into Pilates and some strength workouts. I still have to watch out as I heal from surgery so that no internal bleeding starts up again - so I'm taking it slow! Aiming for 15 minutes a day. Walking and snowshoeing every day as usual :smiley: And 30+ grams of fibre per day, minimal grains. Tally ho!

    Hi Jugar, I cant wait to share my horsey stories ❤
    My goals for the month is to lose 6lb. I am going to continue my calorie counting -1490 max per day, 14k+ steps a day, x2 5km runs per week with 4 days of strength training per week and I really want to try for 7hrs 30 mins of sleep every night 🤞
  • riagalgate
    riagalgate Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all, Does anyone know how I can get notifications of when comments are put on this page? I dont seem to get any notifications for posts or replies? Thanks
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member

    Calling all steppers -- Anyone interested in joining our step team, let me know. Just need your name and your daily goal. You can post your steps here daily or at the end of the week.
    After all the steps are in (hopefully by Sunday afternoon) I will report on the week's results.

    If you have been on the team for February, no need to do anything if you want to continue and your goal is the same. If you want a break or to change your goal, let me know. Thanks!!
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Chiro again this evening - my unhappy glutes are a result of me doing nothing (I mean I walked a fair bit but apparently that's not good enough for my body) last week because of the tendonitis in my knees. Can't win! Back to running tomorrow, but will accept walk/run this week if needs be. My running medal for March is a 5k so I will be able to do that in one go by the end of the month, no pressure. I'm joining a virtual - or real life, in November - race every month this year so I get 12 medals that I'll frame.

    It's been a busy day and we didn't get back from our 30 min evening walk until 9pm, but I'm glad we went. The fresh air was nice and I am feeling the need to eat my exercise calories the last couple of days, so I needed some to be able to eat them!

    Will run tomorrow, then do some more DIY after tea. During the week I want to get the office ceiling sanded, I don't think it needs any more filler, and painted, so we can push the desks back together - this is the priority. The cloakroom needs sanding and more filler, but I'd like to have it and the spare bedroom ready for painting at the weekend. The silicone removal in the bathroom is parked for the weekend; I am not a fan and find myself wondering whether I can justify paying somebody to do it for me. The answer is not really, as we want a new boiler and that's ££££. Plus if I'm good now, I think I can get away with buying a Kadai for the garden sooner rather than later. :D
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    For anyone who is interested, this is the link for the free 5 day Pilates workout. It starts tomorrow and only takes 15 minutes of your day. I'll be doing it with you.


    I did it this morning before work - thanks for the link and the inspiration - I can do most anything for 15 minutes!!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @curvycalorie 3.12 %
    2nd @imgwendolyn2015 2.37%
    3rd @klassie12 2.14 %

    1st @CurvyCalorie 4.8 Lbs
    2nd @Jactop 4.1 Lbs
    3rd @imgwendolyn2015 3.8 Lbs
    3rd @lindamtuck2018 3.8 Lbs



  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @micki48 steps
    1 Mar 12220 with a 5 K run. Beat my personal best ever in 35.32 minutes. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I couldn't get it under 40 for weeks. This improvement happened in 20/30 second installments so I've been at it for awhile. Feeling good.
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