WaistAways - March 2021 Team Chat



  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Hello! Did my 15 minutes of Pilates this morning. Fam here now. I'm feeling a little sore from the vaccine, but happy to have it. Chilly here today.
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 564 Member
    @jugar CW 188.5
    Happy Wednesday! I had a good walk down to the post office and back which netted me 3.3 miles. It's something to keep going, whenever possible. Not that I need to go there that much but, it's a simple "destination" walk.
    I'll check in again tomorrow. Have a good evening, everyone. I'm appreciating just how many of us have been muddling about and scrapping it together. We can help each other and carry one another when needed. :-)
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @micki48 steps
    03 march 8152 with a 30 minutes strength workout.
    I wanted home made pizza tonight so I 'banked' calories all day, had a tiny breakfast and lunch and then enjoyed my pizza. Not the healthiest choice maybe, but I need those indulgances to keep me sane.
    Good night :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    PW 152.2
    CW 151.6

    @jugar I think I gave you the wrong SW. I got tagged in all the groups for reaching a 10 pound loss last week, but I haven't reached that goal yet. My starting weight should be 156.8. I appreciate all that you do. I wish I had time to help with the exercise calculations. If no one volunteers, I am more then willing to only post steps.

    I think there might have been an error in the posting - your starting weight is correct and there is not a 10 pound loss on the spreadsheet - maybe Beka got you mixed up with someone else? I'll have her check it. In any case, thanks for the offer, but hopefully we'll be able to keep going with the exercise minutes :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Today flew by! I had planned a very un-fave household task for today, was going to skip it, but got 'er done! Vacuuming the ceilings. Ugh. We have huge beams, heat with wood, and things get pretty dusty and cobwebby up there - it looks good now, and my neck and shoulders need a good stretch. Otherwise, it was not a great day for snowshoeing, but tomorrow will be.

    Great weigh-ins this week - a lot of green, even if the amounts are not all big, so many are green! Keep it flowing.

    @MandiSaysHey good to hear from you - I hope things even out a bit for you. It is hard sometimes, but you are here and I'm sure you'll take the time to take good care of yourself. You are worth it!

    Quick reminders -
    ONLY one weigh-in for Thursday - @eggfreak :smiley:

    Still hoping to hear from @fuschiabolero and @sarkrisd - last chance to check in so that you are not dropped :disappointed:
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @jugar I definitely understand the wood stove dust. It is amazing how it can build up in a hurry! Glad you are doing so well and sporting those tight snow pants 👖 😀. I am to busy to take over the spreadsheet. I think I would be too inconsistent 😕 Sorry
  • riagalgate
    riagalgate Posts: 22 Member
    Sleep, calorie and step goal met yesterday, but unfortunately after seeing my osteopath for a shoulder injury I cant do any exercises other than walking for at least a week 🙃 😢 just hoping I can still reach my target of a 6lb loss in March 🤞🤞🤞
    Steps 14,641.
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Sorry @jugar, I won't commit to going on my PC every day - I often have weeks where I don't log on to a computer at all outside of work, so I don't think I'd be able to stay on top of the exercise logging.

    I've seen the scales steadily go down this week - am pleased with the progress but wondering if it'll stick around. I was 84.8 this week though - that's another new starting number. I can't wait for the first number to be a 7! Sunday/Monday I could've eaten the house I was so hungry, and thankfully that feeling has subsided without me going on a binge. I'm pleased that I've managed to keep my mindset strong for two months without any wobbles.

    I'm currently doing a program to find my values and passions and interestingly, being healthy hasn't actually come up. So far, I've identified my values as openness, fairness, stability, peacefulness, leadership and growth/progression. I think being leaner and stronger will contribute to stability and growth/progression, but also exploration (locally, I'm not interested in going travelling!) is one of my passions and it's easier to do that with a body that can cope. I also like learning about people who have been pushed to the limits of what the body and/or mind can endure, and I wonder how much I want to challenge my own limits, which obviously exercise is a way to do that. I don't think I'd want to be in some of the extreme positions myself (climbing Everest, or being the victim of a life changing accident for example), but I have a lot of curiosity there.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    good morning, great morning - I feel back on track. I had a lot of reading to catch up on posts. Everyone working through their struggles. @Terytha love the poem @mzbossy ice cream - I love it too - I KNOW it's not the same but last year I started keeping motts unsweetened applesauce in the fridge - it was actually surprising to me how great it tasted - now bjs doesn't carry the unsweetened anymore (it's plenty sweet) so I bought apples and made my own.
    @jugar I'm not on the step team because I found just reporting my steps to be one more thing that I couldn't take on. I reread your post seeking someone to take on the translating of 'other exercise' into steps because I thought if it was just for a month ...well, I can do it for a month...but I see that it's more open-ended which brings me to another thought...what if a link to the translation chart is available on here for those folks on the step team to look up and translate their own 'other exercise' into steps themselves and report the combined total in bulk to Michelle? Just a thought, I don't know how many members are part of the step team. Send me an email if you want me to do it for the month of March. You need to focus more on your healing.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    eggfreak wrote: »
    PW 152.5
    CW 149.5
    I ate a lot of broccoli :D

    Go broccoli go! The stuff is amazing. My son tells me that I am kale. You are what you eat, right? Kale addiction (and eggplants) I can get behind :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Dang. I just lost a long message - that hasn't happened for a while!

    Your search into values and passions is taking you to interesting places! Challenging yourself physically and mentally is incredibly satisfying and boost your self-esteem better than just about anything else. As a performing musician, the "better, faster, more beautiful, use all the muscles to get what you want" thing has been a big part of my life. Go for it! I recently read a couple of books I think you'll love - both by Christopher McDougall: Running With Sherman (my absolute fave) and Born To Run. They're both a good read even if you're not into challenging sports - fun, full of interesting characters, and get the grey matter working too.

    Thank you all for your suggestions about the exercise minutes! I'll keep doing them for now, but anyone interested can take a look at the chart I use:
    I do adjust it some - there are some things that seem really high. But it is really useful. I do think it is best if one person does this for everyone so that it is the same way for everyone. If anyone gets inspired to jump in, just let me know!
  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    Met all goals today. Steps 12,556
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Wow - another day comes to an end!

    Heads up! Friday weigh-ins:

    Good luck!
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @micki48 steps
    5 march 4786
    My back has not let up and is very painful today. So I'm taking a break from working out and steps. Trying to let my body rest. I've probably pushed things too hard.
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