Mission Slimpossible - March 2021 Team Chat



  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    bmotisko wrote: »
    Username: BMotisko
    Weigh In Day: Saturdays
    SW: 315.5
    PW: 280.4
    CW: 277.8
    Loss: -2.6

    Do I need to post this in the main thread or will the team thread be ok? I'm not sure where it's tracked at? Have a great weekend everyone!

    @bmotisko The team thread is good. Thanks!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @GabiV125 Great job on setting a goal for exercise that you can stick to. I think many of us set unrealistic goals and then get frustrated and angry with ourselves when we don’t live up to them. I love the thought that we are in charge of the gray areas! :)

    @gwamajtw91, @Cornanda, @itsmegina, @mlhopp93, @digger61 and @bmotisko Yayyy on the scale going down for you all this week!! Keep up the great work! B)@mlhopp93 A BIG congrats on hitting your 90 lb. mark. That is such an amazing accomplishment! :)

    @dignow96, thanks for the birthday wishes! :) That is great that you are feeling more comfortable in fitted clothing. I’m right on the edge of that feeling and looking forward to when I don’t feel the need to dress in baggy clothes anymore. Well, that Lego city needs to go on display somewhere. It’s very impressive. I once tried to help my husband’s 7-year-old grandson build something out of Lego’s and he gently took it from my hands and looking me straight in the eye said, “Maybe you should just watch me do it.” Evidently, I’m Lego challenged. :D

    @gettin_healthy_with_fibro We have you down for your weigh-in day on Mondays. If you want another day just let us know and we can change it. Also, when you do weigh in remember to do the correct format so @broncobuddee can easily find you.
    Weigh In Day:
    PW (Previous Weight):
    CW (Current Weight):

    Hi Team! Today has been a fairly relaxed day. I did a treadmill walk because I pulled a hamstring muscle so I skipped 80 Day Obsession and all the squats and lunges that were on today’s schedule. I had a Zoom call with a Facebook group of Christian intermittent fasting women. The guest speaker is someone that I have followed around in several IF groups. She has lost well over 100 lbs and today came clean with her struggles with sugar and regaining some of her weight back. It was honest and heartfelt and I was so moved. Here is this woman that I think has it all together only to find out that she is human and still battling her demons. It reminded me of how much we all need community and how important it is to not do this alone because when our struggles occur we will be left alone and that is not healthy or good. Having a tribe of like-minded people is so very important. It’s why I love this group. I can be real with you all and I hope you feel safe enough to be real right back. <3
    2021 Focus Word: TRANSFORMATION

    Beck Diet Solution Question of the Day
    DAY 30 – Eating out / Special Events
    It’s important to fully engage in life and to enjoy going to restaurants, parties, celebrations, special holiday feasts, and other people’s houses for meals. You just need to develop helpful attitudes and have a plan of action. We are going to be faced with eating events the rest of our lives, so planning for them is key. The book has all kinds of strategies to help with eating out and at special occasions. For me, I have been fond of saying that I’m not going off my diet but instead I’m going to have a “planned indulgence.” Like I did for my birthday. :) I have gotten much better at getting right back on plan after I have one of these “planned indulgences.” However, I realize that I need to be careful with this attitude so that I don’t start thinking I deserve to eat off-plan just because I’m at a restaurant or it’s a holiday.

    *I’m including Day 31 because these two days seem to go hand in hand.

    Drinking alcohol is a personal choice. You may prefer wine, a mixed drink, or a beer to a food-related treat. Alcohol calories add up fast if you aren’t careful, especially when you are out at dinner or at a party. You have to learn to plan your alcohol intake before you go, just as you do your food intake. Don’t decide on the spur of the moment to have a drink—or an extra drink. Really solidify your ability to make and follow a plan.
    Many of you know that I love my wine! But I had to come to the reality that “Wine Fridays” weren’t doing me any favors with my weight loss. So, I have given up wine, except for special occasions. Like turning 55! ;)
  • RYcare
    RYcare Posts: 78 Member
    User RYcare
    Weigh in Day: Saturday
    PW 233.4
    CW 234.6
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    @Cornanda thanks for the encouragement. I hope it also helps you too, knowing that catching weight fluctuations is a helpful skill.

    No cubes this week too but it's I waa lazy not to fold one after eating only 1 square of chocolate than my bormsl 6 square per sitting
    Cornanda wrote: »
    @apple852hk - Tiredness also makes me lose motivation for exercise. It's the pits. You've been great at keeping your weight fluctuations small by reacting to them quickly- excellent. I will miss seeing your cubes this week, but I'm glad you only ate 4 chocolates.
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    @trooworld thanks for suggestion of apples amd pickles. I love apples too much and could eat 2 in a row without noticing.

    I'm try now to prepare the apple, cutting into wedges, than eat it from my hand.
    I'm not sure about pickles, as they aren't that crunchy. But I do sometimes eat pickled mini onions and that's a little crunchy.


    @apple852hk If you want the crunch feeling, could you eat some pickles or apples?

  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    @Cornanda thanks for noticing! I just realised too. Well done @TeresaW1020.
    Thank you slimpossibiles team mates for all your likes, support, comments and suggestions 🙆🏻‍♀️

    Woo hoo to @Jactop @apple852hk @TeresaW1020 on the board this week!

  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    Weigh in Apple852hk
    Week 1 - Mar 2021 Sunday
    PW 139.5lbs (63.3kg)
    CW 137.5lbs (62.4kg)
    LTD about 37lbs (16.8 kg)
    GOAL weight 121lbs (55kg)

    Lost and maintained for three days. Let's see I can keep it up for next week.

    Ate less chocolate this week but devoured a whole packet of biscuits in 2 sittings. No cubes to prove it.

    Generally ate less this week. More salad than other things. No desserts either. Not even fruit.

    Not reaching goal of a walk a day - yet.

    1. Go for walk daily for only 30mins
    2. Drink warm than cold water with meals

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    :star:The Green Challenge :star: Percentage of people who lost weight this week. No matter how small the loss the weights are recorded in green. Remember that even if your team doesn’t rank the highest in weight loss for the week you can still be the Green Percentage winner by having the most losses in your team! So keep it up!! B)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,970 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Yep, everyone has their struggles. I agree about the tribe. :) I also have gotten better about getting right back on track after an indulgence.

    @apple852hk Did you only eat chocolate once last week? If so, great job! I was a bit confused by your post. That's a good idea to cut up the apples. I try to do that, too, I tend to not eat the apples I buy unless I cut them up. Congrats on the great loss this week!

    @krea4 I'm so very sorry about your mother. That's good that she is comfortable.

    Hi all. I really enjoyed the Detroit-style pizza that we got last night. We ate it at the park and it was really nice. Back on the horse today though. I'm about to go for a walk with the husband and the dog. Have a great day.

    My phrase for the year: CHANGE HAPPENS
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @mrscanmore 2.24 %
    2nd @eahrenee 2.15%
    3rd @Zumba_Luvah 2.09 %

    1st @eahrenee 4.4 Lbs
    2nd @dignow96 4.2 Lbs
    3rd @Mrscanmore 4.1 Lbs



  • dignow96
    dignow96 Posts: 66 Member
    Weekly Weigh-in:

    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 288.8lbs
    CW: 280.0lbs

    2021SW: 303lbs
    GW: 265lbs

    Evenin' from sunny Dubai SPers! I hope all is well. I had a pretty strong week this time. My tracking was good daily and my calories were under all week. I've managed to add in a mile running along with my walking (not all at once - generally about 2/10's of a mile at a time) and my lifting app has leveled up my workouts - I'm not entirely sure but the app may be trying to kill me. Plus the NSV of fitting into smaller clothes. All around, this has been a pretty good week.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,628 Member
    @gettin_healthy_with_fibro Welcome to the gang!

    @krea4 Prayers for your mom, I hope she's in as little pain as possible.

    @TeresaW1020 Sounds like an interesting conversation, I think so many times we think people have the perfect life but usually they're struggling like the rest of us.

    @dignow96 awesome loss, you're on the scoreboard! It sounds like you've found some really good apps. I'm awful with recipes, I have them all over the place then try different ways of eating so I have a bunch of different folders. Eventually I'll organize it all!

    @trooworld I love the idea of taking pizza to a park! My boyfriend is a homebody, I would love to pry him away from the computer or TV to do that!

    Sorry for not replying to everyone, I'm way behind! I had to go to the ER again, I hate telling people I went because I feel like a wimp whenever I go. They're always really nice, they gave me a name of another pain clinic to try but I'll still need a referral and I can't get an appointment earlier than April to get a referral and already have one in the process. I had an appointment for my yearly mammogram (high risk as my mom and aunt have had breast cancer and I have endometriosis) referral but turns out it's a referral to the women's clinic who THEN gives me a referral to go which is why when I called to find out what time I go tomorrow they had no clue what I was talking about! Seems to me this is an excuse to charge people for wasteful appointments, it shouldn't take 4 months to have something routine I've had to do every year since my early 30s. On a positive note my snap peas are happy and sprouting and I have a few carrots coming up! Workouts are going okay, it's been hard since I'm not feeling well but I keep going. I'll get through these lows somehow and come out stronger if it's the last thing I do!

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    Happy Sunday, Slimsters!

    Congratulations to everyone who was in the green last week, and helped put Slimpossibles on the leaderboard for pounds lost!
    @eahrenee @Dignow96 and @digger61 - special congratulations to you for being top 3 losers this week!

    @bmotisko @Digger61 @itsmegina @Cornanda @davidji82
    Great weigh-ins! Congratulations!

    I've recently been wearing clothes that actually fit and it's a fun new experience.
    This is so inspiring to hear! Woohoo to the smaller clothes and to gett8ing to look spiffy at that diner engagement!
    Your running a mile 2/10ths at a time sounds brilliant! How much walking do you do a day? Is it getting easier as you lose weight? Your total lost is so impressive!
    It is so cool to think of you being in Dubai! I had a friend that lived there for years (husband worked in energy field).

    BOOYAH to the great weigh-in this week, despite the3 emotional week!
    Your Saturday indulgence sounded fun! That Detroit pizza sounds yummy. (I just looked up a recipe to see what exactly that is.) (Texas has no special pizza variation, as far as I know. Get us started on brisket or chili, though.) YAY to being back on plan today!
    Also - congrats on hitting your lowest weight in years. It sounds to me like you are sneaking up on an entirely new lowest weight!

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom being so ill, and glad to hear she is home and more comfortable this week.
    Your two goals sound so smart and simple! and big CONGRATS on that weight loss!

    Great weigh-in! What a great week you had!
    My favorite part was hearing you are at work on that walk-a-day goal! "Not there YET" -- so inspiring!
    I make my own quick pickled onions, and they are quite crunchy. I just dice tomatoes, drop them in a jar with vinegar, and keep them in the fridge. They really dress up a salad!

    So close to staying even! Do you have a plan to tweak something this week? Let us know if we can be helpful!

    Hurray to staying even this week. You are so right abotu that 2 pounds being water. No way does anybody gain 2 lbs of fat in one day! And wow, working at Cracker Barrel could maker things more challenging. It'll be interesting to hear how you handle that! Maybe concentrate your water in the evenings?
    I agree with @trooworld that your tracking your food is likely to be super helpful!
    As far as the slipping up at 2 PM -- maybe tracking and watching to see what's happening will help you figure something out to deal with that. Maybe that's when you have gotten too hungry? too stressed?
    Maybe experiment with things to see what works well>

    WOW to that weigh-in and to having lost a whopping 95 pounds as of this week!
    And hurray to it being spring-like where you are! It's feeling like spring here in the south/southwest US as well.

    Thanks for checking in and for piping up when you can!
    You sound like a very successful empty-nester, with one kid in Asia and one in college. I just have one, still in high school, and am hoping to see him successfully in college in just a few years!

    Except my cat, everyone in my life is a food pusher, Teresa. Thank you for the pointers.
    You are so funny, and I so get this. I was raised in a clean-plate family. And not eating someone's cooking could then start an argument. Phew! So hugs. Hang in there.

    Covid has made work [at the chocolate store] absolutely crazy...
    I try to keep up with reading posts while I'm on the stationary bike on my front porch but it's been too cold to take my mittens off and respond to any posts.
    You are one of the people here I find SO inspirational. And you just keep chiseling away at the weight and staying fit.

    Great weigh-in! Congratulations! And please don't worry if you have trouble following, We are glad you are here and that you check in/chat as much as works for you.

    I know that's not the number you want, but your overall trend is great, and I just know you are already hard at work to hit the green this week!

    Beck Diet Plan
    Day 29 - Resist the Food Pushers
    • I’ll feel weak.
    • I’ll be giving the message that it’s okay to push food on me.
    I especially loved these two points. Saying yes to offers of bad food changes who I think of myself as, and that just kills me. And as to the message -- HUGE YES to this one. I love this one. I think retraining people is huge. One thing that has been so important for me is getting mu husband and son on board with what I need to do to be healthy. Over time, they have gotten to be really great about not asking me to eat things I shouldn't.

    Things that have worked well for me (though you have to pick and choose and will strike out sometime):
    - "Thank you, no," and then change the subject.
    - "I’m not hungry right now.” I may never plan to eat whatever-it-is, but easiest not to discuss that.
    - Avoid talking about my food selections at a meal. And maybe ever. This is one for use with extended family and friends, people I don't have to explain my food choices to ever, really.
    - Sharing what I am up to is actually something I don't much do. And when I do, I start by saying this is what works for me and I don't expect most people will want to. Still, people so often respond by telling me what works for them and don't I want to do that instead? I then smile and say how great it is they have found something that works so well for them!

    DAY 30 – Eating out / Special Events
    DAY 31 – Drinking Alcohol
    @TeresaW1020 - Yes, these do go together really well. I have an easy time with alcohol, as it just doesn't agree with me. I think Beck's comment about planning being key is right on the money for eating out and special events.
    For me, that means planning my menu beforehand. I need to work more about getting back on track when off plan. I have been letting perfectionism run the show too often of late, and it is NOT helping.
    Another thing I see is I need to plan for days and times when I will be tired and stressed, plan to set myself up for success. As I think about it, I am going to see about doing shopping and food prep for Monday and Tuesday be end of day today. If I can get through my 2 busiest days feeling successful, I think my week will go better.

    Sunday Check-in
    I mostly stayed on my food plan yesterday. I ate more fruit than planned, but then made sure to get enough exercise to keep my MFP calorie count in the green. I got in an hour of bicycling with my husband, which was lovely.
    So far so good on my food plan today -- all healthy things, all weighed and tracked. No exercise yet today, but I will get there soon.
    I am hoping to weigh in tomorrow even. I had a couple of bad days early in the week, and think that staying even is a more reasonable hope than a loss tomorrow morning.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,574 Member
    edited March 2021
    Hello, @Katmary71 !

    I think so many times we think people have the perfect life but usually they're struggling like the rest of us.
    A big yes to this. I think you and @TeresaW1020 are so right about this.

    Your saga about medical referrals -- just ugh. Yay to the snap peas and the carrots! Yay to the workouts!

    You are so SO great about hanging tough and finding silver linings.

    I was reminded of an article I read in the Washington Post. I took a great course years ago that had me play with this a lot, and I still get a lot out of it.
    One approach to this seems to be asking yourself ask yourself what you can control about a situation, and focusing there. Practicing gratitude seems related, and you remind me of that all the time, too.

    P.S. @TeresaW1020 - I missed this when I first read your post. Kat's comment pointed me back to it, and I ended up laughing so hard at this:
    I once tried to help my husband’s 7-year-old grandson build something out of Lego’s and he gently took it from my hands and looking me straight in the eye said, “Maybe you should just watch me do it.” Evidently, I’m Lego challenged.
    I am having a number of experiences like this with my now-teenage son. On the plus side, I introduced him to a Beatles song that he now loves. He's a drummer, and I got him to listen to "Maxwell's Silver Hammer." It's a super happy tune, super dark lyrics, and a great drum line. Mostly, though, I am musically challenged.
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    @trooworld thanks for the encouragement.
    I only ate a chocolate slab but maybe in 3 servings. Normally I eat a whole 100g bar for one serving 🤭

    I encourage you to cut/prepare whatever fruit you eat. Even bananas


    @apple852hk Did you only eat chocolate once last week? If so, great job! I was a bit confused by your post. That's a good idea to cut up the apples. I try to do that, too, I tend to not eat the apples I buy unless I cut them up. Congrats on the great loss this week!

  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    @AustinRuadhain thanks for the inspiring reply too.
    Tomatoes and crunchy pickled onions sounds like a great addition to a salad.
    Have a great week ahead.
    Happy Sunday, Slimsters!

    Great weigh-in! What a great week you had!
    My favorite part was hearing you are at work on that walk-a-day goal! "Not there YET" -- so inspiring!
    I make my own quick pickled onions, and they are quite crunchy. I just dice tomatoes, drop them in a jar with vinegar, and keep them in the fridge. They really dress up a salad!
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,703 Member
    @gettin_healthy_with_fibro My advice is to start small and be kind to yourself. Don't expect too much right at the beginning, you'd just be setting yourself up to fail (I did this for sooooo many years!). You want to start small and build momentum. Maybe try a goal of tracking one meal a day for the week. When you do that, increase it to tracking two meals a day. Then three. Then before you know it, it will just be a habit to track everything you eat (I had a habit of forgetting to track on weekends, but now I manage to track every day and I'm more mindful of what goes in my mouth because I know that I will need to remember what it was to track it later!). You can check in here every day and tell us how you're going if you like, it's helpful to keep accountable - and remember to check in even if you don't meet your goal, there is no judgement here and we can help support you on your way!

    @TeresaW1020 I'm glad that you were able to relax your diet rules for a little bit and enjoy your birthday. I hope you can get back to your strict keto regime quickly and painlessly!

    @davidji82 Great loss this week - you're so consistent!

    @trooworld Congrats on your loss this week! I hope you're not too sore or achy now, after the shot. And super congrats on reaching the lowest weight in years!

    @GabiV125 Great job getting your exercise in! Good habit-building foundation.

    Great losses from @gwamajtw91 @Cornanda @itsmegina @mlhopp93 @bmotisko - well done!

    @apple852hk Awesome job this week! No cubes AND a great loss showing on the scale. Keep it up!

    @krea4 Sending you and your mum a huge virtual hug. This can't be an easy time. Those look like some great goals for the month and the scale must agree.

    @dignow96 Sounds like you've had a great week! I laughed at the thought of your lifting app trying to kill you :lol:

    @Katmary71 I don't think you should feel like a wimp for going to the ER! In fact, quite the opposite, because you have so much pain so regularly, your pain threshold must be much higher than the average so you're definitely not a wimp!
    I had a busy weekend so I didn't get around to checking in, sorry! It was my brother-in-law's 40th birthday party and my sister is not the best at time management so I ended up helping her a lot with the food preparation beforehand. The party went well, though, and we got to catch up with some family who live in another state, we haven't seen them for over 2 years so it was really great. I drank wayy to much but surprisingly didn't really eat much. I went back this morning and tracked everything from the weekend and I was over, but not by as much as it could have been and I still had a really decent deficit for the week.
    Sunday was definitely a recovery day in my household. A good reminder of why I don't really drink much that often! My scale is bumped up a long way with water retention so I'm hoping to see that drop back down in the next couple of days - I can feel it in the way my ring fits on my finger too.
    I hope you all had a good weekend and are ready for the week ahead!
    Goals for March
    Sleep: 41.7/213 hours (average 6.0 hours) - AT RISK
    Calorie Deficit: 2,517/17,085 calories (average 360 per day) - AT RISK
    Exercise: 113/870 mins (average 16 per day) - AT RISK
    Meditation: 3/13 sessions - ON TRACK
    Facebook: 5.43/23 hours (average 47 mins per day) - AT RISK
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @apple852hk Great loss this week! Good job on eating less chocolate. It looks like the biscuits didn’t do any damage but maybe next time you can portion them out so you don’t feel bad about eating them all in two days. :)

    @krea4 So sorry about your mum, but glad that she is back home and comfortable. You have great goals for this month! :)

    @trooworld I’m glad that the pizza was good. How fun to eat it at a park. You stay on plan this week and the pizza won’t hurt the scale and you will be able to celebrate "planned indulgences" with success. ;)

    @dignow96 Wow, what a great loss you had this week, and smaller clothes are always an awesome NSV. Keep it up!! B)

    @Katmary71 Wow, all these referrals and waiting for referrals would drive me crazy! Did the trip to the ER do anything to help with your pain? <3

    @AustinRuadhain Great answers and insights to the Beck questions. I agree with retraining people. I don’t have any problem talking about my food choices and why. But if I got negative push back I could see not talking about it. And yes, I think planning is key and I totally agree that you have to set yourself up for days when being stress and tired could throw you off-plan. Since I just started my second job at the church, I’ve had to do that by planning to either eat simple dinners or have something prepped. Otherwise, we are going to corner Subway. :grin: Kids are great! Even if their honesty can at times be a bit brutal. Your story about introducing your son to a Beatles song reminded me of the day when my daughter called me to see if I had ever heard of this singer named Freddie Mercury. She was blown away that I actually grew up listening to such cool music and even knew the lyrics to his songs. :D

    Hi Team! It was another lovely, sunny day. This morning I got told by a woman that I was looking thin. I told her that I loved her. :grin: I didn’t do much today, except my normal Sunday church work, and then worked on that impossible puzzle. My hubby suggests I stop doing it and I said NEVER! I will not be defeated. However, I sure won’t do it a second time. :p

    2021 Focus Word: TRANSFORMATION

    Beck Diet Solution Question of the Day
    DAY 32 – On the road again!
    Beck talks about the anxiety of traveling in the book. She outlines several strategies in the workbook to consider using when traveling and the goal is to make a plan for your next trip. Whether it’s business or pleasure, have a plan. Decide on what you will do before you go. This has always been a huge struggle for me. It was when I recently went to Florida and had all these good intentions to not totally go off plan, but I did go off more than I told myself I would. However, I do give myself credit for getting right back on plan when I came home and getting the gain off in a week. It used to take me a month or more to get a gain off.
This discussion has been closed.