WaistAways - March 2021 Team Chat



  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    Good morning all, I have reason to believe that along with a bit of work/home stress, my 52 yr old hormones are messing with me too and maybe, now that I know that, I can take back some control. Great weather here too and spent some time puttering in the garden yesterday...so good. I'm happy to read there are so many sewists in here..I'm a latecomer to a sewing machine but have a huge fabric stash due to a couple different jobs I've had and am hoping to finish a longtime work in progress quilt (before the weather gets supernice). I would love to learn how to make clothes, wish too that the Great British Sewing Bee was easily accessible here in the US.
    @EvMakesChanges I like your 3-2-1 habit 'program'...adaptable to a variety of things (food/water/exercise)
    okay, off to the races....planning on logging the WHOLE day...not just start out with breakfast and give up mid morning!
  • SMcFall0215
    SMcFall0215 Posts: 122 Member

  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    PW: 155.0
    CW: 155.5

    Thankfully there's not much of a change on the scale. My mindset lately has NOT been directed towards fitness, sleeping well, proper eating or health. I can sense it in my overall energy levels too. I know I need to get back to a routine that works for me. I'm glad there's only a small impact.
  • once_mas
    once_mas Posts: 160 Member
    @jugar I am too busy this month, so I would like to be out of the list till end of March I will join again at april
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! The weather has been so beautiful I’ve been outside a lot. Took the little one, who seems more like a teenager every day, to the playground today. First time in months. She has missed playgrounds and all her other activities this last year. Hopefully we can continue toward more normalcy.

    I have been painting and walking and yard working and tomorrow I am gathering with two of my former colleagues. We are having lunch together outside now that we have all gotten the vaccine.

    Now you are all making me want to drag my sewing machine out. Need to do some repairs anyway, but would love to make something new.

    Be well all.
    I am so envious of you having a little one to run outside with - grumpy teenage moments and all! Until the pandemic, I used to volunteer at the elementary school during their homework help after school program. We also ran around a lot and did fun stuff outside or in the gym before settling down to work. I miss the little blighters - they were the ones with troubles, learning problems, families who could not take them in the afternoon - but there were always wonderful moments. It is good to be around little people, even when it is difficult. Mind you, I'm awfully glad my two are grown up and being fabulous adults and everything :wink:
    @jugar I am too busy this month, so I would like to be out of the list till end of March I will join again at april
    No problem! Keep well, and don't hesitate to drop by to say hi anytime you have a minute. :heart:
    eggfreak wrote: »
    Good morning all, I have reason to believe that along with a bit of work/home stress, my 52 yr old hormones are messing with me too and maybe, now that I know that, I can take back some control. Great weather here too and spent some time puttering in the garden yesterday...so good. I'm happy to read there are so many sewists in here..I'm a latecomer to a sewing machine but have a huge fabric stash due to a couple different jobs I've had and am hoping to finish a longtime work in progress quilt (before the weather gets supernice). I would love to learn how to make clothes, wish too that the Great British Sewing Bee was easily accessible here in the US.
    @EvMakesChanges I like your 3-2-1 habit 'program'...adaptable to a variety of things (food/water/exercise)
    okay, off to the races....planning on logging the WHOLE day...not just start out with breakfast and give up mid morning!

    Oh joy - the 52 year old hormones! They do indeed cause some messiness. I love the word sewist, too. I always hated "seamstress" or "sewer" :grimace: It is almost as bad as people insisting on "flautist". AGGGGGG. Pet peeve. I am a flutist. Period.

    Today I am a disappointed but not too sad flutist. I did NOT get the dreaded drain removed. It is still producing enough blood from the SOON-to-be-no-more hematoma (ahem, ahem - I hope it is listening) that they want to wait another few days. I have to agree - better out than in! So I am working on my sewing (more cool patterns ordered through etsy arrived today!!!) and getting some good air outside. Back to some colder temps tonight, so tomorrow is snowshoe-ready I hope.

    Just in case I don't get back in here later today (things are getting done!!), let's get the jump on the week's final weigh-ins:
    Still due up to today:

    due Saturday - heads up!!
    @sunny9847 (I'll bet we are almost exactly the same weight this week!!! party!)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    PW: 216.8

    No change in weight but went down a size in pants. 😁

  • once_mas
    once_mas Posts: 160 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    @jugar I am too busy this month, so I would like to be out of the list till end of March I will join again at april
    No problem! Keep well, and don't hesitate to drop by to say hi anytime you have a minute. :heart:
    Sure, I will. :) I wish you all have a great energetic and active month!
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Pw 161.4
    Cw 160.4

    Woohooo... almost under 160 and still 2 weeks to go in March...

    Yes, I am still doing double duty, went in on Tuesday to teach the new girl payroll and she quit while I was there. I don't understand what's going on, it's just a normal job.. i am cutting back on how much I am going in though, kinda to let boss man get the hint that he needs to find a sufficient replacement and sooner rather than later...

    I got shot # 1 yesterday. I didn't want to but I don't want to wear a mask at work anymore, so I did it. New job is getting better, it's definitely different and a different pace, but its going well and I am getting busier...

    Hope you all have a wonderful day !
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    I'm having a laugh over the "breakfast club". I too have been guilty of only logging breakfast lately, and really overdoing it on the food after that. Time to pick up the reins and slow this down!

    Well the temperature has dwindled and the snow has grown a bit, so it looks like a snowshoe day. I'm sure there will be lots of tracks in the woods as the animals ventured out during the last couple of warmish days - it is always fun trying to figure out who is up and about. Have a great one, all!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    Saturday weigh in
    Week 2
    PW 195.4
    CW 195.0

    Yay green 🍀

    Breakfast club ha ha! I love that! 💕 I will try my best to be the lunch and dinner club today too. But it’s Cosmo day. I get to have a Cosmo later. I make a pretty good one in my opinion.

    No Pilates this am, but may later. This past week the weather was amazing. But it’s about to cool down a bit this week. Still nothing like you ladies up in Canada. (And New England)

    Enjoy your day. I’ll check back later.

  • sunny9847
    sunny9847 Posts: 137 Member
    CW: 115.2
    Met all goals today. Steps 12,462.
    Feeling tired again today.
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 667 Member
    @jugar can you move me to support team for next weigh-in? Trying something new with eating and I think the "pressure" of a recorded weigh-in is getting to me mentally a bit. Need a reset! I'll see how I feel for the following week.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Kali225 wrote: »
    @jugar can you move me to support team for next weigh-in? Trying something new with eating and I think the "pressure" of a recorded weigh-in is getting to me mentally a bit. Need a reset! I'll see how I feel for the following week.
    I'll give you an "excused" for the week and then you can see from there. Let us know what you are trying and how it goes - experiments are always interesting.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
    Another week coming to a close. I, for one, want to make next week a little less chaotic for food, and tighten up the extras for sure. I'm not getting as much exercise as usual, and the boredom-eating is creeping up on me. What do you need to adjust, if anything?

    Sounds like your old workplace is really having troubles without you! It is good you are spending less time there, though - and that your new work is settling in better. And you are just about to hit the 150s!! Prepare the tiara!

    Last call for this week's weigh in:

    Then it will be a wrap!
This discussion has been closed.