Downsizers - March 2021 Team Chat



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    Awesome loss! You are going to crack that new decade in the April challenge.

    Great ride! I hope one day to be able to stay on that long. You keep me inspired.

    I didn’t know you nned a knee replacement. It is one of the best decisions I made. Yes there are some limitations afterwards but getting rid of the pain was well worth it.

    Nice exercise day!

    I love having goals. I do my best to meet them.every week.

    Nice steps!

    Nice loss! I think you need to figure out how important the Friday night is to you. For myself, if I didn’t have my treats every Friday I absolutely would not be able to stick with it. I do try to have a calorie average for the week by lowering my calories during the rest of the week. I know depending on what I eat it can take up to 4 days for the water weight to disappear. I think at last weeks weigh in I was still holding on to some water. I think you have been doing really well so keep doing what works for you.

    Nice steps! I think you did good slowing down for one day. I am sure you will beat them. Nothing gets me going then someone telling me I can’t. I used to love walking in the rain. It just felt so freeing. If the rain doesn’t stop by the time I go for my walk I will be hitting the treadmill.

    I would love to do boxing. Is there a lot of pivoting?
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    Thursday’s check in
    Daily Goals
    ✅Steps 4,948
    Weekly Goals
    Weights 2x/wk: ✔️
    Bike 3x/wk✔️✔️
    ✅Walk 5x/wk: ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

    PW 217.6
    CW 213.4

    I think it is safe to say I was still holding onto water weight from the Chinese food at last Friday’s weigh in. I am glad it is gone plus a little. I didn’t end up with a huge loss for the month but it’s a loss. It’s funny I had small monthly losses in January and March but did really good in February. I am going to try my best for April and I think the fact I am increasing my activity is helping.

    My walk yesterday was short so I ended up walking around the apartment to get enough steps. I ended up with a cushion but the extra few minutes of walking won’t hurt me. Today I am going to a ladies coffee. It is a small group so i feel safe doing this. Afterwards, I will do the bike, weights and a walk. I want my check in to be fully green this week.

    Happy FriYAY!
  • garn76
    garn76 Posts: 56 Member
    PW: 273.6
    CW: 271.4
    LTD: 15.6
  • missysave0612
    missysave0612 Posts: 31 Member
    Username: missysave0612
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW (Previous Weight): 219
    CW (Current Weight): 219

    April Goals:
    Go for a walk at least 3x a week
    Drink more water
    Get to bed before 11pm
    Track all foods
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,082 Member
    We have another new member heading our way ... Please welcome @rwood566 :)
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 not a lot of pivoting initially but later in the program some gets added ins. I was never good at it. I go much slower than they do. I
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    hi everyone. i'm excited to be in this group. downsizing is what i'm about right now. i'm in the middle of finally tossing out all of my 5x, 6x and 7x that i lived in for a few years and replacing them with 2x,3x and 4x. i was getting worried about being outside in windy weather. lol
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post March 25
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 114oz
    Steps 9099
    Exercise 20min Inc Dance Fit

    I chose a shorter dance video because I knew I wanted to do some work on the sale items and didn't want my legs to be sore. I got all the kids' books tagged now. It feels great to be done with at least one category of everything I need to go through.

    Welcome to all the new people! Anyone feel free to add me as a friend!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,597 Member
    Awesome loss!

    I am so sorry for your loss! I am excited to see your progress pictures. You have done so well on your journey. Your transformation will be inspiring.

    Your goals for April are great.

    Welcome to the team. Your journey so far has been amazing and is very inspiring. I am excited to watch your continued weight loss!

    I bet you are burning lots of calories with getting everything ready for the sale.
  • shawnamee1
    shawnamee1 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for the welcome! My name is Shawna and I live in the middle of the woods in Northeastern PA with the love of my life. I am a Holistic Healthcare practitioner, Well Life Coach and numerous other things. I want to open a Holistic Health care spa/retreat but feel I cannot because of my weight. There is a part of me that knows I am "keeping" myself safe from having to start my business by not losing the, here I am. I am excited to join the challenge and support group!
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,082 Member
    shawnamee1 wrote: »
    Thank you for the welcome! My name is Shawna and I live in the middle of the woods in Northeastern PA with the love of my life. I am a Holistic Healthcare practitioner, Well Life Coach and numerous other things. I want to open a Holistic Health care spa/retreat but feel I cannot because of my weight. There is a part of me that knows I am "keeping" myself safe from having to start my business by not losing the, here I am. I am excited to join the challenge and support group!

    So happy you wanted to join us ...We are a very talkative group with lots of support and motivation ..I hope you will like it with us ..
    Wishing you much success :)
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member

    8,500 steps
    35 minutes, 9 miles, moderate effort
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    @shawnamee1 @rwood566
    Welcome! This is a really fantastic group, very positive and supportive. You’re going to do really well here.

    Look at all of those Daily and Weekly checks! You’re doing amazing 👏👏 that was awesome that you walked around just yo get in more steps - that’s dedication 🎉

    Oh my goodness, I’m so very sorry. That’s atrocious. I’m so sorry.
    Look how strong your willpower is, with everything going on, you still have the strength to not overeat. Impressive. Hopefully the weather clears for you.
    Wishing you well.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Your April team chat thread is open! Please continue to weigh-in here, and head over to the new chat for introductions, intentions, and to get the new month started.
  • heatherbluebell
    heatherbluebell Posts: 86 Member
    edited March 2021
    Oh my, that’s awful. I’m so sorry for your loss. You’ve experienced so much loss, and you’re still coming here and posting. You clearly have some amazing resilience to help you through these dark times.

    Good question about the SMART goal setting. I think the thing to remember is it has to be attainable, and attainable for you. So, if timelines can be tough for you, it’s a matter of identifying what you think will work based on who you are and what makes you tick. As you're thinking about what is attainable for you, I recommend using the analogy of eating an apple. How successful will you be at eating the apple if you put the entire apple in your mouth at once? You won’t be! That’s not attainable. Instead, think about tackling it in smaller chunks. So one bite at a time. That way, you're way more likely to actually eat that whole apple in the end. Like, I have a big goal of getting to 220 pounds. That's like 145 pounds away! Holy crap that's overwhelming. Even setting goals around losing a certain amount of weight is dangerous, because our body may have a mind of it's own, and we may not get that goal. So, SMART goals can be about anything and best to think about what you really have control over! For example drinking water, minimizing screen time, exercise, healthy eating, thinking positive etc. It’s also important to not judge yourself. For example, I was drinking 72 ounces of water a day, and I know a person is ‘supposed’ to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but that’s just not attainable for me right now. So what is? I thought about it, and decided I would start (small bite of apple) with 48 ounces a day. Here are some examples of SMART goals related to managing stress/healthier lifestyle:
    • I will eat a healthy breakfast 3 work days per week.
    • I will be active for 30 minutes twice per week.
    • Everyday I will think about one positive thing that happened that day.
    • I will be in my bed with lights out by 10PM four nights per week.
    • I will get 4,000 steps per day, 3 days a week.
    • I will limit screen time week nights by turning off my devices by 8PM.

    Start small, because success breeds success. Make goals that challenge you a bit, but they’re not so tough you may not succeed.

    I hope this helps!

    Welcome to the team. You have such an inspiring journey so far! I’m looking forward to hearing about your ongoing journey!

    Also welcome to our team! I’ve always been curious about what a Holistic Healthcare practitioner and life coach do. Good for you for recognizing your goals, and what barriers you need to remove to attain your goals.
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 576 Member
    I am so sorry for the tragic loss of your cousin. So awful. I am looking forward to seeing your before and after pictures. You have really done well. I completely get not realizing how you look now:)

    Welcome to the team @shawnamee1 and @rwood566 !
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